
The Real You: Beyond Forms and Lives

Conscious, deep breathing and accessing our feelings more fully are keys to connecting ever more fully beyond the veil. Deep breathing seems to open the energetic channels, allowing us to pierce the veil and embrace the absolute divinity that we are. When I focus on nothing but deep, slow, full breaths for even 10 minutes, I am amazed at how much my mind quiets down and my consciousness opens to expanded dimensions.

More intense breathwork sometimes even takes me beyond the veil. Thoughts and Feelings Matter. Every thought and emotion that arises within us radiates both inward and outward as a distinct energy form.

What Happens When You Die?

In other words, every thought and every feeling we have emanates out to the world and into ourselves as an energetic vibration. These energy forms then interact with those around us and with the entire field of collective consciousness. On some level, we are also picking up on the combined thought and feeling forms or vibrations of everyone and all that is around us. Yet we always have choice in how we respond to what enters our energetic space and awareness. When an energetic form from outside of us enters our space, if there is no resonance with anything in our energetic field, it simply passes through us.

We don't notice it and go on unchanged from the state of consciousness we were in before it passed through, just as a radio picks up only the waves of the station to which it is tuned and is unaffected by the waves of all the other stations. When, however, there is some resonance or resistance in our energetic field, this form then affects us. The amount we are affected depends on the strength of the form and how much our energetic field is in resonance or in resistance to this energetic form.

Most people are constantly affected by thought and emotion forms from outside of themselves. When someone walking down the street gives us a dirty look, an energy form is created and enters our awareness.

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When we perceive this, if we are super busy or feeling very confident of ourselves, we might hardly notice it. Yet someone who has deep inferiority issues might take that same energy form in and interpret it as further proof that they are inferior. How we interpret and respond to the energy forms that enter our space makes all the difference in our experience of life. The Process of Physical Manifestation.

On this side of the veil, physical objects around us appear very solid and real. Yet on an energetic level, they are manifestations of collective thought forms. Take a car for example. Any car you see once started as a creative thought form in someone's mind.

We desire simplicity in our existence but how do we reach it in a world that thrives on complexity?

This thought form was shared with others. A team of people then added their thoughts to further refine the original thought form. This collective design process refined that original thought form of the car until it eventually manifested as a detailed blueprint on paper. The blueprint was then sent to a factory where this inscribed collective thought form was actually produced to become the physical form that you see out on the street. And for every car out there, the person who bought it felt an internal resonance with both the style and price of the car which caused them to eventually buy it.

This is an example of how every car is the physical manifestation of a collective of thought forms. Could it be that in the same way, thought forms create everything in physical reality on this side of the veil? Consider that the Earth itself may be an expression or creation of the combined thought forms of humanity and all beings involved with the planet. And each of us may on an energetic level be a co-creation resulting from the thought forms of all around us interacting with our unique consciousness.

Could it be that through this energetic process of manifestation, we all co-create each other through our projections and interpretations of ourselves and each other? I suspect that the more conscious we become of this divine co-creative process, the more easy it is to surrender to the divine mystery of life, and from that place of surrender to powerfully create into the unknown. Hell depends on how a person defines it. There are those who suppose that Hell is when everything that they had in this world disappears and they regret that life passed by without any benefit.

There are those who suppose that Hell is not here in this world, from an emotional point of view: Rather, it waits for us in the future, after the body dies. They think that after the body dies, Heaven or Hell awaits. In Kabbalah , Hell is the name given to the most undesirable spiritual state. Through progressing on the spiritual path using the method of Kabbalah , we strive to reach a state where values are changed so that Heaven and Hell acquire a different identity in comparison to what is conventionally accepted. Many people believe that when the body dies, some kind of door opens to Heaven or Hell.

But is this wretched beast at fault for having died or because it was alive? The illusion that I am in a physical body and feel this world is intentionally given so that I will leap above it and see myself as alive and existing only in a spiritual Kli vessel in relation to Light spiritual force of love and bestowal. It is perfectly fine, even beneficial, to imagine and see Hell differently all the time. Nothing disappears in nature. It only changes its structure, design, just as our body decomposes into basic elements.

It passes from one state to another. It can be stated that consciousness exists not in a person, but that it is around him, or maybe even in a completely different dimension, in another space. Our brain is kind of a modem that picks up the general consciousness to the extent that it needs to realize itself in the current moment. Consciousness per se is information.

Informational connection exists beyond time and field. It permeates the entire universe. Information does not disappear, it can only change its medium. We cannot say for certain in what form and where it exists. Our bodies and the whole corporeal world are only an illusion. Everything else exists in the consciousness.

Does suicide mess up the process or is it planned by the path of the spirit? If I were to kill myself would I be messing everything up for myself and those who were to follow me? Does killing myself help quicken the release or does it just make things much worse?

But why are we limiting this only to humans and to the planet earth. In my opinion that can be applied to life per se and since the univers is so vast geting reborn just on earth as a human is not the right way to look at it. I think life itself follows something that you are describing here and we are only one steping stone in an endless ocean of soul progression.

This is not true. Choose to help the world in a different way. You have to come back down here.

What Happens When You Die?

Kabbalah theory seems to match closely with Vedas. Bible also talk about spirit, which is same as soul. But you have not discussed about destiny, which is included in both Bible and Vedas. Destiny guides everything in our life, we do not have any freewill. How a soul will progress in one life is already predefined and nobody can change it.

Life can be precisely predicted moment by moment and also for long term by any high level yogi. I am wondering why we have to consider this as religion, when everything about soul, reincarnation, destiny, yogic power, etc. These things should be considered as real and true science. For many examples take a look at the free book on soul theory at https: A human being when he analysis and come to conscious of thoughts he do. He can act in better way. The truth, purity,unselfish all these things helps to feel the existence of soul.

The idea presented here that there is a part of us, deep inside, that creates a yearning to figure out the source of our existence is comforting and mind-blowing at the same time. To me it makes perfect sense that the Creator would instill such a thing in us.

I grew up in a religion that held over our heads descriptions of our post-death eternal states—either heavenly bliss or the horror of being burned forever. What is suggested here, however, is that these states do not await us, but exist throughout our lives. To know that I can achieve the state of eternal connection with the Creator during this lifetime is so reassuring and heartening. Death then becomes achievement of that sublime connection or an exit and re-entry into corporeal life so that I can continue my quest.

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Thank you for this beautiful and informative series of articles. Lots of new and very unusual information. Not easy to absorb it all at once. Will have to come back and go over it again. Very interesting though… Keep it up please! Looks like we have to hurry and reach the sensation of the spiritual world while we are still living in this body….

This is a scary thought when you just sit and think about it. I am born into a family, start a new family, go to school to find a job that might give me some satisfaction, make money, be kind, be respected, come to understand mind blowing intellectual pursuits, do the right thing, have fun. All of this inside the body.

I feel pleasure with all of this inside the body. But the body dies. All of this pleasure felt inside this body and it dies. I found the escape route out of the body or as they call it in Kabbalah, exiting Egypt. Come study Kabbalah and found out what escaping Egypt is all about.

The sages of Kabbalah promise you, if you escape Egypt, it will be like taking off your shirt when your body dies. This topic is THE topic. It is the thing that we all hurtle towards whether we want it or not. We do take life for granted.

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    Her meditation lineage has evolved over 16 years to no particular tradition, although leaning as a science form with sound and light known as kriya meditation. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email.