
Nekhet (Dreamline Book 2)

Accurate perception is impossible with all the accumulations of cultural, religious and educational conditioning. Hence Humanity today labours under many illusions about its past, not that most of the world necessarily thinks about its origins — or the enigma of the soul for that matter; most people are too busy just surviving and making money. Even students of the Mysteries sometimes find it difficult to comprehend the vast cycles to which H.

Blavatsky refers, when she tells us for instance that human Individualisation occurred around As Humanity moves toward 5. The reasonableness of proposals that have their source in the Secret Wisdom will eventually be accepted; they will constitute the substance of the antahkarana or bridge of light that will illumine the exoteric sciences and become accepted facts.

Can we imagine the revolution in thought that this would create on Earth; knowledge of our origins, the evolution of consciousness and ultimately the reason and purpose for human existence — without the filters of narrow dogmatic thinking in scientific and religious disciplines? It has been said that the release of spiritual knowledge by such messengers as Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, has been as a direct result of Humanity invoking and yearning for more light and understanding — like a field of sunflowers leaning and stretching toward the sun; it has resulted in the past one hundred years as an evocative response from Those who watch over and guide the race.

There is much that has been hidden since the great war of Atlantean times and the cycle is upon us where Humanity is starting to reclaim that which has been lost. Yet the disempowerment of not knowing human origins, must and will fade. The approaching Light of the Aquarian cycle will dispel many of these obscurations; we stand poised to receive some of the greatest revelations the world has ever seen.

It is said that this Aquarian Age will develop a One World Religion based upon all traditions and no doubt many other syntheses of thought will precipitate on a global scale. Eastern and Western Races There are two major kinds of consciousness expressing in the world today, reflecting the Eastern and Western hemispheres: The Atlantean or Fourth Rootrace consciousness that has its origins in ancient Atlantis, expressed predominately in Eastern and many developing nations. The Asian races east of India are the descendants of the seventh or last subrace of that Fourth Rootrace abbreviated as 4.

Of course both types of consciousness know no ethnic boundaries, hence there exists many in Asia imbued with Aryan consciousness, such as one of the foremost, Japan. In other words, one can be in an Aryan body with Atlantean consciousness, or in an Atlantean body Asian yet have Aryan awareness. Note that the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict also called the ray of beauty and music is the one in common between the two hemispheres.

This is appropriate as the Fourth Ray conditions Humanity as a whole — in this Fourth Round cycle, upon the fourth globe of this fourth chain. Various nations in both hemispheres have feminine or masculine characteristics and generically the Orient seems to play the feminine role whilst the Occident the masculine. Starting around , Pol Pot and his genocidal regime of the Khmer Rouge cast its shadow over Cambodia for about two decades, resulting in the deaths of between one and two million people, according to various estimates.

These Appearances are evoked by the genius and destiny of a race. The typical man in quality and consciousness, not necessarily physically foreshadows the nature of some race. Such a man was Abraham Lincoln, coming forth from the very soul of a people, and introducing and transmitting racial quality—a quality to be worked out later as the race unfolds.

Coming forth correspondingly from the realm of cosmic evil, and responsible for the focus of materialism upon the planet today was Bismarck. Both men came forth within the same one hundred years, thus demonstrating the balance in nature and the constant interplay of the pairs of opposites. They are both types of the most powerful Avatars which humanity itself has as yet produced.

They emerge along the lines of government, of the first ray and in the department of the Manu, and are very sensitive to Shamballa force. Such Avatars frequently emerge at the founding of a nation. This is true of both Bismarck and Lincoln. Pol Pot may not have necessarily been the equivalent of Bismarck in the 20 th century but certainly had his light equivalent in Martin Luther King Jr. The oriental forces standing behind those such as Pol Pot are most powerful, reminding us of ancient Atlantean times when black magic was widespread and rampant: They work by the intensification of glamour and by the stimulation of the lower psychic powers.

Their particular point of attack at this time is the group of world disciples and initiates, for these latter are responsible for the fostering of love in the world and for the binding of men together in the spirit of unity. The point of least resistance for the Shamballa energy the equivalent of the First Ray of Will or Power — is the use of force.

Taurus is a sign shared by other infamous dictators such as Hitler and Saddam Hussein. It would be vain, without studying the latter, to seek to unriddle the mysteries enshrouded for centuries in the temples and ruins of Egypt and Assyria, or those of Central America, British Columbia, and the Nagkon-Wat of Cambodia. If each of these was built by a different nation; and neither nation had had intercourse with the others for ages, it is also certain that all were planned and built under the direct supervision of the priests.

And the clergy of every nation, though practicing rites and ceremonies which may have differed externally, had evidently been initiated into the same traditional mysteries which were taught all over the world…. Capricorn also rules rocks and stone as it represents the densest concretion of matter. It is interesting to note that the First Ray energy of Will-Power associated with Capricorn is the spiritual Will that finds itself anchoring in dense matter.

Dreamline Series

Indeed, the stone temples are places of invocation through ritual and ceremony Seventh Ray , acting as conductors of highly spiritualised electrical forces. God is invited down to Earth and the temple spires reach toward the heavens. Anyone who has visited these holy places cannot help but marvel at their ingenuity, precision and beauty.

