
Gesundheitsbetriebslehre. Management von Gesundheitsunternehmen (German Edition)

Al-Dajani, Haya and Marlow, S. Routledge Series of Master Texts on Entrepreneurship: Opportunities and challenges in exile.

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Women in the Global South. The Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting. International Small Business Journal, 28 5. Journal of Business Ethics, 4. An International Journal, 19 4. Journal of International Taxation, 20 Alcott, Blake Sustainability politics: The consequences of rebounds Vol. Digital signal processing - 84; Proceedings of the International Conference, - Ali, Sadaqat , Peters, Linda D.

Journal of Strategic Marketing, 20 7. Aljuwaiber, Abobakr Developing a framework to explain how organisational factors enable organisational communities of practice: What matters for governance and regulation? Journal of Media Economics, 30 2. Do retailers treat cheap alcohol differently?

Almamari, Awadh On the competition between multinational enterprises within developing countries: Human Resource Management a Contemporary Approach. FT-Prentice Hall, London, pp. European Urban and Regional Studies, 22 1. Credit rating agencies in Europe. Economic Notes, 44 2. Evidence from US banks. Finance Research Letters, Investigating university science pay and opportunities for success.

Andrikopoulos, Athanasios and Markellos, Raphael N. Journal of Banking and Finance, Competition Law Review, 6 1. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 62 4. Andriychuk, Oles Dialectical Antitrust: European Competition Law Review, 31 4. Polish Yearbook of Law and Economics. Andriychuk, Oles Does Competition Matter? Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2 2. An Insight from the Perspective of Value Pluralism. European Journal of Legal Studies, 3 1. Concorrenza e Mercato, 18 1. Andriychuk, Oles Rediscovering the Spirit of Competition: On the Normative Value of the Competitive Process.

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Journal of Marketing Management, 30 Aroean, Lukman and Michaelidou, Nina A taxonomy of mobile phone consumers: Journal of Strategic Marketing, 22 1. Advances in Consumer Research, The withdrawal of large US corporations from research is narrowing the scope of innovation. Strategic Management Journal, 39 1. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 14 3. Regional Studies, 35 6. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 74 2.

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Small Business Economics, 24 5. An International Review, 12 3. Ashton, John Managerial perspectives on the importance of ownership: Journal of Finance and Management in the Public Services, 5 1. The European Journal of Finance, 17 7. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 38 2. United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Examining Middle and High-Income countries. The Cases of Mexico and Spain.

Avila-Merino, Alfonso Learning by doing in business education: Using hackathons as a way to improve the teaching and learning of entrepreneurial skills. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 17 1. Aykol, Bilge , Leonidou, Leonidas C. Past Evaluation and Future Perspectives. Journal of International Marketing, 20 2. British Journal of Nursing, 26 1. The Energy Journal, 28 2.

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A non-parametric model of the Turkish experience. Energy Economics, 18 A wind Energy Case Study. A wind Energy Diffusion Case Study. British Academy of Management, Doctoral Symposium, Bagherian, Jila The role of offshore wind development in the UK socio-technical transition towards a low carbon electricity system. British Journal of Management, 11 2. Baiocchi, Giovanni Managing econometric projects using Perl. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18 3. Baiocchi, Giovanni On dimensions of ecological economics. Baiocchi, Giovanni PDL: Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24 5.

Computational Economics, 30 1. Baiocchi, Giovanni Using Perl for statistics: Data processing and statistical computing. Journal of Statistical Software, 11 1. Baiocchi, Giovanni and Minx, J. The New Scientist, Baiocchi, Giovanni , Minx, J. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 14 1. Baiocchi, Giovanni and Minx, Jan C. A day in the life of a happy worker. Psychology Press Ltd, London. A weekly diary study on the role of openness.

Motivation and Emotion, 39 1. Implications for work engagement. Human Relations, 69 1. The role of hindrance and challenge job demands. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83 3. A multilevel confirmatory factor analysis. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24 3. Matthijs and De Jong, Simon I-deals in de zorg: Langer doorwerken, ideaal voor iedereen. Gids voor Personeelsmanagement, 4. Matthijs , De Jong, Simon B.

