
S is for Saints: Combines Tradition with Contemporary Appeal

This Bible literally presents the Word of God as something special. For fifteen hundred years, Benedictine monasteries have acted as producers and protectors of books. The process of creating the Bible incorporated ancient art forms with modern techniques in a joint celebration of the traditional arts of bookmaking and modern science and sensibility.

Who do you intend to reach, and what message are you trying to convey? It is a prophetic witness to the Word of God in our day and beyond, an opportunity for learning and scholarship and a dignified expression of the Benedictine vision: When asked about his ultimate ambition, he indicated that one day he would like to write the Bible.

Later he described it this way: His education included six years of specialization in Calligraphy, Lettering and Bookbinding.

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Did he work alone or in collaboration with other calligraphers? He led a team of calligraphers writing and illuminating the Bible. The team was made up of skilled scribes, some who work at the scriptorium and others who take pages of vellum back to their own studios. Throughout the production of the book, Mr. It employs gender-inclusive language for references to men and women, usually done in a non-obtrusive manner.

When was the Bible completed? What will be its dimensions? Pentateuch was completed in August and the Book of Psalms was completed in April , Prophets was completed in April , and Wisdom Books was completed in July of Historical Books was completed in March, , and Letters and Revelation was completed in May of The original folios of the Bible remain unbound at this time, and binding into the seven volumes will not take place for several years thus allowing wide-spread exhibition of the pages to the public.

In addition, the Bible is a source for religious, artistic, educational and scholarly programming and exhibitions. The making of the Bible was documented, using the latest in technology, for closer study of art, creativity, and the spiritual life, including a better understanding of new traditions in bookmaking and calligraphy. Original pages as well as fine art reproductions of the Bible are sent out on exhibition all over the country and internationally.

Does the impact of this project justify the tremendous amount of time, energy and money that could potentially be spent in other beneficial ways? It was not financed with University money. Will this book be available for sale in some form? Contact Jim Triggs for information on the Heritage Edition at jtriggs csbsju.

Smaller-scale trade reproductions of each volume and three books describing the art of the Bible are available. Ordering and pricing information may be obtained from Liturgical Press at www. How are people staying in touch with the creation of the Bible?

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  • Saint Patrick - Wikipedia.
  • Kabir - Wikipedia.
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Tours and presentation inquiries may be directed to Tim Ternes at or by e-mail at tternes csbsju. Could this be considered an antiquated exercise that does not address the needs of Christians today? The buildings will go. Most of the buildings that all of us see today are going to be gone years from now. One of the strengths of this project is its connection to the past and to the future. Contemporary aspects include its reflections of science, technology and space; its multicultural and interreligious imagery; and its depiction of women.

He called the slanderer a friend, expressed gratefulness for the slander, for it brought him closer to his god. Keep the slanderer near you, build him a hut in your courtyard — For, without soap or water, he will scrub your character clean. The legends about Kabir describe him as the underdog who nevertheless is victorious in trials by a Sultan, a Brahmin, a Qazi , a merchant, a god or a goddess. The ideological messages in the legends appealed to the poor and oppressed. According to David Lorenzen, legends about Kabir reflect a "protest against social discrimination and economic exploitation", they present the perspective of the poor and powerless, not the rich and powerful.

Songs of Kabir were collected by Kshitimohan Sen from mendicants across India, these were then translated to English by Rabindranath Tagore. Kabir's legacy continues to be carried forward by the Kabir panth "Path of Kabir" , a religious community that recognises him as its founder and is one of the Sant Mat sects. This community was founded centuries after Kabir died, in various parts of India, over the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. There are two temples dedicated to Kabir located in Benares.

One of them is maintained by Hindus , while the other by Muslims. Both the temples practise similar forms of worship where his songs are sung daily. Other rituals of aarti and distributing prasad are similar to other Hindu temples. The followers of Kabir are vegetarians and abstain from alcohol. Kabir's verses were incorporated into Adi Granth , the scripture of Sikhism , with verses attributed to Kabir constituting the largest non-Sikh contribution.

Some scholars state Kabir's ideas were one of the many influences [53] [54] on Guru Nanak, who went on to found Sikhism in the fifteenth century. Other Sikh scholars disagree, stating there are differences between the views and practices of Kabir and Nanak. Harpreet Singh, quoting Hew McLeod, states, "In its earliest stage Sikhism was clearly a movement within the Hindu tradition; Nanak was raised a Hindu and eventually belonged to the Sant tradition of northern India, a movement associated with the great poet and mystic Kabir.

Hence to consider Kabir as an influence on Guru Nanak is wrong, both historically and theologically". McLeod places Nanak in the Sant tradition that included Kabir, and states that their fundamental doctrines were reproduced by Nanak. JS Grewal contests this view and states that McLeod's approach is limiting in its scope because, "McLeod takes into account only concepts, ignores practices altogether, he concentrates on similarities and ignores all differences".

There are several allusions to Kabir's poetry in mainstream Indian film music. The title song of the Sufi fusion band Indian Ocean 's album Jhini is an energetic rendering of Kabir's famous poem "The intricately woven blanket", with influences from Indian folk , Sufi traditions and progressive rock. Noted classical singer, late Kumar Gandharva , is widely recognized for his wonderful rendering of Kabir's poetry.

The early papacy

Documentary filmmaker Shabnam Virmani , from the Kabir Project , has produced a series of documentaries and books tracing Kabir's philosophy, music and poetry in present-day India and Pakistan. Kabir festival was organized in Mumbai , India in Pakistani Sufi singer Abida Parveen has sung Kabir in a full album. Kabir has been criticised for his depiction of women.

The medieval papacy

Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh states, "Kabir's opinion of women is contemptuous and derogatory". According to Kabir, a woman prevents man's spiritual progress. Woman ruins everything when she comes near man; Devotion, liberation, and divine knowledge no longer enter his soul. Singh states that this outlook of Kabir about women and their role in human quest for spirituality [56] was not shared with Nanak who founded Sikhism.

Surjit Singh Gandhi also agrees with this. In contrast to Singh's interpretation of Kabir's gender views, Dass interprets Rag Asa section of Adi Granth as Kabir asking a young married woman to stop veiling her face, and not to adopt such social habits. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Kabir disambiguation.

Martin of Tours

Reading book after book the whole world died, and none ever became learned! Writers of Guru Granth Sahib. University of Hawaii Press. Retrieved 12 July Culture and Customs of India. The Bijak of Kabir.

Faith and Reason

Karine Schomer and W. McLeod, , The Sants: Songs of Kabir from the Adi Granth. State University of New York Press. Munshiram Manoharlal , , Vol. II, page , states: McLeod 1 January Studies in a Devotional Tradition of India. South Asian Studies, Spring Vol. Center for Research Libraries. McLeod , The Sants: Songs of Kabir by Rabindranath Tagore".

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The New York Times. Retrieved 19 October Kabir and the Kabir Panth. History of Sikh Gurus Retold: Rigveda Yajurveda Samaveda Atharvaveda. Samhita Brahmana Aranyaka Upanishad. Ayurveda Dhanurveda Natya Shastra Sthapatyaveda. Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote Wikisource. This page was last edited on 3 December , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.