
F.A.D.E Fighting Against Demonic Entities: Where Ever I AM They Shall Not Be

Water is important because in a forrest animals can be there and so can people In worst case scenarios you can move the portal to a cemetary or graveyard. A graveyard by default is usually sacred ground. The spirits walk around there. They also cross a multitude of dimensions and worlds. Some of them even go in and out of heaven. Placing the portal there is a disturbance to the spirits at the graveyard so this should be done as a last resort. Imagine someone putting a portal to the underworld where you lay in peace, your sacred place.

Some spirits can get mad and figure out or trace where the portal was moved from and then attack and haunt you for putting it there. With the help of your meaning of putting it there and your guardian angel.. Usually a portal to the underworld moved to a huge cemetary will allow the spirits there and especially those coming in and out of heaven to close the portal. Something that you should never attempt to do yourself not only because of lack of knowledge but because of lack of power and this could annoy the malfescent beings. Moving the portal to another place as described above would be better.

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A cemetary that is big and huge is a good last resort when all else fails. The spirits, angels, and powers of heaven will know how to destroy or close that portal. The evil coming from that portal would also see a great battle place on the other side something that they themselves would rather choose to avoid as well. Remember, don't do this yourself. Every few weeks sometimes every few days I'll be asleep then wake up. I can open my eyes most of the time but see nothing. I can feel something horrible all over my body. I sometimes hear growling, unlike anything I've ever heard.

Then I feel something crawling onto my bed something big enough to leave imprints on either side of me. It sits on my stomach and I can't move or speak. Pain rips through my stomach as if something is trying to rip it's way inside of me. Sometimes it lasts for minutes sometimes hours.


On more than one occasion this would happen several times in a row, each time the weight lifted something else would crawl onto me. Once when I could get my eyes open I felt something on my chest but saw nothing. I saw the covers drape slowly around my neck until it choked me, I strained with everything I had and finally broke free and got out of bed. I don't know what this is but it terrifies me.

It's not sleep paralysis when I can watch these things happen to me and watch things move. This happens to my brother a lot as well, a lot of times on the same nights. I have alwayys encountered demonic attacks, especially at night or the wee hours sometimes the day time. I was attacked on last night by a demon that pulled me up out of my bed and was holding me until I couldn't speak but I could speak to it in my mind. Also My best friend who resides in another state was heard conversating with me while this was going on.

We have been praying everyday togtehr for the last 2 weeks. Shortly after my experience the same demon went to her state and attacked her as well by pulling her head back trying to break her neck. She is an ordained minister and I know you said that their life has to be clean hers is mine is under consturtion so what is this.

I have been a sufferer of this type of thing my entire life. It used to only happen once in a while, but then about 12 years ago it started happening every week. For the last two years it has become two to three times a week. I have been to doctors several times for this, but nothing seems to helps. I have prayed, and have placed religous items around the house and in my bedroom.

Even these do not seem to help. I can usually tell now when I might have an episode because my three cats will literally stayed glued to me, meowing away the whole day. I have now learned to use them as a type of alarm clock. And now when I have an episode, I awake to find my cats hissing at the shadowy figures. I figure they know something I don't. Ok for all of you who are still having these attacks here is how you get ride on them.

It would always happen about 3: The attacks would range from strangulation to Demons screaming at me or playing with my feet. So what I did was every time the demons would attack me I would tell them to leave in the name of Jesus. The attacks would carry on for a few nights but eventually they stopped. If you find that you are constantly being attacked then there is something in your house or life that is opening the door for the devil to attack you. In this case you need to pray and ask God what it is so you can either deal with it or get rid of it. Well I have a lot of experience with the paranormal.

There are a lot of bad spirits out there, sometimes attached to the property or a person for a particular reason. Well that negativism affects every part of your daily life and can kill you. In the case of being attacked by a bad spirit Sometimes praying and cleansing the house is necessary. If you are being attacked by something much greater than a spook or two, such as seeing ghosts in the house and noises Army , then you will experience visions, you will be possessed, and you or those you love will most likely be injured.

Wow finally I have read stories about other people like me, or similar. Since I was about 3 years old, i am now 46, there has been.. These are extremely powerful, beyond human comprehension. It is heart wrenching to have to go through this. I sleep with a light on but last night I guess they had enough and one came and paralyzed me for maybe 15 minutes, its hard to tell how long because there is so much trauma going on at the time.

