
The Wolves of Rio Hevrir: A Rio Crew Novel (The Rio Crew Book 2)

Authorities are puzzled by Mr. The fines were not paM. MP coniluctcd two a four engijied Rt. Sun day he wtll take part in sJ-f vices at the parish hall and St. Seven Port Albemi appeals were heard and four were re duced. Assessment on the Sproal Ijtke Saw Mill pro- perty. City Clerk IL D. Thaln ap- poareil on bi? February 22 and 2. A 2tFacre site has hwn cli'ared for Cows, the project. The track will be built by Kuner. Unnien Construction held S. A program to encourage in lerest in sport. It's roomy and rood-hugging Below ihe broad hood, with iU distinctive air scoop, is thrilling new power lo rule the road' All Oe Sotos have magnificent new V-fi engines teamed with PowerKltle auLomatir txftnsmission.

Henri etta Shillltto, 6H. She wax a member of the Christian Science Church. Surviving ore her husband Frank, and a brother. Its eomer posts are swept bark so the glass ran curve around al top as well as at the bottom. Kirediima V 8 provide! Honmrr Bkir Arnand ovi: Ideal crossing date for apringrinae abroad. Harina Selections Canadian Pacific food and oervice!

Kpic Rlhf 8 Oallaht D.

Look for these plus features: These five models lo choose from at these greatly reduced prices. Roih strong, independent inAlilulions. Thus I he i'oronto-Dominion Hank oflcri you the best in banking service. Depositors, for example, will find it ensier if they move lo transfer their account to a nearby branch of the bank where they are known. The Toronio-Dominion Rank is prepared to serve the largest business; at the same time its regular customers, both large and small, will continue In receive the same friendly, courteous service to which they have long been accustomed.

Our facilities are greater, our pamc is new— our policy remains the same. Eslir plus a S20, I whpn Ih- m. T don't think anybody ran tell wheiher they are in the red or black. Bennett of Ihe cost to a non toll bridge If yesterday claimed in hut budge' Otiavxa and Vancouver would speech ihat federal aid to British Columbia under ihe Slight Relief Offered each pay a third. But he Indicated he would not want to revert lo the old system of peovinvial Income and cor pnration laxes. He called for a "reahsilc effort lo reconcile views and by cooperative partnership.

I'norganized areas will pay real property taxe. The lax rate of 1 per cent remains unchanged. A new basic exemption on. Uew Royal bore The average mill rale. A5 mills, and for Ihe rural areas. A mllI rate for basic education in rilie. The province is to pay everjthing over what 10 and seven mills xvill raise In municipal and rural arca. The province will pay 75 per cent of capital costs over what three mills will raise. Including teachers' salaries, or capital costs in exces.

Grants for education lota 5. Saanich hat fur- general piirpouex may reduce lnr. Y predicted an Indus- profits. At the xame Hme. In saanh-h had romplained for years that h Throne Speech promise nf an to be Increased hv 61 per hote an uniu-f. TTie He noted near the rnnelu. Liberal leader, scribbled hut hndee. Tr rim or beKinning at 2 p. Hve crilk-al when rmijor. Rut he yminted nut that tt e "Hoxxever," the premier vaid province has guaranteed PfIK, ".

Gibbs L, Oak Ray , the Uberal financial critic. Bennett yesieiday Arthur l. Liberal leader, scribbled notes Incexsantly. Tie was hoarse hy the time he sat down. But It's a mtic UU. The sharp price-raise followed floor reports that Jesse John- son chief of the raw materials section of the U. Pronto was up 30 cents. T MHa 11 Mit. Industrials 58 folds 8 Baie Metals 18 Western Oils.. Hose of active trading, i International Paiier rose 3 [point. Relatively few areas in the world are. Empress Motors To mark our 50 th.

In the eariT years of the century capital for '. Canadiaru now do moat of their own financing and even invest in other roimtriea. A copy will be gladly forwarded upon request. Rpi II 41 M 11i-r.! Living room x20 feet, separate gueai dining room, modern kitchen. Den with fireplace In basement, extra plumbing. L Amea ft Co, And T. A tjoal hy si. The split m pu! A vn tory Inr the. After two rojeli K. I remember A - - Veil tl.. Preakness and ffelmoni Si. Totems Lose Lo iliiel tains. I at ffoyal AMi- I. Aline t fuemen rar. Palmer, soft SfKikrn -H. High gv ifi V. Ox Dr Hubert O'l. ComcjdcjUiiUy, i h r years, advia-'x modiral profession xujiphc.

