
From Pages 09 to Kindle Format in Minutes

But if you click here and check out the store now , you can see that my ranking has dropped. I still make sales, but nothing like I did before. This is part of the learning process for me: OK, I can launch well.

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Now, how do I work on sustaining those sales? What can I learn for the next book? How can I improve? As you try to build your kindle business or any business, make money, go travel, explore in life… Yes set your goals, celebrate the victories, keep trying to fix issues…. And have questions about launching your first book on Kindle?

Ask away in the comments! Good stuff, my friend. Yeah Hammo I just wrote and wrote but honestly as a test and learning process I would definitely recommend the smaller approach. What you really require to become one of the kindle author? I means I was trying to register there but they have different plans what to chose? Hey Sandy not sure what you mean. I have a question about how to work with an editor when your editor does not use Scrivener.

Do you have specific advice on how to make that happen? Or should I ask the editor to buy a copy of Scrivener as well? For the small amount of money, you gain back hours of time, and save yourself hours of stress.

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You can export from Scrivener to Word and back again, but the formatting will get messed up for sure. Keep everything in Scrivener. The hurdle, IMHO, will be convincing the editor to invest the two hours or so needed to complete the Scrivener tutorial! As an introducing author I am most interested in keeping the interest of the reader and inspiring the reader to purchase additional copies for their loved and significant others, not unlike Don Miguel Ruiz.

Is this formula unusual, or is Ruiz following a tried and true method, that should not be ignored? Noam you rocked this post, really insightful outsourcing tips especially! As entrepreneurs we often end up thinking we have to do everything ourselves, a lot of things we need to leave to specialists and just focus on our strengths.

But — a book is a book is a book. Most hard copy books are now available in e-book form as well. An e-reader was one of the best purchases I made in the past little while. So if you want to write, just write. There are tips and tricks for the Kindle store specifically, but writing is writing. I see this as yet another block to my progress and wonder if there is any other way I can proceed as I have always wanted to write a book but never got round to it.

If there is any help you can offer then I would be grateful. I list my permanent address as being in Canada, though I currently live in Vietnam and am moving to Thailand soon. Basically what this does is it allows someone else you appoint on your behalf to make decisions for you. You decide which decisions.

How To Convert A Document From Word To Epub Or Mobi

So you can either then set up a transfer between your Chile and UK bank accounts, or keep withdrawing from the UK bank overseas. If you register your permanent address as in UK, all Kindle sales will be directly transferred via EFT electronically directly into your bank account. Hope these tips help you out! Glad to see these on my way to releasing my first book.

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I think using an editor is a controversial one. I have read both sides of the coin. People will look past a few typos. Also, I disagree that people will overlook typos. Other authors have written here and elsewhere about how having typos got them bad reviews. He re-arranged some stuff and made suggestions sure, but he was mostly checking for flow, grammar, and spelling editors. People pay for a product and expect something good. I have one objection, though: Are there editors willing to work for that little? You may even find some very skilled ones who are, and it sounds like you did for your book.

For the most part, with editing as with anything you get what you pay for. Thanks again for sharing your experience! I work with a lot of self-published authors, so it was great to hear from another successful one. Great points, perhaps I got lucky: I got my editor through a referral thanks to Mr. But while you can get some discrepancies on either end of the spectrum you pay a lot and get crap, you pay less and get amazing quality , I definitely agree on not skimping out, and you usually do get what you pay for.

Marketing is good, but if you use Amazon, they can do a lot for you… I had almost no mailing list and I did OK, but if I had a really really crappy product, nobody would buy it. One of my favorite quotes is by Srinivas Rao: Great article, thank you for your insights. Do you have any reccomendations for software that would format a photo heavy ebook? I am working on a guide to home fermenting and want to include photos and reciparees.

I am worried that formatting is gonna get ugly! Are you just saying there will be a lot of photos, or you have some sort of special layout in mind you want handled? When I read reviews of similar books one of the biggest complaints was not having a visual reference so users could see what the product would look like in each step.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! But again, Scrivener is quite powerful, so it should be able to handle whatever you throw at it. Noam, Thank you for your response. This is my first book so I am definitely stressing the small stuff! Scrivener looks like a great tool for getting organized. For books with illustrations and images Fixed Formatting seems to be the way to go.

It keeps your images locked in place with the text. Sean, That Steve Jobs quote was epic. Thanks, I think we all need to keep hearing about how hard this is and to fight for our books and our writing. You guys also convinced me to try Scrivener. BTW, for those posting the text of their books to Amazon Kindle…..

It was super clean, easy, and much easier than all other formats. Word does but it creates a mess of code. On writing the book you feel like writing….. I think the advice should be the opposite.

