
XIII Asamblea Nacional de Graduados Sociales (Spanish Edition)

Factores antimicrobianos en la leche materna. Ejercen actividad microbicida contra la Escherichia coli. Previene contra infecciones respiratorias agudas. Tienen actividad bactericida y realizan fagocitosis de microorganismos. Estas hormonas oxitocina y endorfinas al producir bienestar y placer tienen un efecto directo sobre la inmunidad, tanto en su parte activa como pasiva. Lactancia materna en el mundo de hoy. Servicios nacionales de salud: Sistema de libertad de empresa: Esto contrasta con lo que ocurre en los tercermundistas, donde el mayor porcentaje de los galenos se concentran en las zonas urbanas lo cual deja en franca desventaja a los habitantes de las regiones rurales.

Temas de Medicina General Integral. Efectividad sobre la lactancia materna. Instituto Cubano del Libro, McGraw -Hill Interamericana, Development of the immune system in neonates. J Neonatol ;2 2: Forum Mundial de Salud ;1 2 Lactancia materna e inmunidad. A wide literature review on the oral and dental health promotion in primary school students which comprised elements related to the referencial field of Odonto-Pediatrics, a responsibility of the stomatology staff that assists boys and girls, the prevention of oral and dental conditions, the education for health and others was carried out.

It was concluded that the educational intervention is an effective and appropriate method to acquire and increase knowledge on oral health, as it makes possible that the students from one or another sex, besides transmitting it to members of their families and other schoolmates, become true oral health promoters in their community environment. Esta surge de las necesidades e impulsa al hombre a realizar actividades para satisfacerlas.

Tiene el inconveniente de no poder utilizarse si existen restauraciones de porcelana y resinas compuestas, ya que pueden producir pigmentaciones. Se utiliza de acuerdo con el grado de riesgo identificado de las siguientes formas: Las soluciones disponibles con mayor frecuencia son las de fluoruro de sodio neutro. El concepto de salud. Oral health profile of education and health professionals attending handicapped children. Pesqui Odontol Bras ;7 1: Saude Bucal do pre-escolares Piracicoba Brasil Rev Saude Publica ;37 2: Motivacao no controle do biofilme dental e sangramento gingival em escolares.

Int Dent Journal ; 54 5: Changes in oral health status of years old school children in Portugal Community. Rev Asoc Odontol Argent ;93 1: Oral Health Promotion in the childhood and adolescence: Bib Fac Ododntol Sao Paulo, Rev Hig Aliment ;18 Enfoque comunitario de la caries dental. Fluor and community health: Polarization of dental caries in a city without fluoridated water. Saude Publica ;19 1: The effective use of fluorides in public Herat. Bull World Health Org. Au Odontoesmatal ;21 3: Recomendaciones sobre el uso de fluoruros para prevenir y controlar la caries dental en los Estados Unidos.

The clinical case of a patient with bruxism is reported, in whom an acrylic intraoral splint of permanent use was placed, while she was treated by specialists in dental prosthesis to eliminate the cause of that habit and to prevent potential sequelae. The use of the unload splint allowed to perform occlusal adjustment and to eliminate pain, dental mobility and other symptoms and signs attributable to this dysfunction, reason why it is recommended as a viable therapeutic alternative in similar situations.

Dientes perdidos 44, 34, 14 y Paladar ovoide, no torus palatino. Rev Odontol ;12 2: Risk factors for sleep bruxism in the general population. Chest ; 19 1: Clin Odon Nor Amer;3: An update on conventional fixed bridges. Part I;patient assesment and selection. Fabrication of a fixed partial denture in the class II partial edentulous mandible using the UCLA abutment,a clinical report. J Prosthodont ;3 3: Consideraciones sobre patogenia y tratamiento del bruxismo. The clinical case of an 11 year-old patient, with a history of diabetes mellitus type I who began to present spots of dark red color in the skin similar to contusions arms, forehead and legs for 3 months is detailed.

