
Universal Vibrations

A paradigm shift happened. The earth was not falt - it was round. Then it was the center of the universe - but it wasn't - then The Milky-Way was the only galaxy - but it wasn't. It was only one out of billions of galaxies. Our "frame of knowledge" is constantly changing since science is showing us "new" truths - new paradigms. As we advance even more with new technology science will reveal even more new truths.

Truths most people would label crazy. Just as real as the law of gravity. Science has shown that everything is energy. You, me and everything else has its own vibrational frequency. A new "truth frame" is emerging revealing that we are vibrational beings living in a universe of motion where The Law of Vibration is real. Today, we all know that dogs can detect sounds that are undetectable to the human ear.

When someone blows a dog-whistle we know the sound will be detected by the dog even though we can't hear it. Our five senses are not able to detect the sound, but still we accept this as fact - as true - as our reality. Because science has shown us that dogs can detect sounds we can't.

The Law Of Vibration

Science is the number one "truth provider". We need to open up to the idea that there are things in our lives going on which might be true even though we can't use our five senses or science to verify it - like the Law of Vibration. We need to keep an open mind and get better at thinking outside the box.

We ought to realize that what we perceive as impossible today might be obvious and a known fact in the near future.

The Hidden Power of Universal Laws

The Law of Vibration and other universal laws will probably be school curriculum for future generations. Just like we have been taught about physical laws, like the law of gravity, they will be educated in the Universal laws like The Law of Vibration. You can't see how it works, but you experience it, so you believe it. Yes, most people must see experience to believe.

Believing is seeing

Today we can reach out to millions of people through the internet. And for people living with that state of mind it would sound totally crazy and out of this world. Imagine travelling 50 years back in time and telling people about a tiny gadget with the capacity to store thousands of songs, take pictures and videos, measure your heart rate and pulse, check the weather, watch movies, chat and talk with friends while seeing their faces on a touch-screen - all wireless.

How would they react? They would label you insane. However, today smartphones are a natural part of our lives. Inventors throughout history have had a hard time being accepted and believed by their fellow man when they invented something new.

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Because "the frame of knowledge" at that time did not have the ability to grasp it and embrace it as a new truth. So these brave men and women had a rough journey trying to convince people. They are afraid of changing what they already know, but the inventors and pioneers of the past never gave up. They paved the way for a new world with new truths. Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian inventor and he was able to show to the world the feasibility of radio communication. However - he had a hard time being believed that signals could be sent wireless.

His colleagues and other scientists said he was ready for the "looney-house". He sent and received his first radio signal in Italy in By he flashed the first wireless signal across the English Channel. On June 2nd , Marconi applied for a British wireless telegraphy patent. Shortly thereafter he applied for and obtained a patent in the United States.

He electrified the world when he succeeded in sending a wireless signal from Newfoundland to Ireland. Believing that radio waves, like light rays, on which signals had already been sent, shot out into space when they reached the horizon, some scientists did not believe his claim to have sent a signal across the Atlantic. However, Marconi was NOT the first one to discover the radio waves even though most people think so. Most of us, think of Guglielmo Marconi as the father of radio, and we know little of Nikola Tesla's work in radio.

Marconi's real contributions were more engineering and commercial than theoretical. He took the basic ideas and inventions of others and improved upon them and made them practical business successes. Tesla was almost the opposite. He created original ideas and proved them mathematically and physically, patenting some and not others. Some of his best ideas like the AC induction motor was a commercial success which brought him fame but not riches. A patent battle between Tesla and Marconi went on for years. Marconi died in Tesla died in and six months after his death the US Supreme Court ruled that all of Marconi's radio patents were invalid and awarded the patents for radio to Tesla.

The higher the frequency, the more potent the force will be. Thought is considered the highest form of vibration therefore it has the highest frequency.

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Being the highest frequency, it is considered as a powerful force in the universe. To understand the Law of Attraction correctly, and be in more harmony with it, we must also understand the Law of Vibration. The meaning of vibration can be considered as a moving backwards and forwards.

Universal Vibrations

It also can mean to oscillate, quiver, or swing. A perfect way to rationalize on this concept, think about this. If you stick your arm out straight and keep it perfectly still, you will notice no movement. And they are moving at a speed of about , miles per second.

The Secrets Of The Universe & Nikola Tesla Code Energy/Frequency Vibration Attractions/THOUGHT/Money

Although the arm appears still, it really is in a constant state of motion. You can only see this happening if you had a powerful microscope to view it. Now take a second and vibrate or shake your arm around. Your arm was already vibrating on its own, but you have stepped up the vibration or assisted it to become stronger. The vibrating energy of your arm has increased dramatically.

Those who think positively are in a good state of vibration. Because they are in a good or positive state of vibration, good things will always come to them. They will always attract positive things or personalities. But those thinking negative would be vibrating negative energy. This is because they dwell on the bad and all that is pessimistic. As such, they will vibrate negativity. Ever have a thought about someone, maybe a friend or family member then all of a sudden they call or text you?

You sent out the vibration, and the universe responded. You may have also picked up subconsciously on the vibration your friend set out before he or she decided to call you. It works hand in hand. When you sit down in isolation with just your thoughts, you can see what you are predominantly thinking. It can be a very rough experience if you are trying it for the first time and stuck in a rut of negativity.

This is the first step towards eliminating your negative thoughts and vibrations. This is a process of rewiring your subconscious, and you can read this article to find out how powerful the subconscious really is.


Thinking positive is not going to find you any results however. Without action, there is no result. Thinking and focused action goes hand in hand. We are in this universe to create. We are master creators.