
The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians (New Testament Collection Book 7)

St. Paul’s Contributions to the New Testament

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  • The Letter of Paul to the Corinthians | works by Saint Paul | www.newyorkethnicfood.com.
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First Epistle of Clement

Aquila and Priscilla send their greetings, along with the church that meets at their house. Greet one another with a holy kiss. However, wherever people long for God, the devil is hostile to those people and there are many adversaries. John Chrysostom — mentioned that Sunday itself was enough reason for people to give an offering verse 2. Matthew Henry thought that the church in Corinth was given instructions to for the collection since they had many spiritual gifts and would not want to be shown up by other people or church offering a lot more money than the church in Corinth had, but also that some people should have less of a responsibility than others should.

The churches of Galatia are outshining the church in Corinth by their giving, which is why Henry thinks Paul told the Corinth church to start up a collection verse 2. John Wesley tells us that as we increase how much we give to God, God increases how much he returns to us.

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Because of this, Wesley encourages people to give to God all that they can. A theme of 1 Corinthians God wants us to be generous with what he has given us. If we trust God, then we will give a portion back of what God has supplied us with. Everyone in the church is a part of the church community, and everyone should support each other. Within this section, Paul says that each person is supposed to collect up money. It is important that everyone shares in the blessing of helping provide for people in need. Being generous has benefits.

The more we give to God, the more we are trusting God and the more God provides for us. If we give God what we have, then we are telling God that we believe he will take care of us. We show that we belong to the church body as a whole if we participate in the offering that reaches beyond ourselves. Perseverance is a theme of 1 Corinthians Paul perseveres with his ministry among the churches in the Roman colonies. He is next going to visit Macedonia, and see how the churches there are doing. He does not abandon the churches after starting them, but he sticks with them and makes sure they are doing okay.

He also wants to visit the church in Corinth and help solve the problems there.

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He is making sure that the church there has a leader. Paul does not give up on the church in Corinth, even though it is having problems, but he persists in working with it.

  1. First Epistle of Clement - Wikipedia.
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  6. While Paul is in Ephesus, he had an opportunity for ministry open up to him. At the same time, many people were opposing him. Yet Paul wanted to continue on there in Ephesus since there was so much opportunity to do good.

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    In the same way, we should learn perseverance. If we are struggling with something, it is not right to just give up on it. We need to stick with it and do our best. God will help us through, and we may come out better than before. Things that come with resistance are probably things that we need to do. The problems of Galatians and Romans, written to Christians with Jewish and Roman legal concepts, are different from those….

    Then, while answering questions sent from Corinth, he addresses questions of immorality, marriage and celibacy, the conduct of women, the propriety of eating meat offered to idols, and the worthy reception of the Eucharist. To members of the community quarreling about the nature and distribution of spiritual gifts, Paul replies that jealousy among those working in the Spirit of God is as irrational as jealousy between the eye and the ear—both are essential to the well-being of the body as a whole.

    Then, in one of the most significant of all Pauline texts chapter 13 , the apostle explains to his fellow Christians that no gift of God, whether it be the gift of tongues, faith that moves mountains, or knowledge of mysteries, has meaning unless it is accompanied by love. The letter, which may have been written after an actual visit by Paul to Corinth, refers to an upheaval among the Christians there, during the course of which Paul had been insulted and his apostolic authority challenged.

    Because of this incident, Paul resolved not to go to Corinth again in person. Instead, he evidently wrote an intervening letter 2: Presumably, he sent a fellow-worker, Titus, to deliver the letter to the community at Corinth. After expressing his happiness and relief, Paul urges the Corinthians to respond generously to his plea for contributions to assist the poor of Jerusalem.

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    Some scholars view these chapters as a misplaced part of another letter to the Corinthians, thus supporting the speculation about the loss of some intervening communication. We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind. Your contribution may be further edited by our staff, and its publication is subject to our final approval.

    Unfortunately, our editorial approach may not be able to accommodate all contributions. Our editors will review what you've submitted, and if it meets our criteria, we'll add it to the article.