Journal of Management Studies, 49 2. Matthijs , Kooij, Dorien T. Journal of Management Studies, 50 4. Matthijs and de Jong, Simon B. Dignity and the Organization. Humanism in Business Series. European Management Journal, 19 3. Bamba, Fatim and Barnes, Stuart J. Business Process Management Journal, 13 6. Barbaranelli, Claudio , Farnese, Maria L.

A Mediational and Interactional Model. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. Personality and Individual Differences, 44 4. They can because they think they can. Evidence from two Studies. Journal of Vocational Behavior, Frontiers in Psychology, 8. Journal of Happiness Studies. Journal of Gambling Issues, Journal of Economics, Accounting Forum, 39 4. Barkemeyer, Ralf , Preuss, Lutz and Lee, Lindsay On the effectiveness of private transnational governance regimes: Evaluating corporate sustainability reporting according to the Global Reporting Initiative.

Journal of World Business, 50 2. Communications of the ACM, 46 A customer typology for the Internet. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 6 1. Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. The case of Second Life. European Conference on Information Systems, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 6 1. Exploring the Defictionalization of Brands in Media. An Examination of Mercedes Sweden. Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy Conference, Consumer and Business Perspectives.

Handbook of Research on Mobile Marketing Management. Barnes, Stuart Developments in the M-commerce value chain. Barnes, Stuart Understanding use continuance in virtual worlds: Empirical test of a research model. Information and Management, 48 8. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 3 3. Barnes, Stuart Wireless digital advertising: Barnes, Stuart Wireless support for mobile distributed work: A taxonomy and examples.

The case of Twitter. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 51 4. Journal of Marketing Management, 27 Barnes, Stuart and Mattsson, J. European Marketing Academy Conference, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 9 3. International Journal of Online Marketing, 1 1. Barnes, Stuart and Pressey, A. European Academy of Management Conference, Psychology and Marketing, 29 3. Examining drivers of needs in Second Life. Internet Research, 21 3.

Journal of Computer Information Systems, 52 4. Barnes, Stuart and Scornavacca, E. Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. A decision hierarchy approach. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 6 4. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 47 1. Barnes, Stuart , Scornavacca, Eusebio and Innes, Douglas Understanding wireless field force automation in trade services. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 2.

Barnes, Stuart and Targett, D A framework for strategic information systems implementation in the United Kingdom health sector. Topics in Health Information Management, 19 4. Barnes, Stuart and Vidgen, R. Information and Management, 49 Using comment analysis to refine web quality metrics. A case study of the forum on strategic management knowledge exchange. Industrial Management and Data Systems, Communications of the ACM, 48 1. International Journal of Electronic Healthcare, 1 4. International Journal of Information Management, 22 3.

International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2 1. International Journal of Information Management, 22 2. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2 2. Information and Management, 43 6. Evidence from the evaluations of marketing managers. The British Accounting Review, Journal of Management Development, 31 8. Information and Management, 42 2. Human Resource Management Journal, 41 2.

Lessons from a study of U. Human Resource Management, 46 4. Personnel Review, 43 3. Understanding consumers' movie enjoyment through a narrative transportation approach. Proceedings of the 11th Irish Academy of Management Conference, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, - British Academy of Management Annual Conference , - Batista, Luciano Book foreword. People, Processes, and Technology. Strategic Knowledge Management in Multinational Organizations. Batista, Luciano CRM in the public sector — benefits and pitfalls. Batista, Luciano Foreword.

A perspective from the fashion sector. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on e-Government. Batista, Luciano Translating trade and transport facilitation into strategic operations performance objectives. An International Journal, 17 2. Batista, Luciano The applicability of industrial symbiosis praxis to improving the environmental sustainability of supply chains.

Premier Reference Source, 4. Batista, Luciano and Cornock, Marc Information sharing in e-government initiatives: Freedom of Information and Data Protection issues concerning local government. The Spring Servitization Conference , - A Local Authority Analysis. Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on e-Government. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Batista, Luciano and Ng, Irene The emergence of relationship-based retailing — a perspective from the fashion sector. Modern and Classic Papers. Baumann, J and Le Meunier-FitzHugh, K Trust as a facilitator of co-creation in customer-salesperson interaction — an imperative for the realization of episodic and relational value?

