
Shit My (Wifes) Dog Does

Admittedly, I had a pair of gerbils, but our nurturing relationship primarily revolved around sunflower seeds. Another plus was that when she jumped into bed, she really did only want a cuddle. We went hillwalking and shopping, sallied forth on day trips and nights out. As this was clearly untenable for both of us, I moved in with my boyfriend and his two cats.

A year later, Betty and I swam in the sea together at Camber Sands, after I discovered I was pregnant with my first child. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. Loyal friend, constant companion, recidivist scavenger, she lived to a ripe old age until we had to put her to sleep, aged We still have her ashes in a casket. She died late last year, aged seven, of chronic kidney disease, which retrospectively explained much of her hysterical behaviour. Her ashes are also in a casket. Having mourned her slow decline, we swiftly decided to succeed not replace her with not one but two Manchester Terrier puppies, a quirky, rare British breed that we had grown to love.

Well, it did to us.

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Why have one dog when you can have two? So in January we opened our home and our hearts to littermates Otto and Mabel, and the family fun quotient has soared. Yes, there is occasional wee on the floor and poop to be scooped up in the garden. B ut the joy and the affection make it all worthwhile. Writing this, I asked my husband if he loved the dogs more than he loved me. Dogs, I genuinely believe, bring out the best in us.

Why is My Dog Destroying My House?

We urge you to turn off your ad blocker for The Telegraph website so that you can continue to access our quality content in the future. She looks like a sweetheart, it's a good thing her fate isnt decided at a glance by the mob mentality of armchair judges. People say a lot of things on Reddit threads that they think will get them upvotes. I doubt any of them really mean the hateful stuff. Super sweet it seems, too. When you were doooooown on yer throne and need someone to sympathise There's a rat dog with faaaaaaaaar apart eyes.

Des Moines freelance writer

That's ears back, maximize apparent eye size, pathetic mode. Does she do this when she wants something or when you are leaving? Why do you call it your 'wife's dog'? Why not 'ours' or whatever. As a non-american, this kind of possessive culture confuses me, can you explain? You, Human, yes you We had a pact. My people would hunt alongside your man-packs and together we would secure this world.

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My people upheld our end of this sacred agreement. For thousands of years we have served loyally. Why have you betrayed us like this? Just want to mention that no matter what, this is still a breathing living being. All dogs need love. For all the nasty comments about killing the dog in the photo.

You don't deserve to ever have any type of dog ever. Not only is this dog cute, but I'm sure it's sweet. I see no difference in someone saying big dogs are superior dogs because they're not rat dogs. As to someone saying "this" race is the superior race because it's not "said race". Do you walk him? Maybe he thinks he's walking you Looks like you didn't make it to the toilet in time and this thing rolled out of your pant leg.

Dogs feel very vulnerable when they poop, and assume Humans feel the same way. This dog worries for your mental health, and is doing what it can to help you!

Ron White - Sluggo

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My wife's rat dog doesn't let me poop in peace : funny

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This thing looks stillborn. Shit'll fuck you up, man. Those tiny teeth do damage. I have a suuurprise for you! I was thinking the same damn thing!