As in other dating methods, it seems that the history of Cambodia has also been dwarfed into the very recent 9 th —14 th centuries. Angkor Wat and most other temples in the region are dedicated to Siva or Vishnu; these chronological errors follow the major mistake by Eastern and Western scholars in dating the Hindu civilization only a few thousand years BC! This has partly stemmed from the confounding of the Kali Yuga of the Fifth Rootrace 3, BC with the Kali Yuga cycle of the Fourth Rootrace about four million years ago ; not a difficult mistake for human investigators to make given the enormity of the time scale!

One rootrace or subrace births another and from the first is born the second Egyptian subrace of the Fifth Rootrace 5. Its Manu, Menes, travelled to ancient Ethiopia and founded the new civilisation [14] — probably closer to , years ago than a few thousand! The famous Egyptian king-lists place Menes in the latter realm of dynasties and hence it is quite plausible that the earlier dynasties are records of the Manus of the subraces and branchraces going a long way back through Atlantis and to perhaps even Lemurian times. That they were the oldest in the group of nations; and that the Eastern Ethiopians — the mighty builders — had come from India as a matured people, bringing their civilization with them, and colonizing the perhaps unoccupied Egyptian territory.

Simplicius the Greek philosopher 7 th century A. The pyramids, even in this modern technological age cannot be duplicated. Places like Stonehenge and Carnac are referred to here. We must bear in mind also that these Initiates were giants who stature may have exceeded 15 ft in height, certainly assisting the process of building. Yet essentially most building would have been done through utilising the lost science of sound that created a vacuum, allowing an effortless lifting and placement of the enormous stones.

The second subrace of the Fifth Rootrace 5. If we take the latter date as a preliminary exercise in understanding longer cycles than we are used to considering , there is a close correspondence with another remark by HPB: Assuming that the long narrow downward passage was directed towards the pole star of the pyramid builders, astronomers have shown that … Alpha Draconis, the then pole-star, was in the required position about 3, B.

The following table is one construct that gives an approximate chronology of the Fifth Rootrace subraces. Note that in some instances the Manus whose names appear in the Old Testament have been used; the ,year increments are one linear perspective to view the races. Other chronologies are given in HHH:. Likewise in Cambodia, the origin of the Sanskrit writing and language is obvious, demonstrating that the culture and consciousness that moved westward to Egypt from India, also moved East to Burma, Cambodia across Thailand and Vietnam — even as far as Bali.

The causeway is … feet in length, and is paved with stones each of which measures four feet in length by two in breadth. On either side of it are artificial lakes fed by springs, and each covering about five acres of ground … The outer wall of Nagkon-Wat the city of monasteries is half a mile square, with gateways … which are handsomely carved with figures of gods and dragons.

The foundations are ten feet in height … The entire edifice, including the roof, is of stone, but without cement, and so closely fitting are the joints as even now to be scarcely discernible … The shape of the building is oblong, being feet in length, and in width, while the highest central pagoda rises some odd feet above the ground, and four others, at the angles of the court, are each about feet in height. From this doorway, on either side, runs a corridor with a double row of columns, cut — base and capital — from single blocks, with a double, oval-shaped roof, covered with carving and consecutive sculptures upon the outer wall.

This gallery of sculptures, which forms the exterior of the temple, consists of over half a mile of continuous pictures, cut in basso-relievo upon sandstone slabs six feet in width, and represents subjects taken from Hindu mythology, from the Ramayana — the Sanscrit epic poem of India, with its 25, verses describing the exploits of the god Rama, and the son of the King of Oudh. The contests of the King of Ceylon, and Hanouma, the monkey-god, are graphically represented. There is no keystone used in the arch of this corridor.

On the walls are sculptured the immense number of , separate figures. The Shamballa Impacts, Phillip Lindsay. The crises of these three rootraces are symbolised by the following numbers — representing branchrace, subrace and rootrace:. Paralleling these rootrace periods are the three zodiacs.

Before Individualisation there were only eight signs and at Individualisation the signs of Leo-Virgo were added, representing the birth of self-consciousness via the solar angel or soul Leo — and the lunar angels that build human forms Virgo. Later, at the beginning of the Fifth Rootrace, the two opposite signs of Aquarius and Pisces were added making 12 — because Humanity were ready to develop the consciousness associated with these signs. There was no response to the influences of Leo and Virgo.

The mystery of the Sphinx did not exist and these two signs were not then part of the zodiacal wheel. Then individualisation took place and the seed of Christhood was planted in man and these two signs began to influence humanity, and gradually that influence was recognised and the zodiac was then known to have ten signs. Aries to Capricorn marked the circle of experience. In Atlantean days, man had become so responsive to the planetary and solar influence that the door of initiation into hierarchical experience was opened and two more signs were added.

These two signs were the higher correspondences of Leo and Virgo and were the polar opposites of these two: Their influence became active and effective and thus they formed part of the zodiacal wheel because man began to respond to their potencies. It then became possible for the Fixed Cross to function esoterically in the life of humanity, and the first reversals of the wheel in the life of the advanced men of the period took place.