She was discharged with a specific therapeutic plan and indications for clinical follow-up in the respective hematologic and pediatric Endocrinology visits. Splenectomy for immune thrombocytopenic purpura: Long-term results and treatment of postsplenectomy relapses. Div Hematol Intern Med ;1: N Engl J ; Long-term observation of adults with chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

Ann J Med ; Lippincott William and Wilkins; Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter ;22 2 6. Clinically significant newly presenting autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura in adults. A prospective study of a population-based cohort of patients. Br J Hematol ; Khadwal A , Deepthi N. Association of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and type 1 diabetes mellitus in a patient with sarcoidosis. Nihon Rinsho Meneki Gakkai Kaishi. Virologic, immunologic, and genetic factors in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Calle 8, reparto Fomento, Santiago de Cuba.

The clinical case of a 55 year-old white patient is reported, who went to the outpatient department of Gastroenterology because of diarrheas for around a year, diffuse abdominal pain, loss of weight, asthenia and anorexia. Tissue examinations revealed a multiple lymphomatous polyposis of the gastrointestinal tract, which partially improved its symptoms and signs by receiving chemotherapy sessions. Hemograma con diferencial y constantes corpusculares: Se indica tratamiento con quimioterapia. Existe una enorme controversia en cuanto al tratamiento de estos y factores tales como: Gastrointestinal lymphoma in adults: Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue and other gastrointestinal lymphomas.

Curr Opin Gastroenterol ; Lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract. Sem Oncol ; Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract: J Clin Oncol ; Alpha-heavy chain disease, mediterranean lymphoma and immunoproliferative small intestine disease. A review of clinicopathological features, pathogenesis and differential diagnosis.

Am J Gastroenterol ; World Health Organization classification of neoplastic diseases of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues: J Clin Oncol ; Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. Rafael Escalona Veloz 1.

Labor employment

The Cuban Ministry of Public Health has drawn as a strategy the achievement of excellence in health care, necessarily including the quality in health services rendered; aspects considered in the concept of Revolution defined by the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and extrapolated to the care environment so that it is fully known by all the health sector workers. Como se sabe, el Che sintetiza todo su pensamiento acerca de la calidad en una frase ya legendaria y que se re pite hasta la saciedad, al extremo de haberla convertida en una consigna: Hoy se materializan esas certeras palabras en todas las instituciones de salud.

Planificar, hacer, chequear y actuar. Instituto de Fomento Regional. Calidad en las empresas de servicios. Guanabacoa,3 de enero de Ciudad Deportiva,La Habana,15 de abril de Reglamento general de hospitales. The objective of this work is to honor the memory of Dr. La noticia fue recibida por todos con profunda tristeza: Sus cualidades como ser humano le hicieron merecedor de integrar las filas del Partido Comunista de Cuba como fundador.

Maestro de varias generaciones, el Dr. Finlay " y Medalla "Manuel ' Piti ' Fajardo". Eternamente recordaremos al admirado y querido Maestro. A descriptive and longitudinal study was conducted to evaluate the impact of the teaching-learning process of the First Degree of Clinical Laboratory on the quality of the services rendered in 49 clinical laboratories during Indicators were compared in 2 moments through an observation list, interviews to patients and report of the external control of quality estimated in average values. In all laboratories the internal control of the quality, control of reproducibility, confirmation of pathological examinations and the correct use of measurement units in the medical prescription were made.

The external control of the quality was improving progressively all the year round and yielding more reliability, better standardization of methods and littler differences among the results of laboratories.

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Fueron utilizados todos los informes del control externo de la calidad realizados desde febrero hasta septiembre del Variable cuantitativa, indicador de calidad que se realiza cuando el educando informa estas alteraciones. Variable cualitativa, indicador de calidad que se realiza pasando la misma muestra a todos los laboratorios del estado. Informe de resultados con las unidades de medida correctas. Informe de resultados con los valores de referencia. El modelo de la actividad. Clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory methods.

Revista Cubana Educ Med Sup ;17 1: Quality specifications in EQA schemes: Clin Chim ; 1: The used sources of information were medical records and results of arterial gasometry. Los datos fueron interpretados y tabulados de acuerdo con las normas establecidas para cada tipo de variable operacional y se presentaron en tablas de doble entrada. Edad promedio de los pacientes: PaO 2 real promedio mmHg.

Manual de gases en sangre. Reparto Mariana de la Torre, Santiago de Cuba. Verticalizado en Cuidados Intensivos.

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Entre las principales variables analizadas figuraron: Among the main analyzed variables are age, occupation, educational status and others relating to the level of knowledge, such as approaches to identify a persistent diarrhea and their causes, signs of dehydration in the infant, preparation forms of oral rehydration salts and conduct to observe at home until arriving at the hospital.

