
Unbridled and Unridden [The Double Rider Mens Club 4] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Oh, and I'm funny.

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One of my goals in life is to make people laugh. I'd say it isn't as much a mood as a need. I have no less than ten story ideas floating in my head at one time, and when dialogue and scenes build up, they need to escape.

Franklin Schaffner

I merely sit down and let them out. I guess it's fair to say I'm always in the mood to write. I try to write every day, but life gets in the way hey, check it out, I made a rhyme. I don't stick to a rigid writing schedule unless I'm on a deadline. If something is due, I put butt in chair and fingers on keyboard until I'm finished. This is the question I get asked most often as a writer.

My story ideas come from absolutely everywhere.

Lara Santiago - BookStrand | Bestselling Erotic Romance eBooks

I never know when a newspaper article, movie, television show, commercial, or a conversation between strangers ahead of me in a line will spark an idea for a story. Is that even an option? Okay, okay in between writing books, I love to read and I adore going to the movies.

Billionaire Brothers - Complete Series. Brides of Bachelor Bay Collection. The American Soldier Collection Ask Me No Questions. Bound by Their Kisses. The Badlands Complete Trilogy. Bride of the Furies. Vivienne's Space Pirate Trio.

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When the three come together, it's pure magic, and she agrees to move in. When she fetches her things from home, she finds the escaped robber waiting to kill her. She's the only living witness to his crime.

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