In ihe dge Aille A. M Heoprene ,i S. In past years only one fish off for anglers who qualified during the in week qurtiilying penofl vsTip held hut the lion executive approved a for two flshoff. TJ - othar maior salmon der tilex heduled npe the A-: Tx letumed lomormw, wan B-'-ughrulerv f. Still lots of mile. Vatea a Quadra -. Phrmr t Outstanding Special for the Thrifty Homemaker Make your valuable draperies look lovely longer.

Comes in ecru shade only. Indian Arts and Welfare ScM. Chief Martin plans to bring ern i o' vam-ouver i ;.: Th Indians would give a two hour show every evening for a week. Dames would he similar to a w. At hat time thousands of Victorians were unable to. I A reception starting at 7 p. Guest speaker will be district governor Wilfred Munton of New Westminster. Dancing until midnight will conclude the festivities. Represeniatlves from other Lions clubs will be present.

The inventive grocer has tev- gme Ray Squire. The figure for the first lime in eludes accounts of Unlled King- 1 dom and Fergu. I surely want ro thank all the doctors that made up this wonderful medicine. Priced for Modern Budgets! You'll use a sot like this for so many entertaining purposes you'll wonder how you did without it!

Sturdily made, this is one set that won't wobble every time you put a teacup dowm. Con- sists of metal reinforced table with spongeable top. Enamelled in colour combinations of brow'p and m w w beige. Polished walnut veneer case. Come black Save on Children's Shoes Styles for school, play and dres.

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Clearing because they come in broken. Group includes hrowm oxfords, monk straps, two-. Novel waffle effect opaque p a. The mill rate for puriMtsfK will drop fnmi Lhm- aid Smith askeil; "In your upmion. Should the restrictions he taken off, the bridge would not. But it would put undue stress on the amictuie," he stated. Millard -MiHiney Intervened and a.

Victoria girls' drill team and local press and radio- men. Most enthusiastic applause was given by the hundreds of children who swarmed through the arena waving balloons, whirling rattles and blowing nolsemakers. He was treated at St. She will reign throughout the year. She won lier convn by elect Ion over eight other con- testants, I.. Merle Emery and F31izaheth Napier-Hemy. Queen Margaret is daughter of Mr. It wotihl he read here It? Jones recstmmended the InsiaJIatinn of hundreds of extra meters In the city hut!

FrarH Kich, 4fi, of AZ. Set Second iastallment of the expected annual capital city grant to Victoria is provided for In the The amount is SSO. Premier Bennett promi'-ed In 19M that the grant would become an annual one for the beautifies lion of the capital rlly, The grant ts being adminis- tered by a commission of Victoria city and provincial government officials.

Mrs Barbara Brortersea, PoHre said Fred A. Counsel lor Theatres Arhitrarv Assessiiieiit I. In Fsquimalt riding results announced yesterday In he liquor pleblaclfe tn the un- organised areas of Jordan River Leerhtown. South Okanagan and Saanich ridings are the only two of 30 electoral dlstrlcta in British Columbia that art dry. Yale Street, at A p. All men of the parish are United. Cjiy rnmpfiol- day Irr Dennis i'oiing struggling general managcrshijf of Retail majority ii required to win through the buflget m an effort Merchants Association of Can- bars.

Mrs Fdgell fell In the street In Carmel and fractured one of the ver- tebrae In her spine, according to word received yesterday by friends. Tlie premises are In the hos plial insurance building which if at present under renovation. Police believe the thieves may have gained entry through a window accidentally left open. I Some 17 In silver was left he- , hind. MP probably mis- took hia client for a former convict with a similar name and appearance after studying photographs of the two men concerned. The court will give written res- suna for Its judgment. The court held there waa reasonable douHt of proof.

The court upheld the conviction of Unyd Kalmacoff. Tmwm counsel in all cases waa W. Detectives Alex Briggs and Angus Munro reporter! Police say the safecracking appears to he the work of cs perienced crlmlnaU. Jeeor was given in marriage atiM the reivpilon r. She For her honeymoon, which is ravrade bouquet of being sjient up lsl.

