
Histoire de lEstonie : Et de la nation estonienne (Bibliothèque finno-ougrienne) (French Edition)

Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. Add Social Profiles Facebook, Twitter, etc. The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. A specialist on Melanesia, during his early career Maurice Godelier engaged with Anglo-Saxon substantivist economic anthropology from the perspectives of French structuralism and neo-Marxism. Godelier eventually developed a comprehensive Godelier eventually developed a comprehensive critique of Marxist theory, as well as of notions of gift and exchange. He conceives economic anthropology as the comparative study of the functioning and the evolution of economic systems, informed by ethnographic and historical detail.

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  2. Origine du prénom Marion (Oeuvres courtes) (French Edition).
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Besides economic anthropology, he has made major contributions to the study of kinship and has been scathing in his critique of postmodern trends in anthropological theory. Godelier was born in in Cambrai, France. Trained as a philosopher, he came to social anthropology through an interest in political economy. His early theoretical analysis of " economic—social formations " and their historical evolution brings together Marxist and structuralist theory. Godelier criticizes, often in highly abstract language, the rigid use of the Marxist evolutionary model, where a given mode of production is linked to a given stage in the evolution of social organizations.

In his view, internal dynamics and external disruptions may lead to the coexistence and interaction of different modes of production at different moments in history Godelier [] On the one hand, Godelier builds on the Marxist idea that ideology political and kinship ideology, religion and magic is a superstructure that brings legitimacy to those in power. He claims that general consent on the basis of ideology , and not necessarily violence, may have led to the establishment of relations of domination and exploitation in the first place.

On the other hand, however, he argues against Marx, for whom the ideological superstructure is external to the realm of economic infrastructure. Godelier's critique of Marx draws on the work of Karl Polanyi For Polanyi, under capitalism, the economy tends to become " disembedded " from the other social relations such as kinship, political, and religious relationships , whereas the economy was " embedded " in all societies prior to capitalism.

In Godelier's terms, in a large range of societies, kinship, religion, and political relationships are at the same time relations of production.

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In , Godelier began a seven-year period of ethnographic fieldwork among the Baruya of the Eastern Highlands of New Guinea, which provided extensive material for an analysis of systems of power, economy, kinship, and gender. Edited by Hilary Callan. Comparative Notes on the Centrality of Religion. This discussion concerns certain important issues in the anthropology of religion. In recent decades, there have been claims in the social sciences that 'religion' has outlived its usefulness as a concept, with criticism In recent decades, there have been claims in the social sciences that 'religion' has outlived its usefulness as a concept, with criticism coming from a range of disciplines.

Thus it is reasonable to ask how signifi cant and intellectually credible the term 'religion' may be, and how useful to our research and writing. Other questions that may be encountered when studying religion s are related to the confessional or non-confessional identities of researchers.

In the anthropology of religion, there is particularly extensive attention paid to the personal standpoint of individual scholars and specifi cally to the extent of their involvement with a given religious tradition. On the other hand, among the specifi cities of religious fi eldwork is the high degree of 'agency' of our informants, as expressed especially in the efforts made in a particular religious group to convert the observer to their own beliefs.

The participants of the discussion accept the challenges of these diffi cult problems, and strive to analyze the processes of anthropological and sociological description and interpretation of religion s. Forum for Anthropology and Culture 35 2: The article addresses the revival of Russian Orthodoxy as a prominent domain in the lives of many Russians.

The six authors are interested in the underlying question: What makes Russian Orthodoxy a relevent and modern source of morality What makes Russian Orthodoxy a relevent and modern source of morality and identity? The article proposes a thematic approach in order to connect the exploration of Russian Orthodoxy to the study of other denominations. A key-area is the disctinctive articulation between continuity and change, which is crucial to the understanding of some branches of Protestantism as well.

Wiley Online Library Publication Date: Anthropology , Historical Studies , and Anthropology Today. Explorations of Self-Sufficiency after Socialism. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. The medieval history of Scandinavia or north-eastern lands — by which I mean those stretching approximately from the Baltic coast of Germany to Sweden, from the mouth of the Rhine to the Gulf of Finland — can be understood thanks to some important contemporary works, which, however, have only been partially discovered and appreciated by the educated Southern European or Italian reader.