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It was this reversal which was the true cause of the great contest or battle between the Lords of the Dark Face as they are called in The Secret Doctrine and the Lords of Light—a contest which is today persisting. Certain men then reached the stage of discipleship wherein they could consciously mount the Fixed Cross and be prepared for a major initiation. This the Forces of Materiality and of Obstruction as they are sometimes called fought and the battle was fought out and conditioned in the sign Scorpio.

Today, in Aryan times, a similar conflict upon a higher turn of the spiral is taking place.

David Mayer (Author of Reswyt)

The reason is that certain world disciples and initiates have reached the point in their unfoldment wherein they are ready to mount the Cardinal Cross and take some of the higher initiations. So the conflict is on between humanity under the control of the Lords of Materiality and the Hierarchy under the control of the Forces of Light and Love , and right before our eyes the battle is being waged [written WWII]. The influences of the twelve signs of the zodiac particularly of seven of the signs are being engaged, for today men of all types and rays are responsive to their influences and are implicated in some form or another in the affair.

Christ and Buddha in Atlantis: The Buddha had attained this same point prior to the creation of our planetary life [on the Moon Chain], but conditions for taking the third initiation were not then available, and He and the Christ took the initiation together … They stood in the Presence of the One Initiator … This third initiation was taken in a fourth ray Ashram, the Ray of Harmony through Conflict.

Yet the deeper implication of this initiation together in the same ashram was that it represented the first fusion on Earth of the two types of Humanity: Today The Christ is poised to take over the role of the Buddha — who has almost liberated himself from this Earth sphere altogether.

The souls who individualised upon the Moon Chain were always more generally advanced in intelligence because they had a much longer period to develop it. Hence their dominance both spiritually and materially upon Earth, despite the fact that the Master of all Masters and the Head of the Hierarchy of Masters, the One who holds the Office of The Christ — is of the Earth Chain. Now at the high tide mark of the Fifth Rootrace 5. Three Shamballa Impacts [3] Also paralleling the rootrace crises and the three zodiacs are the first three major releases of power from the planetary centre called Shamballa — all of them extremely destructive.

Shamballa was established — from whence the Lord of the World or Sanat Kumara wielded his mighty sword. This period also marked the culmination of the Individualisation process and the transformation of the hitherto hermaphrodite Humanity into two sexes. This war is regarded as a recapitulation of the Atlantean war — with the same issues at stake. Aquarius the Water-Bearer is prominent for the next year cycle, yet also for three other reasons: The Objective of this combination which has occurred six times during the period of the fifth root-race is to bring about illumination and the establishment of order upon the Earth.

Note that this combination of the Seventh Ray cycle with Aquarius is happening for the seventh time in the history of the Fifth Rootrace. Seven is a number of completion, particularly in relation to the seven rootraces, seven subraces and seven branchraces. Manu and Progenitor of the Fifth Rootrace. This was indicated by H. Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine, but the author of HHH has developed this further, demonstrating the key to the ages of the Manus as representing the duration of their subraces.

The reader will note that the number of the previous subrace always determines the same number of the following rootrace:. Note that the bolded races above are highly significant and represent a major seeding period for the next rootrace. It is fitting that Lamech Aquarius is the father of the Fifth Rootrace. Aquarius has only the Fifth Ray of Science passing through it; the destiny of the Fifth Rootrace is the development of mind or manas, symbolised by the number five and of course the five-pointed star of Venus, ruler of the Fifth Ray. The Apotheosis of the Fifth Rootrace: Now, several million years later, this mental development has reached its quintessential expression in the fifth branchrace of the fifth subrace of the Fifth Rootrace — 5.

The fifth branchrace has a little way to go:. Bear in mind that there are several identifiable cycles of this duration — such as the greater Aquarian cycle just beginning or the Mayan cycle which finishes in Overall however, the Fifth Rootrace has around , years to diminish paralleled by the emerging Sixth Rootrace , as it completes the Kali Yuga cycle that started in BC. The rootraces span enormous periods of time, overlapping each other for millions of years.

There are seven rootraces to each round of evolution upon Earth and five have practically elapsed. This will occur through natural evolution and also by the experiments of some of the Masters: We hope during the next five hundred years to present several such groups to the One Initiator. All who are in these groups have taken the first initiation, as have so many thousands of people in the world today.

Can we imagine that if these experiments are successful and if the rest of the World Aspirants and Disciples play their part, that the balance for the Forces of Light will be tipped permanently in their favour? Aquarius is the generic ruler of the Third Degree Initiation: The man then takes the third initiation and becomes free from personality control, taking the next two initiations upon the Cardinal Cross. Aquarius, Soul of United States of America. Currently Western evolution is unfolding the fifth branchrace of the fifth subrace of the Fifth Rootrace 5.