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Write what you have a passion for. Otherwise, if you are writing to just make money, and scanning the web for places to make a dime, you have sold yourself to the devil. Might as well go pick a career that does that makes big money. Writing should be for the passionate, those who love to write and have a story to tell. Otherwise, its just a con game and you are conning yourself and your readers. Thats just my two cents. Like I said in the article, you need a mix. Hence the whole concept of surveying your customers, readers, etc.

For example, a lot of my readers have problems being avoidant in their relationships and being afraid of intimacy. I found the 3rd point regarding advanced copies for reviews to be the most helpful. No worries Peter, glad you got something out of it! Thanks for writing this Noam, what a time saver this could be! Some great pointers for a newbie like me. Hi Noam, this was a fantastic read. Is there any advice you can offer specifically for self-publishing fiction? Or another resource you could point me to? While lots of this still applies to you, e. Hi Noam, Great article! I write self-help books, how to books and fiction.

I am going to take your advice and write with Scrivner on Windows 10 and wondered if you have heard of any issues. I have been using Word, but have heard of it crashing and losing files. Also does your copy editor edit in Scrivner? Could I have contact info for your editor? I am a retired artist, but want to make sure the cover is done right. I want to use pen names for my privacy and to be more diverse and marketable. Do you have any tips regarding pen names? When I asked him to I had transferred in to Word as I wrote above , then back to Scrivner baaad use of time.

Thanks for this encouraging article! I definitely feel my excitement around publishing with Kindle coming back. But reading this article really reawakened what I feel like has been a long dream, running a real book publishing business on kindle. I guess I should read Mastery of Mind.

It sounds like you know the fears I am dealing with, so maybe your book will help me take the leap. Thanks for putting your work out there, in spite of the mistakes and difficulties! Great article Noam, very informative. I launch my first book in about a month and some of the mistakes I made showed up here-great steer! Thanks for lots of great info, Noam. So… To publish it on Kindle, do I need to re-type the whole manuscript pps in book form? Any ideas what people in my position do? You can pay someone on Upwork a small fee to do it while you focus on the more important things ;.

I am SO glad I found this article! Very thoughtful, honest, and useful info. I really appreciated this post. I have been a ball of nerves trying to get things going. This information really helped me a lot. Would you happen to have a step by step list where you detail what your process was before publishing? Any advice would be helpful. Your email address will not be published. Take it away, Noam! The results were FAR beyond my expectations: Launch And First Month Stats: First month copies sold: Nearly First month revenue: All of your imported e-books can be sorted alphabetically by title or author, by series and number, date added, last read, number of pages, read or unread and by custom collection.

Your can manage your library collection by tapping on the Edit button in the menu bar; select one or more e-books you want, and then click on the Edit button again to choose from the available actions such as adding books to a custom reading list, marking books as read, or deleting them from your collection. Libraries can also be searched. Not only can you change and enlarge the font size of e-books, but you can also change the paragraph and line spacing, and choose to have text justified or unjustified. Text can also be read as two-column pages, and page orientation includes landscape mode.

Marvin includes dozens of background and text color combinations including Night mode to fit your taste and time of day.

How to lose the e-book wars

The finger gestures for navigating pages can also be changed, and you can even assign gestures for quickly changing the brightness or warmth of the reader, and for skipping ahead 5 or 10 pages. I especially like how Marvin shows the number of pages left in a chapter, which is a feature I wish all Kindle e-books included. In the general settings for Marvin you can set the e-reader to automatically launch the last opened book instead of the library, designate which items appear in the menu bar, make a direct link to your Dropbox account, and set email addresses for friends you want to share book titles and annotations with.

As with most e-readers, you can highlight text in Marvin using multiple-color highlighters. You can bookmark pages, add notes including copying and pasting text from a page , as well as share your annotations via email, Facebook, or Twitter. Unfortunately, the highlighting of books is a two-step process in Marvin, whereas in the Kindle and iBooks apps you can simply press your finger down on a spot on the page and slide it across to make a highlight. Marvin does however allow you to view all your bookmarks and highlights on a separate page, which makes for much easier reviewing than the small window that the Kindle app uses.

If there's an option to download a. PDF version of a Similar to the Kindle reader, Marvin also contains a Deep View feature that will scan your selected e-book and find supporting information about the names, places, characters, and other interesting information useful for getting more out of a book. The app even includes a built-in timer for setting how long you want to read. You may initially need to spend some time setting up Marvin to your liking, but after that you can just enjoy the reading experience it offers. Let us know what you think of Marvin and what features you would like to see added to your e-reader of choice.

Your email address will not be published. Annoying app that works OK but could be better. Too many brightness tint options to fiddle with when lighting changes.

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No page number of book rather several options for chapters, which most people never use or care about IMO. Lastly it's chintzy to charge as much for "themes" colors of the app as the app cost in the store. Cycledoc, when's the last time they updated the app? If it's been a while that may mean the developers have abandoned it.

I haven't used Marvin in a long while.