Los datos fueron expuestos en tablas de doble entrada. Resultados similares obtuvo Baute et al 7 en un trabajo realizado en el Rev Cubana Pediatr ;36 2: Bol Hosp San Juan de Dios 19 9 9;37 2: Estado Mundial de la Infancia. Rev Cubana Enfermer ;17 1: Conocimiento y manejo de la diarrea aguda por las madres.

Bol of Sanit Panam ; 2: Enfermedad diarreica aguda y persistente y sus consecuencias nutricionales en infantes de Guatemala. Arch Latinoam Nutr ;39 3: Rev Cubana Pediatr ;77 1: Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Norte. The highest incidence rate for inhabitants was registered in II Frente municipality 29,0 and the largest number of cases 64 in Santiago de Cuba municipality. Only 21 patients were included in the risk occupational categories agricultural and cattle activities. The clinical manifestations consisted in fever, migraine and arthromyalgias. The severely-ill patients had lung, heart, hepatic and renal complications.

La enfermedad es conocida por diferentes nombres: Insuficiencia renal aguda IRA. Las formas graves pueden presentar intenso compromiso hepatorrenal que puede terminar con la muerte del paciente. Clinic Internal Medicine Review. Clinical diagnosis and geographic distribution of leptospirosis Thailand. Emerging Infectious Diseases ;13 1: Rev Cubana Med Trop ;54 1: World Health Organization Rev Soc Bras Med Trop ;36 2: Leptospirosis in the family dog: Canadian Medical Association Journal ; 4: Reconquista Santa Fe Rev Arg Microbiol ; 34 3: Severe pulmonary haemorrhage accompanying hepatorrenal failure in fulminant leptospirosis.

Int J Clin Pract ;61 1: An open,randomized,controlled trial of penicillin,doxycycline and cefotaxime for patients with severe leptospirosis. Clinical Infectious Diseases ; What role do coagulation disorders play in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis? Tropical Medicine and International Health ;12 1: Los resultados de las acciones educativas para modificar esa actitud inadecuada fueron muy favorables, al ser considerados como altamente significativos.

The results of educational actions to modify that inappropriate conduct were very favorable as they were considered highly significant. La presencia de cualquiera de estos elementos debe considerarse como signo de alto riesgo en el individuo que los presenta. Rev Cubana Med Mil ;35 2: El suicidio y los intentos suicidas.

Factores predisponentes y precipitantes en pacientes atendidos por conducta suicida. Rev Cubana Med Milit ;34 1: Psycosocial factors associated with adolescent boys report of dating violence. Inter alia, removes requirement for applicants for Croatian citizenship of having resided in Croatia for at least 5 years. Labour Relations Act of 8 April Establishment of a labour relationship recruitment, duration of the relationship, trainees, etc. Rights, obligations and responsibilities under an employment relationship assignment and transfer of workers, hours of work, night work, holidays, maternity leave, protection of young and of disabled workers, wages, etc.

Obligations of workers discipline, suspension of the employment relationship, etc. Termination of an employment relationship notice, etc. Protection of workers' rights dispute settlement, arbitration, etc. Trade unions, employers and collective agreements right to join, rights of the trade union representative, collective bargaining, registration of collective agreements, etc.

Supervision of the implementation of workers' rights complaints to the labour inspection. Special provisions workers' employment booklet, labour relations of seamen, work in separate workplaces, employment relationships of farmers, contract work, etc. Transitional and final provisions repeals, applicable regulations. Act on Administrative Disputes. Zakon o upravnim sporovima - Adoption: Provides for judicial protection of the rights of citizens and legal entities and with respect to administrative disputes.

Defines the tasks of the Chamber of Commerce inter alia representing its members' interests on State bodies, developing international commercial relations, initiating collective agreements and assisting in the creation of companies. Provides for the organization of the Chamber of Commerce into four bodies, defining their functions.

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Constitutional Act of 4 December on human rights and liberties and on rights of ethnic and national communities or minorities in Croatia Consolidation Text No. Provides for human rights and liberties, cultural autonomy and other rights of ethnic and national communities or minorities, proportional participation in representative bodies, and international control and cooperation. Decision of 8 October on sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Croatia. This Act shall regulate the procedural rules under which courts shall hear and decide disputes over the basic rights and obligations of man and citizen, over personal and family relations and in labour, commercial, property and other civil law disputes, if the law does not prescribe for some of these disputes that the court shall resolve them subject to the rules of some other procedure.

Regulations of 10 September on labour relations, employment, social care, pension and invalidity insurance, children benefit and protection of victims in the event of war or direct danger for the independance and the unity of the Republic of Croatia. Act of 26 June to treat federal Acts concerning labour relations and employment that are applied in Croatia as Acts of the Republic Text No.

Concerns several acts such as the Act on fundamental rights deriving from labour relation, the Act on conditions to conclude a labour relation with foreign citizens, the Act on protection of Yugoslav citizens temporarily working abroad, and the Act on registers in the field of labour. Act on Croatian citizenship of 26 June Croatian citizenship may be acquired by origin, birth in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, by naturalization, or in accordance with international treaties.

Persons may be naturalized as Croatian citizens if, inter alia, they have lived in Croatia for five years before filing an application, and they are proficient in the Croatian language and accept Croatian culture. Declaration of 25 June regarding the establishment of the sovereign and independent Republic of Croatia. Charter on the rights of the Serbs and other nationalities in the Republic of Croatia of 25 June Constitutional Act of 22 December for the implementation of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia.

Constitution of the Republic of Croatia of 20 December Ustava Republike Hrvatske - Adoption: The Republic of Croatia is a democratic and social state Art.

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  • Forced labour is forbidden Art. Everyone has the right to work and is free to choose his vocation and occupation Art. All employers and employees have the right to form employers' organisations and trade unions and freely join and leave them Art. The right to strike is guaranteed Art. International agreements concluded and ratified in accordance with the Constitution and made public are part of the Republic's internal legal order and are with respect to their legal effect above the law. Cuba - General provisions - Law, Act. Autoridades de trabajo Disposiciones especiales Disposiciones transitorias Disposiciones finales.

    Cuba - General provisions - Miscellaneous circular, directive, legal notice, instruction, etc. Consta de dos anexos: Cuba - General provisions - Regulation, Decree, Ordinance. Reglamento General sobre Relaciones Laborales. Interruptos y disponibles Anexo. Cuba - General provisions - Constitution. Ley de Reforma Constitucional. Cuba - General provisions - International agreement. Establece diversas modalidades de contrato de trabajo: Se consideran como contratos especiales al "contrato de trabajo en condiciones especiales de aprendizaje" y al "contrato de trabajo a domicilio".

    Incluye modelos de contratos. Dictado de conformidad con el decreto-ley 92 de 22 mayo , este reglamento trata en su cap. II de la responsabilidad material, en el cap. VIII, del procedimiento para exigir la responsabilidad material y en el cap. Jornada laboral de ocho horas, descanso semanal y vacaciones anuales pagadas art. Se establece la iniciativa popular en materia de leyes. Organos locales del poder popular: Asambleas provinciales, Asambleas municipales y Consejos populares. Cyprus - General provisions - Law, Act. More specifically, article 2 repeals para 2 of article 7 of the Constitution; article 3 and 4 amend the phrasing of para 3 of article 11 and para i of article 47 of the Constitution; article 5 repeals para m of article 48 of the Constitution; article 6 repeals para m of article 49 of the Constitution and articles 7, 8 and 9 amend the phrasing of para 4 of article 53, para 2 of article 83 and para 2 of article of the Constitution, respectively.

    The present Law amends the Law on the Establishment, Activities and Supervision of Funds for Occupational Retirement Provision, for the purposes of harmonizing the national legislation: Article 2 of the present Law supplements 1st phrase of article 2, by adding the following new terms and definitions: Article 3 supplements paragraph b of 1st phrase of article 3, by adding new subparagraph iv , worded as follows: Article 4 supplements article 36, by adding, after 1st phrase, new phrase 1A, concerning the monitoring responsibilities of the tax collector with regard to the Funds.

    Article 5 replaces 1st phrase of article 38 with new one, regarding the appointment of investment managers in other Member States. Article 2 amends article of the Constitution, by amending the wording of paragraphs 1, 4, 5 and 6; by adding, after paragraph 1, new paragraph 1A, worded as follows: Article 3 introduces transitional provisions. Article 2 provides for the definition of the following terms: Article 3 lays down the freedom of expression of political convictions.

