
The Short Story On Saturday Afternoon (Alan Sillitoe)

The ritual of the Saturday game gives a focus and structure to his seething emotions, and his identity and well-being are tightly connected to the team. He gets a mass of grey squares dancing in front of his eyes, and the line of each eye crosses and converges in front of him. You sympathise with his inadequacy in not being able to see as he used to, yet his refusal to get glasses highlights his pig-headed self-destructiveness. Then, a page or so on, we see Lennox remembering how he clouted the lad who used that nickname in front of the office girl, and how he was threatened with the sack.

The potent mix of uncontrolled anger, sexual humiliation, powerlessness, uncertainty and inadequacy, combined with the sense of personal defeat, disappointment and disgust with his team builds up like a pressure cooker.

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Lennox enters the only arena where he can exercise power — his home. He demands that his wife or daughter should make a fire in the musty parlour, and when the girl wants to finish her tea first, he shouts at her and raises his hand to hit her. King of his sad little castle, he calls for his tea, picks his food to pieces without eating it, gives orders for someone to go out and buy cakes and to make a fresh pot of tea. This is a familiar Saturday afternoon pattern.

With anger throbbing violently in her temples, she lets loose a tirade of complaints about his behaviour, telling him that a few home truths might do him some good.

“On Saturday Afternoon” by Alan Sillitoe | Thommy Ford Reads

Lennox flings his plate to the floor, and hits his wife three times across the head and knocks her to the ground. Do you feel that this is true and in what way did you do so in this particular work? But one has to assume that the novel is somehow a filmscript and that, as the reader reads it, he or she makes a film out of the book in his or her own mind according to their own personal experience, knowledge, idiosyncracies etc.

Then the novel is as complete as it can ever be. If there are any blanks that the author has left out it is then part of the reader's creative effort to fill them in. On the other hand the writer is inclined to think he has left no blanks! SwissEduc received the following answers to questions students had asked from Alan Sillitoe on February 20, Deutsch - Literatur, Werke. English - Pedagogy, Didactics, Literature Studies.

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Contents 1 Introduction 2 Interpretation 2. Eveline - eine Interpretation. Teaching short stories in the EFL-Classroom. Frisch, Max - Stiller. Dominance and submission as a central theme in Muriel Spark's s Short Stories - Volume I. Short Stories - Volume II.

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