
Morgidoos Christmas Carol: The Bells of Blister

Uncle Mac, Aunt Aggie? If Vegetable gardening in the Twilight Zone isn't enough for you, perhaps some of Uncle Mac's other offerings will perk your interest Not in Farm Girl.

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Have a look at Low Crimes and Misdemeanors , a serial blog currently on Chapter 5 of "Experimental Bed 33," a rather intriguing bit of story telling about a compost pile, a murder mystery and Well go read it yourself, you didn't expect me to tell all, did you? Don't forget to visit Seeds and Weeds , another of Mac's blogs which is a rather scary intriguing mix of poetry and everything else you can think of. Mac wrote furiously on a daily basis during the blogging A to Z challenge, and it was all very interesting and well done. That post probably belonged on the newest of Mac's blogs, "Unnatural Foods" in which Mac the knife chef tries out new twisted recipes of his own creation, then asks readers for advice on how to fix them.

Got your own twisted recipe? Cook up a batch, invite Mac over for dinner and maybe he'll let you post the adventure on his blog.

Cimorelli - Carol Of The Bells (Official Video)

Be sure to include a mention of free vodka in your invitation. You can hear the long, drawn out, "Incoming! There's just no telling what you'll find when Ray posts, and during the A to Z blogging challenge, there were new topics everyday and boredom was nowhere to be found. Hailing from somewhere near Thunder Bay, one often gets the impression that Raymond ought to be a government watchdog, a writer, a gardening pro, home remodeling contractor or Every topic under the sun, neatly covered with his own brand of dry wit and critical mass thinking.

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When the A to Z challenge folks visited and saw Ray was a day ahead, they quickly tried to smack him down. Never try to stop a dedicated writer like Ray and further, don't tell him when to write or post. And in that vein, let us not forget that Ray is a writer, and that writing is not confined to his blog. Ray's wonderful book is available on Smashwords and at other online fine retailers such as Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

All images in this post were used with permission. Reproduction, reposting, copying or any use without specific, written permission by their respective copyright holders is forbidden. The Mind Creates A place where actors on a stage play out scenes of a script that exists only in my imagination. Cool Stories Amazing real life events, happenings, drama. Rambling Random thoughts drift past the clouds of thought-moments that dream-like are seemingly real. We decide where reality ends and illusion begins.

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Friends of Muse Part 1. So, without further ado, please let the drum roll begin Glory Lennon Without a doubt, Glory Lennon is one fun person to be friends with on facebook, and is credited with friends galore and more viral facebook posts than a political gaff on YouTube. Image Credits All images in this post were used with permission. Uncle Sam is a Public Domain image and may be copied freely. At least that's the way it has always been in the village of Blister. And bells don't ring. At least not now. But was snow once cold, and did bells really ring at one time?

What happened that things changed in the village? And what happens when no one believes your story and thinks you are crazy?

Incoming BYTES

This book would be excellent for an older child or even an adult to read to see the deeper levels. It would be a great book for a class to discuss, especially in a Christian school. Although the story would be fascinating even if you do not have a Christian belief, but there are elements there if you look carefully. A very enjoyable Christmas Story for the whole family. I read this story some years ago and just reread it. I enjoyed it the first time but loved it so much more this time around.

It is a story for all ages. Many years ago, a bellringer rang a great silver bell early every Christmas morning. It was a magical time, even the snow was warm and fluffy as popcorn. One day, the bellringer found the bell missing in the town of Blister. After that day, all bells stopped ringing. Worst of all, the people did not know when to start singing the Christmas songs. One boy, Morgidoo, believed the tales of the missing bell. Even though no one had ever heard a bell ring, he searched for it. He told everyone in town that he would find it, but they said he was making up stories or even telling lies.

Was there ever really a great silver bell that disappeared?

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Would he ever find it? Read this delightful story to discover what happened. From children to adults, this book has a story for everyone, be it child-like innocence or adult reasoning. Morgidoo's Christmas Carol centers around the simplicity of life, when snow was as warm as popcorn and winter wasn't freezing, but just the right warmth. Meet George Blister III, from the line of official bell ringers in Blister as he refers to his bell-ringer guide in time of doubt.

He goes by the rule book to ensure he does not miss an instruction and more so, to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors. But that does not prevent what was to follow. The Great Silver Bell from the village of Blister suddenly disappears and with that the spirit of Christmas disappears too. Not a bell would ring in its vicinity, nor would generations know what the sound of a bell's ring is. What would it take to have Christmas back in Blister? Is the Great Silver Bell lost forever? The bright perpetual light now turned to darkness across the world. Morgidoo's Christmas Carol is a lovely, interesting, imaginative and creative story that will keep you guessing until the very end.

You will not regret your decision to purchase this book, and I recommend you add this to your collection of favorites, for it has the making of a true classic.

Morgidoo’s Christmas Carol

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