

For generations, the Folken have lived in total isolation. A self-contained society, they worship Bluegrass music and the legendary banjo picking of Jesus. For the Folken, the outside world inspires fear, not curiosity. Sarah Throckmartin is a typical year old, living a typical Folken life - until her runaway dog, an old grudge, and a false prophecy combine to exile her and her brother Eddie from the Folken and everything they know.

Samuel Burgess loves owning a second-hand bookstore.

But when books from other universes start appearing on his shelves, his dream warps into an enigma. Obsessed with understanding how the books are showing up on his shelves, Samuel finds himself smuggling psychedelic mushrooms, floating in sensory deprivation tanks and talking to the occasional hippopotamus- all en route to the most unexpected discovery of all: After only three months of dating,. The guy in the next cubicle listens exclusively to Kenny G. It's all Aliester Crewley hears at work, day after excruciating day. It's driving him mad. Music this bad can only mean one thing - something demon-y is afoot.

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A powerful amateur magickian, Aliester knows how to deal with demons. But actions can have seriously unintended, rather bizarre consequences - of the Apocalyptic kind.

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