
Maverick Pilot, Vol. I

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Military Maverick

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No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! Mel Gibson's character from Lethal Weapon tetralogy though most prominently in the first 2 installments is an extremely reckless cop and ex-army special forces.

He routinely places himself in great danger as part of a suicidal deathwish , yet his skills are so great that he continues to live through his adventures. The protagonists in Play Dirty , although the only one of them who is officially in the military is the Michael Caine character, and his commission was supposed to be purely honorary. The rest are a bunch of Boxed Crooks turned into an experimental strike force by an eccentric colonel. Unsurprisingly, their tactics tend to be Literature In Dan Abnett 's Gaunt's Ghosts novels, over and over again; always crowned with success, which may be why they get away with it.

Dorden in Ghostmaker , refusing to leave a field hospital Kolea in the opening of Honour Guard , defying orders to rescue Corbec. Corbec and other wounded Ghosts in Honour Guard defying orders to get on the transport in order to join the honour guard. At the climax of Honour Guard , Gaunt decides to defend the temple rather than remove the relics.

Mkoll deserting in Only In Death to recover Gaunt's sword. Unexpected, he also recovers Gaunt. Beldavyr in Only in Death deserting his post in combat — to restart the power source for the xenos guns. Fortunately for him, it worked.

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Richard Sharpe, who even Cornwell calls a loose cannon. Though rules were a bit lax back then, he still gets in trouble for breaking them at times. The Whistlers of A Brother's Price were a family of soldiers blacklisted from service after a sister's treason, who joined the thieves' guild out of desperation. When caught stealing by General Wellsbury, Tea Whistler had the chutzpah to tell her that they'd make excellent spies.

They lied, they stole, they ignored orders, and they turned the tides in the War of the False Eldest , since their duties were expanded from spying to wreaking general mayhem behind enemy lines. This trope is given an extensive treatment in the first volume of Reflections of Eterna: Afterwards, Alva has Fenschau court-marshaled and executed for insubordination, and when his other officers confront him reminding him how often Alva himself ignored orders and regulations , calmly explains to them that had Fenschau defied his orders and won the battle by himself, he would have been made Marshal soon like Alva did in his time , but since he disobeyed orders and lost his men, he is better off dead before he causes any more harm to his own army.

Firefly 's Malcolm Reynolds, in his time as an Independent sergeant, made something of a reputation for himself for unconventional tactics, a distinct willingness to defy the odds, and an absolute refusal to quit He was an irregular in a nonprofessional insurgent army, so not unexpected. Initially a green commander in charge, Robb Stark frequently ignores senior bannermen who try to rein him in. The only reason Hawkeye is rarely, if ever, charged for being such a loose cannon is because they need as many medical personnel as possible and can't afford to lose him as Chief Surgeon. So long as they can actually avoid being caught in a major felony or committing medical malpractice, there's really not much they need to worry about in the long run.

It's instructive to note that the one regular army doctor on the cast, Colonel Potter, is not a maverick.

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Truth in Television to a large degree, even today; the U. Crystallized in a saying going back to Korea if not earlier: Washington's maverick nature was Truth in Television. Their standard response to an enemy within range, no matter what their orders? It was in fact this very aggressive style of conducting military operations that made Germany and Prussia before it so successful on the battlefield.

Let's not forget the quintessential real-life maverick General Patton. Rommel serves as a good German version.

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As generals they were granted more leeway, but Patton did suffer from his maverick ways, consistently being demoted and kept from a higher command, at one point almost being dismissed from service during WW2 due to his 'poor' conduct outside the field of battle. Rommel, however, was a maverick only in the field, mainly due to frequently outrunning his own supply lines without informing his logistics officers or setting up fuel dumps beforehand.

Outside of it, though Rommel presented himself as every inch the perfect officer. When Truman understandably refused, MacArthur tried to override the president's orders and nuke China anyway. President, I wonder why you have waited and not fired that son of a bitch two years ago! Eisenhower , another 5-star general and also a future President, said that he learned how not to be a good general during his time as MacArthur's aide. We HATED being ordered around by British officers partially because we were being used as cannon fodder against Turkish soldiers; in interviews with the last surviving Australian soldiers from WWI, some noted they sounded more scornful of the British Officers than the Turkish soldiers they were actually fighting and, as such, ignored them.

Likewise, WW2 , though not quite as bad. The old British general replies, "That's good news. Before, they'd've walked straight over you! This grenade, not as inferior as the Australian had expected, exploded as they're supposed to, luckily not severely injuring anyone, and the private commented in surprise, "Gawd, Birdie, that is the first bastard that has gone off this month. On the one hand, his He led American troops into the then Spanish colony Florida, without an official approval from the Government.

This is the very rare case of it working out for the best because the U. On a bit different note, the Order of Maria Theresa founded by its namesake was awarded to commanders who defied orders and yet achieved victory. Although historians generally agree that it was meant to promote not recklessness but rather a healthy initiative on the battlefield. Most smaller White armies in the Russian Civil War consisted from mostly these types.