AMS Review, 4 American Marketing Association Winter Conference, - Selling and Sales Management Conference, Baumann, Jasmin Do you need to trust to co-create? Journal of Marketing Management, 31 Baumann, Jasmin and Le Meunier-FitzHugh, Kenneth A critical realist exploration of the influence of interpersonal trust on value co-creation in transactional and relational customer-salesperson interaction. Buyer-seller value proposition disparity in professional services. Industrial Marketing Management, West European Politics, 39 5. Journal of Business Ethics, 3.

Proceedings of the 41st annual Design Automation Conference, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44 1. Evidence from patents and scientific publications. European Management Review, 11 1. Belenzon, Sharon and Patacconi, Andrea Innovation and firm value: An investigation of the changing role of patents, Research Policy, 42 8. A large scale investigation of the social context of ownership. Strategic Management Journal, 37 Benaroch, Michel , Lichtenstein, Yossi and Robinson, Karl Real options in information technology risk management: MIS Quarterly, 30 4.

Fiscal Studies, 23 2. Competition Policy International, 6 Spring. Fordham International Law Journal, Bewley, S and Granleese, Jackie Repeat oestradiol implants: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 19 2. Bewley, S and Granleese, Jackie Women on repeated hormone replacement implants: Features of drug dependence? Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 27 1. Bhattacharya, Arijit and David, Dhyan Albert An empirical assessment of the operational performance through internal benchmarking: Bhattacharya, Arijit , Dey, Prasanta Kumar and Ho, William Green manufacturing supply chain design and operations decision support.

International Journal of Production Research, 53 Early Retirement Scheme for Farmers. The CAP and the Regions: Bika, Zografia Against the Norm: The transitional symbiosis of 'grassroots clientelism' and 'rural citizenship'. The Sociological Review, 59 2. A working class sense of business responsibility. Bika, Zografia Entrepreneurial sons, patriarchy and the Colonels' experiment in Thessaly, rural Greece.

Bika, Zografia From community to family values: Elite Networks and Family Business Ideology. Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens in Greek , pp. Is it Gradual, Personalised or a Balancing Act? Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, - The Journal of Peasant Studies, 34 1. Sociologia Ruralis, 47 3.

Bika, Zografia Transmission or Re-socialization? Bika, Zografia The territorial impact of the European family firm life-cycle. An Empirical Study from the East of England. European Planning Studies, 25 9. Human Resource Management, 47 3. Biraglia, Alessandro , Gerrath, Maximilian H. The Mediating Role of Perceived Authenticity. Journal of Travel Research, 57 6. Association for Consumer Research, Birgalia, Alessandro , Gerrath, Maximilian H.

Global Marketing Conference, European Accounting Review, 18 2. Accounting and Business Research, 45 3. Does it work in dynamic environments? Management Accounting Research, 23 4. The Case of Twitter. Possibilities and contradictions of self-managed food production. Bokovikova, Elena The impact of the transition economy on gender composition in employment in the Russian heavy industry.

Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. Borgogni, Laura and Miraglia, Mariella Positive self-capital. Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. A tale of two tails. International Journal of Industrial Organization, Moderating role of dysfunctional competition. Neue Informationssysteme in der Versicherungswirtschaft. Botzki Krummaker , Simone Wissensmanagement in der Versicherungswirtschaft — Standortbestimmung sowie Darstellung der Ergebnisse einer Praxisbefragung Schriftenreihe , Hannover, pp.

Graf von der Wissensmanagement in der Versicherungswirtschaft. A three-country study into the impact of local circumstances. Evidence for Non-Linear Relationships.

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Journal of Business Research, 67 2. Bozionelos, Nikos , Bozionelos, Giorgos , Kostopoulos, Konstantinos and Polychroniou, Panagiotis How providing mentoring relates to career success and organizational commitment: A study in the general managerial population. Career Development International, 16 5. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26 Academy of Management Perspectives, 24 1. International Journal of Accounting, 50 4. Journal of Knowledge Management, 11 5. Wales Assembly Government, Wales. Family coach work with 'troubled families'.

