
100 Girls Names Ending in Lee, Ley, or Lie

Combined with Biblical roots, it also makes the name feel timeless. But Leah still seems pitch perfect. What do you think of Leah? Is this name timeless, or is it starting to fade?

CELEB BABY NAMES - October 2018

Not sure of the accuracy, but that was her logic lol. Leah has been my favorite name since I was 8 years old.

Baby Names Ending in Ley

I was very serious about naming a daughter this and even told my husband before we got married how I loved Leah. I thought Leah Noelle was perfect! My husband was fine with it because he knew how strongly I felt. Then a friend, although a casual friend, named her daughter Leah Noelle. The exact first and middle name I had picked!

Leah: Baby Name of the Day

How does this happen?? I was devastated and, of course, cried. I grieved and then we decided we could still use Leah anyways. Since then, my tastes have changed to a bit more unique and less common names think Evadne, Calliope, Juno, Honor, Geneva, etc. I doubt Leah will be used at this point, but who knows?

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  3. 49 Baby Names Ending in Ley;
  4. China's great gender crisis | World news | The Guardian.
  5. Girls' Names Ending in Lee, Ley, or Lie eBook: Sarah Russell: www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Kindle Store;
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Actually, there really is no alternate spelling for the name Leah. It is what it is.

Those other names are names, nice name, however, not alternative versions of the name Leah. Reading the comments that say it is such a common name is funny to me. Blakesley is the name of a village in England, also sometimes found as a surname along with Blakely and Blakeley, turned into a first name for their daughter by reality stars Trista and Ryan An English surname name, Bradley has a long history, dating way back to at least , but as a first name it actually succeeded in the US before it reached England--though Dickens used it in his Similar to Brielle and Riley, this name lags quite far behind these more common variations.

It peaked at Number in in the US, but it is now descending the ranks.

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We've also seen it Close Find the right name for your baby using our advanced search tool Gender girl. Home Lists Popular Names and Name Trends Baby Names Ending in Ley Ashley started it, and today there is a whole raft of stylish baby names that end with ley -- if not literally those letters, then at least the sound. We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Ainsley. We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Annesley. We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Arley. We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Ashley.

In other words, the battle for China's baby girls will ultimately depend on changing preferences. But as Li points out, that is a long-term struggle, and society pays a high price in the meantime. The roots of son-preference lie deep in Chinese culture. Traditionally, the bloodline passes through the male side. Women also "marry out", joining their husband's families and looking after their in-laws, not their own parents. For a long time, a son was your pension. Having a girl was wasteful.

Chen's home lies near lush rice paddies, where farmers in wide-brimmed straw hats bend double. The community used to rely on agriculture and believed a boy was necessary for the heaviest work in the fields. We have a saying, 'The better sons you have, the better life we can have,' because men have more strength and can carry out more work," says Chen. In fact, official policy has adapted to these assumptions.

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China's strict birth-control rules, introduced just over 30 years ago to curb a soaring population, restrict most couples to one birth. But there are several exemptions. Ethnic-minority families are allowed more than one child; couples who are both only children are permitted to have two. The most striking example is the exception made for rural households.

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While their urban counterparts are generally restricted to one birth, rural couples are allowed a second - if their first is a girl. The statistics show just how important producing at least one son is: When Chen's daughter was born, a little over 30 years ago, the consequences of the ultrasound had yet to be felt in Shengzhou. But by , boys were being born for every girls. Five years later that figure had risen again, to Then something striking happened: By it was Soon after, according to statistics, it returned to the natural level. You do not have to look far for part of the explanation.

Its factories offer plenty of jobs for daughters, allowing them to make a hefty economic contribution to the household. Across the country, manufacturers have frequently preferred female employees, regarding them as more careful and less troublesome. Many rural families have less land than they used to; and machinery is available to work the soil, making brute strength less important.

China is beginning to develop a welfare system. And development has brought other changes — couples who move into cities have more exposure to new ideas, and less pressure from extended families, say experts. Old habits and beliefs are eroding. In villages as well as towns, conjugal ties between husband and wife have become more important, while the filial links between parent and child have become less so. Young couples are more likely to live apart from relatives.

Few parents can now count on a dutiful daughter-in-law caring for them; and many are noticing that daughters are doing a better job.