
How Obama Betrayed America....And No One Is Holding HIm Accountable

America is under attack from within by the Muslim Brotherhood and Barack Hussein Obama aided and abetted their cause. It's not paranoia when they the Muslim Brotherhood state unequivocally their intent to destroy the U. Our leadership is either collaborating with the enemy or woefully incompetent, either way they are destroying our great nation from within. Anyone not in a coma for his 8 loooooong years in office knows how bad this guy was for our country. Still plenty of people who think he's some sort of god. Personally, this socialist POS needs to go into hiding somewhere. North Korea comes to mind.

Obama wanted to fundamentally change America. This shows some of his efforts. To create one must first destroy, and that is what the Obama reign was all about. Good read I could not agree more it's a wonder we have any semblance of democracy left in this country with all the traitors we have in Washington mascaraing. American way of life. The headline says it all. Horowitz has the facts and chronology right, unfortunately. Makes the world even more of a dangerous powderkeg. I wish everyone would read this informative book and learn what a dangerous person Obama is and how much damage he has done to our country!

He is the epitome of evil, using politics for the destruction of humanity! Americans continue being lazy, in Not paying attention and demanding to know the paths being set by a select few who want to change our republic. Customers also viewed these items. The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. From Shadow Party to Shadow Government: We see farther into the future. The American homeland had already experienced a devastating attack, which terrorists have been constantly trying to repeat.

With secular governments giving way to Islamist regimes in Turkey, Egypt and Iraq, with the Taliban on the rise in Afghanistan and an American withdrawal imminent, the global situation today has eerie parallels to the early Cold War, with implications equally dire. Yet instead of policies that put U. The Fort Hood terrorist successfully infiltrated the American military and despite open expressions of hatred against the West was promoted to U.

In Libya, al-Qaeda terrorists overran an American consular compound and murdered the American ambassador and three brave staffers. As senator, Obama had denounced a military intervention in Iraq, which, unlike his Libyan adventure, had been authorized by both houses of Congress and a unanimous U.

As president, he had invoked the principle of non-intervention to justify his passivity in the face of governmental atrocities in Syria and Iran. But in Libya he conducted an unauthorized invasion of a country that posed no threat to the United States and was not, as Syria is, in alliance with the mullahs of Iran and the terrorists of Hizbollah.

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The events in Benghazi were a stark revelation of the consequences of a foreign policy without a moral compass. The battle over the embassy lasted seven hours. Although the President learned about the attack shortly after it began and although the embattled Americans inside the compound begged the White House for help, and although U. The president and his administration then went into cover-up mode lying to Congress and the American people, pretending for weeks afterwards that the attack was the result of a spontaneous demonstration over an anti-Mohammed internet video, whose director they then threw in jail.

Before his overthrow, the dictator, Moammar Gaddafi, warned that his demise would unleash the forces of the Islamic jihad not only in his own country but throughout North Africa. This was a prophecy quickly realized. In Tunisia and Egypt, jihadists emerged as the ruling parties, with the acquiescence and even assistance of the Obama administration. In Syria, a savage civil war metastasized unimpeded, killing tens of thousands and eventually pitting a fascist regime allied to Iran against rebel forces largely aligned with al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.

As these disasters unfolded, the White House not only did not oppose the Islamists but armed and enabled them. Obama had previously intervened in Egypt, the largest and most important country in the Middle East, to force the removal of its pro-American leader, Hosni Mubarak.

This same Brotherhood was the driving force behind the Islamist surge, the mentor of Osama bin Laden and the leaders of al-Qaeda, and the creator of Hamas. Rather than being quarantined, the Brotherhood-dominated government in Cairo now received hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid and F bomber jets from the Obama administration that had facilitated its rise to power. As in Egypt, so in Syria.

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Both Clinton and Kerry promoted the ruthless dictator Assad as a political reformer and friend of democracy just as he was preparing to launch a war against his own people. And if it had showed such doubts and denial, as the Carter administration did, the Republican Party could have been counted on to defend the morality of American power and carry the fight to the enemy. The Republicans would have done so with the conviction that they were expressing the deepest convictions of the American people who elected them to the presidency all but fourteen of those years since the Second World War.

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The same electorate switched its party vote, however, when it came to protecting the American homeland. It is filled with a weird combination of smart ideas and dumb ideas. Perhaps his transformation from liberal radical to radical righty explains these contradictions. Horowitz actually bought into the poppycock spread by neocon fanatics that the Iraq War was to "protect national security"! The naivete is incredible.

Everyone knew it was for oil and because of greed and empire building. Everyone, that is, but Horowitz. Perhaps he didn't get the memo. He seems to be waging the honorable WWII again only through the eyes of neocon fanatics. Horowitz used to have a lot more sense. Obama loved Terror Tuesday, since he got to play God and decide who to kill with drones that week.

George W. Bush, Michelle Obama share another 'mo-mint' at funeral

Predator Drones would use Hellfire missiles and blast "suspects. However, the terrorist suspects are merely suspects—not confirmed terrorists, and everyone else is just "collateral damage"—a polite term to cover the actual fact that the majority of people blown up by our drones were innocent civilians. Daily, more people see the lies, the wrongness, the foolishness of the military-industrial complex's plans, the perversity of the neoconservatives' warmongering arrogance, and the rising danger of following fools over the cliff as if we had no more brains than lemmings.

How Obama Betrayed AmericaAnd No One Is Holding Him Accountable by David Horowitz

Did Obama challenge neocon rule? Did he stop the madness, ending the wars like he promised? But does Horowitz understand the basis of the phony "war on terror" and where it can lead us? When he used to be a radical liberal, he'd have understood all this quite clearly. In the 60s, he worked for peace. But then in the s he went from left to right, supporting Reagan. Horowitz makes this statement in his pamphlet How Obama Betrayed America Was this man on the same planet as the rest of us?

Nothing about any of the wars that Bush started and Obama perpetuated was a victory for anyone but the terrorists, who didn't need recruiting posters, since our soldiers' and our mercanaries' actions pumped up the terrorist's causes until their ranks were gorged with volunteers, ISIS being the best—but not only—example. The only victory Dubya had was keeping a straight face when he stood on the deck of that carrier saying "I'm declarin' victory.

On the other hand, in Horowitz founded Heterodoxy , a monthly magazine focused on exposing what it described as excessive political correctness on United States college and university campuses. He was entirely correct—PC has gotten way out of hand and it is ruining universities by the dozens. But then he really seemed to lose it: Horowitz appeared in Occupy Unmasked , a documentary portraying the Occupy Wall Street movement as a sinister organization formed to violently destroy the American government. The nuttiness continued when he published The Anti-Chomsky Reader , which is a foolish criticism of the excellent political and linguistic writings of Noam Chomsky.

But in truth, the brilliant Chomsky's works are above reproach and they are accurate as can be.