
Pour relancer le Congo : La politique du possible (Points de vue) (French Edition)

Ce classement est ridicule: Le paiement devrait se faire via Airbnb. Aussi plusieurs choses me contrarient sur ce dossier. Ces aspects positifs ont cependant un revers. Il existe en France comme dans les autres pays de nombreuses victimes. Cela vous semblera un peu suspect parce que vous ne me connaissez pas et que je ne vous connais pas. Je suis veuve et je n'ai pas eu d'enfant.

La guerre civile gronde au porte d'un pays qui enfile des gilets jaunes. Et c'est dans les sillons de la Marseillaise que coulera le sang impur des deux camps.

Combien d'Arabes, de Blancs et de Noirs? Pourquoi vouloir des statistiques ethniques en France? En revanche, la publication de statistiques ethniques permettra de mieux cerner les discriminations dont sont victimes les populations minoritaires. Inclure les Dom-Tom compliquerait davantage les choses. Les Gens du Voyage: Les Asiatiques de l'Est: Les Asiatiques du Sud: Je ne calcule rien ici. France , Statistiques ethniques.

Publier les commentaires Atom. This trend towards greater commercialisation has also become more apparent as some companies have shifted their business model to place greater emphasis on taking advantage of their IP rights. For the last six years the Finnish tech giant has also been actively divesting parts of its patents portfolio as it has looked to monetise its IP. The increased use of licensing is not restricted to patents though, with companies looking to license their brands across multiple media channels and technological platforms. With the ongoing disputes between Apple and Samsung over various patents in their smartphone technology, there are few sectors where the IP stakes are as high as in telecoms.

The German approach, which is generally seen as pro-patentee, dictates that a defendant must act as if they were a licensee which, crucially, means not challenging the validity of a patent, if the licensee in this case Huawei is to be bound by a FRAND licensing obligation.

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  5. Le Président Joseph Kabila a mérité bien des égards de la part de l’Assemblée nationale.

However, the European Patent Office EPO amended the patent in question meaning that, effectively, the patent that Zodiac was judged to have infringed never existed. Although this case may have resulted in a win for the music icon Rihanna, it was not one that could be toasted by the celebrity world as whole. Rihanna brought the case after Topshop whose parent company is the Arcadia Group brought out a t-shirt with a photo of her on it.

Lawyers for Arcadia Group: While the opportunities in emerging markets are well known, so are the risks associated with IP enforcement. As one respondent comments on the most significant developments in IP law and practice over the last two years: Despite the risks, the rapid development of local firms in China means that the IP climate is improving. As Paul Fehlner, the head of IP at Novartis Pharma, says, China has developed a decent patent regime in a relatively short space of time and, in the pharma sector at least, does not present the same risks as India.

Discours du président de la République - Semaine des ambassadeurs (29 août 2017)

As Chinese corporations continue to expand into overseas markets, they too have an increasing demand for IP management services in order to help them protect, maintain and exploit their IP assets on an international scale. Like most businesses, pharmaceutical giant Novartis likes certainty.

When a vast chunk of your business is focused on developing and selling drugs which have a clearly marked out lifetime under patent, you become accustomed to a fair amount of predictability. In the meantime companies, such as the members of big pharma, need to weather it as best they can. Of the emerging markets no other jurisdiction poses more legal challenges to the pharmaceutical industry than India. In April Novartis suffered a particularly significant defeat in the Indian Supreme Court over its patent for the drug Glivec, used in the treatment of leukaemia.

He points out that the picture is by no means as bleak in other rapidly growing markets. Is it there yet? No, but China is on the right track.

Burundi @en

For instance, a case brought in one smaller jurisdiction that may be more patentee friendly or vice versa, could have profound implications for the whole continent. However, there is one country observers can look to get some sense of how the UPC may work in practice. Trade mark reforms are due to come into force in and are aimed at streamlining registration procedures and introducing tougher anti-counterfeiting measures. The letter highlighted two areas for concern. The first was the potential problem of bifurcation — where a company could seek and win a ruling that one of its patents has been infringed before there has been a ruling on whether the patent is actually valid.

We see risks that regulators and lawmakers could take steps to steer the IP framework in directions that would not be helpful to innovation and continued investment in IP.

www.newyorkethnicfood.com | Néhémie Mwilanya : « Joseph Kabila a honoré son serment constitutionnel »

As the general counsel of Wikimedia, the US non-profit organisation that operates Wikipedia and 12 other free knowledge projects, Geoff Brigham occupies something of a special vantage point in the online world. As he is quick to point out, all of the thousands of contributors to the sites are rights holders who choose to give their work away for free. Since Brigham joined from eBay in , his legal team has grown from two people to half a dozen today.

As well as the in-house team, Brigham likes to highlight the contribution of the Wikimedia community, who write the content and keep a close eye on material that might infringe copyright. That vigilance, he points out, means that Wikipedia gets surprisingly few takedown notices. Wikimedia, therefore, does not regularly come into conflict with other content producers and rights owners but, nonetheless, it has helped to spearhead the amorphous mass of opposition to attempts to strengthen anti-piracy legislation, most notably in the US with SOPA and PIPA.

The two bills were both shelved days after Wikipedia demonstrated its opposition through a blackout, with the English language site taken offline for 24 hours. Part of the problem with the legislation, Brigham says, was the lack of visibility around the whole process.


That lack of clarity has not been solely an American affliction, according to Brigham, with other attempts to strengthen anti-piracy laws also happening behind closed doors. Asked if he could see another blackout taking place, Brigham points out that the decision is one for the Wikipedia community to take but he adds: The threat has at least abated for now but Brigham clearly remains opposed to sweeping legislation that lacks precision. Ensuring that that balance is maintained is one of the key tasks for his six-person team.

Our survey also canvassed in-house teams on data protection. With proposed new regulations in the EU expected next year aimed at harmonising and toughening laws across member states, as well as the recent revelations in the US around far more extensive surveillance by the US government than previously thought, privacy is firmly in the spotlight.

The majority of respondents to the survey indicated that they were adopting a watching brief before taking any steps to comply with proposed changes in the EU. Alongside this, however, I have a concern around the level of the proposed standard. Colt is concerned to ensure that the proposed harmonising regulation is as light touch as is consistent with good practice. With the proposed harmonisation of data laws, trade mark regulations and a possible unified patent system across the EU, as well as ongoing attempts to strengthen anti-piracy regulations, IP policy is in the process of being transformed.

With the rapid pace of technological change this transformation, in large part, makes sense. The survey results reflect this: In the past year BPI has asked Google to delist 40 million links, but new links to the same infringing files reappear. Search engines need to take pro-active steps to stop this.

So far this year, he reveals, BPI has asked Google to remove 30 million links that infringe copyright from search results. However, since he joined the BPI in from London boutique Forbes Anderson Free, Whitehead says he has seen a marked change in the attitude of the government and internet service providers ISPs in the fight against copyright infringement.

That shift has, in part, helped bring down the level of online music piracy. In March this year, Ofcom announced that the number of songs illegally downloaded had fallen by a third year-on-year to million. We need it implemented.

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