
Serenity Volume 3: The Shepherds Tale (Serenity series)

And how did he find God in a bowl of soup? Answers to these and more questions about Book's past are uncovered in this original graphic novel by rising stars Zack Whedon "Dr. Tales of the Corps," "Daredevil". A pivotal chapter in the ongoing "Serenity" saga, "The Shepherd's Tale" is also a rollicking, action-packed epic in its own right - "Dark Horse's "Serenity" displays the key ingredients of the series in a substantial and entertaining way. Answers to these and more questions about Book's past are uncovered in this original graphic novel by rising stars Zack Whedon Dr.

Tales of the Corps, Daredevil. A pivotal chapter in the ongoing Serenity saga, Shepherd's Tale is also a rollicking, action-packed epic in its own right]. Leaves on the Wind by Zack Whedon , Hardcover. Those Left Behind , Hardcover. Collector's item - YES; Satisfying story - meh. Homebody by Joanna Gaines , Hardcover 2. Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones Set: Martin Paperback, I loved the order of the events how we kept going back in time, i found that very interesting, as opposed to the story just being told in a chronological order.

Jul 14, Arielle Walker rated it really liked it Shelves: Much, much better than Better Days I haven't read the other Serenity comics yet, so can't judge them in comparison. The art fits really well, I love the constant shifts backwards in time, and finding out Book's story is so ridiculously cool anyway - loved this. Not perfect but pretty gorram good. Nov 12, Craig rated it it was ok. Overall, I am really disappointed in this book. Book is one of my favorite characters in one of my favorite short-lived sci-fi series, so you might think I would be a naysayer going into this one, but I honestly wasn't You'll have to take my word for that, of course, but I promise I wasn't one of "those people.

I couldn't wait to hear more on the life of this fantastic character who ended up on the "wrong ship" somehow. That, unfortunately, is not what I found Overall, I am really disappointed in this book.

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That, unfortunately, is not what I found on the pages within. Though the blurbs on the back promised an "in-depth examination Each section of his life is presented in such a tiny slice that any kind of real resolution or character-building is lost in the spaces in between. I didn't have any feeling that the writer loved the character in the way that I did and I honestly felt very little psychological depth in the character presented here. If I had not watched the show and fallen in love with Book previously, I would probably feel nothing for this character who had such shallow motivations and so little life to him.

Even still, there appear to be plotholes - particularly when viewed against the episode "Safe. I realize that with a few small stretches, you can make it fit within the framework of the show, but those stretches really shouldn't be necessary in a book designed to fill in the blanks of an existing story.

Also, a character who seemed to have a very dark past before "seeing the light" is given a darkness that is understandable and truly not as deep as one might think. As a last complaint, the turn to religion was less than believable as it was presented. I understand that people receive the calling in different ways, but the transformation over a bowl of chicken soup just didn't work for me with the characterization that we had been given so far.

I'm not sure that anyone would make such a large life decision without any previous thought about it. While transformations can be sudden, there are always hints prior to the decision. Apr 10, Beth Cato rated it did not like it Shelves: I found out this hardcover comic existed last fall thanks to another reviewer on 50bookchallenge, and then purchased it for my husband's Christmas I won't go into incredible detail on the content, but the reverse order of the tale ends at his childhood.

It shows the hardship of his life in st I found out this hardcover comic existed last fall thanks to another reviewer on 50bookchallenge, and then purchased it for my husband's Christmas It shows the hardship of his life in stark detail, but barely touches the surface. It's more of a teaser than a tell-all, and leaves a lot to be desired. Kaylee and Jayne look great, but the others don't look right, especially Mal. It's also a very short book about 50 pages for the price, and is easy to read in one sitting or as I did, during the commercial breaks of Castle.

I would recommend reading it in a store rather than purchasing it. Dec 12, Christopher rated it it was ok Shelves: Shepherd as an operative would have been nice. I'm not sure what this mess is supposed to be. In a backwards timeline, we Browncoats finally learn why a shepherd knows so damn much about crime. Made me love Book even more. Jul 22, Cyndi rated it really liked it. The story of Book. We know that he settles on a planet that is attacked.

