
The Speducators Inside Guide to Effective Co-teaching

In order to keep cost at zero, there needs to be sufficient Wifi at schools! Creating apps is getting easier and cheaper. Have kids make a list of all ways a smartphone can enhance learning. The problem is that the teachers that do not want them in school are louder than those that do. Bottom line we need to move this technology from the backpacks to the tables and integrate them into our lessons. Why not allow students to use whichever method they want? Smartphones are a small window to the world for our students.

What about apps for homework? Surely there would be less resistance.

PEW reserach shows smartphones very prevalent in low socio-economic areas. Small digital divide with mobile? Most people tend to enjoy articles of words unless it is immediately clear they are about to learn something completely new and interesting.

Co-Teaching Part 1

As a general rule, readers skim through longer posts for keywords before deciding whether or not to dive in properly so try not to drone on. If you must, add explanations in parentheses. Aim to keep your writing conversational: Instead try to write in your own voice, or if you must, like Sir Ken Robinson. Many newbie bloggers are tempted to copy the style or content of popular blogs, in part because we all learned to write in the voices of other authors in schoo l,.

Even if you are in this process, conducting experiments with web2. Instead, focus on what it is you really know the most about, the learning objectives of your lessons and let the use of whatever tool you happen to have been using slip in as a side-bar, as a by-the-way. The biggest secret to becoming an absolutely amazing blogger is to write as you speak: As in life, the way your spoken words already attract listeners and how you initiate and spark conversations with friends so your written words will also.

How important it is to use capitalization? Edit your work before clicking publish. Let it sit a few hours. Check published posts later the next day or week or month, there will be things you missed. Playing with the rules can also get your articles, writing style and points noticed. What has been your experience? Do typos matter, do you have a friend who corrects your text for you? Did we miss anything in the Rules of Thumb? Prune that prose , by Gail A. Hornstein, Professor of Psychology. Top resources to read on writing style for the internet: Image credits Mike Licht, Notions Capital.

Edo Period Monk Blogging. Good Sentiment, Bad Grammar. This guest post is part of a new series: As you can tell from her twitter name, Jessica is no shrinking violet when it comes to educational matters! She has captured very well what was, on balance a very measured approach to this topic with some very interesting ideas and links. For more about Jessica see her bio at the end of the post. The use of textbooks, as well as technologies varies greatly between individual educators, school districts, and countries. In this discussion, there was mainly agreement on the first two themes.

A big problem for this shift in education is accessibility to both computers, as well as reliable internet connections. Rural areas are often at a disadvantage within the developed world, however, looking at it globally, there are massive discrepancies. Ability and willingness to use online resources and technology was brought up several times. Teachers unable or unwilling to leave their comfort zones to learn and experience new technologies and forms of learning, would not be happy to swap their textbooks for an ipad, but as it was also pointed out, it is those educators we need to support and continuously encourage.

Using content available on the internet means that students, no matter what age, need to develop as critical thinkers. Information literacy and critical thinking already form part of the curriculum of some schools, while others still need to develop. The last point goes back to the why and how of learning in schools. When we have definite answers to that, then we can choose engaging and authentic resources. In some of my units, people were a much more valuable and authentic resource than any book could have ever been.

August 29, 2010

Are our choices really just textbook or technology? But it helped us to start exploring the need to question the use of both. Once information is recorded in a textbook it can become irrelevant. The prime sources on the internet may be constanly updated. Teachers need to stray away from the textbooks and blackboard and work on student engagement.

Teachers need more collaboration time, they also need support and facilitation. Tech is not the only alternative to textbook! People and places are too! We have to teach students how to be critical thinkers when it comes to using the web. If everyone in first world uses computers and everyone in 3rd world paper, how will we communicate? Must be able to do both. OERs could cater to both. Interesting article about e-book educatipn push http: Example of digital news paper learning setup with wiki and RSS http: Another example from my blog of RSS and wiki use for current events and indp.