Over it, 2 small fKrough but do not onl.. On lop uf thi. The annual meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. They would look undignified, said an offi- cial. M Newell, Vancouver. Street, on Mon day. February 7 at 2 p. EF Klectrle Iron After u.

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  • Novel Crew?

B ami the cord should be dIscon r. No 1 S 2 , will meet on Monday, Fehniary 7. P, H Winn will install the new officers. OMp neckeil cap-vlccved style Vrf-ThiA. Proporilnned to fit and flat- ,nihJA- snorter, fuller figure. I'HONK 4 - ? Tohn-on s company at dinner on Thiirsd. In miniature, with tieu. Mr and Mrs K A. Mr W Paraud, Mr I. Robert Kelho and Mrs. Mrs ,I ' rook. E, Kirkpatrick, i Mrs R.

Wicken, Mrs, H Spano. At the Lions Auxiliary Itislallalion ccivmonip. Nols Foster, conesfvonfl- ing. Ailhur Cann and Mrs. Milton Sharp, directors for two years; Mrs. Arihur Quail and Mrs. Fred Grossmith, direc- tors for one year. Mnndav evening at the home of Mrs. Pemberton Road' A bannnei aj.

Heather was presented to the hrideelect. Mr Jim Roberts' wlllnw. Florence, retiring year's activities, the high-! J, W Van Nornitin.

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  2. 10 AGUSTINA LAKIN MD - 7ASERGH5OIU0DI - Books Catalog;
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  4. Books by Carrie Baize (Author of Destiny).
  5. Novel Crew.
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  8. A Jorjes and Ms. Walker, mother of the groomele,!. S 0 was spent on. Horence Bradley and Kay Laldler. Mark's bouquet Georgraphic magarine was also i J church. Charles Hamilton was 8 iven to the hospii. Canon tjeorge Biddle of at the double ring cete- bb J ugh I. The bride wore iJie ; groom's gift of a. Sceais; the guest spe. Etnih had pink carnation corsnge. Florence Bradley and Kay Laldler. Men can wear this tran. For a free demonstration without ohliga- tmn. Doctors — Lawyers — Beautiful 7-Pce.

    Fine quality, altrar- SO O live. Fcbruarr S, 19SS w I land fh -. Irans reiireM-ntalUe and a number of -y,: Alar a surprise liathsiagr visit backalsge. Two cy - It: Krfvhound hunt, by Wlnnliwg bridecs. Cruiser cars and reporters' swarmed to the scene only o' H find a ilummy lying on the h'e. Siiorinlly de- Kigned wood ba. Buy now on easy terms! Main Floor Store Hours: NT at Johnson -FiNsture Or- and design of God. CARR The newly-elected elders anil -. W, Mc- lumhla, Rt, Rex. Nunnt SI iahn't Mnlr rnnmun. The statemenl of perry for two years, and.

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    Mam for one I their untiring ef. Davies Frank -Schroeder ,,. W ponple'a warden at the an- 1 were made stewards, and Frank K Bowen. Framplon, Delegates to the. Saviours banner year for Si. Andrexv's Vm i m" pr. Thlnm ntitte are Mrs. M for all purposes. Sabre Jeta collided and F. DeBow, Krtih Ditla detam Ausi day.

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    Blak- Til n m. Cedar Hill - Krir rsoi- muMon lam Mauiii tl am fern- anne. Cadbara Hat - Hole roaimunion dam Sunday achunl. Tuesday 11 00 am. Maltins each weekday at 9 00 a m. Evensong each weekday at. Patch sere representative to Ihe Synoh. Pctch was presented La. Pritnatv and Junior i; oo a m An-'-ial ear: GMrgt tht Martyr Mavnard R4. Andrexy's — Wesley United Church.

    FJdara and Bteaards T. Ross Wightman — 7. Pdsinr Ml Oliver Sinul. CRH K of Surrey. Monday to Thuraday, S. Moalc and Bright CHorua Btagtag. It Port Biresi r,o n-rn tiv. SuitiseU bs nne ton. If Bert and E Bldney. Puliy-atatfed graduata nunea Uetilral I MacKefeie elfir. Widow Of the lale haar Har.

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