
When First They Met (A Cedar Cove Short Story)

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Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Buy the eBook Price: Unavailable in Russia This item can't be purchased in Russia. In this series View all. Ratings and Reviews 10 53 star ratings 10 reviews. Yes No Thanks for your feedback! I enjoyed reading the story.

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Debbie Macomber has a way of keeping the readers interested. You just kept on reading just to find out how ot ends. I have read most of Debbie Macomber's books and would recommend them all. They are all rated a 5 by me. Happy reading Eileen B. Debbie Macomber knows how to draw in her readers. Making you fall in love with a new cast of characters.

Loved this short story. Rose Harbor in Bloom: Now Macomber returns to the charming Rose Harbor Inn, where each guest finds a second chance and every room comes with an inspiring new view. Since moving to Cedar Cove, Jo Marie Rose has truly started to feel at home, and her neighbors have become her closest friends. In memory of her late husband, Paul, she has designed a beautiful rose garden for the property and enlisted handyman Mark Taylor to help realize it. And while she still seeks a sense of closure, she welcomes her latest guests, who are on their own healing journeys.

Worse, Annie is forced to see Oliver Sutton, with whom she grew up and who has always mercilessly teased her. But the best parties end with a surprise, and Annie is in for the biggest one of all. High-powered businesswoman Mary Smith, another Rose Harbor Inn guest, has achieved incredible success in her field, yet serious illness has led her to face her sole, lingering regret. Compassion and joy await Jo Marie, Annie, and Mary as they make peace with their pasts and look boldly toward their futures. Rose Harbor in Bloom is Debbie Macomber at her heartwarming best.

Classic Macomber, which will please fans and keep them coming back for more. Her principal talent lies in creating characters with a humble, familiar charm. They possess complex personalities, but it is their kinder qualities that are emphasized in the warm world of her novels—a world much like Rose Harbor Inn, in which one wants to curl up and stay. A Rose Harbor Novel.

  1. The Science Delusion: Feeling the Spirit of Enquiry!
  2. When First They Met!
  3. Happy Endings?
  4. Magodi Mystic.

Summer is a busy season at the inn, so proprietor Jo Marie Rose and handyman Mark Taylor have spent a lot of time together keeping the property running. However, she seems to be thinking about this particular friend a great deal lately. Twenty-three-year-old Ellie Reynolds is taking a leap of faith. Maggie and Roy Porter are next to arrive at the inn.

They are taking their first vacation alone since their children were born. But Maggie must make one last confession that could forever tear them apart. For each of these characters, it will ultimately be a moment when someone wore their heart on their sleeve—and took pen to paper—that makes all the difference.

Cedar Cove – It's Time to Read!

This edition includes an excerpt from Debbie Macomber's Silver Linings. Quite simply, this is a refreshing take on most love stories—there are twists and turns in the plot that keep readers on their toes—and the author shares up slices of realism, allowing her audience to feel right at home. Yet it is her ability to capture different facets of emotion which will entrance fans and newcomers alike.

Genuine life struggles with heartwarming endings for the three couples in this book make it special. Fans already know what a charming place Rose Harbor is and new readers will love discovering it as well. Skye Garvin treasures her work as a volunteer in the pediatric ward of the local hospital. Book number 50 who thought I would hit that milestone this year?! I really enjoy Debbie Macomber novels! As I have mentioned, this novel is a short story.

I found it as a free download on Amazon and read it in bed. It was great bedtime reading, exactly the right length and with the right level of enjoyment! If you want a short but satisfying easy read, this is the book for you. Chick-lit, short story Published: I read a load of them together and got a bit fed up with them, however, I have been enjoying the series on TV and thought I would have another go.

I am pleased to say I did enjoy this read. It was nice to spend time with old friends! I found some storylines a bit predictable, others a but unbelievable, but I still enjoyed the book. Paperback, library book Genre: Unfortunately Linette is less enthusiastic about this date than I am. Speaking of Cliff, the romance between him and Grace Sherman is back on.

This is typical Debbie Macomber. This is number five in the Cedar Cover series and is in every way as good as the others. You could read this as a stand alone book as it does recap the general story lines from other books, but it does carry on nicely as part of this series. The main focus of this book is the private investigator, and his wife — Roy and Corrie. They have been receiving mysterious gifts and postcards.

They have concerned Corrie and Roy is struggling to find out who they are from. This book includes all the usual favourite characters and we continue to follow them through their lives in Cedar Cove. It is idealistic but so what? It is nice reading. This is simple chick-lit that would make a good beach read.

It is a lovely series to escape to and I always enjoy Macomber.

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This is a good book for those who like a light, quick, chick-lit read. Turns out his name was Max Russell, and Bob had known him briefly in Vietnam. Because it now appears that he was poisoned. I sure hope somebody figures it out soon! I heard that Jon Bowman and Maryellen Sherman are getting married. Which one is she going to choose? The story picks up pretty much where it left off- new marriages are blossoming, friendships growing, but more importantly, mysteries still unsolved.

It was later found out it was murder. They just want this solved. There are other things going on too, such as the Navy boys returning to their families and Grace trying to get over losing Cliff. They are pure and simple chick-lit.

This story was full of life, love, friendship and family. But with this series there is a slight twist — Macomber has added in the idea of mystery. In this book, and the previous one: In the next book the mystery will be surrounding Ray, the Private Investigator. I like this addition to the novel. Macomber writes great novels anyway but this just adds something special and lifts it out of the bog-standard chick-lit genre.