
How to be a Mermaid in Spirit

I'm sure you can find ways to connect to the mermaid with your heart and imagination. Of course it seems only natural that the men would want to partake of the invitation of the beautiful mistresses of the sea. The legends goes that the men quite quickly fell in love with the charms and the beauty of the mermaids, but were faced with an incomprehensible decision -- to be with the mermaid would mean he would have to go with her into the deep watery world where he would be with her forever, never to return to the life he had once known before.

The mermaids were renowned for their feminine essence, to be the epitome of a female beauty. In form and feature she was the most beautiful and provocative creature in female form.

Her long beautiful hair, her voluptuous curves, her sensual energy, she was truly irresistible. Yet, she was unattainable, untouchable, unconquerable because she is so strong in who she is, she can never be tamed, all of which just seemed to make her all the more desirable. Men desired her, but the mermaid also brought out their deepest fears. It was a battle of desire and fear, keeping thoughts and images of her their fantasy A man desires more and more what he cannot possess, making the mermaid more and more appealing, more and more desirable. This gives the mermaid the greatest power over men, and the men love her and fear her at the same time, knowing that her influence over them will grow.

But her appeal never wanes, it grows stronger still. She is of a different world, a watery world where intuition mystically flows with the tides. She is tune with the rhythms of subtle energies flowing in these waters and she can perceive the heart and intention of a man, all of this adds to her mystery, her allure and her seductive power.

To be with her a man must give up everything he knows, the ways of his ego and he must trust her completely. He must be the guardian and protector of her spirit, so that she can perceive the intuitive messages on their path. This is the vulnerability of a sacred relationship between man and mermaid or man and woman alike. The men captivated by the mermaid reach a point where they must make a decision, one to follow the love and let their heart become vulnerable, and to live fully in her love and the attraction she holds over him, or the other decision to walk away and keep her only as a memory, of a distant long-ago love.

As we've touched upon, the meaning of a mermaid conveys the power of choices about love. Does one follow love or is there something else of an obligation or a calling that one must answer to? Many times love is about timing, and it is magic when the time is right for both. But we must respect that if the timing is not right to walk away and be at peace with it, letting go with love.

We can never know if the tides of time will bring us back to someone but we must trust the ways of the Universe in these things. Sometimes love can be so powerful, it's blinding in it's force. From my perspective, historical fairy tales about mermaids are mostly disinformation. The writers are making up stories and inventing mermaid personalities based on their own experience with women. And so almost nothing they write is insightful or informative. But they do have one thing right about the sea people. If a Selkie half woman and half seal is tricked into marrying a man, she will be his wife, love him, and love the children that they produce.

But even so, if she is ever given an opportunity to return to her own form in the sea, she will leave in that very moment. She is able to do this because for her, love is not possessive. And she never forgets, no matter how socially adept she may become in interacting with human beings, that she has a nonhuman identity. I asked one woman if she would give up her human form and become a mermaid again if she had a choice, even if it meant leaving her husband and children behind.

Her reply was that she would return to being a mermaid in that very moment. Most mermaid women are comfortable being here in human bodies. But some feel they have been brought here against their wills. In general, mermaid women do not get sad, feel sorrow, or experience loss; or if they do, the experience is not prolonged. Romantic love involves bonding with one other person. For a mermaid, love is not possessive in this way.

Love is a property of water. The ecstasy and bliss that water contains are not derived from a connection to one person. Love is in the rivers, the lakes, and the seas. This love encompasses the planet. Love, then, is independent of relationships. Mermaids do not have an ego the way we do. Bonding in normal human terms is not of major significance to them. Consequently, they do not comprehend the idea of romantic attachment. They are definitely not codependent. Yet when I am with another, part of me flows through my lover even when the relationship is over. The love is an unending stream.

He likes to hold on to things. If I am not in a relationship, I do not go searching for someone. Men just come to me. There have been times when I feel guilty—like I am wasting his time because I am not attached to him the way he needs me to be. I mean, it is out there in the beauty of life; I like the idea of finding the right person, but I think you should find happiness within yourself rather than living it through someone else.

