
Nathans Run

And so Nathan runs You are taken through a journey - through the eyes of a 12 year old boy. I picked up this book simp For a book that is about 20 year old- wasn't all that bad. I picked up this book simply because I was waiting for some library books to come in. Nothing all that surprising- the kid has some really 'good luck' along the way- and could of use a little bit better of an ending- A fast , easy read- 20 years old- I like this kind of read every once in a while- after all those psycho, serial killer, body parts all over the place, types of books that I tend to love so much! Aug 03, Clifford rated it it was amazing Shelves: I rarely read mysteries or police stories, but I recently borrowed this book on tape unabridged from the library to listen to in the car, and it was completely successful, in my opinion, which is why I give it 5 stars.

Not only did I come to care about the two main characters, Nathan and the police lieutenant, but the story the author tells was so gripping that I took a few unnecessary trips in the car just so I could listen. Even though I considered some aspects of the plot a little far-fetch I rarely read mysteries or police stories, but I recently borrowed this book on tape unabridged from the library to listen to in the car, and it was completely successful, in my opinion, which is why I give it 5 stars.

Even though I considered some aspects of the plot a little far-fetched, they were put together and presented with great skill. The local cops have no leads, as Nathan makes a run for it in a stolen car, leaving an apology for its owner and washing the sheets where he slept.

Things deteriorate as additional cops are killed, and Nathan is blamed. Nov 09, Destiny rated it it was amazing. If I could only jump inside those pages This book was fantastic Nathan won my heart in this one. I wanted to jump through the pages of the book and help him! I would have if I could have!

At only 12 years old, Nathan is on the run As I read and ran right along side Nathan, I shared his journey and his experience. Little Nathan showed me the heart and the courage of a lion! I was so touched by If I could only jump inside those pages I was so touched by him. Just one warning, Nathan shares with the reader a rough and dark history that is hard to read and imagine.

But, it is well worth it. This story was just incredible! View all 5 comments. Nov 22, C. Here's a list of books I've read that have something in common: Every single one of these nove Here's a list of books I've read that have something in common: Every single one of these novels on this short—yet, probably not exhaustive—list have one particular thing in common. They all elicited the same reaction from me as I read the final chapters. Tears streaming down my face. Not just watery eyes, not just a tear or two, I'm talkin' open-the-floodgates the dam-has-burst-wide-open kind of tears.

I'm sure other novels have done it to me, but these half-dozen are the ones that I can name within five seconds. Now, there's another story to add to my list— Nathan's Run by John Gilstrap. I won't bore you with a plot synopsis you can get that on Goodreads, Amazon, Mr. Gilstrap's website, etc , except to say that twelve-year-old Nathan is on the run for his life. And what a run it is. There are chase novels all over the place. It's a classic set-up for a suspense novel. The good guy is on the run, chased by the bad guy.

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Sometimes the good guy is completely good, sometimes he's not. Sometimes he's chased by bad guys who want him dead, and sometimes he's chased by good guys who also want him dead. This is Nathan's predicament. And he's only twelve. Some would say that a child on the run, in imminent danger, is going for the cheap thrill as Gene Siskel accused the movie Aliens of doing.

Siskel's point was there was no way that Newt, the little girl in Aliens , was going to die, so there was no suspense. I say, watch John Connor run and fight for his life as the Terminator relentlessly hunts him down and tell me there's no suspense there. There was plenty of it for me, just like in Aliens. So, yeah, I'm all for the child-in-danger plot device as it works fine for me. That device works exceptionally well in Nathan's Run , especially as Gilstrap gives it a few twists of his own.

And that's what exceptional storytelling does. Take a hackneyed plot, twist it, and let the characters live it out. Gilstrap does that to perfection here.

Nathan's Run by John Gilstrap

Good storytelling also does something else. It makes peripheral characters matter. There are plenty of such characters in Nathan's Run , and though most of them had only one or two scenes, none of them felt like merely two-dimensional space-fillers. All of them served a purposed to move the story forward, and it was rewarding to see each of them in the context of their lives, living and breathing and talking like normal people. I finished Nathan's Run this morning Saturday, November 28, at 5 o'clock, reading the last few chapters in my writing area by the light of my desk lamp, the outside early-morning darkness right next to me trying to seep in through the window and overtake the meager light.

What an apt metaphor for Nathan's situation. I must give you one warning if you decide to read Nathan's Run which you should! If you are a parent of a young boy Nathan's age, particularly if you are a father, be forewarned. You just may find your emotions ambushing you in numerous places throughout the story. I'll tell you as one who's read the story, those ambushes may be uncomfortable at times, but they are also rewarding. What more can you ask for from a piece of fiction? Mar 13, Bev rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Having killed a guard in self defence in a detentions centre in which he had been place, and with no one to trust, Nathan tells his story to a talk-back radio host, and his run becomes a media event followed across the country.

Exciting and action packed to the very end! Sep 21, amy rated it it was amazing. Twelve-year-old Nathan Bailey accused of the brutal murder of a juvenile detention guard has escaped and is on the run. When he calls a Washington, D. Only one officer believes him and tries to help him surrender safely.

I can't believe I never read this book or knew that it was banne Twelve-year-old Nathan Bailey accused of the brutal murder of a juvenile detention guard has escaped and is on the run. I can't believe I never read this book or knew that it was banned by many schools. It was a great read and there's lots to discuss in a classroom or with your own child. Aug 01, Jeanette rated it liked it. It was written in a clear flow, and the story of Nathan, although one I've read of "escaping on the run" time and again- original in the voice of the escapee.

You seldom get that kind of dialog and answer to the "followers" of the chase. Or that depth of the escapee's thoughts, beyond just their fear and reactions.