I have tried to figure this out for years and to me there is no answers for this. I am afraid to die because I try to be a beautiful person on the inside and out, i pray, I believe in Jesus, and did as a child when this started. I don;'t understand where Jesus is when this is happening. He must be allowing this for some reason.

It can be devastating when an attack happens and then for the next few days, if it gives me a break. I feel like a freak of nature at times and no one to talk too. No one that hasn't been through this can understand. Because when we die its too late, I'm 46 and still terrified and I am so sick of it, not feeling safe.

I saw a couple of them before. One time it stood there as plain as plain, looked solid like a real peson but it was bizzarr loking with big blue liquid looking eyes with shark teeth and a cloak and spikes for hair, like someone ironed its friggin hair and clothes.

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It never spoke to me just looked at me like we knew each other. This is ectremely hard to handle so to my fellow sufferers I sympathize and love each and every one of you for being a witness to such phenominon and fright. I hope when I pass away i am going to heaven I don't think I did anything to deserve this. Here are my most present occurences.

I had a demon try to put me in a sexual position. It pressed hard on my thighs pushing them apart. It held my arms down and it breathed from my chest to neck and smelled me. Then once I was stuck under a steel sheet of medal. It pressed so hard on my chest I thought I was going to stop breathing. I couldn't move anything, not even my head. Then last night, I had a demon try to break my ribs by squeezing so hard like a hug but it was very painful.

I thought my ribs were being broken. I have felt hands on my chest and everything. I am scared and I believe in God and Jesus and pray every night. I do not eat or drink a lot of sugar and that has nothing to do with it. I have constantly asked Jesus to forgive my sins, but it is becoming more frequent. My RIBS were almost broken last night. So for about three or four years from when I was like five to eight, I had this horrible experience with demons.

See my Uncle Charlie had just moved in, and I was kind of upset with that cause he was weird, which I think that negative thinking caused the demon to show up. The Demon took the form of my Uncle Charlie, obviously playing off my negative emotions, and he would turn me over onto my chest and pin me down by my neck, choking me. It was then I would see intensely bright flashes of light and this whirling shuttering noise and what I heard to be the voice of my father, telling me to be strong and take it.

I assumed this to be a spiritual representation of The Lord Jesus. Well, then the demon would pull down my long johns, and it was weird how they really you know It almost feels like you're being penetrated in some kind of manner. But anyways, I took the voice of my father to heart, being strong and believing in him to get through the event, and soon the demon who looked an awful like my Uncle Charlie would be done pillaging me. This happened off and on for the three years he lived with us, until the police took him away for some reason. To this day, thanks to the voice of my father, I still believe in the lord that stood by and protected me while a demon assaulted me in a profoundly physical manner.

It comes to me while I am sleeping and it drags me out of bed. I can't move or speak. I am afraid and I pretend nothing happened and that I was just dreaming it all up. Sometimes I don't know if it was just a dream or real and then I find bruises. I feel like I am going crazy. I am actually smiling writing this! Good to know that there are folks who have experienced some of my experiences. I have read all of your comments, and they all pale in comparison to my 'story'.

But after 15 years of demonic assaults, I have learned from my experiences. Two of your most powerful defences are, 'the name of Jesus' and the blood of Jesus'. The blood of Jesus is a potent weapon that has worked for me over and over and it is still working. For folks with numerous other demonic attacks, plead the blood of Jesus in your mind while paralyzed and against the enemy and command them to leave in the name of Jesus.

Before you engage in any warfare, please come into repentence for any areas of sins and ask Jesus to come in and be your Lord and Savior and wash you in his blood. Often, our sin opens the door for demonic stronghold. Before going to bed at night, you can just walk though the house and say 'the blood of Jesus prevails' repeatedly, if you sense evil presence and command them out in the name of Jesus.

Just worshipping God during these attacks puts the enemy to flight as well. I dont normally believe in stuff like this but I believe, the reason to which these Demons appear to you in your sleep is due to your sin of course, but my belief is that the portal in which they pass through has to do with MIRRORS. I have a lot of mirrors in my room and I think it has something to with the "trigger" affect of being capable enough to pass through with enough sin in one individual's life whom does not repent on a regular basis..

It carries on with them spiritually, internally and is the "fuel" to make an attack on their predator who is sinful and lacks repent from Christ. Do not provoke or look into these mirrors when filled with sin. Also, do not sleep in total darkness. If there is no light around.. He said that it was the demons trying to scare me into starting to yell at my mother again..

He also told me that if this ever happens again to to and fight back try to repuke the demon Idont know what to think of that but if any of you have anything like this happeneing to you You have to ask God for guidence for he is always the answer and he will help Saying a "Now I lay me down to sleep" and a "Guardian angel" prayer before you sleep does work also. There is a lot of people who don't believe that demons attack you in your sleep. They call you crazy and a fear monger for even mentioning it. Society has been dumbed down so much through TV and by so called specialists that they refuse to believe anything anymore.

They want proof and even after having proof they still don't believe. Video tape or voice record yourself while you sleep for proof. It may scare you though. For those who aren't religious and are being attacked then you really do need Jesus in your life. Just be warned that when you accept Jesus the attacks might get worse simply because they don't want to lose your soul.

Think of it this way. Every soul that the devil or demons can pervert and take from God is another pain in God's heart. Why was Jesus sent to us? To save us from the devil and the sins we have made because of us not knowing what was going on around us. God is trying to save us.

F.A.D.E Fighting Against Demonic Entities:Where Ever I Am They Shall Not Be | Products | Pinterest

All we have to do is accept Jesus with all our hearts. Just remember, you may not believe in good and evil but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Now for all those who experience this and are religious. I want to let you know that you're not alone. The closer you are to God and Jesus, the more evil you will experience in your life. Because they're trying to separate you from God. The only way they can hurt him is by taking us from him.

Why does this hurt God? It hurts him because he loves us. He loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son to us.

Jesus loved us so much that he suffered for us. He was innocent with a pure heart and he suffered for us. He suffered for all generations because he loves us that much. The devil knows he's going to lose which is why he going to do what he can to hurt God. Don't give him what he needs to hurt God. Next time you're attacked Just call out to Jesus with all your heart. Resist the temptations and make your ears deaf to their threats. In Jesus I trust now begone foul demon. If your eyes are open to everything going on then tell others. I hope the best for you and pray for all.

God bless you all. Call upon God and the Blood of Christ when a demon attacks. An underused weapon of spiritual warfare is discussed in my link. Powerful word; I so agree with this. I believe that the attacks can have a lot to do with "lifestyle living". If you experience these then please don't think your mad. They attack me a lot like almost every other day. God gives me more strength each time to get through them but what I can't stand is the physical pain I feel in them.

They like to claw, bite you, stick their claws into your flesh, sometimes they sexually attack you.

These have been happening since and get worse each time and I don't understand why God lets them happen but I pray to have more strength and faith in that he knows what he is doing and that he will help me not to fear! This happens to me like every other week. I had a dream 2 yrs back that I was in the restroom in front of the mirror, then all of a sudden an invisible being turned the lights out on me. I tried to run out of the restroom but it pulled be back in and attacked me in the dark.

It kept making me fly up and bang my head on the ceiling as if it was trying to kill me. As I kept trying to escape it would keep pulling me back in, this thing was so strong. It sound like this "oh J help me, G-- help me". By my mouth being silenced when I said their names made me realize that it was something evil like a demon that didnt want to hear God or Jesus name.

Fear is the devils fuel. All everyone has to do is to start to praise god. Then God will inhabit the praises and the demons have to flee. If you can't get into the spirit, then fast for a day or so and praise God. As you offer God praises, he will come near and the demons will run away. Yesterday I woke up about 8: It's weird how quickly I had fallen asleep being as though I wasn't tired.

As soon as I started dreaming it was like my body never rested but any how soon as I started dreaming I seen the devils horns then the face of the demon. It was huge it stood about 7feet tall and had to be to pounds in weight. It stood across from me and looked at me for a longtime awhile im trying to wake up but couldn't. It's really crazy cause luckily I woke up before he could get his hands on me.

The demon looks really fucken powerful I never seen nothing like that before. How do I know it's a demon his faced was burned badily and his body was burned bad too. I really don't know what to do cause the size of the thing is intimidating. I believe in God but im not stupid and im not a fool im gonna have to deal with it. I seem to be having ''something' wake me up and its beginning to become quite frequent I have been depressed all my life and overcome my self harm and have a loving life now.

I have a 5mth old baby and am scared something will happen to him. I'm 10 and I have had this for about 3 years. I lived in CT when it all started. Then again, we moved to GA. I was fine for this first year until last night I was sleeping, then I felt something scratch me.

I was freaked out. Thank goodness it was over very quickly. If you read this, please help me. First of all, not everyone that believes themselves to be a Christian, is actually a Christian. The fair question can be asked, which is: Do I have an ongoing and increasing desire to be obedient to everything and anything that is commanded of us in the Bible.

Scripture states that even Satan and his demons believe the Bible, but they cannot and willnot obey anything it has to say. As you grow in the Lord, as I have for over 41 years , many temptations should not cause you to decide to give in to them. If you find it harder and harder to resist temptation, then very likely, you have not yet been saved. Only God can save you. You have absolutely no choice in the matter. Since the Bible teaches that we are spiritually dead, we cannot make a choice for or against Christ.

God makes that for us. You must be a member of the invisible eternal church, and not the corporate external church, which is the local congregations that exist today, and back to May 21, , when the Church age was over, and God withdrew Himself, in the form of the Holy Spirit, from all chruches worldwide. Both the saved and unsaved, are subject to demonic attack, but only those who are true elect believers have any help to be free from those attacks. God Himself, is the one that is allowing, for His purposes, these attacks while asleep, in order to test the committment of true believers, as to whether they are paying lip service to their desire to be obedient to the Lord.

The Bible says to make your calling and election sure. Sometimes, even a true believer opens a doorway to demonic attack, because that believer has continued in a sin, either consciously or subconseiously. If you break the hedge of Gods protection, then a serpent Satan or demon will bite you attack. In over 41 years of being a true believer, I have had more than a few attacks, last night being probably the most severe. A weight was on my body, on top of me, and I heard myself saying--be gone in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. After that, I felt like I was being enclosed in a vacuum, and then I stated to scream for help.

After this, I thankfully woke up from a very deep sleep. The remainder of the night, I did not forget to pray before I went back to sleep, which was more than once. I am 61 years old, and I have an incontinence problem, which wakes me up alomst evey 2 hours. Satan and the demons are trying to use this weakness to defeat me from my steadfastnest in Christ, after all these years. Read I Corinthians Also Read in an overall sense Exodus 4: Satan and the demons know, because they believe the Bible, that their time is very short, and they again by Gods allowance are ramping up for the final showdown, which they cannot win!

Also read Psalm ;91, which say that all are thy servants. Become a true believer today by pleading, begging, and imploring the Lord to save you, and if you are one of His elect, he will do it, because He cannot break His own rules. Remember, Satan and the demons will suffer the same fate as all those who are not saved, by being eternally destroyed, which means that they will never again for eternity which is time without end experience conscious existence.

The dead praise not the Lord, they go to silence which is hell, which is the grave. Hell is not eternal fire as has been misintrepreted. Gods mercy is way beyong our human mercy of which we have none Good bye. I hope this info has helped anyone reading this. Those under attack might want to try getting deliverance, you might want to try www. Holy father; help me to help them. I know the truth and i love them because i love you. My first encounter with the devil was when I was 2 or 3 years old.

Its eyes will paralyze your body. It will follow you everywhere. Then I moved to a house that turned out to haunted. While living in that house I was pregnant and did not know. I kept hearing word Lilith everyday and had an abortion. I pray I am forgiven even though the devil fooled me. We sold the house and left. Horrific events took place there. They will haunt me for life. I changed how I live and the only weapon is faith. Fear God and pray. Do everything in the name of God.

The devil will never have power over you. If it attacks you please remember to declare your faith and it will let you go. Keep fighting for your soul. God is more merciful than a mother they say. Please do not be scared. Realize God is with you in the darkest moments and will come to your rescue when you call His name.