Journal of Marketing Management, 18 Journal of World Business, 22 2. Comportamento Organizacional Egestao, 7 2. Multinational Companies and Transnational Workplace. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7 3. A UK Study Molecular Systems Design and Engineering, 3 3. Leadership - Best Practices und Trends. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. A model of comorbidity, self-efficacy and self-care. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52 An integrative review of the literature. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 6 3. Recession and the Resilience of Workplace Partnership.

British Journal of Industrial Relations, 49 4. Evidence from a heavy engineering case study. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 34 1. Trade unions as joint change agents. Human Resource Management Journal, 28 4. Butler, Peter and Tregaskis, Olga Workplace partnership and legitimacy: A multi-layered analysis of the shop steward experience. Translating strategy into action through policy mangement.

Journal of the Institution of British Telecommunications Engineers, 2 4. Cadman, Richard Remedies for non-price discrimination: Exploring Two Dimensions of Strategy. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. Journal of Educational Psychology, 3. Dimensionality and construct validity. Personality and Individual Differences, 47 5. Developmental Psychology, 50 1. Cardoso, Leonor , Meireles, Andreia and Peralta, Carlos Ferreira Knowledge management and its critical factors in social economy organizations.

Journal of Knowledge Management, 16 2. Carroll, Amy , Barnes, Stuart J. Recent evidence from New Zealand. International Journal of Advertising, 26 1. International Nursing Review, 63 3. Applied Psychology Bulletin, Boundary Spanners in Servitized Supply Chains.

International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38 2. Chakraborty, Ratula , Dobson, Paul W. Journal of Monetary Economics, Opportunities and challenges for the electricity sector. International Conference on Globalization, Energy and Environment, Chalvatzis, Konstantinos Electricity generation development of Eastern Europe: A carbon technology management case study for Poland. Chalvatzis, Konstantinos Energy business and development: Collaborative decision making and stakeholders engagement in mediation simulation.

Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Energy Sector. Chalvatzis, Konstantinos Feed-in Tariff. Chalvatzis, Konstantinos Power and power plants. Chalvatzis, Konstantinos Sulfar Oxides. Chalvatzis, Konstantinos and Hooper, E Electricity security vs. Experiences from German and Greek electricity markets. Chalvatzis, Konstantinos and Hooper, Elizabeth Energy security vs. Theoretical framework development and experience in selected EU electricity markets. Benchmarking diversity and dependence of primary energy. Chalvatzis, Konstantinos and Kulac, Bora Electricity market reform: The case of Turkey.

Chalvatzis, Konstantinos and Rubel, Keagan Electricity portfolio innovation for energy security: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Chalvatzis, Konstantinos , Skanavis, C. Analyzing the case of Nitrogen Oxides. Energy and Environmental Systems, The role of big data in enabling interindustry architectural innovation.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 4. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 1. Expert Systems with Applications, 28 3. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 6 5. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 19 2. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 7. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 19 International Journal of Production Economics, 95 1. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 51 Expert Systems with Applications, 38 3.

International Journal of Production Research, 50 4. International Journal of Production Research, 50 5. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 17 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 21 7. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 27 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 29 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 20 2. An International Journal, 13 6.

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 15 1. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 14 A case study of an automobile industry. Management Decision, 46 5. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 2 2. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 15 1. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 20 5. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25 International Journal of Production Research, 51 Chan, Felix Tung Sun and Chan, Hing Development of the supplier selection model - A case study in the advanced technology industry.

Journal of Engineering Manufacture, International Journal of Applied Logistics, 3 3. Green Finance and Sustainability: Environmentally-Aware Business Models and Technologies. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23 6. Industrial Marketing Management, 41 4. Communications of the ACM, 53 3. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 2 2. Decision Support Systems, 48 2. International Journal of Production Research, 48 A lesson learnt from a practitioner. An International Journal, 14 6.

Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Production Research, - Chan, Hing Keys to automate supply chains with smart labels.