    Article 4 provides for the right to participate in political parties. Article 5 prohibits the power abuse of a position and the exercise of influence. Article 6 frames the candidature for an office incompatible with the employee status. Article 7 frames the investment of an office incompatible with the employee status.

    Article 8 regulates the readmission of an employee into the Service. Article 2 amends 3rd phrase of article 3, by adding, after the phrase "irrevocable judgments of an international tribunal", the new phrase "or with a unanimous decision or a unanimous resolution of the House of Representatives". For the purposes of compliance with the EU law, it amends article 11 of the Constitution regarding the arrest or detention of persons without entry permit into the Republic of Cyprus, of aliens against whom deportation or extradition has been ordered and of citizens of the Republic of Cyprus in view of extradition under a European warrant of arrest.

    Area of implementation 4. Threat of terrorist offence 7. Participation in terrorist organization 8. Support to a terrorist organization 9. Theft, blackmail, forgery related to terrorist offence Refusal to unveil information Direction, structure of terrorist organization Public provocation to commit a terrorist offence Abatement, attempt, complicity Legal person's responsibility Publication of lists Measures of leniency in specific cases Reparation for victims of terrorist offences Ban of entrance in the territory of the Republic Collection, exchange of information Selection of a national reporter on terrorism issues in Eurojust Financial Commissioner and Assistant Financial Commissioner 8.

    Mandate of the Commissioner Right to submit a complaint Submission of complaint to a financial company Submission of complaint to the Commissioner Examination of the complaint by the Commissioner Fund and economic means of the Institution Payment of the fixed annual contribution, individual contribution and other liabilities Responsibilities of the Institution Title of the Institution Coordination with bodies of other member states and with the relevant supervisory authorities False statements and information concealment It amends the following articles of the Companies Act It stipulates that the competent authority for the implementation of this Protocol, is the Minister of Defense.

    It includes the full text of the Optional Protocol in the Annexes. Brings the Convention into force of law in Cyprus.

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    Copy of the Convention is included in the Law in English. Cyprus signed the Convention on the 16th of May and ratified the it on the 24th of October Law 95 I of , concerning the public financial assistance and services. The Law deals with a number of issues including: Definitions the "single parents", "voluntary unemployed persons" and to "persons with disabilities". Grant of public financial assistance Article 4: Public financial assistance for specific occasions Article 5: Decision on eligibility Article 6: Decision on the amount of the assistance Article Determination and re-examination of the amount of financial assistance Article Return of financial assistance Article Authority concerning the expenses for repatriation of foreign citizen Article Financial assistance for child-birth.

    Provides for the establishment of a member Council responsible for defining and planning strategies on industrial development. Law 13 I of , for setting up a framework of action in the field of the protection of water resources. Introductory Provisions Chapter II: Introduces the necessary provisions for the transposition into national law of the European Community acquis regarding the right to free movement and establishment of persons in the Republic of Cyprus. Provides for exemptions for reasons of public order and public health and safety. Provides for the way personal data is to be processed as well as the rights of the person to whom the data belongs, including the right to be informed, to access information and to object.

    Act No 87 I of to amend the acts of and concerning the protection of competition. Act I of to codify the general principles of Administrative Law which govern public administration acts. Provides for dispositions concerning administrative acts, the principle of legitimacy, collective administrative organs, the reasoning of administrative acts, the right to report, the principle of equality, the principles of natural justice, the right to exercise discretionary power, the principles of honourable administration, and compliance of the administration to the decisions of the Supreme Court and the res judicata.

    Prohibits abusive exploitation by enterprises holding an exclusive or preferential role in trade. Governs elections, organization and administration of the Districts and the Communes. Also governs Communes as employers of ordinary and extra staff. Amendments providing for the conditions for obtaining or retaining Cypriot nationality.

    Governs investment plans of international and multinational enterprises operating in the Republic of Cyprus. Provides dispositions concerning, inter alia, the right to work, the right to just conditions of work, the right to safe and healthy working conditions, the right to fair remuneration, the right to bargain collectively, the rights of children and young persons to protection, the right of employed women to maternity protection, the right to vocational training, the right to social security, the right to social and medical assistance, the right to benefit from social welfare services, and the right of persons with disabilities to independence, social integration and participation in the life of the community.

