
Clovers Child (No Greater Love Book 3)

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Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Clovers kind by Amanda Prowse. Als de achttienjarige Dot haar Sol ontmoet, heeft ze het gevoel dat ze eindelijk de ware liefde heeft gevonden Solomon Arbutnott is een knappe soldaat van Saint Lucia. Dot is een verkoopster uit een arme buurt van Londen. Samen dromen ze van een gedeelde toekomst: Maar in is het niet gepast dat een Eas Als de achttienjarige Dot haar Sol ontmoet, heeft ze het gevoel dat ze eindelijk de ware liefde heeft gevonden Ze gehoorzamen hun ouders en laten hun leven door hen bepalen.

Ook al breekt het hun hart. Paperback , pages. No Greater Love 3. London, England United Kingdom. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Clovers kind , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Lovely story and well written.

Some phrases not correct in s setting which let it down and there were parts that were too unlikely to be convincing but overall a good read.

Books like Clover's Child (No Greater Love #3)

Review thanks to a free digital ARC from NetGalley Set during the s in London, Dot comes from a working class family that struggles to make ends meet. Sol is a young soldier that comes from a wealthy family of St. The moment these two meet, there is an undeniable attraction that they can't ignore. Unfortunately, not everybody approves of this relationship. Dot's family does not approve of Sol because he is a man of color and Sol's family does not approve of Dot because she is poor.

Will Dot and Sol be able to overcome these differences and be together? It is hard for me to plan a proper review for this book because I do not have much to say. I'll start that it was lackluster.

Paperback Editions

It is definitely a love story and it does have its moments in which you gush over the romance and Dot and Sol's relationship. Yet, that does not last long and then that stops and the story drags on. It seemed like something good was going to happen but in reality, that never happened.

The story dragged on and toward the end, I was heavily disappointed. There is an epilogue at the end of the story and it would have been nice to have had some explanation of how we got to that point. The way the story ends does not leave any form of explanation for what happens in the epilogue. I feel that aspect of the story would have been a fantastic way to continue on the story rather than the author managed it. The summary of the story had me expecting something more than what the author gave to the reader.

Although I did not like how the story ends, I did enjoy the character development that occurs. That is one of the points I really did enjoy about the novel and one of the reasons I rated higher than I thought I would. Another brilliant book by Amanda prowse. Mar 05, Karen Farrow rated it it was amazing. Another lovely read from this Author. I love the fact that the very talented Ms Prowse writes about women and in a ver sensitive way. Some of the characters were lovely and others you took an instant dislike to and in my opinion never redeemed themselves!

I have yet to read one of this authors books and would recommend them to anyone. The may appear to be "chick lit" but definitely have a gritty edge to them that will make you laugh, cry and gasp! O wat vond ik dit een mooi en indrukwekkend boek. Tranen in mijn ogen. Maar laat het los en laat ze hun eigen keuze maken. Natuurlijk gaat dit niet voor alles op maar ik vond het een mooie boodschap.

Sep 06, Clw rated it liked it. Lovely story and well written. Some phrases not correct in s setting which let it down and there were parts that were too unlikely to be convincing but overall a good read. Jan 01, Cindy rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jul 20, Donna Irwin rated it it was amazing. What a wonderful book. So beautifully written and so emotional. Loved it - can you tell? Jun 23, Pamela Darling rated it really liked it. Amanda Prowse writes this story based on life in the early 's for young women who were unmarried and pregnant. The shame the family felt that their daughter had brought such disgrace to their front door.

It was a time when these girls were sent away to mother and baby homes with the expectation that the child would be adopted and no one would ever know that the girl had given birth to a baby and she would return home and have to act as though nothing had happened. Amanda Pearse lets us into Amanda Prowse writes this story based on life in the early 's for young women who were unmarried and pregnant.

Amanda Pearse lets us into what this was like for the girl Clover. Her naivety gets her into trouble. A rich Asian man falls in love with her whilst staying in England and she trusts him completely to know best for her. She gives herself to him, her first and only love. When his parents know they are serious they threaten that Clover's family will suffer if he does not leave and return home and because of his love for her he leaves England without a goodbye.

Clover is heart-broken to find she is expecting a baby and very frightened.

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This is the worst scenario for her, to give birth to a child of mixed race. It is a painful story of those times, but it shares the courage and strength that young girls showed at such times, whilst living their life keeping a very painful secret locked in their hearts. Sep 26, Emma Yarnell rated it it was amazing. Beautiful story that's so powerful.

A real love story and an emotional roller coaster. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and Dot is such a wonderful Character. A truly heart breaking and heart warming story. A rainbow of emotions and again I felt so invested in each and every character. The authors ability to immerse me so completely inside the intricate lives never ceases to amaze me.

So beautifully written, another one of Amanda's books I just couldn't put down. I hated Beautiful story that's so powerful. I hated the ending, but in a really good way. Wishing for just one more chapter. May 07, Krystyna Knight rated it it was ok. Interesting start - white girl falls in love with black man in 's London - but turned into bland chick lit, with one-dimensional characters and the central and potentially most interesting theme, that of the reasons for society's disapproval - on both sides - was just stated but not developed or explored.

Nov 13, Colette Nicholls rated it it was amazing. I was totally hooked from the time I picked it up, it had me in tears more than once. Prejudice Love's young dream thwarted by prejudice. An untimely pregnancy , adoption, lack of support. A bit of a none event. Not at all realistic. The glossing over of slavery early in the book should have warned me how trite this tale was to be. Jan 28, Anne rated it it was amazing. Nov 27, Marjan rated it really liked it.

Wat een schitterend boek , moest soms een traantje weg pinken.! Boeiend geschreven , leest vlot weg echte aanrader wat mij betreft.

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  2. Clovers kind.
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Mar 04, Deb rated it it was amazing. I lived with Dot every day until the book ended. And the links to Poppy Day were subtle but made me smile. Aug 16, Katie rated it it was amazing. One of the very best books I've ever read. No book has ever made me cry -this made me sob. Feb 25, Tina Milledge rated it really liked it.

Books similar to Clover's Child (No Greater Love #3)

Jan 20, Ana rated it liked it. Review thanks to a free digital ARC from NetGalley Set during the s in London, Dot comes from a working class family that struggles to make ends meet. Sol is a young soldier that comes from a wealthy family of St. The moment these two meet, there is an undeniable attraction that they can't ignore. Unfortunately, not everybody approves of this relationship.

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Dot's family does not approve of Sol because he is a man of color and Sol's family does not approve of Dot because she is poor. Will Dot and Sol be able to overcome these differences and be together? It is hard for me to plan a proper review for this book because I do not have much to say. I'll start that it was lackluster. It is definitely a love story and it does have its moments in which you gush over the romance and Dot and Sol's relationship. Yet, that does not last long and then that stops and the story drags on. It seemed like something good was going to happen but in reality, that never happened.

The story dragged on and toward the end, I was heavily disappointed. There is an epilogue at the end of the story and it would have been nice to have had some explanation of how we got to that point. The way the story ends does not leave any form of explanation for what happens in the epilogue. I feel that aspect of the story would have been a fantastic way to continue on the story rather than the author managed it.

The summary of the story had me expecting something more than what the author gave to the reader. Although I did not like how the story ends, I did enjoy the character development that occurs. That is one of the points I really did enjoy about the novel and one of the reasons I rated higher than I thought I would. Another great story and I love the way that although each book is. Stand alone there is always a surprising link to previous books. Jan 11, Missi Stockwell rated it it was amazing.

The LAST line of this book will blow you away. As you follow Dot through the one of the hardest, scariest, darkest years of her life you will ache for her, cry with her and want so desperately to help her. This is a story about love, the love between a young couple, who should have everything to look forward to together. They talk about their future together in longing detail, the promises made from one to the other, the commitment to always be together. It should be so simple Sadly it is everything but.

This is a story of a white girl from a poor family living in London who falls for a black boy who is visiting with his rich, powerful family from an island paradise in the 's. You will see how family can be so cruel and hateful, how the older adults how you are suppose to look up to can be so narrow minded and beyond selfish. You will see how money and the color of a persons skin rule over everything else. You will see a young woman broken beyond repair This may sound like a bad story and a book you do not want to read but I guarantee that you will be thoroughly captivated and when you read the last line, it will all fall into perspective.

Feb 15, Kelly Spillane rated it it was amazing. Dot Simpson is happy with her life. She loves her job at Selfridges, she has a loving family and a great best friend in Barb. She didn't think that life could get any better, until she met Sol. Suddenly her whole life changes and she never thought that she could feel the way that she does for Sol.

She's a cooks daughter and he's the son of a rich Major in the army. Neither family is happy with them seeing each other and soon Dot's world comes crashing down around her. We follow Dot as she tries t Dot Simpson is happy with her life. We follow Dot as she tries to build her life back up and make heartbreaking decisions about her future. When I read the blurb at the back of this book, I must admit that I was sceptical about it. Books set in are not the usual kind of books that I read, but once I opened the book I was glued to it until the very end.

It is the most breathtakingly beautiful book that I have ever read and has gone straight into my top 5.

Clover's Child

For me this is the perfect example of never judging a book by it's cover. I loved everything about this book. The characters were great and felt so real and the story was just superbly written.

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  • Closing Chapters.
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  • This is a must read! Jul 21, Annmarie Lee rated it it was amazing. Once again Mrs Prowse has delivered a beautiful, heartbreaking and engaging novel. Clover's Child, like the other stories in the No Greater Love series, takes you on a journey from grim reality to opulent climates and back again. Stories of love fighting against the odds whether it be through war, domestic abuse or racial prejudice, the key themes centre around women who suffer the ultimate loss yet claw back the strength and determination to rebuild their lives.

    Dot's feelings of pain and loss Once again Mrs Prowse has delivered a beautiful, heartbreaking and engaging novel. Dot's feelings of pain and loss are gut wrenching yet Clover's Child does leave you with a sense of euphoria at times and the connections with the other novels in the series, gave me a feeling of comfortable familiarity, like reading about old friends.