I do not mean a normal cultured person who reads for pleasure lying full length on his sofa or in his local public library: Perhaps now the situation has improved, since the European Union is expanding, but a scholar in Southern Europe who is interested in the above mentioned subjects must regard his readers with particular attention. In Italy three works have given a significantly enhanced understanding and appreciation of the Baltic Middle Ages: To be noted among previous publications were only the two volumes of Gli inizi del cristianesimo in Livonia — Lettonia The Beginnings of Christianity in Livonia — Latvia published in the Vatican City during the s by Msgr.

And more recently, as everywhere, we have been overwhelmed by dozens of worthless and insignificant booklets about Military Orders and similar matters in the light of the Da Vinci Code trend. La crociata del nord , ed. SISMEL — and I am not just saying this because it is the institute where I work, located in the centre of Florence — is a real oasis for those interested in the Middle Ages in Italy but it does not have a department or a journal devoted to the study of chronicles.

The first time I picked up the Chronicon Livoniae I was charmed by a passage concerning a terrible march of the Fratres milicie Christi in the middle of a snowstorm: Et occurrit eis ventus ab aquilone frigidissimus. Erat enim frigoris tanta asperitas, ut extremitates membrorum ipsorum in frigiditate multis perirent et aliis nasus, aliis manus aliisque pedes congelarentur et omnibus nobis domi postea redeuntibus nova cutis in facie supercresceret vetere proiecta.

That icy wind, those frozen faces, such dantesque torments were quite unusual at least to my ears as were the valour and bravery of the Sword Brothers: But utterly atypical and uncommon are the ferocious raids, the brutal combats, the stealing of cattle and livestock, the repeated robberies, the rapid sea-battles. Everywhere brutality triumphs, and savage violence and barbaric fury are sharpened by the sight and the smell of enemy blood. Even the Christian bishop is quite joyful when he can finally set his eyes on the severed head of his foe and is thankful to God.

When the cross moves forward, Henry follows it with joy and judges anyone who does not to be slothful and sluggish. Henry himself, a faithful eyewitness, was the most reliable guarantor. How can one introduce such a chronicler, without disappointing Latinists, medievalists or experts in Baltic history and culture while suspecting that perhaps all of them will be dissatisfied?

Huygens, where I was able to read: A very cold north wind met them. The cold was so rigorous that many of them lost the extremities of their limbs from the cold.

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Some had their noses, others their hands, and others their feet frozen. All of them, after they had returned to us at home, had the old skin drop off their faces and new skin grew in its place. A practical introduction to editing medieval Latin texts, Brepols, Turnhout You should because the work is essential, as most of our knowledge of material and intellectual life in the period we are concerned with here is exclusively based on written testimony. I cannot say if the result of my effort has been scientifically adequate but it certainly provoked immediate attention, since the main Italian newspaper, Il Corriere della Sera, devoted a whole page to the book and so did another daily paper, Il Foglio7.

These articles not only delighted — of course — the publisher, but corroborated my firm belief that there is a certain thirst for medieval texts, especially for the accounts that are a bit eccentric or — how can I say? The confirmation also came from the acceptance of the Chronica Slavorum by Helmold of Bosau in a well known series of a renowned publishing house: Now are you really? My survey had to be precise but always careful to characterize and distinguish the focal events from those of minor importance.

Blomkvist, The Discovery of the Baltic.

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The count was at lenght persuaded, did what necessity demanded, and resigned the fortress and island to the duke. He also ordained there a coinage and tolls and most respectable city rights. Helmoldi presbyteri Bozoviensis Chronica Slavorum, hrsg. Albert began to convert and to struggle against the Letts, Livonians, Selonians, Curonians,Oselians, Estonians and the other tribes through efficient operations.

Albert attracted huge crowds of nobles, prelates and merchants of the Empire, some taking the cross Livonia having been assimilated to Jerusalem as destination for pilgrimage by Innocent III , the others to pursue commercial interests. Skilful diplomacy ensured the support of Philip of Swabia and the Kings of Denmark, though conflicting interests were soon to oppose the Danes in Estonia the foundation of Tallinn goes back to , to these representatives of the Empire. The subjugation of the Estonians, who offered the fiercest resistance to Riga, was achieved between and conquest of Tartu.