I have never felt complete with another human being here on earth. For mermaid women, all men are inevitably unsatisfying. The men seem incapable of sensing the depth of life that is within the mermaid woman. And men are incapable of returning the same kind and degree of affection and empathy. In spite of this imbalance, mermaid women continue to be giving with whomever they are with.

This was in Harry Potter. I am not saying that men do not have a sensitive side to them. Some mermaid women have difficulty in their relationships to men because a boyfriend will discover that the mermaid woman is in no way dependent on him. There is no bonding going on. One mermaid woman suggested that in this situation a woman should simply celebrate whatever the men do give, no matter how small it is. Having the relationship is really nice.

But the need part is insignificant. So when it suddenly ends, there is a feeling of loss. But it is temporary? What ends in one relationship goes on in a new way in another. I connect with them to serve a purpose, and after the purpose is served I am gone. It is much harder then I thought it would be. In addition, mermaid women have the ability to continuously flow energy and love through others regardless of whether they are far or near. Water in nature is like that. It remains healthy because it is constantly in motion, flowing, giving and receiving endlessly.

I asked one mermaid woman about how she is constantly flowing energy through her boyfriend and whether he senses this. She said she has always done this with all her boyfriends in the past. Her current boyfriend is aware of how she flows her energy through him, and he really likes that she does this. Innocence and Being Uninhibited. The uninhibited sensuality and innocence of mermaid women are almost beyond human understanding.

They are not promiscuous or nymphomaniacs. Rather, they are one hundred percent in the moment aware of the possibilities of exchanging energy with others. They are not operating from a position of ego. They are not using human empathy. They are using mermaid empathy, which is literally inside of you and sensing you from within. As they grow up, however, they learn that human beings do not reciprocate these feelings of connection. All the same, this is their natural way of interacting, and this primal capacity never leaves them.

It is the freedom they possess in regard to sexuality, sensuality, and love that is beyond human comprehension. Love is my religion. Love in every moment. Love is life; life is love; love is everywhere. It was very confusing growing up even as a young adult.

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Something that came so natural to me seemed to be difficult for others. I never understood why love always had a cost or repercussions. For me, I love with my entire being. These things have always been hard for me to understand as well. I was giving away jackets, toys, and all kinds of things even as a child. Even now, I see it, but I still do not understand it. I mean love is who I am and what I follow.

For example I do not on purpose hurt others. I feel if only they knew how to really love, they would not need all this because with love comes compassion, empathy, forgiveness. I mean, I am not sure I have that within me. I am a very free, loving, and a wild spirit when it comes to sex. The emotions are off; I am detached. I realize how humans work—that there are a lot of emotions and feelings involved. So it is important to not ignore those. Yet I want to be uninhibited because otherwise sex is just expressing your ego.

For me, the two are separate. No wonder humans get so confused in relationships. But for me love and sex are not bound together. Sex is a natural bodily function. Love is of the heart—it is a soul-to-soul connection. Love does not require physical consummation in order to be fully expressed. Love is what I am. I never wear one when I am cleansing myself, immersing myself in the water.

The 3 Crystals You Need To Summon Your Own Mermaid! | Soul and Spirit

For a mermaid woman, being in the moment and going with the flow are what enables someone to feel alive. If the flow is strong, then what is happening is right. If the flow is weak, then something is wrong. This is their morality in its best sense. They understand that lust is essential for love, that lust and love are entwined and perfectly natural. If what you are doing makes you feel alive, then it is right. If what you are doing makes you feel weak, then it is wrong. This principle defines the sacred.

In practice, however, it is not necessarily any easier for them to find which way to flow. Life is as complex for a mermaid woman as it is for anyone else. But they can tell from their feelings if something is right or not, and they usually sense before those around them when it is time to move on. The men are like children, and the women are selfish. And men are always striving because they need to prove themselves. Even so, women are drawn to me and respect me.

It is so sad that someone goes out of her way to make others feel bad; she must be so unhappy. And I do not understand why women who are hurt by someone would want to hurt the other person in return. The idea of being revengeful, vindictive, hateful, or negative is beyond my comprehension. They are not a very advanced race. Humans are very animalistic with many negative emotions. They seemed to hold grudges and not forgive easily. I just never understood that.

I find it frustrating! I can feel love all around me and in every bone of my body, but they seem to have such a hard time with the emotion they call love—when really it is so much more than a thought or an emotion. And they search and search for it when really it is with and around them in every moment they experience. They just need to put it within every thought. I do love humans as I love all beings, but they tend to be so overdramatic!

Even my human tendencies can get the best of me at times. The opportunities around us are limitless; we can be what we want to be, enjoy experiences in life. I know I must make the best of this world I live in, and I do want to help. I love to feel alive and use all my senses. It is as if humans just go through the motions of life without really being able to love unconditionally and empathize.

Other than a few exceptions, it usually takes me between six months to two years to get a mermaid woman to tell me about herself. And then I am usually the only one she has ever shared her experiences with. They tend to be very secretive or shy about talking to others about what they sense and feel. Their acute receptivity makes them different, and it makes them vulnerable. They learn early on how to disguise themselves so they appear to be like other human beings.

It is why we are here. All the same, I find it extremely difficult to be fully understood by others. But I am not holding anything back. I just walk in this quiet knowing. We do not need to broadcast where we are at, what we are thinking, and what we are feeling.

If I am asked a question, I will answer the question. I have nothing to hide from anybody. But I am not going to waste my time trying to explain the depth of me that nobody will understand. Many people would just think me crazy if I told them the things I know and remember. But even as a child or teenager I have had others who very quickly became attached to me if I let them. So I have learned how to block that kind of attention. Blocking is about being open or closed.

Giving another energy is like leaning toward that person, but blocking is like leaving a distance between us. So I have had to learn how not to give others my energy. Mermaid women have often experienced being stalked. A complete stranger, for example, may follow a mermaid woman when she gets off of a bus. There are also people who know how to drain the energy from mermaid women. These individuals may unconsciously act as emotional vampires, trying to take the energy the undine women seem to be willing to give in excess.

There are in fact a few human beings or other types of people who have the willpower to both sense and take possession of mermaid women. For such individuals, bonding with a mermaid woman is like being united to nature from within yourself. And so there is more than sufficient reason for mermaid women to become masters of disguise. They are like professional actors when it comes to assuming a role different from what they really are.

My body is like a glove. It is something I put on and wear.

The 3 Crystals You Need To Summon Your Own Mermaid!

It does not change who I am. Though I have entered a human body many times, I remain unchanged. I only grow in experience.

I can integrate myself into human society to an amazing degree, but I am not all that human. I even sacrifice or limit my connection to my otherworldly self in order to be more socially effective. Yet I am here as an observer of human reality. This is what I am. Mermaid women talk as if the astral plane—the next world— is more real than this world.

And since some of the mermaid women can so easily see and speak with departed spirits, the boundary separating the living and dead seems of little or no significance. Some mermaid women speak to dead people in the same way they speak to people who are alive: It is not that I do not value life. I try to be the best person I can. There is so much more I am a part of than this world that we see. Actually, for me boredom is death.

I remember many lifetimes. It is just leaving the body and I am moving on. It is merely a transition.

Incarnated Mermaids and Hybrids

It is frustrating that no one else feels it or acknowledges that it is there. It is so real that I am unafraid of going there. I do not fully understand it, but I feel that it will make complete sense when I get there. He is upset about a friend who will die soon of cancer. And he just does not understand that when he dies he will then actually be more alive than ever. You know in my entire life I have only been to one. I think they are so silly, and why do people mourn when they should be celebrating the new journey the departed are taking?

I sense the soul that has left the body. I try to encourage them and help them in adapting to their new situation.

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  7. To review, there are human women with mermaid auras, that is, they have a lot of water in their auras. This watery energy reflects some aspect of water in nature—a waterfall, a mountain pool, a lake, a stream on land or underground, a river, an ocean bay, or an arctic bay. These women feel, think, perceive, and act the same way as real mermaids who are inside of human bodies. Though these women are human, they identify themselves with water in nature, so they act and talk exactly like the mermaids.

