
Selling Yourself and Your Product: A Guide for Writers

You can easily do this through email, or through online forms like Typeform. Take the time to record a warm welcome video for your new supporters! In your video, first, congratulate your team for being selected and express gratitude for their help. Then, detail your expectations, your unique mission for writing your book , and why you want to share it with as many people as you can! Communicate with your team regularly to keep them focused on weekly tasks, progress, and innovative ideas by doing the following: Always make sure your team knows how grateful you are to them and their dedication!

You have to give them small assignments to help you with launching and the book marketing process in general. Your launch team will commit weeks of their time, energy, and talent, so make sure you thank each and every person for their contribution! Ensure that each person on your team feels valued and appreciated for their efforts. And most importantly, let them know how to get your book for free or at least at a deep discount! Which brings us to…. One of the most important factors in how successful your book launch is will be how you price it. To find out how to price your book for success, we recommend reading Book Launch.

All marketing—no matter which market or industry—is fundamentally about people and making connections. Part of pitching your book will be figuring out how your book relates to your readers and how they will benefit from it. Now that your book is out in the wild, you want to get as many people to it as possible. Here are the eight best strategies for doing just that. Can you imagine if you came home one day and your house was…missing? There is a huge difference. Having an author website is the difference between renting or buying a piece of property.

Maintaining your own website on a hosted server with your domain name is the same as having that piece of real estate. You can customize your site your way, publish your own content, and you are always in complete control of how it looks and what gets published. And you can also set up a Google Alert so you can be notified about where your name and your book show up online. There is a saying going around that says: A list of followers who are in love with your writing will be the first to line up when you have a new product to sell.

Your email list is yours. You control what you want to say, how you say it, and when. Imagine if every time you had a new book ready to launch, hundreds or thousands of people were waiting for it so they could get it first. Nothing else comes close. Although building a list takes time, in the long run it is the easiest way to market. These are the true fans that will get the word out and be the first to leave verified reviews after buying your new release at the special price of 0.

But that is just the beginning. You can continue to build your list by including a reader magnet at the front and back of your book. Get people hooked on your brand and then keep them there by writing your next book, and then, including them in your next launch. As your book reaches more people, and you get more signups, your marketing capacity grows…exponentially. When it comes to book promoting, nothing can have a bigger impact on your book than influencers through book endorsements. Influencers can be podcasters, bloggers, or authors with strong email lists.

An influencer is someone who has a lot of promotional weight and can spread the word about your book to thousands of people with just a brief mention to their email list, on their blog, or by sharing on social media, for example. Influencers have a long reach. What you can do is identify the influencers in your niche and reach out to them.

Tell them who you are and ask if they can help to promote your latest book. You can also offer to support their future endeavors as a way of giving back.

Influencers can have a major impact on your exposure as an author, so try to set up interviews in your hometown or reach out to someone online and offer to do an interview so you can deliver value to their target audience. For example, if you wrote a book on recipes for Italian food, you could try connecting with people in the Italian cooking niche. They may have a blog, podcast, or a webinar on which you want to appear. It's chock full of simple, non-manipulative sales techniques, presented in an easily-understood style with plenty of examples.

And it quite often leads to yet another no. However, when properly handled, even a half-dozen no s from a potential client can be redirected and converted to a yes without causing harm to the relationships that's being forged.

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This tactical, practical, and down to earth book explains why it's now essential in sales and marketing to be a "quick study. Our volatile economy either tumbles or booms. Interest rates go up and down. Legislation alters market dynamics. Political and economic unrest on the other side of the world affects decisions being made locally. You can't influence any of these things, yet they have a huge impact on your success Constant change is the new normal. As sellers, we're challenged to figure out how to thrive in this ever-evolving ecosystem. Nevertheless, this book is a clarion call for salespeople and marketers alike to interact with customers one-on-one, in person and on the telephone, rather than foolishly assume that social media and other sales technology will win you clients.

Linda pioneered the concept of consultative selling and founded the world's largest training firm, so she knows what she's writing about. They expect you to anticipate their needs and add to what they know. They look for insights, ideas, and know-how. For most salespeople, shifting their conversations from product to business challenges is a leap, not a tweak. If you held this camera in your hands, you would likely pull at the screen, extend the lens, and use the flash as you tested it out. But since you cannot hold the camera in your hands, the images do all of the poking and prodding for you.

The same can be said for images or videos that encourage touch. Understandably, you may not have a professional video service to prepare something so spectacular. But you can, at the very least, be sure to provide quality photos of your product that clearly display its benefits. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all for product copy. Instead, try to make your own description template. Take the time to consider the quality criteria that your target audience is looking for and be sure to include it in your descriptions.

Implement these rules on a set of your products and monitor the results. Pay attention to whether or not it helps increase your sales or boost your organic traffic. If the new product descriptions indeed increase sales, then go ahead and make similar changes to the rest of your products within your Shopify store.

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If not, then examine your changes and look for opportunities to improve them. These eight rules are based on consumer research and have been proven to be effective in increasing sales. And if you can convince your customers of that, then your sales will increase. Another way to get more sales is to bring more traffic with SEO and backlinks.

How to Write A Product Description That Sells (+4 examples)

Marquis Matson is a content marketer and writer. She is the founder of yaySEO , a boutique professional SEO service for Shopify owners and e-commerce sites, where you can download a free keyword tracker worksheet to optimize your online shop. She lives in Ecuador and loves the nomadic lifestyle. Black Friday sales are here. Christmas sales are coming. Give yourself the best chance of Black Friday and Cyber Monday used to ReferralCandy is a product of Anafore Pte. Best Practices and Guides. CandyBar — Digital Loyalty Cards. But… Even though it holds incredible power, good product copy can be hard to write.

Know Who Your Target Audience is The first step to writing product descriptions is to define your target audience. How did this person arrive to your page? What are his or her interests, generally? Why would this person be interested in your Shopify store, specifically?

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How would this person describe the product to a friend? What features or benefits would interest this person the most? Focus on the Product Benefits As a business owner, you are understandably excited to share all of the qualities of your products. You can sample this scent without investing in a bigger, more expensive candle. It is the perfect size for small moments throughout the day.

Book Marketing: How to Strategically Market Your Book for More Sales

It is a great addition to a bigger focal point, such as a centerpiece at dinner parties. It is safe and easy to use.

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How do you do this? When it comes to telling a story in your product description, try to answer these questions Who originally made this product? What inspired them to make this product? What was the journey of making this product? Or does it sound like a computer-generated string of words?

Use Power Words That Sell There are certain words and phrases that naturally elicit an emotional response in humans. You can do this by making your descriptions super scannable. Optimize for Search Engines In virtually everything that you do on your Shopify store, you should be optimizing the content for search engines.