
Light and Peace: Instructions for Devout Souls to Dispel Their Doubts and Allay Their Fears

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By far, the most telling feature of this little book is its immense common sense and good advice. Thereafter, the result of one s knowing where he is going spiritually and how best to achieve this end is Peace, that peace which Our Lord promised and which the world cannot give.

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First written in in Italian, this work has passed through innumerable editions in Italian, French, German and English, the present one alone being the tenth in this format. In short, it is a summary of spiritual guidance for earnest Christians in the ordinary duties of life in the world.

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Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

Light and Peace Instructions for Devout Souls to Dispel Their Doubts and Ally Their Fears

To ask other readers questions about Light and Peace , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jun 25, Stephen Heiner rated it it was amazing Shelves: The introduction from the American translator, from the turn of the last century, contains this commentary that made me chuckle: We can start with the last part first - " If life is "busy" and consumed with "facts" it is a choice, not a condition, and it can be changed.

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As for the "foreign religious works" there are very few "domestic religious works" of real value, not because there have not been saints on those shores Mother Cabrini and the North American Martyrs just to name a handful but because spiritual classics are born out of civilizations steeped in Christianity over centuries. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Margaret-Mary Alocoque and Italy St. Alphonsus Ligouri have gifted us with such classics, which have been translated into English and read, to benefit, by believers and nonbelievers alike.

The great strength of this little book, however, is in its admonitions against scrupulosity, so often a theme among those seeking to be devout, and its simple instructions on how to live more virtuously and in line with the ways laid down by Christ and His Church. Francis de Sales features prominently in these pages and it only made me more desirous of reading more of his writings.

I read this text again this time to take it in chapter by chapter.

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It is much inspired by the writing of St. Francis the Sales and Thomas A. Quadrupani adds some prayers at the end. It is worth quoting. Since my will prefers Thy service to all the joys of the world, since Thy g I read this text again this time to take it in chapter by chapter.

Since my will prefers Thy service to all the joys of the world, since Thy grace is the sole good to which I aspire, and because I suffer so much be reason of my lack of sensible love for Thee. They restore peace in the soul, take away fears. Second Reading Nov 12, First reading Mar , LeeAnn Gerads rated it it was amazing Nov 04, Jane Lebak rated it it was amazing Mar 18, Pauline rated it it was amazing May 06, Ellen Gianna rated it it was amazing Oct 25, TimBryan rated it it was amazing Jan 24, Josh rated it really liked it Jan 17, Diane rated it it was amazing Mar 25, Ross rated it it was amazing Sep 18, Jennifer Hill rated it it was amazing Aug 09, Steelbound rated it liked it Oct 19, Christine McCabe rated it it was amazing Sep 01,