
Quantum Glory: The Science of Heaven Invading Earth

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Quantum Glory explores the intriguing intersection between the two realities of quantum mechanics and the glory of God. Part one of the book explores how the sub-atomic world is a revelation of exceptionally intricate Divine design that unveils the mind of our Creator. In Part two, the author explains exactly how the glory of God invades our physical universe to affect miracles of Divine healing.

This book is packed with revelation that is guaranteed to blow your mind!

Quantum Glory

But more than that, it is designed to equip you in supernatural ministry so that you can also release the glory of God on earth as it is in Heaven! Prepare to have your world turned upside down! Phil and Maria are also the directors of the Deep End School; a unique Kingdom Ministry training centre that commenced in They have run seven Schools so far and over 70 wonderful students have graduated.

Phil's ministry is now almost exclusively focused upon equipping the church to transition into living in the glory realms of heaven in order to attain what the Apostle Paul called "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. He has recently completed writing a book entitled Quantum Glory: The Science of Heaven Invading Earth.

God is Light and in Him there is no Darkness - Quantum Mechanics

And the visible world is actually founded upon the invisible! The author debunks the new age movement and gives powerful illustrations that uphold rich Christian wisdom and knowledge. The author delves so deep into the basis of space, time, and spirituality that the message feels incredibly profound. This book gave me new eyes to see the world. It is difficult the view the world from a myopic perspective after reading this book.

The micro subatomic world affects the macro universe in such a marvelous fashion that everything is linked together you will learn much about string theory!

But the real crux of the book is how the author reveals that the ministry of Jesus and subsequently, the witness that every Christian is called to be manifests via the microscopic and subatomic world. This message of the book reveals the glorious methods in which God works. As I have mentioned above, I have never run across a book of this unique caliber and content.

Quantum Glory: The Science of Heaven Invading Earth

I suggest that the content itself displays the creative style of the book. Generally, I reserve this section for the flow and style of a book, but I suffice to reiterate that the content itself is inventive and original enough to carry its own weight in this section.

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It is the intersection between the world of spirit and the world of matter. It is like the buffer zone between spiritual realities and material realities. That is why the quantum world exhibits the attributes of both spirit and matter!

Quantum Glory: The Science of Heaven Invading Earth - Phil Mason - Google Книги

The realm of spirit is by its very nature non-local. It transcends space and time, those four familiar dimensions that we are all accustomed to navigating in everyday life. I perceive everything now with a brand new perspective. The author uses descriptive verbiage on every topic that he covers. This book opened my eyes to a whole new world and I found myself ever the learner of things I previously knew little about.

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I love it when a book challenges and elevates the reader to new heights.