    Yet they have no ties to the realm of mermaids. For example, her aura embodies the vibration of an entire ocean. These mermaid women, however, are from the Other Side. Consequently, they possess additional traits that the human mermaid woman usually does not have. For example, they are hardwired from birth with certain abilities. They can instantly connect to anyone on earth with their psychic perception. They usually have telekinetic abilities in some form or possess mesmeric abilities to influence others. Since they are from the Other Side, it is easy for them to perceive and interact with spirits from the astral plane such as fairies.

    Sense and Heal from a Distance. A human mermaid woman can flow her aura through someone she is near to or cares about. A hard-core mermaid woman can do this with anyone anywhere on earth. The other person does not have to be physically present for her to flow her energy through the other.

    The hard-core mermaid woman, then, is able to sense and heal others from a distance. Since distance is not a problem for her, she will often send healing energy to others on a daily basis.

    7 Signs That You Have the Spirit of a Mermaid

    For her, this basic form of energy sharing is part of being alive. And sometimes I will doubt myself and call to check, and it turns out the person I was concerned about was in a hospital. So I was right. It depends on my mood and level of consciousness. Oh, I would zap everybody. And they would each get different colors of energy from me. As children, hard-core mermaid women may spend many hours a day in water sometime ten hours or more —either in a bathtub, swimming pool, lake, or other body.

    As adults, they prefer to be around large bodies of water. Some of them practice magic or send healing energy while they are in the bathtub: But now it is always around me. As a kid, there were times when I needed to get away from my family, out of society, and being in the water was the only peaceful place. I only feel comfortable when I am in water.

    I can only do energy work on others when I am fully immersed in water. No human words could describe the experience. Because it is not deep enough. I draw energy from the water. I think I would start to feel like I was drinking too much coffee if I lived near only a stream or a river. But when I come back and start thinking, I am stuck with this human brain.

    I know how to get rid of the brain consciousness by just stopping my thought processes. Then it is like I am in water and nothing else exists. Ten minutes are like six months. But when I come out of meditating, I am stuck again with human consciousness. But I am making little advances. I allow my brain to feel like it is full of water, and then there is no difference between being human and being a mermaid.

    My body takes on a water vibration.

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    The family used to joke about it. I had a pool most of my life and would spend weekends when not in school in the pool for at least ten hours a day. From the time she was born she has begged to take baths and showers and would stay in for hours upon hours if we would let her. I think she probably just has an affinity for water, but it would be odd if she were a child of the water spirits. Her advice is to let your daughter spend as much time in water as she wants to. The thing you can do for her is to make sure she has other happy and healthy children to be around and to learn from since at that age she is very impressionable.

    I never lived near water until my early twenties, and this is when I began to feel really alive. I was so happy; I felt alive! And then I moved back to the Midwest and lost that feeling until I returned to Hawaii. I can only get that feeling if I get in a pool or bath. I feed off the magnetism that the water brings me. It is as if the universe or life can be seen in the reflection of the water. The water enhances all my senses. If I am sick or in pain I get in the water as it is what comforts me. Sometimes you hear people say they are married to god. I sometimes feel I am married to the ocean!

    After I immerse myself in a bathtub or pool, I feel most alive, energized. The water recharges me! Water is the essence of life! Water Energy and Healing. This gets rid of any feeling of stress or unhappiness I have. Then the energy began to spin in the opposite direction, taking on different geometrical shapes. Then it changed directions again. It is soothing, and that is what I want to receive—gentle, tender energy flowing. So that is what I give. The vapor is in the waves, and the waves create this energy that I send. I can hear the ocean right now. This depends on my mood. Sometimes I hear rolling waves coming in, and other times the water sounds like a stream with water bubbling.

    There is a calm even flow, no wind, no current, a kind of ebb and flow. I then send a healing love or energy to them. I also help them to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It all depends on what the person needs. I help turn their negative experiences into learning experiences, which then helps the individuals feel in turn that they can help others.

    Mermaid women are often involved in healing or health professions. They feel a compulsion to heal and to nurture the people around them so that others feel happy, content, satisfied, and gratified.