Nathan's Run #4

The jumping characters format and the far-fetched circumstances took me out of it. I never felt the entrenched tension at all that others seem to get with this book. Jun 14, Barbara Peters rated it it was amazing.

  • Nathan's Run Original Ending - John Gilstrap.
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I really like this book. It was a reread from some time ago,but it still had plenty of suspense and you really find yourself rooting for Nathan. Jul 31, Kraig Mueller rated it it was amazing. A great story of an innocent boy on the run. With the help of a cynical radio host and police detective. Nathan is being pushed to trust adults again. May 21, Ronna rated it it was amazing Shelves: Although this book is listed as a Young Adult read, I found it thoroughly engrossing, thrilling, and heart reaching for this very adult reader!!

Don't know how I missed this when it first came out, but am so glad I've found it now. I will definitely add John Gilstrap to my list of favorite authors!! Nathan Bailey's Mom died when he was a baby, but he had a great life with his Dad, until his Dad Although this book is listed as a Young Adult read, I found it thoroughly engrossing, thrilling, and heart reaching for this very adult reader!! Nathan Bailey's Mom died when he was a baby, but he had a great life with his Dad, until his Dad was killed in a train wreck when Nathan was 10 years old.

Unfortunately, things went rapidly down hill after that. He was placed in his drunken, scum-bag uncle's house. After much abuse, beatings and neglect, Nathan stole his Uncle's car in an effort to get away. He was caught, whereupon his uncle gleefully saw Nathan sent off to a Virginia Juvenile Detention Center for his punishment. After a miserable few months of fighting off bullies and abusers, he found himself in the tiny detention room, fighting for his life with one of the worst guards there. Sheer luck and stealth found Nathan surviving, running from the guard whom Nathan had killed in self defense.

Now branded as a cop killer, the whole force of the police and politically motivated Attorney General's office comes down upon him. Continuing to run and hide seems to be Nathan's only hope. When the topic of "Nathan" comes up, everyone wants to see the "cop killer" caught, but should he be tried as a juvenile or as an adult.

Opinions are strong for both sides. Hearing himself talked about, Nathan calls "The Bitch" to give his side of the story. Then it becomes is Nathan a murderer or a victim, and why would anyone want to kill a little boy?!? But the action has just begun. Nathan is definitely being pursued by police and a hit man, and the chase continues. The characters were so well written that I felt like I knew who they were. The suspense drew me in from the very beginning and didn't slow down till the very last word on the very last page!! Nathan definitely won my heart.

Great book, John Gilstrap!! Mar 25, Barry rated it really liked it. Nathan's Run was written by John Gilstrap about 20 years but it has not aged badly at all. There were almost no occasions on I thought, "Gee, this is really dated. The book is about a 12 year boy who is an inmate in a young offenders correctional facility where he has been brutally raped and abused in a variety of ways by both the other inmates and the staff. After a staff member tries to kill him and is killed by Nathan instead, the boy takes off on his "run. Gilstrap is an excellent story teller as his plot is plausible but has enough twists to maintain the reader's interest.

Most of the characters are realistic and the major characters are three dimensional. While not being an "edge of the seat" thriller throughout, Gilstrap develops a great deal of tension and suspense as the story reaches its conclusion. This was not a great book but rather a very solid and enjoyable read. Nathan is a twelve year old orphaned boy who escapes from a Juvenile Detention Center in Virginia after killing a guard in self-defense. Of course, the police believe it is outright murder and the chase is on.

While holed up in the home of a vacationing family, Nathan manages to call in to a popular nationwide Newstalk radio show, and he tells his side of the story and gains some popular support. It seems as though everyone is against him, the bad guys, of course, but also all the law enforcemen Nathan is a twelve year old orphaned boy who escapes from a Juvenile Detention Center in Virginia after killing a guard in self-defense. It seems as though everyone is against him, the bad guys, of course, but also all the law enforcement types.

The story about why there are hit men out after Nathan is developed rather slowly, and everything builds up to an action-filled drama at the end. This was a tense, entertaining thriller that stars an endearing and clever twelve year old basically in what amounts to the lead role of The Fugitive. While I think I ultimately made the correct choice, I hear a lot from fans who want just a little more.

Warren watched awkwardly for just a moment, then smoothly and slowly, with the grace of one who had done it many times before, he moved to the boy and sat down next to him on the sidewalk. Self consciously at first, but then with the warmth and tenderness of a grieving father, he drew Nathan close, his hand disappearing into the grimy tangle of the boys hair.


Amidst the blood and the filth, Nathan caught the faintest aroma of sweaty aftershave, the smell of strength. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be transported back to sunnier times. For the longest time, they just sat there together on the sidewalk and cried like babies on national television. Beyond the line of cops, applause started softly at first, and then raised to a cheer as it caught on.

When Nathan finally heard it, he looked confused. As they rose together from the sidewalk, and headed off toward the command post to get it all straightened out, Nathan smiled and gave a shy wave. Denise Carpenter waited calmly for her cue, seated at the edge of her seat, her back straight, and her hands folded properly on her lap.

The set was beautifully decorated for the Holidays, and she was wearing her favorite Christmas outfit. When the applause light over their heads instructed them to do so, the studio audience thundered their applause, and the red light on camera one jumped to life. Our next guests are very special to me, though I have never met them. Backstage, Nathan fidgeted with his tie as he listened to Denise say nice things about him. This would be his first interview. Ever the composed on-air personality, Denise started to cry when she saw Nathan in person.

Nathan’s Run

He looked so different. He was thirteen, now, the boyish looks beginning to be edged out by encroaching manhood. They hugged for a long time.