

There's only messy, inconsistant, silly, hopeful version of how we feel most at home in our own lives.

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But when I think about what I have, what I strived to reach my whole life, it's not the biggest or best or easiest or prettiest or most anything. It's not the Manor or the laundry closet. Not the multi-million dollar inheritance or the poorhouse. It's not superstardom or unemployment. It's family and love and safety.

  • Time Management Made Easy.
  • Three Good Things: Happiness Every Day, No Matter What!;
  • Normalcy bias - Wikipedia?

It's bravery and hope. It's work and laughter and imperfection. And if you refused, they hated you If anybody pretends to be interested in me, I'll ask for more. Wylie kept on ribbing him--he was one of those to whom this privilege was permitted.

Normalcy bias

I want to buy what's in your mind. Well--they haven't improved since then, and that's why I say you're no merchant.

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You writers and artists poop out and get all mixed up, and somebody has to come in and straighten you out. You just ask to be kicked around. I like people and I like them to like me, but I wear my heart where God put it--on the inside. Scott Fitzgerald, The Last Tycoon. Prosser realized that he was substantially the loser after all, it was as if a weight lifted itself off his shoulders: Normalcy was always a declaration.

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What a question to ask! And it is always those who know nothing about human nature, who are bored by psychology and shocked by physiology, who ask it. If I had been a man, I may have turned to a life of crime. A Christmas Romance Novella.

Youth In Care: A Conversation About Normalcy

Never feel ashamed for feeling different; different is the new normal. Breaking Up with Shyness.

Normalcy | Definition of Normalcy by Merriam-Webster

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  • The Fed's Brave New Strange World Of "Normalcy"Won't Last | Zero Hedge.
  • Nonsight - Nonsence:Rhymes by Bill!
  • Normalcy Quotes;
  • The Contessas Vendetta (Womens Historical Gothic Fiction): A Novel of Betrayal and Revenge.

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