
Music Theory for Musical Theatre

Greet every day with optimism, learn from your classmates, support the people you perform with, and make good friends. Have enough well-thought-out, well-rehearsed pieces so that you can stay interesting and relevant. If it is uncomfortable to sing, it is uncomfortable for us to listen to. Many of the voices you hear [in the recording] are electronically mixed to the point where no human can really make that sound. Bring a strong point of view to your material, tell the story and enjoy the time you have with us.

Studying Musical Theatre with a Music Emphasis

Set three goals for yourself before you walk into the audition room. Instead of focusing on trying to figure out what the people behind the table think of you, work on accomplishing those personal goals you set for yourself. Always be prepared and always be early to auditions! They will ask you for something else. At one of my auditions last season I was asked to do 4 songs out of my book and 3 monologues. We can polish the rough edges if there are any. Be prepared to add contemporary urban music styles to your repertoire. Music theater styles are expanding to include rap, hip hop, and house music.

Preparing for College

Increased stylistic versatility is a must. Graduate school is typically not something musical theatre majors pursue fresh from an undergraduate degree. But some who discover a major gap in their skills and knowledge sometimes return to a graduate program. For example, Elise Morrow-Schap and Tom Pederson encourage those interested in directing and management to consider graduate programs.

Music Theory for Musical Theatre

The grad experience is always better after gaining some wisdom and perspective about the industry and yourself by the industry itself. The Arrangement Unit 5: Chord Progressions and Sixth Chords Unit 7: Singing Counterpoint 1 Unit 8: Singing Counterpoint 2 Unit 9: Chromatically Altered Chords Unit Song Form and Cadences Unit Modulation and Tonicization Unit Upper-Embellished Chords Part 3: The Performance Unit John Franceschina began composing and arranging music at the age of five and has written symphonies, chamber music, incidental music, and film scores.

He has acted as musical director for productions in New York City and on national and international tours and the stage director of operas, musicals, and plays. An educator with thirty years of college teaching experience, he has written fifteen books about the theatre and musical theatre.

Putting It Together

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Music Theory for Musical Theatre

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Studying Musical Theatre with a Music Emphasis

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