Do not be focused on the forces of evil but be focused on Christ and His promises, his grace, and the forgiveness of sins that is found in Him. The emphasis should be on Christ not on the devil. The devil is more powerful than man. But Christ is more powerful than the devil. Be simple unto that which is evil and wise unto that which is good. Keep a pure mind, renew a pure mind, read the Bible and remember the great things God has done and His promises. The grace of Christ through His shed blood on the cross if you repent of your sins and trust in him is the victory which overcometh this world.

God does not speak to man in an audible voice. The angels of God do not reveal themselves unto men in a visible fashion. Any spiritual beings that reveal themselves to you are not angels of light but fallen angels. The devil can transform himself into an angel of light. The devil roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He is the father of lies, the temper, the deceiver; he was a murderer from the beginning. Jesus said in John I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: If you are not saved they will try to keep you from trusting Christ.

If you are saved they will attempt to entice you to sin so that they can then attempt to make you think that you either are not saved or that you have been delivered over to the devil because of being an unrepentant Christian. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ and not of works. The evil forces of this world do not have the power over your flesh unless you willing give yourself over to them.

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There is human technology that can be used by evil man in cooperation with evil forces to make you think that the evil forces have power over you when it is really physical technology used to manipulate your mind and body and physical emotions. Please read carefully these words of scripture and make sure that you have turned from your sins to Jesus Christ as your Savior. This means that the time is drawing nigh for the Rapture when Jesus Christ who died on the cross years ago for the sins of the world and rose again the 3rd day will gather his believers from off the earth.

This also means that the time is drawing nigh when the anti-christ shall appear. The spiritual warfare of this life is fought by believing the promises of God, the Bible. Man is but dust. Of himself He is not stronger than the forces of evil. To overcome the forces of evil believe in the promises of God.

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Take God at His Word regardless of what all the theologians and supposed experts say. It is about faith, the faith of a child. Believe the promises of God. For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.

The word virgin in the Hebrew means a young woman. Young woman is a way of saying virgin. That is how the word is used to say virgin in the Hebrew. Jesus lived a life without sin. He perfectly fulfilled the law something which no other man could do because Jesus is God. Jesus said in John 8: Jehovah or Yahweh means I am that I am, the eternally existent one. But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

He was buried and he rose again the 3rd. You cannot lose your salvation because it is not based on your ability to keep the law of God because all men have failed and sinned. Salvation is based on the grace of Christ because he paid it all when he died on the cross for the sins of the world and became sin for us. Not of works, lest any man should boast. Jesus died, was buried, and rose again. There is a resurrection.

...During A Psychic Attack

The resurrection is very important to think about. God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. Not only this but when he was received up into glory there were over witnesses which beheld this event. The resurrection is true. The rapture of the believers is coming. The rapture is part of the resurrection. These are the last days in which we live.

Even now there are many anti-Christs. He is anti-christ, that denieth the Father and the Son. The mystery of iniquity is at work in the world. Angels and God will not appear to you in a visible nor an audible way. If these things occur obviously it is the forces of evil because in this life it is about faith in the promises of God.

The only reason such situations of manipulation occur is because the evil men of this world in cooperation with the spiritual forces of darkness are attempting to destroy faith in Christ and deceive men into rejecting Jesus as Savior. Anyone on this earth claiming to be Christ is an anti-Christ. Jesus is not going to speak to you in an audible voice neither are his angels. The Christian life is one of faith not of sight. Salvation comes by hearing the word of God and repenting of your sins to Jesus. Be sure to turn to Jesus Christ for salvation from your sins.

These are the last days. There is probably a great amount of suffering and persecution that is coming for those who trust in Jesus. Get prepared for it. Make sure that you understand the grace of Jesus Christ and the amazing tender mercies and loving kindness of God. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Wait patiently on Christ. Keys of the Kingdom Equation.

Praying in the Spirit. The Gifts of Intercession and Discerning of Spirits. Eyes to See and Ears to Hear. The Armor of God. Binding Up and Casting Out Demons. Developing a Prayer Life. Aug 04, Karen Tarango rated a book it was amazing. Aug 19, Battlefield of the Mind: Christian Author's Group — members — last activity Jul 20, Search for a book to add a reference. We take abuse seriously in our discussion boards. Only flag comments that clearly need our attention. As a general rule we do not censor any content on the site.

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