After this, in about 25, years, they will launch into preparations for the seventh [5. Note that the 25, year time period corresponds to the greater Aquarian cycle of 25, that will lead Humanity into the Sixth Rootrace proper. The United States of America is ruled at a soul level by Aquarius [14] and hence, combined with its status as 5. A branchrace has an approximate duration of a precession cycle of 25, years: Although other nations such as the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand are part of the 5.

The USA separated from the mother country in order to pursue religious and political freedoms, culminating in the Declaration of Independence of Bear in mind that Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, was discovered between the American and French Revolutions in , both dealing liberating blows for the whole world, not just those nations; hence the Uranian power of freedom and the humanitarian qualities of the Aquarian Water-Bearer — who pours forth for thirsting Humanity. This period of the past couple of hundred years has also been a major part of the cuspal period between the zodiacal ages of Pisces and Aquarius.

It is said that the Sixth Rootrace will eventually inhabit Brazil. Great Britain and the United States of America play a very important role as they represent the past and present that builds for this future. Great Britain is the ultimate expression of 5. The United States of America is Europe transplanted, without too much of the old baggage. Hence the following conditioning triangle that also depicts the soul and personality rays of those nations:.

Note that the ray in common is the second ray of love-wisdom. Brazil is the only nation given [19] as having a second ray personality. Even though the UK and USA have a strong expression of this 5 th mental aspect, they both have their respective national souls conditioned by the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom [20] and this is evident by their recent histories — where the principles of democracy, freedom and liberation have unfolded. An interesting fact emerges as we consider this grouping. Great Britain is the custodian of the wisdom aspect of the second ray force for the Aryan race [5.

The United States fulfills the same office for the sixth or coming subrace [5. These three races embody the attractive cohesive aspect of the second ray, and will demonstrate it through wisdom and wise government, based on idealism and love. The United States will therefore represent a fusion of races, with the Anglo-Saxon element dominating. Brazil will later represent the best of that which the Latin races have eventually to give.

This presented fusion will be considered from the angle of the ray types and the basic unfolding principles, and not from the angle of culture and civilisation. Great Britain therefore represents the aspect of mind which expresses itself in intelligent government, based eventually on just loving understanding. This, I say, is the ideal before her, but not the fulfilled achievement. The United States represents the intuitive faculty, expressing itself as illumination and the power to fuse and blend. Brazil or rather what that country will then be called, for the time of this expression lies thousands of years ahead will represent a linking interpreting civilisation, based on the unfoldment of the abstract consciousness, which is a blend of the intellect and the intuition, and which reveals the wisdom aspect of love in its beauty.

But the period of the development of this great civilisation lies too far ahead to make speculation possible. The USA is truly the bridge between the races and the eventual unfoldment of a new race in South America. But in this new era of opportunity can Humanity rise to the occasion?

We live in precipitous and perilous times; the world sits somewhat upon a knife edge. Can Humanity make the right decisions that can lead it to liberation or will it miss this great opportunity? As the astronomical cycle of Aquarius draws close, with the possibility of massive human transformation, the Earth teeters upon the brink — politically, culturally, economically and environmentally. There are no hatreds so great or so deep as those fostered by religion.

No truer words uttered by D. Nevertheless, there is a lesser known statement from which we may take hope, from the book Changing Esoteric Values by Foster Bailey. He may have had contact with the Master Djwhal Khul, or at least was privy to some inner knowledge from the Hierarchy. And ever since then there has been the possibility of a third world war that would end the whole human experiment up to date and start us back again as an infant humanity to begin to learn it all over again.

And in , it was established subjectively and in reality that there will be no third world war … was a great year, a very spiritual significant year. Students may contend the veracity of this statement. If it is true then obviously it does not mean that workers of the light can be complacent. Yet there are deeper implications; it means that a major decision by the Hierarchy was taken around that would prevent Humanity from wiping itself out.

This is somewhat contrary to the policy of Hierarchy not interfering with human free-will; yet the decision around the year was made in those intervening years of the atom bomb in and the year cycle of the Decision Initiation [25] taken by the Masters in The Earth is already behind in its evolution since the failure of the Moon Third Chain within the Earth Scheme, those many billions of years ago. Conditions of agony and of distress such as are found on our planet are found in no such degree in any other scheme.

Master Astronomers Mayan Quetzlacoatl: To read that article please click on the link in the heading. This ongoing series will discuss in more depth the role of Shamballa and its relation to current cycles, the Mayans and the reappeaarance of Quetzacoatl or Christ at the dawn of the coming Sixth Rootrace. This is newsletter is part I of three parts. It is the only nation that the Master D.

The fourth ray is the major ray that conditions Humanity and is the linking ray between the fourth ray soul of the East and the fourth ray personality of the West. Using the analogy of a greater entity for an individual human, what does it mean to have a second ray personality? Although, depending upon the soul ray, that personality expression is not always easy or obvious to discern.

However, anyone who has visited Brazil or met Brazilian people or many other Latin peoples , will attest to their loving nature; this is the essence of Celtic and Latin races. As the line of development is 2,4,6 — it includes the passionate and emotional sixth ray. In advising one of his Latin disciples about a second ray personality, The Tibetan has the following to say: The strong preponderance of the Latin line is currently expanding with great rapidity in the United States of America — the bridge between the Fifth Rootrace and the Sixth Rootrace.

