
Lust Surrounding Love

If the relationship is based on lust rather than love, Taurus will more than likely keep you at a distance with everyone else. This sign has a lot to offer in a relationship—he will be honest, loyal and reliable at all times. A typical earth sign, Capricorn is careful and selective about whom he spends his time with and whom he opens up to. Following his head instead of his heart, this sign usually resists the urge to discuss the things that are really important to him, because he knows that information can always be used against him.

Love might be in the air if he deviates from the norm and actually lets you into this important and personal part of his life.

Lil Skies - Lust [Official Music Video] (Dir. by @NicholasJandora)

When he meets his soulmate, that relationship tends to defy the odds and rise above his career on the importance scale. If your relationship with a Capricorn is based on lust instead of true love, you might find that he never makes time for you. Whatever he might promise, you will never come before his life goals. Thanks to his fun-loving nature and carefree attitude, Gemini can be a great partner to have. The problem is getting him to commit in the first place because this sign can be quite restless.


In most cases, he gets distracted and bored very easily, so typically has many short consecutive relationships rather than long ones that last. But things change when he finds the one and falls in love. You know that Gemini has really fallen for you if the relationship is actually becoming serious, and he allows it to be a long-term thing.

Gemini is one of those signs who loves to fill his life with casual relationships.

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Remember that this sign has a kind of short concentration span, so his attention will always wander elsewhere after a while, even if he finds you super attractive. If he believes that he is in love with you, he will tell you. When Cancer falls in love, he treats his partner like a god. Our brain is wired to bond and connect with a partner with whom we experience pleasure. This type of love is not just an emotion, it's also a craving. There is a strong emotional craving, the love drive is even stronger than the sex drive. At this stage, instead of a split between love and lust, your new path lies in the balancing of the two: The happiest couples are the ones that can maintain a balance between lust and love.

Enjoy the journey of self-discovery relating with someone for whom you lust. If the chemistry is right, it will transform into romantic love!

The Difference Between Love And Lust, According To Relationship Experts | HuffPost Life

The more you bring love, honesty, passion and romance into your own self-relationship, the easier it will be to attract someone who shares those same qualities. If you have a burning question regarding this topic and the three stages of falling in love, or a thought you'd like to share, leave a comment below!

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Lust vs. Love: 5 Ways to Tell What You’re Feeling

Ever wondered if you were truly in love, or truly in lust? Which stage are you at? Want to know how to tell the difference? How perfect you think your partner is. You think your partner is perfect. You think nothing is wrong with them.

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Everything about them is shiny, bright, and new. How much care you put into your appearance. You dress up each and every time you see your sweetie because your physical attraction to one another is huge.

You wear sweatpants and no makeup. You spend most of your time in bed. You have a super intoxicating desire to have sex all the time, but not necessarily to connect in other ways. You want to connect with each other in other ways, like trying out new hobbies and activities together.

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