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Chan, Hing Resistance-something behind automated calibration. Chan, Hing A low-cost integrated approach for balancing an array of piezoresitive sensors for mass production applications. Chan, Hing and Chan, F. International Journal of Production Research, 41 1. Chan, Hing Kai Flexibility or adaptability? Which one is more suitable for distributed supply chain?

Chan, Hing Kai Wireless industrial tracking system for factory automation. International Journal of Enterprise Network Management, 2 1. International Journal of Production Research, 51 9. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 24 3. Production and Operations Management, 25 3. The mediation mechanism of green supply chain management and moderating effect of competitive intensity. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 76 1. The case of UK regulated public utilities. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 58 4. The European Journal of Finance, 23 Chen, Yifan and Zhao, Huainan Informed trading, information uncertainty, and price momentum.

Chen, Yu-hui and Barnes, Stuart Initial trust and online buyer behaviour. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 1. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 47 6. Korean Journal of Marketing, 2 2. Computers in Human Behaviour, A Research Agenda and Conceptual Framework. Journal of Business Research, HRM alignment, job redesign and energy performance. Human Resource Management Journal, 27 3. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 10 Christina, Sian , Waterson, Patrick , Dainty, Andrew and Daniels, Kevin A socio-technical approach to improving retail energy efficiency behaviours.

Towards Integrating Extant Knowledge. Journal of Risk Research, 12 2. Chrysochoidis, Georgios Factors affecting product innovations: Agricultural Economics Review, 4 1. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 6 3. EuroMed Journal of Business, 3 2. Journal of Customer Relationship Management, 2 1. Chrysochoidis, Georgios Repercussions of consumer confusion for late introduced differentiated products.

Chrysochoidis, Georgios Successful Exporting: Exploring the Transformation of Export Product Portfolios. Journal of Global Marketing, 10 1. Chrysochoidis, Georgios Why do high-tech firms suffer delays in international new product rollouts? Chrysochoidis, Georgios and Blouchos, P. Agricultural Economics Review, 4 2. Chrysochoidis, Georgios , Kapsokefalou, M. Journal of Applied Nutrition, 56 1. Testing and validating the list of values LOV scale and implementing a value-based segmentation task. Food Quality and Preference, 16 7.

Impact of country, product and product attributes on Greek consumers' evaluation of food products. Chrysochoidis, Georgios and Theoharakis, Vasilis Attainment of competitive advantage by the exporter—importer dyad. Journal of Business Research, 57 4. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 17 4. An Empirical Study of Causes of Delays. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15 1. Chrysochoidis, Georgios and Wong, Veronica Service innovation multi-country launch: European Journal of Innovation Management, 3 1.

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22 7. Expert Systems with Applications, 40 EurOMA , - A prospective analysis of register-based outcomes. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68 1. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 57 European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 14 2. Computer Programs in Biomedicine, 19 1. Image and Vision Computing, 1 2. International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work. Collins, Alan Studies in the economic analysis and regulation of environmental and social problems. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 20 8. Plotting the failure of the Equitable Life.

Accounting and Business Research, 45 Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Implementation of innovation projects. Journal of Business Research, 69 6. Knowledge and beliefs in mathematics teaching and teaching development. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp.

Sage Publications, London, pp. Cockburn, Anne How can research be used to inform and improve mathematics teaching practice? Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11 5. Nowa Era Publishing, Warsaw, pp. Cockburn, Anne and Littler, G. Cockburn, Anne and Marchini, C Teaching practices revealed through arithmetic misconceptions. Nawa Era Publishing, Warsaw, pp. Cockburn, David Wittgenstein: Religion and the End of Metaphysics. Colas, Isabelle A study of the mechanisms of meiosis in wheat.

Cole, Laurence Il sacro impero romano e la monarchia asburgica dopo Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28 Information Polity, 13 Collins, John Chomsky: A guide for the Perplexed. Collins, John Knowledge of Language Redux. Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 7. Chemical Physics Letters, Journal of Geophysical Research, C Sixteenth Color Imaging Conference: BMC Medical Genetics, 9 Connolly, Sara Is work a route out of poverty - what have New Labour's welfare to work measures meant for the working poor in Britain?