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How to create engagemt? Here you have Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation http: I like student blogs where they talk about their work, ask questions and get help, with teacher guiding e. A new digital divide: Free opensource online textbooks: Bookmark to read after edchat: Vicky Saumell interview on daring to drop textbooks http: A perfect example of how textbooks can skew information to state a belief http: SheldonWordNerd This article may be helpful: How to Teach Students to Search Smart http: Many of the ideas discussed in edchat on role of resources were contained in the s Humanities Curriculum Project: She teaches Grade 3.

Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Edchat — rliberni 7: Here are some of the main themes from the discussion: There is some level of confusion about what inclusion actually is. Whether it is a matter of semantics, training or application, many of the people involved in this chat expressed confusion or disagreement about what inclusion means. Like so many of the things we discuss, training and professional development were seen as of paramount importance.

Some of the chat participants complained that they had not received proper training for a variety of reasons including lack of funds and lack of focus For inclusion to be effective there has to be a pervasive policy that includes all school stakeholders. We need to ensure that inclusion programs are not a detriment to other aspects of the class, including acceleration for gifted and talented students.

What makes kids do good work? This way you can look back at your favorites! Find previous summaries here on this blog — see edchat category on right sidebar Follow other Edchatters and make sure you are on this Twitter list if you participate in Edchat! What do you think? How to be a good language student!

Improving English language skills — rliberni Advanced English language learners , enhancing your English , good habits for learning english , How to practice English effectively , improving English language skills , language practice , Making progress with your English. My wonderful teacher workshop group.

Edchat — rliberni 8: Keep housekeeping items out of staff meetings and email them instead. Create a backchannel for staff to be involved in Make it a forum of professional development Give staff choices in what they participate in Adopt a protocol for proper meeting behavior Keep negative attitudes out of meetings Set a time limit for how long someone can speak to ensure equal opportunity for joining the discussion Here is a selection of some of the comments: Does homework have a true benefit to learning? Edchat — rliberni Education — rliberni The land of the Brontes.

At Home with the Brontes. Bronte Bridge and Waterfall. Alex the Horse Whisperer. A Visit to a pub - naturally! Our life is made of "contrast" between what we call "good" and "bad", "negative" and "positive", what we like and what we do not like. Live better and manage your hypersensitivity and emotions Hypersensitivity, a vast subject: This state is an integral part of the personality of the gifted, it is a neurophysiological reality.

It is an attempt to explain what tree thinking or analog thought is about linear or sequential thinking. The gifted and love 1This fear will stop him. But his desire for love, his idealistic side will often push him beyond. Health Workforce Australia funding of the program through the Department of Health. MB was involved in drafting the manuscript. JH and DN analysed the data. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Published online Jan Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Received Mar 20; Accepted Jan This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Background Simulation-based education SBE has seen a dramatic uptake in health professions education over the last decade. Methods The AusSETT Program adopted a train-the-trainer model, which offered up to three days of workshops and between four and eight hours of e-learning.

Results For each module, between 45 and participants completed evaluations. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article doi: Simulation, Program evaluation, Health workforce, Faculty development. Background Educators may require unique and specific pedagogical skills to effectively support learning through simulation.

Open in a separate window. Contemporary issues for healthcare professions This module covers the rationale for simulation-based education SBE drawing on practices from high-reliability industries. Theories are explored as they relate to different simulation modalities e. The relevance of simulation to safety and quality in healthcare are highlighted.


Participants consider historical and contemporary approaches to SBE with attention to the benefits and challenges in health professions education. Evidence for SBE is presented. The module offers key content to ensure that all participants have a common understanding of basic principles for SBE.

The module is essential prior to attending any workshops. The module also explores how to teach and evaluate debriefing skills. Reference is made to the range of debriefing approaches used in different centres across Australia. Because there is no high level evidence for the use of a single debriefing approach, the Program is distinguished by its flexibility and willingness to support multiple approaches.

This is a core module for all simulation educators and technicians. This includes an overview of different manikin and task trainer capabilities and the impact these have on SBE.