The Spanish language is now spoken in about one third of the population of the USA. The fourth heart chakra was the highest line of expression and unfoldment for the spiritually evolved of the time — and still is in many ways! Even though toward the end of this Fifth Rootrace we have seen a recapitulation of what was achieved and where humanity failed in the Atlantean race, there is still much more to unfold in the Sixth Rootrace. The rays influencing the races are a study in itself as the following tabulation indicates: The development of the expression of love-wisdom the heart and the intuition will be the major goals of the Sixth Rootrace.

No doubt a major cycle of the fourth ray will span the unfoldment of the Sixth Rootrace. Even in this Fifth Rootrace and at the dawn of the Sixth Rootrace, a fourth ray cycle is imminent in , paving the way for the externalisation of the Hierarchy, the reappearance of the Christ and manifestation of the Mystery Schools. This fourth ray cycle will also bring new forms of music and art, expressive of the new frequencies that Humanity will contact; a major cultural seed that will bear its fruit in the Sixth Rootrace, as it represents the best of the race that has been. The fourth ray cycle will offset many of the excesses of the previous cycle of the fifth ray of science where the concrete mind has dominated.

The theme of the Sixth Rootrace will be continued in the last section of this discussion. Shamballa Shamballa appeared at the momentous time of human individualisation Because Humanity is inexperienced at handling this energy, the point of least resistance for many is destruction and the use of force. It is highly probable that very few of us have ever had an experience of Shamballa. We can read therefore, what the Tibetan has told us about Shamballa, what is detailed in ancient myth and scripture and formulate mystical perceptions about it — as opposed to direct experience.

Some may not have realised that they have come in contact with Shamballa force, but it may be very potent in their particular service work. The Shamballa force has only been applied directly to Humanity relatively recently; before Hierarchy acted as a shield to this most potent of spiritual force, embodied in the energy of the First Ray of Will or Power. Hence factually and energetically Shamballa remains an enigma. Yet we can gain a lot through the information that has been given about it, exoterically and esoterically.

From Beyond by Nicholas Roerich. The effort of the abstract mind of man will be towards the comprehension of this, just as the goal of hierarchical contact marks the present effort of the disciple. Glamour is disappearing; illusions are being dissipated; the stage of penetration into a new dimension, into a new phase of effort and of attainment is rapidly being promulgated.

The following tables establish some esoteric time frames: This covered a vast period of time, and though the Brotherhood made its headquarters at Shamballa and directed its activities from there, it was found necessary during the first sub-race of the Atlantean Root Race [4.

It was decided about seventeen million years ago the coming of the Hierarchy and the founding of Shamballa being about eighteen and a half million years ago to have on the dense physical plane an organization and a headquarters for the mysteries, and to have a band of Adepts, and Chohans who would function in dense physical bodies and thus meet the need of the rapidly awakening humanity. The first outpost for the Shamballa Fraternity was the original temple of Ibez and it was located in the centre of South America , and one of its branches at a much later period was to be found in the ancient Maya institutions , and the basic worship of the sun as the source of life in the hearts of all men.

A second branch was later established in Asia, and of this branch the Himalayan and southern Indian adepts are the representatives, though the work is materially changed. Whether this previous statement implies that there are various branches of Shamballa in different physical locations or whether the Shamballa base moves around according to racial need, is unknown.

The Masters of course, reside in various locations on the planet and move at will if necessary. If Shamballa does move according to need, it stands to reason that in the Sixth Rootrace, the location of Shamballa will shift from its current etheric location in the Gobi Desert back to its original position. Nevertheless, the magnetism of the original Shamballa remains, waiting to be reactivated; perhaps it is being reactivated already and workers are already in situ, co-ordinating with the Shamballa base in the Gobi Desert? Those who reach liberation during this period will have completed the journey they set out upon at the period of Individualisation, around the time of the founding of the original Shamballa.

The above passage is a further confirmation of the duration of the ancient races: These four letters are the first letters of the real names of the four Avatars on the four globes of our earth chain who have embodied four of the divine principles. The Seven Chains of the Earth Scheme. In the whole series of chains, these globes represent the 22 nd to 25 th incarnations!

If we consider the numerology of Ibez and Shamballa, they both equal Just as the number 6 expresses space, so the number 24 expresses time, and is the key to the great cycle of manifestation. It is the clue to all cyclic appearance or incarnation. It existed until the last great glacial period, when a local cataclysm, which swept the waters south and west and so formed the present great desolate desert, left only a certain oasis, with a lake and one island in the midst of it, as a relic of the Zodiacal Ring on Earth.

I would call your attention to the fact that the word has in it nine letters … nine is the number of initiation. The goal of all the initiatory process is to admit mankind into realisation of and identification with the will or purpose of Deity. It is in reality devotion to an unseen goal, ever on ahead, and an unswerving recognition of the objective.

Of the nine letters, six are on the first ray line of force. Two of them are along the second line of force, 4 and 2. The number 8 inaugurates ever a new cycle, following after the number 7, which is that of a relative perfection. It [8] is the number of the Christ-consciousness; just as 7 is the number of man, 8 is the number of the Hierarchy, and 9 is the number of initiation or of Shamballa. Forget not that, from the angle of the Hierarchy, the third initiation is regarded as the first major initiation. The work of the guides of the race in those ancient days was markedly different to the methods employed now: The infant humanity of Lemurian and early Atlantean days had to be taught what they were by means of symbols and methods which to us would be crude, impossible and of a nature which the race should have transcended for many millions of years.

Of course, as evolution proceeded with the development of the mental faculty, schisms developed: The flood referred to here is probably the one that occurred much later in Atlantean times, when the black magicians had reached the height of their powers: More remains to be rectified from those early Lemurian times, probably in this approaching cycle: The powerful thought-forms built up in the early Ibezhan mysteries and which particularly inAmerica are as yet undestroyed. This gigantic "Dweller on the Threshold" of all the true Mysteries has to be slaughtered before the aspirant can pass on.

In reviewing the past, we must bear in mind that geographical locations represent the evolution of continents at any particular time, whether it is Lemuria, Atlantis or this Fifth Rootrace. To donate to my work, please click here or email. Encyclopedia Britannica Ultimate Reference Mayan cosmology has come much to the fore in recent times. The year is the end of a cycle in the Mayan calendar.

Given the close similarity between the Mayans and the ancient Egyptians, the Mayans were most likely part of the second subrace of the Fifth Rootrace 5. Exoterically and geographically it is the Americas, but esoterically it is Europe. Either way, the Mayans are associated with the Fifth Rootrace in consciousness:. If their teaching followed the appearance of the Continents in their geological and geographical order, then this classification would have to be altered.

But as the sequence of the Continents is made to follow the order of evolution of the Races, from the first to the fifth, our Aryan Root-race, Europe must be called the fifth great Continent … There was a time when the delta of Egypt and Northern Africa belonged to Europe, before the formation of the Straits of Gibraltar, and a further upheaval of the continent, changed entirely the face of the map of Europe.

Hence, looking at Europe and its association with Egypt, or the Americas and its association with places like Guatemala — the main habitation of the Mayans, there can be seen an association or derivation from the Fifth Rootrace, not the Atlantean race. Although ancient Egypt constituted the second subrace of the Fifth Rootrace 5.

History is silent on that point; but those who consider that there is no tradition, sanctified by ages, without a certain sediment of truth at the bottom of it, believe in the Atlantis -legend. Egypt deceased drinking water offered by tree divinity. Mayan fresco from Bonampak … Chiapas, Mexico. Note the temple pictured above and its resemblance in colour and style to that of the Egyptians. South American pyramids are of course related to Egyptian pyramids: Mountain element represented by the Mayan culture in pyramidal stone temples.

Temple of Inscriptions, Palenque, Mexico. The Egyptians come from Southern India: Menes is undoubtedly the Manu of the second subrace 5. The Mayas are actually referred to in The Mahabharata , one of the main Hindu scriptures, as a tribe having left the Indian subcontinent. There are sources who have revealed those people to be the same as the Nagas, one of the oldest Indian tribes recorded. Those Nagas seem to have been a people, later called Danavas, with a capital Nagapur. They are referred to in another main Hindu-scripture, the Ramayana, as belonging to a Naga-Maya tribe, who is said to have transmitted their culture towards Babylonia, Egypt and Greece.

Naga is the Sanskrit word for serpent or snake. Mercury or Hermes Narada — see further in text — his symbol is the caduceus: We know them today as the Dravidians Tamils, Malayalam, etc. The non Indus Valley people in ancient days were exceedingly superstitious and fearful of the Mayans.

The latter were excellent international shippers and traders, builders and astronomers. Their superstitious enemies thought their accomplishments had to be magic and beyond human ability. They were ultimately driven toCeylon where they inhabited the province of Maya. Later, they went to the Americas, having been taken there by Kubera and his Yakshas. The skill of the Mayan astronomers is also well known: The studies focused on the calendars of the two advanced civilizations. The Indus Valley inhabitants followed a calendar based on the movements of Jupiter, and the Mayans followed one based on the Venus.

In the Puranas, a secondary Hindu scripture, Jupiter, Brihaspati, was acknowledged to be the leader of the gods, while Venus, Shukra, was the leader of the asuras. The texts further state that the devas and asuras lived on opposite sides of the Earth. Mexico and India are at opposite sides in longitude. The correspondences were pointed out by B. Siddarth, director of the B. Birla Science Centre in Hyderabad. He also said the Hindu story of the churning of the ocean has been found in carvings in Mexico, as well Mayan representations of a tortoise carrying twelve pillars similar to Indian illustrations.

Ganapati Sthapati of Chennai, a foremost expert on Vastu shatra, the ancient Hindu architecture, has visited the Mayan structures in Central America and found many similarities between the design and construction methods of the Mayans and that of the ancient Hindus. South of Mexico lays Guatemala, the major centre for the Mayans, yet they ventured north and south of this location, spreading their knowledge widely. Mayan Language Language is one of the major keys to determining the movement and migration of races. Two-thirds of all the aboriginal regional names of Mexico are either variations of the name of Lanka or Tamil names of West Indian regions.