Working Poor in Europe - Comparative Perspectives. Connolly, Sara and Gregory, Mary Moving down: Women's part-time work and occupational change in Britain The Economic Journal, Part-time Work, Families and Women's Satisfaction.

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Tydall Centre for Climate Change Research. Cook, Gary and Pandit, Naresh Clustering in the broadcasting industry. Handbook of Research on Cluster Theory. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, pp. Handbook of Research on Clusters. ISBN 1 6. Journal of Bacteriology, Environmental Conservation, 35 4.

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1. Cooper, Colin Editorial comment on: European Urology, 54 5. Cooper, M Monstrous Progeny: The Teratological Tradition in Science and Literature. An integrated meta-cognitive and cognitive therapy manual. Australian Feminist Studies, 22 Developmental Dynamics, 5. World Development, 36 Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, pp. Tate Publishing, London, pp.

Cornea, Christine In Focus: Cinema Journal, 47 2. Cornea, Christine Introduction: Interviews in Film and Television Studies. Technologies and Identities in Public Services,. Social Policy and Society, 7 2. Health Informatics Journal, 14 2. Matrix Biology, 27 5. The Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of Personality. Corr, Philip Reinforcement sensitivity theory and personality.

Corr, Philip An internediate-level of approach to personality: Dissolving the bottom-up and top-down dilemma. European Journal of Personality, Corr, Philip The neuropsychology of fear and anxiety: A foundation for Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4. Human Relations, 61 3. Near—far perceptual space and spatial demonstratives. Coventry, Kenny Gambling and decision making: A dual process perspective: Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31 4.

Coventry, Kenny and Guijarro-Fuentes, P Spatial language learning and the functional geometric framework. Cox, Susan and Robinson-Pant, Anna Power; participation and decision making in the primary classroom: Educational Action Research, 16 4. Journal of Applied Physics, 8.

Biochemical Pharmacology, 76 4. Crack, Jason , Gaskell, Alisa A. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 5.

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Biochemical Society Transactions, 36 6. Zoo Biology, 27 4. Public Health, International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 12 3. Geophysical Research Letters, 35 7. Essays by Edmund Curtis, A. Otway-Ruthven and James Lydon. Crooks, Peter Government, war and society in English Ireland: Government, War and Society in Medieval Ireland: Four Courts Press, pp.

Crooks, Peter The Lecky Professors. Four Courts Press, Dublin, pp. Fourteenth Century England V. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 14 Cubitt, Catherine Archbishop Dunstan: Myth, Rulership, Church and Charters. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 62 5. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 1. Cuomo, Francesca Ownership structure and separation between ownership and control in Italian listed companies.

Cuomo, Francesca and Zattoni, A. A longitudinal study on Italian listed companies. Best paper proceedings from the Euram Boards and governance track, Environmental Microbiology, 10 3. Historicising the French Revolution. Cambridge Scholars Press, Cambridge, pp. D'Exelle, Ben Inequality, networks and exclusion: Distributive decision making in small-scale societies. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 5.

Biochemical Society Transactions, Journal of Internal Medicine, 4. Dandashly, Assem Book Review: Daniels, Kevin , Beesley, N. Human Relations, 61 6. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 47 Darch, Jonathan , Milner, Ben and Vaseghi, Saeed Analysis and prediction of acoustic speech features from mel-frequency cepstral coefficients in distributed speech recognition architectures.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 6. Darnaude, A and Hunter, E Coupled use of data storage tags and otolith microchemistry to assess population dispersal and intra-specific diversity in migratory behaviour in North Sea plaice Pleuronectes platessa L. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 32 4. Journal of Hydrology, Review of Futures Markets, 17 2. The Knee, 15 4. Davies, Martin and Collingwood, Pat Knowledge, theory and social work practice - an easy access approach. The Blackwell Companion to Social Work.

Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, pp. Urban Ecosystems, 11 3. Firm Asymmetries and Numbers: Competition Policy International, 4 2. Optics Communications, 4. Davy, AJ Establishment and manipulation of plant populations and communities in terrestrial systems. Handbook of Ecological Restoration 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. Doctoral thesis, Newcastle University.

