
How to Live a God Centered Life

It is Christ who lives in me —if Christ lives in us, then our lives are going to reflect his mind.

A God-Centered Life

Paul gives us a description of what this looks like: Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. This gives us a concrete picture of what it looks like to live a God-centered life. God-centered people are humble rather than conceited.

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Just as Christ did not come to be served but to serve Mark They do not take advantage of their own rights and privileges, but instead, they use their rights and privileges for the benefit of others. They glorify God by welcoming others, especially those who of a different race or social class, by showing them the same kind of hospitality Christ showed them Rom And above all, they love other people in a way that reflects the love God showed in Christ 1 John 4: The amazing thing is that none of this requires elite training or special skills.

You were created to live in a relationship with God. That should be your number one priority. If you put God first in your life all kinds of blessings follow. Because God loves you he warns you of the dangers of disregarding the design for your life. But what does it mean to lead a God-centred life and what steps do you need to take in order to get there? The psalmist calls us to worship God. The original context may have been that God had given his people victory in battle. Worship in this psalm sounds quite emotional and noisy: It also includes lots of singing vv. There is great exuberance to their worship, as their adoration and amazement of God bubbles over in extravagant action.

These are all outward ways of expressing our worship of the Lord. Worship includes the use of emotions to express your love and gratitude to God and to bring him honour. Surely God wants us to employ our emotions in expressing our love and gratitude to Him If we had a proper emotional release during praise and worship, we might not release emotions at other times in improper ways.

Lord, today I submit myself to you. Quicken my conscience with your holiness. Nourish my mind with your truth. Purify my imagination with your beauty.

Developing a God-Centered Life

Open my heart to your love. I surrender my all to your purpose. I worship and adore you. The God-centred life is a life of consistent prayer. You can talk to God not just in church or in set times of prayer, but anywhere and at anytime.

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Jesus tells the parable of the widow and the unjust judge who eventually gives in to her demands in order to stop her bothering him and wearing him out vv. Lord, today I bring to you again my consistent requests…. Kind words may be a manipulative tool to get someone to do what we want. We want to kick our addiction, live within our means, or organize our homes to make our lives better and, often, glorifying God has nothing to do with it at all.

And yet in Colossians 3: And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Six Steps to a God-Centred Life

Scripture makes it clear that our life is to be God-centered. And, yet, all around us is a Christianity that is self-centered.

Moving from Self Centered to Christ Centered

And, thankfully, God—in His great kindness and mercy—actually makes our lives so much better when we follow Him. These are good things to want and the fact that we receive joy and happiness from these things is exactly what God intended. The sin enters in when we only do what is right when it conveniences or benefits ourselves. In fact, as I was thinking about this, I realized that this may be the best test for our motivation—.

If I have forgiven someone who has offended me but the person keeps offending me—over and over again—do I eventually give up and hold a grudge or do I continue to respond in a biblical manner? If I have given all of my energy to change a sinful habit in my life and I am not getting the results that I hoped for, do I continue in a path of obedience or do I cave in a fit of hopelessness?

Developing a God-Centered Life - Grace Baptist Church

These are just a few examples. We can come up with dozens more we face each day. Are we doing what is right because we want to please our Lord or are we doing what is right for ourselves? What is our motivation? Living a God-centered life is no easy task. Reading this chapter made me realize just how self-centered I still am. And, honestly, this is one area that you can really only judge yourself. We really can never know the motivations of someone else, as they are locked away deep in our hearts and minds. Past experiences, choices, abuses, neglects, and sins are powerful contaminators of our motives.

These things can heighten our desire to protect ourselves, to look out for number one, and to prove ourselves. But this is in complete opposition to scripture, where we find that we are to become God-centered in all our decisions which also means becoming others-centered. And, once again, biblical Christianity crashes headlong into cultural Christianity. Biblical Christianity says live for Christ Philippians 1: So how in the world do we remove the indoctrination of a culture that is speaking the opposite of what we are to actually be living?

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There is truly only one anecdote and that is the Bible.