This is a major key to the understanding of their ancient Sri Lankan origins which, with southern Tamil India, extended much further south, now since sunk hundreds of thousands of years ago. When speaking of their origins, the Mayans like the Hopis had several names for their land: Asuramaya and the Mayans. Hindu records say that a member of a great race which preceded ours, a highly-developed personage known as Asuramaya, learned all the basic cosmic cycles and used his knowledge to determine the durations of the various geological and cyclical periods of human evolution.

The chronology and computations of their still used Tamil calendar, say the Brahmans, are based upon the works of Asuramaya and upon carefully maintained collateral zodiacal records. Their most ancient extant work on astronomy, the Surya Siddhanta, says that Asuramaya lived toward the end of the Krita-yuga, a former age that ended approximately 2,, years before the present.

This would place Asuramaya at something less than 2. The figures above are commensurate with the esoteric doctrine, whose source is the same. When the date of the start of the Kali Yuga for the Fifth Rootrace is considered 3, BC , then working back from there gives the following table:. Readers can observe where the Satya or Krita age ends 2,, years , about one million years before the start of the first Hindu subrace of the Fifth Rootrace. The death of Krishna was supposed to have heralded the Kali Yuga and there may well have been a Krishna as there have been many Buddhas in 3, BC.

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This fact has caused confusion amongst scholars and is partially responsible for Hindu and Western pundits diminishing the time-scales of the Hindu scriptures. Due to the deterioriation of the Atlanteans, what were once divine names of the Asuras in that race gradually became applied to those who had abused their god-given powers until,. All these events were occurring at the time of the gradual emergence of the Fifth Aryan Rootrace and the conflicts between the old and new races went on for some few million years after the original Mahabharata.

It is interesting to note that The Lord of the Rings is a story gleaned by J. Tolkien from our racial memory and is probably a fairly accurate account of those Atlantean days of war, monsters, giants, angels and magic. The chief sorcerer against whom Gandalf the White fights is Saruman, whose name is virtually an anagram of Asuramaya. The Hobbits are of course, Humanity and perhaps their six toes on either foot represent the coming Sixth Rootrace!

It is he who has charge of our progress and national weal or woe. It is he who brings on wars and puts an end to them. In the old Stanzas Pesh-Hun is credited with having calculated and recorded all the astronomical and cosmic cycles to come, and with having taught the Science to the first gazers at the starry vault.

This work is ascribed to Pesh-Hun Narada. There is another old work which is attributed to various Atlanteans. It is these two Records which furnish us with the figures of our [The Hierarchy] cycles, and the possibility of calculating the date of cycles to come …. The chronology and computations of the Brahmin Initiates are based upon the Zodiacal records of India, and the works of the above-mentioned astronomer and magician—Asuramaya.

The Atlantean zodiacal records cannot err, as they were compiled under the guidance of those who first taught astronomy, among other things, to mankind. Master Astronomers As noted earlier, The studies focused on the calendars of the two advanced civilizations. The Indus Valley inhabitants followed a calendar based on the movements of Jupiter , and the Mayans followed one based on the Venus.

The Mayans are well known for their astronomical accuracy through their studies of the cycles of Venus, yet their whole system of astronomy and cycles derives from their ancient Hindu past:. Among other ancient nations only one, the Hindu peoples of the Indian subcontinent, is known to have developed a system of calendrics accounting for such vast periods of time. For computing the age of the earth and various geological and other epochs, as well as the age of mankind, the learned Brahman caste still employs a Tamil calendar derived from archaic astronomical data, known as the "Tirukkanda Panchanga" The Secret Doctrine , II: Astronomy played a significant role in Mayan culture.

Venus in particular had a pre-eminent status. Testimony to this rich tradition is borne out by Mayan temple art and the few available Codices, or sacred books, of the Mayans. Western scholars have attempted to relate the Mayan concepts to those of Greek astronomy. The sidereal Mayan astronomy is more akin to the Hindu system and does not easily fit into the Greek model. Greece is a much more modern and recent culture, Indiaand the Mayans are very ancient. In the Puranas, Lord Vishnu is represented as resting on the serpent Ananta or Sesa, after having dissolved all creation.

The serpent represents the eternity of time Ananta , and the "remainder" Sesa in subtle form, of prakriti, the germ of all that has been and will be. After waking up from the yoganidra, Vishnu rides on the eagle Garuda. Both Garuda and Sesa are shown in association with Vishnu in the temples of India. It is said that Garuda represents the Vedas and the solar deities, and Sesa represents the watery deities.

The serpent [Naga] is of great significance in the Mayan culture also. This display resembles a descending snake whose head is the monumental serpent head carved out of stone at the foot of the stairs. The feathered serpent represents the Mayan God Kukulcan, who is associated with rain water and new life, among other things. Kukulcan appears to be Sesa and Garuda combined into one. Leslie Mitchell, he explains that the basis of the old Maya empire was not of the work of the ancestors of the present day Maya, but was an import from the same foreigners that built the palaces and temples of the Chams and Khmers in Cambodia, and the temples in Java.