Ataman Semyonov and Baron von Ungern-Sternberg come to mind. Though it's hard for Alexander the Great to disobey orders, seeing as he's the one giving them, he had an easy enough time disobeying the entire conventions of warfare of the time. He would deliberately ask his older generals for advice, knowing that they would give him conservative answers, and then did the opposite, making him completely unpredictable to his enemies on the battlefield.

The Romans also encouraged initiative among their individual legion commanders. Cynoscephalae, the last decisive battle for Roman control of the Mediterranean, was won largely due to an unknown Roman commander leading a charge to the unprotected Macedonian rear without being ordered to. A Real Life example of why this trait is usually not at all desirable in a military leader: The result was the s in Japan were filled with assassinations, attempted coups and the aggressive expansionism that led the country to Pearl Harbor, while from onward Japan's already hopeless war effort was hobbled still further by officers who would attack without orders and end up getting their men slaughtered.

Video Games All four of the protagonists and their pilot in Battlefield: Sabres of Infinity has Sergeant Harlech, a boisterous soldier who has little respect for authority or discipline, and has the lowest loyalty stat of of the available sergeants. Tiberian Sun , who is defined by his headstrong aggressiveness, most notably in the final mission, where he refuses to obey orders to wait for reinforcements before assaulting Kane's headquarters.

Renegade also disobeys orders, but is arrested immediately upon his return from the battlefield. Of course, he doesn't spend more than a few hours in jail, but his boss is explicitly described as unusually tolerant of his quirks, "which makes him the ideal boss for Havoc". Note that while his motives are admirable "They're torturing civvies, we can't wait six hours.

The higher-ranking officer told the other, "It's best not to speak to paratroopers about saluting. They always ask where you got your jump boots. Government and Federal Agents includes spies. Anime and Manga In World Trigger , Masato Kageura is one of Border's best close-combat agents, with naturally heightened senses and blinding speed. However, he is Border's loosest cannon, only following orders from his superiors if he agrees with them and violently attacking fellow agents who annoy him. Because of his recklessness, he is ranked somewhere towards the upper-middle among all Border agents, rather than near the top, as he keeps getting reprimanded and demoted at about the same rate he rises the ranks for his skill in battle.

He is still considered a valuable asset to Border as he can easily get the upper hand on his enemies through sheer power and guts, and he cares about his own subordinates, who have much cleaner records than he does. Spies tend to play things by ear as a rule, but Bond seems to revel in doing things that will give Q, M, and the British government a heart attack.

The fact that he saves the world with clockwork regularity tends to offset this. He is assigned directly to Simon Illyan, the head of ImpSec, because while he succeeds in absurd situations, he repeatedly drives his commanding officers nuts. Which loyal officer gets his career destroyed next? No, no, never send interim reports. Interim reports tend to elicit orders. Which you must then either obey, or spend valuable time and energy evading, which you could be using to solve the problem. Tommy ends up killing two fellow Marines with a sniper rifle Don't worry, they had it coming They get away with that too.

Well, for a few years, anyway. Literature Captain John Rumford in Victoria regularly uses highly irregular tactics, often subverts orders and frequently commits regular atrocities against military standards of grooming and conduct, yet does so with the full blessing of his superiors and maintains amiable and generally respectful relations with them. In effect, he respects authority, just not its trappings, and has an understanding CO who lets him get away with it because he can be counted on to deliver when the going gets tough. Averted by Greer in Stargate Universe.

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  • There's no doubting he knows his job and is willing to give his life to protect even people he dislikes, but he displayed such a temper that an early Fan Nickname for him was Furious George. He also reputedly beat up a superior officer Video Games Doom 's protagonist is a Marine who was shipped out to the Mars base because he assaulted a superior officer who himself deliberately ordered the company to open fire on people he knew were probably pacifist monks.

    Gunny Highway from Heartbreak Ridge fits pretty well. At least the part of annoying your superiors. And isn't there some sort of regulation that forbids the drill instructors from firing live ammunition at their recruits? Well, if there is, there'd be two outs: Colonial Jessup from " A Few Good Men " makes no secret out of the fact that he thinks he is one of these, lampshading more than once how he considers himself to be successful for being able to do things other people aren't ready to do like punishing one of his subordinates in a way that is forbidden in the military.

    Deconstructed since at the beginning of the film, a marine dies because of the illegal punishment he ordered, and when the military sends people to investigate, it becomes clear that high-ranking or not, Jessup still committed a crime for disobeying the rules, and will be punished himself for it. Navy for space navies, see Space below. Though, the latter is the only one known to have risked being kicked out. Interestingly, the naval forces of the One Piece world are referred to as the Marines. He's apparently given a lot of leeway due to his combat experience, even taking his dog with him on the boat.

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