This is the story of his life up till he meets our infamous crew. Wonderful stories and wonderful art!

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May 13, Kirstine rated it liked it Shelves: And I've had mine. It can be tough. It can be ugly. But I'm grateful for the journey and what I've stumbled across along the way. Someone is out to break my heart. I, and everyone else in the Firefly-fandom I reckon, love Shepherd Book. He is, aside from being a wonderful character, also the type of religious person I wish we saw more of. The type who found peace and strength with God, someone who does " We each get to be in the world a time.

The type who found peace and strength with God, someone who doesn't try to convert you, but try to help you find peace as well.

Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale Vol. 3 by Zack Whedon (2010, Hardcover)

And how did he become this person? This character we love so much? What happened to make him so patient, so understanding, so mysteriously good at kicking people's kneecaps in? You will soon know.

FIREFLY: Before the Unification War - LORE in a Minute! - Serenity - Blessious - LORE

This book does an amazing job with his story. Anyone who watched Firefly wondered what it was about Shepherd Book. WHO he really was. And this answers all those questions in a more than satisfactory manner. It made me cry, too. Not a lot, but a little. Of all the characters, he is probably the one with the greatest burden.

And it makes everything that comes later - his time with the Serenity-crew - much more moving; to think that this man, who has been so lost, so utterly alone, finally found a place he could belong. I might be fortunate, though, because I never made up any definitive background story for Shepherd Book on my own mostly because that never ends well when something like this comes out. So where others might get disappointed, I only relished in finally knowing.

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Shepherd was dear to me before, but he's even more dear to me now. Nov 13, Randy Lander rated it liked it Shelves: A good read, with amazing art by Chris Samnee and Dave Stewart. I have only three real complaints, two of which are arguably nit-picking and the other one of which is insurmountable, but not really a fair complaint. That said, I have to admit that I did reread it again, knowing everything I knew from reading it the first time, and that was an interesting experiment. So maybe it works better than I'm giving it credit for. If you're super-picky, you may consider the following spoilers: It's not what I wanted.

Book's origins are certainly adequate to give him the skill and knowledge we saw of him in the show, but they seemed to indicate in the movie that he had been an Operative, and his role here, while interesting enough, was not as interesting as the life of an Operative would have been to me. Dec 25, Nikki rated it liked it Shelves: After all the waiting to find out about Derrial Book's past, this is kind of an anti-climax.

It's hard to judge it for itself, and not based on the years of coming up with my own interpretations and reading about other people's ideas. It's a character-driven piece, only really interesting to those who already know and love Firefly, and to be honest I'm sort of not terribly moved by it. It didn't surprise me, and it gave me a couple of moments of, "Um, but It doesn't make sense. If he's given such preferential treatment, how can things have happened as they did in this comic?

The art is okay: I'm very hard to please when it comes to art of characters I already know and love, and I can't say this especially pleases me, but it doesn't throw me out of the story, so that's alright. Jan 12, Fey rated it really liked it Shelves: This is the book where we finally find out the great secret of who Shepherd Book really is.

Finally an end to the wondering, why did the men on the alliance cruiser shut up and treat him when they saw his ident card? Who is he to the alliance? Where did he come from? How did he become a shepherd? The story is told in a brilliant way, backwards through time. The opening scene is just before his death in the Serenity movie.

And then the next scene is a skip back in time several ye This is the book where we finally find out the great secret of who Shepherd Book really is. And then the next scene is a skip back in time several years. Each scene then stepping back in time to reveal another mystery about who he was before. I found it fascinating to see each revelation about him, but I cannot say anything more for fear of HUGE spoilers!

Just to say that some things I might have guessed from the series, but some things I was completely suprised by. And the ending, or should I say beginning.. Loved the whole thing. Highly recommended for any serenity or firefly fan. Jan 25, Rob rated it liked it Shelves: This is just a short graphic novel. I've wanted to read it for awhile, but the first edition went out of print when I tried to buy it and then I ended up forgetting about it.

A friend of mine got it from the library and let me borrow it from him before he read it. I always wanted to know the deal with Book, and one of the most frustrating parts of the movie was they didn't explore that at all. This book is a bit of a mixed bag. The story and art is good. I liked the way they transitioned back to d This is just a short graphic novel. I liked the way they transitioned back to different times of Book's life. However it was very short, and while it confirmed some things I suspected, it mostly added to my questions rather than answering them.

I would have liked some kind of short video format, or a novella to the graphic novel simply to get a more detailed back story.

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Worth checking out if you're a firefly fan though. May 12, Meagan rated it really liked it Shelves: The best one so far. It tells the story of Shepherd Book's past, starting with his death as seen in Serenity. And his background - perfect for the character. This is character development at its finest, and it makes Book one of the most compelling characters on Serenity. And I'm more upset than ever that this show got cancelled.

Whoever at Fox was responsible for that decision - I hope you The best one so far. Whoever at Fox was responsible for that decision - I hope you are plagued by ingrown toenails forevermore.

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Apr 26, Matt rated it liked it. Here are all of Book's secerts revealed and I have to admit I'm a little disappointed. This short book dumps all the major parts of Book's life into one pot without any of the dramatic reveals or stories that would make it more interesting as a narrative. The transitions are kind of rough and some plot threads get left unresolved at least for me. And I do like the Memento-esque story device. This one is the best of the bunch so far. I loved that there was his back story as well as scenes with the Serenity crew.

Sheppard Book is one of the characters who didn't get a lot of face tune in the series and even less time in the movie which I always thought was a shame as he had such a mystery about his character so I was very happy to see he got a place in the graphic novels.

Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale

Sep 12, Brendan rated it it was amazing Shelves: Well told story and fitting conclusion for Shepherd, I never really enjoyed his quick exit from Serenity but he at least had a good death. This book looks at his life in reverse, with the bullet striking him from the film right to the point he makes his own choices. This is one of my favourite series so I'm also happy and sad for this final book with Shepherd. Jan 25, Michael rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm so glad I read this one, it shards so much light on the secretive Shepherd Book. I finally feel like I know more about his life and his reasoning for everything.

The shepherd is wonderfully flawed and complex character and it was so thrilling to find out his secrets. Jul 30, Sarah Churchill rated it it was amazing Shelves: Finally, the Shepherd's backstory! I love how it's presented, jumping backwards a few years at a time. It lets you live out the twists and turns as if you were watching the arc play out across a few episodes. Mar 26, Gaijinmama rated it it was amazing Shelves: I was always so sad that Firefly ended without telling Book's backstory. This tells the tale as it deserves to be told.

Worth it even if you aren't a hardcore Firefly fan, although if you aren't a fan Joss Whedon born Joseph Hill Whedon is an American screenwriter, executive producer, film and television director, comic book writer, occasional composer, and actor, and the founder of Mutant Enemy Productions and co-creator of Bellwether Pictures. He is best known as the creator and showrunner of the television series 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer — ', 'Angel — ', 'Firefly ' Joss Whedon born Joseph Hill Whedon is an American screenwriter, executive producer, film and television director, comic book writer, occasional composer, and actor, and the founder of Mutant Enemy Productions and co-creator of Bellwether Pictures.

He is best known as the creator and showrunner of the television series 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer — ', 'Angel — ', 'Firefly ' and its film follow-up 'Serenity ', and 'Dollhouse — ', as well as the web-series' 'Dr.

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Horrible's Sing-Along Blog '. Whedon co-wrote and produced the horror film 'The Cabin in the Woods ', and wrote and directed the film adaptation of Marvel's 'The Avengers ', the third highest-grossing film of all time. Many of Whedon's projects have cult status and his work is notable for portraying strong female characters and a belief in equality. Other books in the series. Books by Joss Whedon. Trivia About The Shepherd's Ta No trivia or quizzes yet.