In , William of Modena, papal legate and later cardinal of Sabina, arrived in the region, aiming at stabilising on the one hand the often difficult relations between the local population and the Westerners, and on the other, those between the latter and the surrounding powers, that is Danes and Russian princes The vicissitudes of the first ministers of the Roman church who settled on the river Dvina in the midst of fearsome and threatening heathens were the reverse of a coin of a forced conversion only partially denounced by popes.

I think that absolute certainty will never be reached, but in this inextricable querelle my impression and feeling two pieces of evidence which are not exactly scientific … are that Henry had crossed the Baltic Sea, coming from the lowlands of northern Germany and voyaging to the thick Livonian forests. Obviously I have some linguistic doubts.

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  • For example we read: Smith and William L. Henry did not use classical Latin and there are few quotations from the Golden Age. He had studied the Latin language in Segeberg, a monastery known as an outpost of Christianity before vast areas populated by perfidious pagans: I appreciated very much the edition by Kleis and Tarvel17 chiefly for the accuracy in biblical quotations; at the outset of my commentary I began to emphasize all the biblical passages by means of italics, conforming to the practice in Henriku Liivimaa kroonika,: Henry uses not only the loci communes of rhetoric, but the figures of patristic style too: His Latin is concise, rarely ornate or complex, never elaborate or flamboyant: We agree with Wilhelm Arndt, who describes18 Henry as Latina lingua bene instructus…admodum edoctus erat…in grammaticae regulis non peccat.

    We can trace the common patterns of cursus: It is obligatory to discuss the manuscript tradition of the text. I think the main fault and weakness of my work is the lack of a serious investigation and research about the current state and condition of surviving manuscripts. I did not have either the opportunity or indeed the capacity? Leonid Arbusow and Albert Bauer were very reliable, not infallible but certainly consistent and responsible: Gou in MHG is neuter.

    More than half a century has passed since their work was published and the above mentioned investigation of manuscripts is becoming more and more necessary. I reproach the editors only for not adequately quoting the great contribution offered by Eduard Pabst in order to deepen the understanding of our chronicler. In the news that a precious manuscript of the Chronicon — the so called Codex Zamoscianus or Zamoysky — had been found in Warsaw was revealed. Carl Schirren described it in and two years later Pabst, starting from this codex, published a German translation, without facing Latin text, but with an extraordinary explanatory apparatus, full of comments, clarifications and acute and helpful annotations.

    Since the Italian reader had little opportunity to examine the MGH edition, I reproduced also the stemma codicum: Many contemporary philologists blame the editors of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica not to mention Migne for a reprehensible series of carelessness and inaccuracies.

    Instead, considering the circumstances and the historical period in which they worked, I deem them authentic exceptional forerunners and only through such incomparable precursors has our way to the Latin Middle Ages been opened. Their average knowledge of the Latin language was high indeed. With the means at their disposal, they performed miracles. I envy such editors for the silence, the endless summer evenings so perfect for studying, the powers of concentration without the ringing of phones, the noise of cars, the background rock music of their sons….

    Henry mentions many peoples, some of them well known: Russians, Danes, Germans; some less famous, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Frisians, others completely — or almost — unknown even to a cultured Italian or French person: What does the general reader have at his disposal?

    En Estonie, les enfants de 7 à 16 apprennent à programmer des ordinateurs

    Il Baltico e la frontiera cattolica: Mission and crusade in Livonia 19 http: On the Finno-Ugric side: But now there have been major changes and it could be very useful to read the recent Les chevaliers teutoniques by Sylvain Gouguenheim Tallandier, Paris and Les chevaliers teutoniques by Danielle Buschinger and Mathieu Olivier Ellipse, Paris or same title by Henri Bogdan Perrin, Paris , then the Histoire des chevaliers teutoniques by Kristjan Toomaspoeg Flammarion, Paris , Chevaliers du Christ.

    Josserand, Fayard, Paris Dominic in the north or the interesting article Les voyages de S. Presenting the latter work, the author writes: