
Saltwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 1)

Feeling lied to and thrust into a world of wealth and privilege, Emma must choose between following her dreams or following her heart. Will she be content at being nothing more than the billionaire's wife, or will she return to her normal life with only memories of saltwater kisses? However, that all changed when a handsome stranger literally walked into her life while on the beach and sparks began to fly. The older sister of Emma LaRue wasn't looking for love. In fact, the last thing Kaylee LaRue thought as she attended her sister's Caribbean wedding was that she would meet a man as confident as Owen Parker.

The suave businessman oozed charm, and when that charm was directed at Kaylee, it gave her pause. She couldn't be sure if the man was actually interested in her or just interested in a good time.

  • The Kisses Series by Krista Lakes!
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What's more important to a soldier- his love of his country, or his love of a woman? In the summer of , Rachel Weber spent a week down on the Florida coast, soaking up the sun's rays while she waited for her life to begin. It was there that she met Dean Sherman, a handsome, muscular soldier with blue eyes. When small-town girl Emma LaRue won a vacation to an exclusive tropical island, a last minute cancellation meant she would be going by herself.

Shy and studious, she never had time to fall in love, and often wondered if she was just meant to be alone. However, that all changed when a handsome stranger literally walked into her life while on the beach and sparks begin to fly. New York's most eligible billionaire bachelor Jack Saunders thought this vacation would be the perfect escape, one last hurrah, before taking full control of his father's company.

When an innocent Emma didn't recognize him, he figured that he might get a chance to have a vacation from being rich. He didn't tell her about the cars, the yacht, or the penthouse. All he did was let her fall in love with him. Soon, Jack found that he was the one falling in love with Emma.

When they enjoy a fantasy marriage ceremony on the beach, they thought it was a bit of harmless fun before returning to their normal lives. I would have liked to have seen the vacation being the stronger aspect of this. Instead of a short brief introduction to the characters, this could have been a solid foundation for their relationship. Instead this was a bit of a disappointment.

Jun 23, Patrice rated it liked it. Such a CUTE read Wish it was longer. Oct 23, AWB rated it did not like it. A lot of other reviewers have basically said exactly what is wrong with this book, so I am just going to rehash it quick like. So being held captive indoors at all times was unnecessary. Fuck shopping, and seclusion. But a simple 'Im sorry, I love you' fixes everything?

Wait no it doesn't. The second half of the book builds up and builds up, and then completely flops. Oh, then it ends. We get a wedding with no resolve. This book was free for me with my kindle unlimited. Even with it being free, I still wouldn't suggest it to anyone. So save yourself some time, and avoid this one. Jun 27, Jennifer rated it it was ok Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. Not the best romance. But of course she falls in love! Then people find out and Emma must go to NYC to be safe.


Okay, but then she never sees Jack That plus apparently she cannot do anything but work for his company or do nothing all day I don't like that, especially whe Not the best romance. I don't like that, especially when he doesn't have time for her. Jul 29, Athena rated it did not like it. Wow, this book was boring! In short the characters didn't develop and I didn't feel the love connection between Emma and Jack! In my head I felt like a monotone voice was dictating this story. I really wanted to like it, but it just kept coming up short: Jul 06, April Symes rated it really liked it Shelves: This was a really sweet and simple summer romance read that I definitely recommend.

The book starts off in a quick fashion so you would want to pay attention so your not having to play alittle catch up.. This story is a tropical fairy tale. Their days are spent together on the island and Jack and Emma soon realize that the attraction is mutual. They are feeling this connection and this heat flaring between them. But the paparazzi was always following them about.

A Billionaire Love Story

There's such a conflict and emotions going on in this book. You wonder if they will ever make it and will they get their HEA. I would recommend this story very much My Rating: Oct 28, Dana Bailey rated it liked it. This was a tropical fairy tale.

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A photo is leaked and the rest is history.. She had a subtle sense of humor that caught me off guard. She was fiercely protective of Jack, and the love and respect she had for him only made me like her more. She had grown up in a smaller town than mine, and we spent much of our shopping excursions swapping stories about home.

She was quickly becoming the older This was a tropical fairy tale.

The Kisses Series

She was quickly becoming the older sister I never had, and I was more than grateful to have her with me in this strange place. I can't stand crap like that When small-town girl Emma LaRue won a vacation to an exclusive tropical island, a last minute cancellation meant she would be going by herself.

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  6. Nov 04, Mallori rated it did not like it Recommends it for: This was one of those free book deals that I got in an email, so I blew through it in a day, taking a vacation from Sci Fi and Epic Fantasy. And what could be a better vacation than a light hearted romance that takes place at a vacation resort? I enjoyed the characters, the set up, the early relationship. The start of this book is great. I will use multiple exclamation points to convey my anger and frustration at being sucked into This was one of those free book deals that I got in an email, so I blew through it in a day, taking a vacation from Sci Fi and Epic Fantasy.

    I will use multiple exclamation points to convey my anger and frustration at being sucked into a book without an ending. The author does a great job developing the characters and setting up real problems that any couple has to work through, not to mention the addtional problems a couple in the spot light of the papparazzi has to work though. And then, she doesn't resolve them!!!

    Publisher's Summary

    Again with the exclamation points. The couple gets in a fight, one leaves to move on with their life, and then remaining partner shows up at their door. I guess with an apology and to make up? However, there is no conversation presented to the reader about how they will resolve their differences, where they will live, what they will do. Will she work at his company? Will he take more time off of work? Will they take a break until after the company's transition? Please forget the last 5 chapters were I set up insurmountable obstacles.

    It turns out they really were insurmountable. I wrote myself into a corner and couldn't write myself out, so to satisfy your need for a happy ending, here is an epilogue, oddly written in Italics, describing their wedding, so you know it works out! But maybe it's a dream, since it's in Italics, so it doesn't work out? Don't read this book. You will be left unsatisfied and angry. A mix of delicacy with eroticism.

    A Billionaire Love Story Series Audiobooks | www.newyorkethnicfood.com

    Emma is an ordinary girl who wins a contest on the radio to a paradise. There she meets the gorgeous and charming Jack Saunders, who soon has an affinity. Their days are spent together on the island and they realize that the attraction is mutual. In an act without thinking, they get married on the island and thought about keeping it as a secret of their own. Emma never imagined that her Prince Charming was actually the famous billionaire in the oil A mix of delicacy with eroticism.

    Emma never imagined that her Prince Charming was actually the famous billionaire in the oil business of DS Oil and Gas. From that moment her life changed radically. Rather than return to her small town, she was engulfed in a world where money can buy everything and paparazzi do not stop pursuing her.

    A big misunderstanding Jack thinks Emma always acted in bad faith and was after his money. They break up and she goes away. What could be a great fairy tale turns out to become a nightmare in golden cage I really liked the way the author brings the day to day life of the very rich. Yes, they have available money, but they lack time, freedom and privacy. The story is cute, with very HOT scenes. Going now to read 2 4,5 stars Jul 21, Dianne rated it liked it. This story was kind of dull to me. It was great at first, you could feel the connection between Jack and Emma.

    You could feel them falling in love. We don't get to read a lot of their time together and most of it is skipped over. Emma kept saying that it wasn't legal and then she said Jack This story was kind of dull to me. Emma kept saying that it wasn't legal and then she said Jack's legal time was looking into whether or not their marriage was valid.

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    If their marriage wasn't even legal, I figured that Jack would release a statement saying that it wasn't legal. That to me would have solved the problem. It just didn't make sense to me. I also didn't like their less than exciting reunion. Jack came back out of no where and I was confused because I don't remember reading that Emma tried to give the money back in the first place.

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