
Kirkpatrick Then and Now

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A lot of good work has been done in the field of training evalaution by many people, but very few are willing to take on the task. It's hard and often takes a good deal of courage to see that what you thoght was 'great training" really isn't worth much. This is a surprisingly easy read. This book doesn't pretend to be a detailed "how-to" book. The "then" aprt of the book serves first as a remidner that trainers need to a business case, results and partnership, to be viable and relevant.

The familiar 'four levels' learner reaciton, learning measures, changed behavior, results still hold up as an easy-to-grasp framework for evalaution. In the "Now" part, Kirkpatrick offers some high-level models to help make this happen. The author offers Five Principles: If you're not considering evaluating your training, start here and use the the many reosurcesout there to help provide value and ensure your positon in your organzation. If you're an apprentice or expert at training evaluation, this book can help you get back to basics and remind you how it started and what you're trying to accomplish.

Obviously, I'm a big proponent of evaluation as well as assessment and design. I also recommend books on performance consulting to help you get focused and started in realizing the awesome potential of training and development. One person found this helpful.

A skeptic by nature I was unsure of this book but decided to read after attending Wendy's seminar on Training on Trial and I must admit I am pleasantly surprised. If you are a trainer or anybody involved in training, you must read this book. It is an eye opener as to what has happened and what changes are currently happening in the 21st century. I can tell you this book will help you be successful and prepared for what is coming.

The Future of Evaluation. The truth is, evaluation is an intregal part of the entire process, beginning with assessment. The Kirkpatricks present a fascinating look at the development of the classic Kirkpatrick Model, but, more importantly, present the New Kirkpatrick Model. This new model focuses on the crucial role of the business partners, the determination of the Return on Expectations ROE , and the importance of creating a compelling Chain of Evidence. I know from first-hand experience. Having been a part of the training and development environment and industry for over 20 years I was "raised" to fully believe and work in the ADDIE model.

To a fault, I knowingly avoided other models however after reading this book I feel I may have created training with blinders on. I want to thank Dr. Jim and Wendy for sharing the evolution of their father's vision and foresight with me and anyone who reads this book of which, I highly recommend.

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I was fortunate enough to meet Wendy and listen to the newest rendition of their work, "Training on Trial" and anxiously await it's release to further my education. The relevance of this work will last well beyond my tenure. Some things stand the test of time and the Four Levels is one of those. In the current business environment it's more important than ever to be able to prove value by showing hard number results which is at the heart of the Kirkpatrick model.

As the saying goes talk is cheap - but the nuts and bolts information in "Kirkpatrick Than and Now" is a priceless resource for training professionals. This book that takes a fresh look at the Kirkpatrick model of evaluating training impact and is a must read for anyone involved with or interested in learning and development.

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Wendy Kirkpatrick (Author of Kirkpatrick Then and Now)

Translate to English Translate to English Impressum. We are unable to find iTunes on your computer. To download from the iTunes Store, get iTunes now. Since the Kirkpatrick Four Levels were first published in November , they have become the industry standard for training evaluation. They have also been widely misunderstood.

The unedited text of the original four articles is included in this book. Don Kirkpatrick himself tells the story of where the four levels came from, assisted by others like Jack Phillips who were key in the growth of the model.

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