
Whiplash - INKling: evidence base for clinical practice

Belanger indicated that continuing education courses are being scheduled around the province of Quebec to train health professionals in the applications recommended by the Quebec task force report on WAD that show the most promise in heading off chronic conditions. Industries in other countries are finding interest in the subject, as well. The restraint is designed to simply snap forward during a collision to minimize head movement.

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Stress on the neck and spine is supposed to be significantly reduced, giving greater protection against one of the most common injuries sustained in road accidents. Olson suggests that in this country, general insurers address the problem by not paying for WAD treatment, leaving that particular area of injury to automobile insurance, which has its own set of parameters.

He noted that in his own practice of treating people with WAD he does not rely on passive modalities, even in the case of acute injury. Instead, he treats these clients in a similar way he would treat an athlete who sustained a hamstring pull running track. Featured September 5, 0. December 17, 0. December 11, 0. December 18, 0. December 4, 0. November 28, 0. Featured March 24, 0. November 13, 0.

Whiplash-associated disorder: musculoskeletal pain and related clinical findings

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract The aim of this paper was to review the physical and psychological processes associated with whiplash-associated disorders. Introduction Whiplash-associated disorders WADs are a common, disabling, and costly condition that occur usually as a consequence of a motor vehicle crash MVC. Stress System Responses In addition to subjecting soft tissues to a biomechanical strain, an MVC event is also an acute stressor which activates physiological stress response systems. Changes in the Muscle and Motor Function There has also been a substantial body of research investigating the motor, muscle, and sensorimotor changes in individuals following whiplash injury.

Psychological Presentation of WAD The psychological presentation of whiplash can be as equally diverse as the physical presentation, with some individuals showing marked distress and others seeming resilient to the injury. Relationships between Physical and Psychological Features of WAD While potential processes have been outlined in this paper as separate entities, it is clear that there will be interactions and relationships between these processes.

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Conclusions As discussed in this paper, there is growing evidence of both complex biological and psychological manifestations of WAD and these factors likely contribute to the significant chronicity rate and recalcitrance to treatment associated with this condition. Course and prognostic factors for neck pain in whiplash-associated disorders WAD.

Results of the bone and joint decade — task force on neck pain and its associated disorders. Eur Spine J ; 17 Suppl 1: A prospective cohort study of health outcomes following whiplash associated disorders in an Australian population. Inj Prev ; Physical and psychological predictors of outcome following whiplash injury maintain predictive capacity at long term follow-up.

The anatomy and biomechanics of acute and chronic whiplash injury. Traffic Inj Prev ; Muscular hyperalgesia and referred pain in chronic whiplash syndrome. Sensory hypersensitivity occurs soon after whiplash injury and is associated with poor recovery. Sheather-Reid R, Cohen M. Psychophysical evidence for a neuropathic component of chronic neck pain. The late whiplash syndrome: Eur J Pain ; 6: Curatolo M, Sterling M. Pain-processing mechanisms in whiplash associated disorders: Sterling M, Kenardy J, editors. Evidence for spinal cord hypersensitivity in chronic pain after whiplash injury and in fibromyalgia.

Whiplash: Evidence Base for Clinical Practice - Michele Sterling, Justin Kenardy - Google Книги

Psychological factors are related to some sensory pain thresholds but not nociceptive flexion reflex threshold in chronic whiplash. Clin J Pain ; Differential development of sensory hypersensitivity and a measure of spinal cord hyperexcitability following whiplash injury. Endometriosis is associated with central sensitization: J Pain ; 4: J Rheumatol ; Osteoarthritis and its association with muscle hyperalgesia: Decreased pain detection and tolerance thresholds in chronic tension-type headache.

Arch Neurol ; Central hyperexcitability as measured with nociceptive flexor reflex threshold in chronic musculoskeletal pain: Hypersensitivity to mechanical and intra-articular electrical stimuli in persons with painful temporomandibular joints. J Dental Res ; Psychophysical examination in patients with post-mastectomy pain. Pain thresholds and tenderness in neck and head following acute whiplash injury: Characterisation of acute whiplash associated disorders.

Spine Phila Pa ; Hypoaesthesia occurs in acute whiplash irrespective of pain and disability levels and the presence of sensory hypersensitivity.

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The development of sensory hypoaesthesia following whiplash injury. Physical and psychological factors predict outcome following whiplash injury. Reduced cold pressor pain tolerance in non-recovered whiplash patients: Eur J Pain ; 9: Similar factors predict disability and PTSD trajectories following whiplash injury. Chemical activation of nociceptive peripheral neurones.

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Br Med Bull ; The development of persistent pain and psychological morbidity after motor vehicle collision: Psychosom Med ; Letter to the Editor: Depression may contribute to the sensory changes in whiplash patient? Man Ther ; Predicting new onset of widespread pain following a motor vehicle collision. Genetic variation in the beta2-adrenergic receptor but not catecholamine-O-methyltransferase predisposes to chronic pain: Passatore M, Roatta S.


Influence of sympathetic nervous system on sensorimotor function: Eur J Appl Physiol ; Reduced reactivity and ehnanced negative feedback sensitivity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in chronic whiplash associated disorders. Perceived disability but not pain is connected with autonomic nervous system function among people with chronic low back pain. J Rehabil Med ; Stree, the stress response system, and fibromyalgia. Arthritis Res Ther ; 9: Sensory and autonomic function in the hands of patients with non-specific arm pain NSAP and asymptomatic office workers.

J Psychiatric Res ; Genetic basis for individual variations in pain perception and the development of a chronic pain condition. Hum Mol Genet ; Catechol O-methyltransferase genetic polymorphism in panic disorder. Am J Psychiatry ; Catechol O-methyltransferase haplotype predicts immediate musculoskeletal neck pain and psychological symptoms after motor vehicle collision.

J Pain ; Cervical range of motion discriminates between asymptomatic and whiplash subjects. Impairment in the cervical flexors: Man Ther ; 9: Fatty infiltration in the cervical extensor muscles in persistent whiplash associated disorders: E—51 [ PubMed ].

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Are altered smooth pursuit eye movements related to chronic pain and disability following whiplash injuries? A prospective trial with one-year follow-up. Clin Rehabil ; Smooth pursuit neck torsion test in whiplash associated disorders: Standing balance in persistent whiplash: The relationship of cervical joint position error to balance and eye movement distturbacnes in persistent whiplash.

Association between neck muscle coactivation, pain, and strength in women with neck pain. Sensorimotor disturbances in neck disorders affecting postural stability, head and eye movement control. MRI findings of fatty infiltrate in the cervical flexors in chronic whiplash. Fatty infiltrate in the cervical extensor muscles is not a feature of chronic insidious onset neck pain.

Clin Radiol ; The temporal development of fatty infiltrates in the neck muscles following whiplash injury: PLoS One ; 6: Prognostic factors of Whiplash Associated Disorders: Course and prognostic factors of whiplash: Risk factors for persistent problems following whiplash injury: Development of motor system dysfunction following whiplash injury. Randomised controlled trial of exercise for chronic whiplash associated disorders. Does the presence of sensory hypersensitivity influence outcomes of physical rehabilitation for chronic whiplash?

The development of psychological changes following whiplash injury. Differential predictors of pain and disability in patients with whiplash injury.

Pain Res Manag ; 7: The influence of fear of movement and pain catastrophizing on daily pain and disability in individuals with acute whiplash injury: The impact of subacute whiplash-associated disorders on functional self-efficacy: Int J Rehabil Res ; Post-trauma ratings of pre-collision pain and psychological distress predict poor outcome following acute whiplash trauma: