
Lyrically We

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Lorde is only 20, but she's already writing powerful lyrics about love and heartbreak. We're celebrating the release of new album "Melodrama" with our favorites. But Lorde is only 20 years old and those other elegies were written by people far more seasoned in the art of tainted love.

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That gives "Melodrama" a freshness — the sound of a new wound healing in real time with no past experiences to buffer the damage. So we gathered 20 lyrics from the entire Lorde discography you can use to help make sense of the world.

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You will either heal or break up for good. And whatever happens will be the right thing to do. So keep that in mind before sending a poorly timed late-night text. It is the musical equivalent of a warm cup of hot chocolate in the middle of a crisis. This moving soundtrack from the movie, Selma, almost instills in you an ethereal feeling of hope and triumph when you listen. This haunting melancholy tune describes insecurities before memorable, gospel-inflected chorus offers hope and encouragement.

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The effortlessly graceful lyrics from the soothing voice of the lead singer will leave you feeling Lifted. Put this on, yell the lyrics at the top of your voice because anything is possible, and this will encourage you to march on no matter what. The song is about hope, love, perseverance and, mostly, faith. This ballad from the musical animated feature, The Prince of Egypt will leave you with so much drive and determination to believe in yourself.

You could probably listen to this ten times, and find a new nugget of pure genius motivational fire in the lyrics each time. Guaranteed to pump you up. Latest Stories What is new? The Inspired Gift Guide December 6, You may also enjoy: February 25, at 9: I use a modified version of his method.

35 Inspirational Songs With Lyrics To Motivate And Inspire You

That was a lot of work! Each step compounds the next. Go through the different words and phrases in your list and turn them over in your mind. What associations do you have? What life experiences, memories, stories, connotations, facts, and ideas come to you? It can also help to pair words together from your list, and search for ideas in those pairings.

James Webb Young describes excellently what this process feels like:. Little tentative or partial ideas will come to you. Put these down on paper. Never mind how crazy or incomplete they seem: These are foreshadowings of the real idea that is to come, and expressing these in words forwards the process.

This gets your subconscious working hard on the problem in the background, ready to deliver up fresh creative ideas.

20 Lorde Lyrics That Can Help You Understand Life

Your subconscious will keep working on your lyric in the background, but you need to rest your conscious mind so you can be receptive to ideas when you sit back down at your desk. Stop working on your idea entirely. Instead, take this time to rest: