
The Goblin (The Caretakers History of the Wide World Book 1)

As Professor Longbottom took the hat from him, appearing slightly surprised, Albus hastily got up and went to the Ravenclaw table, which was erupting with applause and cheering. Albus smiled and sat down next to Scorpius, after greeting some particularly enthusiastic Ravenclaws. After all, he thought, it was an acceptable, albeit unexpected result. He had always felt unsure between Gryffindor and Slytherin, not even thinking of the other two houses.

But still, he was quite proud that the hat had judged his intelligence so highly to put him into Ravenclaw. While "Selwyn, Sebastian" was sorted into Slytherin, Albus looked over at the Gryffindor table and finally caught his brother's eye. James looked utterly flabbergasted, and Albus smiled slightly and waved at him, with thumbs up. To cover up is bewilderment, James hastily congratulated "Shafiq, Shawna" who had just become the next new Gryffindor. Quickly Albus looked forward again and watched Quentin sitting down nervously on the chair. The hat really took his time with Quentin.

Minutes passed, and the hat remained silent. Albus hoped that Quentin would also come into Ravenclaw, and waited impatiently for the decision. Quentin seemed immensely relieved and ran down to sit next to Albus, who clapped him happily on his back. The whole hall seemed to freeze. Albus couldn't believe what he'd just heard. Rose kept sitting on the chair, as if the hat had not sorted her into a house, but petrified her.

Professor Longbottom also seemed too shocked to do anything but stare incredulously. Eventually, he reluctantly took the hat from Rose' head and whispered something into her ear. She shook his head quickly, then nodded and moved towards the Slytherin table, which was also frozen in shock.

Phobos Nott suddenly began to clap, and the rest of the table followed his example. Albus clapped with the other Ravenclaws and greeted Adnan Whitaker, who seemed, judging by his lack of reaction, when Albus told him his name, to be muggle-born. Turning forward again, Albus saw the legendary Minerva McGonagall getting up from her chair. Albus looked at the four teachers, who had all reacted differently to their introduction. Professor Longbottom had smiled awkwardly and waved; the tiny Professor Flitwick had gotten up from his especially high chair and fell under the table, so that in the end no one could really see him.

Professor Botwright was a short, plump, friendly looking witch, whereas Professor Pyrites was the polar opposite, very tall and thin. He beamed, when his name was called, and waved happily at the students. And Mr Filch, the caretaker, asked me to point out once more that magic in the corridors is also strictly forbidden. Now I wish you an interesting term - let the feast begin! With these words, suddenly huge amounts of food appeared at the tables. The older students at once helped themselves to steak, potatoes, pasties, pudding or pumpkin juice. The first years took a moment to recover, then they also joined the delicious meal.

My parents are not magical, so this is all entirely new to me. For you everything is probably normal, though? But remember, Albus, my father fought alongside yours in the war, so if he"- he nodded towards Scorpius - "makes you problems, I'll be on your side, okay? Many looked up, surprised. Even Scorpius, who had blushed, seemed slightly startled at this open statement.

Obviously he had not expected that Albus really saw him as friend. Only Pamela Patil, obviously entirely oblivious that Albus had been serious, threw her head theatrically back and laughed heartily. Only when Belvina Burke elbowed her, she recognized that no one else laughed, and abruptly stopped laughing, as if someone had turned off the sound.

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Now they get along well enough, though, and it doesn't make any sense anyway to blame Scorpius for what his parents have done or not done," said Quentin, glaring at Gabriel and Pamela, who blushed and nodded hastily. During the feast, the conversation turned to other subjects, and everyone was friendly or at least neutral towards Scorpius and overly friendly and effusively towards Albus. He was slightly irritated by this, but when he glimpsed Rose at the Slytherin table, he decided that things could be a lot worse. When the feast was finished, the new Ravenclaws were led to their common room by the prefects.

When they arrived at the door that apparently was the entrance of the common room, a prefect knocked with a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. This way you learn something, which is only appropriate for us Ravenclaws, isn't it? Everybody looked at him, astonished. The view was absolutely breath-taking. They stood in a wide, airy room with mountain views, bookcases and a domed ceiling painted with stars. In fact, it was the airiest room Albus had ever seen. Still he immediately felt very much at home. Quentin and Scorpius also seemed to feel very comfortable.

The prefect showed them their dormitories and wished them a good night. Tired from the eventful day and the rich feast, Albus and Quentin went to bed at once, to be fit for tomorrow's classes. Scorpius, who for some reason didn't seem tired at all, stayed in the common room to explore everything more closely. Before he fell asleep, Albus tried to sort his thoughts about the day. He had been sorted into Ravenclaw, which he would never even dreamt of. To his own surprise, he felt very comfortable with his new house. Of course, he had originally hoped for Gryffindor, but… Maybe it wasn't a bad thing to be in a different house than his brother.

This way he wouldn't be compared with his father all the time, could make his own name. He felt sorry for Rose though, who had been so sure to be a Gryffindor. He imagined the reaction of Uncle Ron, who hated Slytherin… Albus thought that the Sorting Hat seemed to be very fond of complicated or surprising turnarounds, before he finally fell asleep. Just In All Stories: Story Story Writer Forum Community. Albus Potter starts his first year in Hogwarts and faces quite a lot of surprises. In the meanwhile, the goblins, who had been peaceful for a long time, are starting hostile actions again.

Albus is an ideal target, for several reasons Nice to meet you, Albus, Rose. Quentin rolled his eyes. Immediately, the hat opened his mouth or whatever it had to be called and started to sing. The Thulukan clan know that some of their members have special abilities and embrace this knowledge. A ghost comes to La Fi and Thulu wanting to find a lost piece of jewelry. Apparently a man named Jones has killed her and taken it. Then another and another ghost pop into their office and soon it is filled with ghosts with stories of Jones.

I had a great time reading about Jones. He's a Daemon, which is different than a demon in this book. He is what I'd call - calm, cool, and contained. Here is where the story gets rolling as Jones fills them in on the relics and how earth is in jeopardy now that portals are opening.

It's a fun ride with a multitude of different supernatural creatures that move through the portal and invade earth. Some for good and some for bad.

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I really really enjoyed this book. It was like reading the personal diary of the main character LaFi. This is the first-first person book that has ever drawn me to that level of depth. There are surprises around ever corner that keeps a nice pace to the story. Wilson does a fabulous job, blending the spectrum of emotions, keeping things exciting and tying up all the plot threads into one climatic ending. Definitely recommend this book for perfectly rainy day - kick up your feet and sink yo I really really enjoyed this book. Definitely recommend this book for perfectly rainy day - kick up your feet and sink yourself into a great story.

Maer calls this book an urban fantasy, but I don't believe that fully describes this book. She weaves a tale of mystery, fantasy, paranormal and so much more! This is a wonderfully written book that grabs you and holds onto you until you have completely finished reading it cover to cover. I didn't want to put it down! I can't wait for the next book!

Sep 22, S. Larsen rated it it was amazing. The world Wilson creates is magical and unique.

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It delivers a bookish punch in places the reader never expects. A couple that can see and communicate with ghosts at different levels, mind you , is intriguing. But toss in daemons, angels, pixies, a host of otherworldly beings that supposedly visit 'us' now and again, and ghost children the couple cares for, and you have one heck of a fantastical tale.

Not to mention the daemons and angels have specific purposes for gracing Conceptually amazing! Not to mention the daemons and angels have specific purposes for gracing humans with their presence - purposes that include a bazillion-year-old feud. Through confusion, doubt, and even a bit of tragedy, Wilson delivers resilient characters that explore themselves and their unseen worlds through endearing relationships. La Fi and Thulu have unique abilities. They are both attuned to paranormal aspects of the world. Thulu can find anything and La Fi translates for ghosts.

These two have turned this into a lucrative business and enjoy their work. That is until one case turns their whole world upside down.

  1. The Secrets of Droon?
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  4. Relics (Modern Magics, Book 1) by Maer Wilson.
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Not just their world but the entire world. Portals to other realms are opening and things that people only thought existed in books are now a reality. To close these portals Thulu and La Fi have been put in charge of finding Relics to use to close the portals. Without the relics portals will become more frequent and more dangerous things will come out.

Charged with basically saving the world Thulu and La Fi must find these relics in time to save their world and protect humanity before time runs out. I thought this story had a lot of enjoyable aspects. I enjoyed all of the characters and felt the idea of the Light and Dark Ones was a pretty unique take. Thulu and La Fi are well-developed and quite enjoyable. That being said I had a lot of trouble focusing on this story.

I felt too many side stories were added. I understand that in a first book you want to put as much as you can into a story but sometimes four or five well-developed characters can allow for the upcoming books to delve deeper into the smaller characters. Overall, I did enjoy the story but I felt I had information overload which let me lose focus on the whole point of the story. I do think this series has wonderful potential but I think the story in the future needs to be a bit more streamlined. It was refreshing to have a husband and wife duo as the main protagonists in this urban fantasy read.

I really liked reading about Thulu and Fi's backstory during the first part I'd love to read a short story or novella about some of their adventures as kids and I enjoyed learning how they handle a business where all their clients are deceased: I'm curious to see how they adjust to having a whole host of magical beings on their doorstep in Book 2. The only major thing I could complain abou It was refreshing to have a husband and wife duo as the main protagonists in this urban fantasy read. The only major thing I could complain about in the book was the whole collecting relics plot arc.

After finding the first couple it started to get boring nine mystical artifacts just seemed like overkill to me. And then the fact that these relics are somehow a magical bandaid for the entire portal problem just seemed a little too simple. I would have been more interested in hearing about the politics between the light ones, dark ones, elves, goblins, etc.

This amazing book is the first in the Thulukan Chronicles series where you get introduced to some supernatural and fantastic characters. Eric Thulukan and Fiona Bartlett. Relics follows their adventure as they meet Jones who is not at all from this world and together they set off on a quest to find Relics tha This amazing book is the first in the Thulukan Chronicles series where you get introduced to some supernatural and fantastic characters. Relics follows their adventure as they meet Jones who is not at all from this world and together they set off on a quest to find Relics that belong to him in order to vanquish a dark and dangerous race we know as angles by closing their portal to earth.

Jones is known as a Daemon and though he is supposed to be the bad guy, the author manages to make him your favourite character in the series. Mythical creatures appear through some other portals and Maer does a great job making the reader guess which are good and which are evil. The book is well written, funny, suspenseful and a real page turner! Maer turns everything we think we know about the supernatural on its head and delivers a powerful and truly wonderful story. I couldn't wait to dive into this book. It's not often I'm impressed with ghost stories but with Maer Wilson I certainly was.

For sure had a "real" feel to it for being about ghost: The characters La Fi and Thulu are great partners and compliment each other well running the agency. Of course it turns out they also need to protect the earth. Lots of interesting creatures that bump in the night from ghost to demons and about everything in between. I loved the variety. Created a nice little world i I couldn't wait to dive into this book.

Created a nice little world indeed. Highly impressed with the storyline and how it ended even though it is part of a series. But you won't be left with a dreaded cliff hanger. Very crisp writing and well done. I'm quite overall impressed with this novel and it was a joy to read in one sitting. I wanted to read it from start to finish. It sucks in quite nicely.

If you love out of the ordinary and want a refreshing ghost kinda everything else story you should pick this up for only. Highly recommend and I'm looking forward to the next one! Fiona and Thulu are childhood sweethearts and Private Investigators with supernatural powers, and they cater to the deceased. She is a Translator. Their extended families, in which the matriarchs play an important role, is a loving if somewhat unusual group.

Daemons, Angles, Pixes, Goblins and Elves make up vivid parts of this well-drawn world. Wilson combin Fiona and Thulu are childhood sweethearts and Private Investigators with supernatural powers, and they cater to the deceased. Wilson combines myth with a modern world. She turns ancient legends and foundational religious beliefs on their ears, creating a wholly unique world where the supernatural becomes a believable norm.

Nov 09, Pratr- Authors rated it it was amazing. I received this book from the author and from Paranormal Romance and Authors that Rock La Fi and Thulu run a detective agency where most of their clients are ghosts. When a search for a locket brings them to a Daemon named Jones they find themselves fighting to protect the earth.

As the story went along, she built an amazing world filled with ghosts, angels, demons and other mythological creatures, and then she twisted our beliefs to make an incredibly interesting story. Her characters were emotio I received this book from the author and from Paranormal Romance and Authors that Rock La Fi and Thulu run a detective agency where most of their clients are ghosts. Her characters were emotionally satisfying, and three dimensional and the relationships between the characters were deep and connected, even between the dead and living.

Even though this is part of a series it did not have a cliff hanger, and wrapped up nicely in the last few pages. The book was well-written and the author has a clean writing style. I'd recommend this to people who enjoy Urban Fantasy, and like to see myths turned upside down and span another way. I'm giving this 5 fangs. Ceil and Aela with their mutual love of nail polish, Romeo and Juliet arguing over appropriate names, P I have been trying to decide why I like the Thulukan Chronicles so much. I won't do a synopsis of the whole plot here, you can read that in other reviews. I'd rather give you an overview of how good i thought the book was.

What I will say is that I was back and forth with a rating for this book. On the one hand, this author knows how to write an emotional scene. I was in tears more than once. The Thulukan's and surrounding characters are interesting, the author is not shy to kill off some of them, and the premise of the book is interesting. A good editor could take this book from okay It is often difficult for me to begin a new series.

For a series to be successful, the characters have to be strong and emotionally attractive.

The Secrets of Droon - Wikipedia

When Relics, by Maer Wilson, arrived, I was so entertained by the cover and back story, that I was anxious to begin. I am ecstatic to report that I was not disappointed. Relics is skillfully written. Each and every one of the characters has captivated me for the long haul. Although the story itself is easily stand alone quality, the diversity and quality It is often difficult for me to begin a new series. Although the story itself is easily stand alone quality, the diversity and quality of the characters have me looking forward to the next set of adventures from the Thulukan Chronicles.

Filled with action, adventure, love and humor, I highly recommend Relics to everyone who reads this review. Jan 19, Cathy Brockman rated it really liked it Shelves: I was pleasantly surprised with this story. I loved La Fi and Thulu and all their ghostly and other-world friends. This is a fresh, clean story and though it's fantasy and not Romance I still loved every minute of it.

Besides the love between Thulu and La Fi was awesome and I find that any childhood sweethearts that's been together a l I was pleasantly surprised with this story. Besides the love between Thulu and La Fi was awesome and I find that any childhood sweethearts that's been together a long time and still this much in love is very romantic! Relics by Maer Wilson is a book i received for free. Keeper by Kathi Appelt. Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger.

The Information Nexus: Global Capitalism from the Renaissance to the Present

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