Fisheries Research, 90 Annals of Family Medicine, 6 5. Quality of Life Research, 17 Dawson, Peter Crime and punishment in professional football: Evidence from the english premier league. Myths and Facts about Football: Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38 2. Journal of Material Culture, 13 2.

A within- and a between-subjects study with distractor words. Behavioural Brain Research, Dedola, Simone , Nepogodiev, Sergey A. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 64 8. Dell, Simon On Location: Art, Space and Place in the s. Siting Robert Smithson and his Contemporaries. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8 9. Annals of Oncology, 19 Denison, Rayna The Language of the Blockbuster: Transnational Connections on Film. I B Tauris, pp. Desselberger, U and Gray, J Rotaviruses. Springer Index of Viruses 2nd Edition. Desselberger, Ulrich and Gray, Jim Rotaviren.

Journal of Happiness Studies, 9 1. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 79 3. FEBS Letters, 6. Dewing, Ian and Russell, Peter Auditors as regulatory actors: Dewing, Ian and Russell, Peter Corporate governance in transition: Journal of Common Market Studies, 46 2. Dewing, Ian and Russell, Peter The individualization of corporate governance: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 49 8.

Environment and Development Economics, 13 6. Unilateral climate policy with directed technical change. Environmental and Resource Economics, 39 2. The Lancet, American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 1. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 14 5. Barriers to the take-up of green energy in the UK. Energy Policy, 36 8. Dickens, Jonathan Welfare, Law and Managerialism: Journal of Social Work, 8 1. The Analyst, Arctic - Subarctic Ocean Fluxes. Progress in Oceanography, 73 Dietrich, Franz The premises of Condorcet's jury theorem are not simultaneously justified.

Dietrich, Franz and List, C. Economics, Rational Choice and Normative Philosophy. Social Choice and Welfare, 31 1. Dietz, S and Stern, N Why economic analysis supports strong action on climate change: A response to the stern review's critics. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 2 1. Lab on a Chip, 8 The Pros and Cons of Vertical Restraints. Issues in Competion Law and Policy. Antitrust Bulletin, 53 2. Wisconsin Law Review, 2. Journal of General Virology, 89 8.

European Journal of Heart Failure, 10 Doherty, Martin Theory of Mind. Encyclopaedia of Educational Psychology. Doherty, Martin Theory of Mind: Wildlife Research, 35 3. Thick osteochrondral flap technique. Techniques in Knee Surgery, 7 1. Donnell, Alison Prospero's daughter: Donnell, Alison Welsh and West Indian, "like nothing Unfolding diasporic lives in Charlotte Williams' Sugar and Slate. A Caribbean Studies Journal, 6 2. Proceedings of Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Annals of the BMVA, 3.

Journal of Glaciology, 54 The Mental Health Act. A System of Assessment and Care Pathways. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Edinburgh.

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Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Edinburgh, pp. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Applied Mathematics Letters, 21 6. Applied Mathematics Letters 2. European Journal of Combinatorics, 29 7. International Conference on Image Processing, - The European Journal of Health Economics, 9 9. Dulvy, Nicholas , Rogers, S. A biotic indicator of warming seas.

Journal of Applied Ecology, 45 4. Journal of Animal Ecology, 77 5.

PLoS Biology, 6 3. European Respiratory Journal, 32 4. Angewandte Chemie, Dzamonja, Mirna Representation theorems for connected compact Hausdorffspaces. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 4 Journal of Symbolic Logic, 73 4. A , Gregorini, G. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 3 1. Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 5.

Physiological Genomics, 32 3. BMC Medical Genomics, 1. Immunology Letters, 2. International Immunology, 20 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63 1. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 29 5. Edwards, I and Richardson, B Clinical reasoning and population health: Decision making for an emerging paradigm of health care. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 24 3. British Journal of Community Justice, 6 3.

National Portrait Gallery Publications. Nature Genetics, 40 3. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45 1. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 21 4. Journal of Avian Biology, 39 1. European Heart Journal, 29 The Forum, 50 3. Improving Teacher Education through Action Research. The Use of Case Studies. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 41 1.

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