    Defines conditions for concentration of enterprises of major importance in order to protect the market from unfair competition and illegal trade. Provides for control of such industrial concentrations by the State. Numerous amendments which in certain cases provide for lifetime imprisonment in lieu of the death sentence. Other amendments concern high treason, conspiracy, and piracy. Cyprus - General provisions - Constitution. Second amendment of the Constitution Law of No. An Act to amend Acts Nos.

    Cyprus Companies Law, Cap. Regulates commercial operations within the country including incorporation and registration of companies, share capital and debentures, management and administration, liquidation and winding up of companies as well as penalties for violations of the Law.


    General provisions Part II. Offences against public order Part III. Offences against the administration of lawful authority Part IV. Offences injurious to the public in general Part V. Offences against the person Part VI. Offences relating to property Part VII.

    Forgery, coining, counterfeiting, similar offences and impersonation Part IX. Attempts and conspiracies to commit crimes Part X. Constitution of 6 April Under Article 1, it is provided that Cyprus is an independent sovereign Republic with a presidential system of government. Executive power is vested in the President of the Republic, elected by universal suffrage to a five-year term of office.

    The President exercises executive power through a Council of Ministers appointed by him. Part II of the Constitution sets out broad range of human rights. These cover both individual and social rights, including inter alia the right to life, prohibition of torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, prohibition of slavery or forced labour and the right to education.

    Other rights include the right to a decent existence and social security, the right to work, the right to enter into any contract, the right to form and join trade unions and the right to strike. Czech Republic - General provisions - Law, Act. The amendments ensure equality of treatment between employees that benefit from a regular work contract and employees on short term employment contracts who are employed for a performance of a specific task and whose work contract ends with the task.

    Amends almost all sections of the Labour Code Act No.

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    In addition to amendments to existing sections, the text adds the following sections: The Act repeals section 16 of Decree No. Also amends - Act No. The amendments modify the eligibility, amounts and computation of entitlements of different benefits in the competence of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

    Amends following sections of the Act No. Amends following sections of the Labour Code: All the amendments concern supranational labour organizations and supranational labour negotiations. Consolidated version of the Act No. Publishes the consolidated version of the Employment Act up-to-date as of 16 March Criminal Code Act No.

    Applicability of criminal law Sections 1 - 11 Head II: Circumstance precluding wrongfulness of an act Sections 28 - 32 Head IV: Disappearance of criminal responsibility Sections 33 - 35 Head V: Criminal sanctions Sections 36 - Head VI: Crimes against life and health Sections - Head II: Crimes against freedom and against right to protect personality, privacy and secret of correspondence Sections - Head III: Crimes against human dignity related to sexuality Section - Head IV: Crimes against family and children Sections - Head V: Crimes against property Sections - Head VI: Crimes against environment Sections - Head IX: Crimes against Czech Republic, foreign country and international organization Sections - Head X: Crimes against public order Sections - Head XI: The Labour Code Act No.

    Consolidated version of Act No. Protection of economic competition Head I: Introductory provisions Head II: Agreements hindering economic competition Head III: Dominant position and its abuse Head IV: Merger of competitors Head V: Duty of silence and protection of trade secret Head IX: Common, delegatory, transitory and abrogatory provisions Part Four: Regulates activity of organs of central and local government when exercising their public administration prerogatives. The procedures concerning, inter alia, work issues are excluded.

    Introductory provisions Part Two: Employment Intermediary Services Part Three: Employment of Disabled Persons Part Four: Employment of Employees from Abroad Part Five: Active Employment Policy Part Six: Inspection Activities Part Eight: Common, Transitory and Final Provisions.

    Makes compatible with EU directives provisions concerning equal treatment of all employees and prohibition of discrimination. Defines direct and indirect discrimination and sexual harassment. Aligns with the EU law provisions concerning fixed-term employment, in order to prevent an indefinite series of fixed-term contracts section Provides for modalities of remuneration of employees who refrain from lucrative activity for a year in accordance with the competition clause section 29a.

    Amends several labour and social security laws. Amends, inter alia, the Labour Code regarding "Employment agencies" articles 38a and 38b. Regulates inter alia the conditions under which the State supports voluntary service and the organization of voluntary service. Defines who is eligible to be a volunteer.