  • August 27, 2010?
  • August | | Rliberni's Blog - Radical language.
  • ;

Scenario development, basic programming and scenario delivery are explored together with the concept of fit for purpose manikins. The breadth of SP practices is explored and potential opportunities for applications across different contexts. Formal models and different design modalities provide participants with frameworks for practice. This module also provides an opportunity for participants to debate key issues in virtual patient methodologies. Examples include the linking of SPs with task trainers patient focused simulation to support the integration of all skills necessary for safe and effective clinical performance.

Megacode Kelly and Megacode Kid. Participants develop skills in the operations and functionality of the manikins, including their limitations. Moulage techniques are explored including the use of realistic cuts, grazes and bruises and full body multi-trauma and burns. The module focuses on the set-up, operation, troubleshooting and maintenance requirements of manikins and AV systems, including their functionality and limitations.

Participants are expected to set up the AV system, manikins and environment and deliver the scenario, with peers. The module emphasizes the importance of cooperative efforts of educators and technicians in all phases of SBE. To what extent can a national program for healthcare simulation educators and technicians prepare participants to support others in using SBE? What are the strengths and limitations of the Program as identified in structure, process and outcome factors? Methods We adopted an objectives-oriented program evaluation approach [ 10 ] exploring the structure, process and outcome [ 11 ].

Module review Program partners and external subject matter experts reviewed each module prior to delivery to ensure content was contemporary, accurate and contextualised. Baseline questionnaires Online questionnaires were completed by all participants and faculty before commencing the Program and sought demographic and professional characteristics, and current practices of SBE Additional file 1.

Observation of workshops In each state and territory, an external observer was invited to observe workshops Additional file 1. End of module evaluations On completion of each e-learning module, participants were asked to rate the degree to which they met learning objectives and the value of the educational methods in attaining them. Results Module review Recommendations included raising the profile of interprofessional SBE, distinguishing essential from recommended or optional readings, indicating areas of overlap between modules, providing a glossary of terms and checking that content addressed general rather than specific principles of SBE.

Table 4 Participants demographic information. Number Top five themes: Observation of workshops The key outcomes of observer reports suggested that educational methods supported participants in meeting learning objectives. Content analysis Qualitative responses for module evaluation covered three areas: These successes are illustrated by examples of text from a core module C2: What can be improved The need to improve the learning management system, the use of the e-portfolio and more time for completing the preparation prior to attending workshops were raised by the participants.

Table 6 Content analysis of top five things learned from Module C2: Number 1 Practical skills e. Individual interviews Nine interviews were carried out between August and November Table 7 Verbatim statements from interviews with participants with key themes. So I think that, yes, it was very good at developing, networking and collegial relationships. Structural factors Many strengths of the Program were primarily structural. Process factors Participants and workshop observers identified the types of active learning opportunities as a strength of the Program.

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Strengths and limitations of the study The strengths of the study were the objectives-oriented program evaluation design, mixed methods, multiple sources of data participants and subject matter experts and the multiple data points collecting baseline, immediate responses after e-learning and workshops and then those in the longer term two-months , at least for some participants. Additional file Additional file 1: Footnotes Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Contributor Information Debra Nestel, Email: A critical review of simulation-based medical education research: Navedo D, Simon R.

Specialized courses in simulation. The Comprehensive Textbook of Healthcare Simulation. Educator training and simulation methodology courses. Defining Excellence in Simulation Programs. Curriculum development for medical education: Johns Hopkins University Press; Strategic approaches to simulation-based education: A case study from Australia. Features and uses of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead to effective learning: Health Workforce Australia [cited October 29].

Alternative Approaches and Practical Guidelines. Upper Saffle River, NJ: Methods of Assessing Program Effectiveness. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey; Hseih H, Shannon S. Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Braun V, Clarke V. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Support Center Support Center. Please review our privacy policy. Contemporary issues for healthcare professions.

This module covers the rationale for simulation-based education SBE drawing on practices from high-reliability industries. This module covers the core aspects of manikin and task trainer simulations.