The Vedic origin is further enhanced by the frequency that the elephant motif is found in Maya art, especially the earlier works of the Maya, such as at Copan, although the elephant never existed in the region. Angkor Wat and the Egyptian Connection. The ancient Khmer Cambodian culture probably belongs to the second subrace of the Fifth Rootrace 5. One is reminded of the vast extent of the Indian empire that stretched from South East Asia to Persia Iran ; it also extended southward to the old Tamil country, since sunk. Surya Siddhanta was revealed to Mayasura by Sun.

The Mayan people, also known as technicians, were no doubt named as such because of being connected with this person named Maya or Mayasura and Maya Danava. They were a part of his clan or tribe. They had fallen away from the Vedic way of life and were sent or escaped to the region of Central America. They also carried with them much of the science of astronomy and navigation for which this Mayasura was known.

Many people have wondered from where the Mayan acquired their astronomical knowledge. This would explain how the Mayan people had such a high degree of understanding in astronomy, from which they also developed their calendar. The Mayan calendar was a science they had long developed, carrying it with them from their previous location and civilization.

This map is one of many speculations of the location of the Atlantean islands. Indra, like Xiuhtechutli, was the rain god and guardian of the Eastern Quadrant, and Agni, similar to Xipe Totec, was the god of sacrificial fire, born in wood and the life force of trees and plants. Then there is the Vedic Ushas, the beautiful goddess of Dawn or Sky, who is similar to the Mayan view of Venus, goddess of Dawn … Furthermore, hymn of the book ten in the [Hindu] Rig Veda is very similar to the description of creation as found in the [Mayan] Popul Vuh.

Both were considered to be men who ascended into heaven upon their death; Christ to sit at the right hand of God, Quetzalcoatl to become the Morning Star [Venus]. Both were tempted by evil powers; Christ by Satan, Quetzalcoatl by the wizard-god Tezcatlipoca. And both were prophesied to one day return to earth, Christ as the Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven, Quetzalcoatl as a god-king returned to claim his kingdom in Central Mexico.

To understand the life and teachings of Jesus Christ is to understand Christianity, the root religion of what we refer to as Western Civilization. To understand the life and mystery of Quetzalcoatl is to understand the religious thought of what we call Mesoamerica. The Maya and Hopi calendars also describe the ending of a great age around the year several Mayan calendar cycles end at winter solstice, The Maya are one of many cultures as far-flung as the Australian Aborigines, the ancient Greeks, and several Native American nations with stories about the Pleiades.

Izapa speaks to us of the Galactic Alignment in as a transformative nexus in time, a still-point turnabout, inviting us to reconnect with our cosmic heart and eternal source. The above passage is a more exoteric view but nonetheless testifies to the origin of Mayan astronomy.

These yugas contain other yugas within them, or cycles within cycles: All races have their own cycles, which fact causes a great difference. The forthcoming 6th Sub Race [of the Fifth Rootrace or 5. These dark and golden ages Kali and Satya overlap as one cycle finishes and another starts. Lord Krishna predicted that this Golden Age will start 5, years after the begnning of the Kali Yuga, and will last for 10, years.

The Mayan Calendar measures the unfolding evolution of consciousness — as do all cycles that are impelled by the rays, planets, yugas or zodiac signs; they all embody a much higher consciousness it is actually two calendars that are closely inter-related: Mayan Calendar or Sunstone. The carvings in the stone represent the four cycles of creation and destruction. The skull at the center depicts the god, Tonatiuh, the fifth sun.

The calendar was also adopted by the Aztec and Toltec nations after renaming the days and months. John Major Jenkins, a leading scholar of the Mayan Calendar, has the following to say: The Denver Post , January 2, In it, we read: Instead, Mayan elders predict that the cataclysm can occur within a year or years—and the cause would be something astronomical as opposed to metaphysical.

We further read in the interview that: Earthquakes, marimotos tsunamis , floods, volcanic eruptions, and great illness on the planet Earth. Few survivors will be left. Did not receive any payment for review. This review may contain spoilers for the first book. The war in Reswyt rages on in the second installment of the Dreamline series.

At the end of the first book, Sabine found the lead box that was meant to house the pendant that allows her to travel to Reswyt. When the pendant is not left in the box, it inhibits sleep. Sabine is finally able to sleep and dream. I don't want to give too much away about her new role in Reswyt, but she manifests as an animal.

Dylan also returns to Reswyt as a horse and tries to rally the other horses to fight with the Jager. Sabine has been teaching Josh to use her pendant and how to do magic in Reswyt. There are several new characters in Nekhet and each one plays an important role in the story. After a tragic death in the Jager camp, they formulate a plan to capture the Queen's Artifex, Moravin.

Moravin has been building weapons and guns for the queen. They fear that he is searching for materials to make a larger, more threatening weapon that will destroy the Balance of Reswyt. Once again, I am left feeling like a bumbling idiot! I'm still amazed that a book can leave me speechless.