
Laltro islam: In viaggio nella terra degli sciiti (Italian Edition)

Plastic waste washing up on the Croatian coast from Albania. Use of homonymous geographical indications. Resentment of European Union leaders at the outcome of a referendum in Switzerland. Lengthy interruptions to fishing activity due to poor weather at sea. Notification and assessment of changes to feed-in tariff rates for household wind turbines. Funds granted to Serbia as a pre-accession country. Death of a young Christian in Pakistan after abuse by the police. Update on discrimination against religious minorities in Pakistan. Biodiversity under threat in the Mekong basin.

Bali Package and future of the global trade in services. Creative Europe and obstacles for operators in the cultural and creative sector.

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Another attack in Afghanistan — strategic prospects for the future. New study on treatment for deafness and hearing loss. New voice call service risks disrupting the market. Pilot project relating to alternative road networks in case of unfavourable weather events. Decommissioning of old armaments and chemical weapons in Albania. Programmes for direct funds, town of Santa Maria di Leuca. Direct funding programmes, city of Muro Leccese. Direct funding programmes and the town of Torremaggiore. Direct funding programmes and the town of Trani. Scientific research into microchip implants.

Laser technologies and warfare applications. Rumours about Turkey's involvement in funding the Syrian rebels. Apulian grape marc to treat people contaminated by radiation — update. Pajares bypass and serious environmental damage. Proposal for a Franco-German communications network. Global Approach to Migration and Mobility. Increasing female participation in employment. Possible funding for the restoration of the Madonna ta' Liesse Chapel in Valletta. Restrictions to fundamental rights for national security purposes. Asbestos in public buildings in Portugal. Policy for managing the Union's external borders.

Greece in serious breach of European law. Freedom of the press in Greece and public service broadcasting. Preferential treatment within the construction industry in Greece. The Venezuelan dictatorship and European interests. Unequal treatment by the Commission of Member States providing state aid to businesses. Import and sale of textiles contaminated by chemicals. Pollution of seas and oceans by chemical weapons. European airports falling in the global rankings.

Cases of doping at the Sochi Winter Olympics. Waste emergency in the Municipality of Foggia — update. One thousand families displaced in Pakistan. First female leader of an Egyptian political party. Systemic and widespread human rights violations in North Korea. Non-invasive cancer screening techniques. Recent approval of child euthanasia by the Belgian Parliament. Request for an opinion on the Live Open Science research and experimentation project.

Illegal compulsory eviction of Roma settlements in Romania. Italian wolves Canis lupus italicus killed in the Maremma area of Tuscany, Italy. Imprisonment of Turkish Cypriot conscientious objector and human rights activist Murat Kanatli. Cigarette smuggling and other forms of illicit trade in tobacco products in the EU. Negotiations between the Commission and Russia about revision of intergovernmental agreements on construction of the South Stream pipeline. International child abduction in Slovakia — proper enforcement of the law.

International abduction of a child to Slovakia. International abduction of a child to Slovakia — Still unresolved. What measures have been taken, or will be taken soon, by the Commission in response to this resolution? The EU has instruments to prevent the export of items that could threaten international or regional peace and stability or undermine human rights. The responsibility for deciding on specific export authorisations lies, under the regulation, with national authorities.

The Commission is currently conducting an export control policy review and intends to address this issue in a communication to be adopted in the near future. To maximise continuity and to ensure that the acquired expertise and knowledge is not lost, key staff has been transferred directly from the EUSR Sudans to the team of the EUSR for the Horn.

The validity of this approach has proven its effectiveness notably during the crisis in South Sudan. EUSR Rondos has travelled to the region almost immediately after the outbreak of violence and has been actively following the mediation since the beginning. He is in constant contact with key stakeholders, in particular from the region. Danske og udenlandske virksomheders modtagelse af penge fra EU's strukturfonde ved udflytning af job til Polen.

It emerges from articles in the newsletter from the Danish trade union 3F that a number of Danish and non-Danish firms have received EU Structural Fund support in connection with relocating jobs to Poland and creating jobs there. Can the Commission confirm that payments have been made to Danish and non-Danish firms as described in the articles? If payments have indeed been made, how does the Commission propose to ensure that there is better monitoring in future so as to prevent EU Structural Fund monies from being used to relocate jobs from one Member State to another?

The Commission requested the Polish and Hungarian programme authorities to investigate the matter. At the end of this process, and after assessing all the information at its disposal, the Commission will decide whether other actions are necessary. National authorities that manage EU funds are responsible for putting in place safeguards that prevent companies from using Community funds for the purposes of relocating from one Member States to another. The Commission will be aware of public concern regarding the killing of a giraffe at Copenhagen Zoo, and of the policy of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria EAZA to not relocate animals surplus to the requirements for captive breeding programmes to zoos not affiliated to EAZA.

Will it also confirm that the welfare of wild animals in captivity will be included within the scope of any such measure? De daders bleven lange tijd onbekend. De vrouw die de bomauto over de grens smokkelde, bekende recent haar rol in een Vlaams weekblad, en maakte ook de naam van een mannelijke medeplichtige bekend, die de vervalste nummerplaten voor de bomauto leverde.

Islam: da Kerbala a Teheran, gli sciiti celebrano l'Ashura

Op de website kan worden opgezocht welke begunstigden v anaf rechtstreeks door de Commissie betaalde financiering uit de EU-begroting hebben ontvangen. Merk op dat de gegevens voor het jaar vanaf medio beschikbaar zullen zijn. De Commissie voert een permanente dialoog met het maatschappelijk middenveld en zijn organisaties, ook over thema's in verband met ontwikkelingshulp.

Hiervoor werden fora opgericht die de Commissie toelaten erkende en representatieve verenigingen en overkoepelende netwerken van het maatschappelijk middenveld te raadplegen over ontwikkelingsbeleid en ontwikkelingssamenwerkingsactiviteiten. Tot deze netwerken behoren Europese, regionale en nationale organisaties van het maatschappelijk middenveld. De Commissie kan geen commentaar geven op basis van beweringen en berichten in de media zoals die waarnaar het geachte Parlementslid verwijst. Indien deze berichten zouden worden bevestigd, vallen eventuele maatregelen als gevolg daarvan onder de bevoegdheid van de Belgische en de Zuid-Afrikaanse autoriteiten.

For a long time, it was not established who was responsible. The woman who had smuggled the vehicle over the border recently confessed to her role in a Flemish weekly magazine, also revealing the name of a male accomplice who had supplied the false registration plates for the vehicle. If so, which projects and initiatives, and how much funding did it provide? Does the Commission consider it acceptable for it to fund, or consult with, an organisation headed by a terrorist who was involved in a bombing which killed 19 people? Please note that data on the year will be available in FTS as from mid The Commission is in constant dialogue with civil society and their representations, including on issues related to development aid.

Relevant platforms have been set up to that effect allowing the Commission to consult recognised and representative associations and umbrella civil society networks on development policies and aid cooperation activities. These networks have amongst their members European, regional and national civil society organisations which they obviously consult on issues at stake. The Commission cannot comment on the basis of allegations and media reports such as those referred to by the Honourable Member.

Any action to be taken in response to these reports, if they are substantiated, would be a matter for the Belgian and South African authorities. Has the Commission assessed how effective the abovementioned alternative biodynamic methods are in controlling the leafhopper? This includes the health of bees.

A complete risk assessment on all intended uses regarding their risks and their efficiency is made by the Competent Authorities of Member States where such uses are applied for. The legislation on plant protection products only applies to substances and microorganisms that actively operate against pests and diseases.

Calcined clay is one of these substances and its use as insecticide in viticulture has been assessed on EU and on national level. The Commission has no information on their effect against the pest or safety for bees. Concrete measures against specific pests, decided on a case by case basis, will be set out as appropriate, but the proposed Regulation ensures continuity of the current EU rules. El apoyo tanto de la Sra.

Ashton en sus actuales negociaciones con el nuevo Gobierno interino en Kiev para evitar el ascenso de los citados grupos de extrema derecha? Hasta la fecha, no se han recibido informes de un aumento de las actividades antisemitas desde la entrada en funciones del nuevo Gobierno. El racismo y la xenofobia de cualquier tipo son inadmisibles. In the wake of the disbanding of the legitimately elected government, a new one is being set up in which extreme right groups are adopting positions that could threaten the safety of particular groups of people purely on the grounds of their religious or political beliefs or their ethnicity.

At the same time, the new acting Interior Minister, Arsen Avakov, issued a search and seizure order against Yanukovich and other high-ranking government officials. Meanwhile, Ukrainian Rabbi Reuven Azman has called on the Jewish community to flee the country in light of the rise to power of these far-right groups. What measures is Baroness Ashton taking in her ongoing negotiations with the interim Government in Kiev to prevent the rise of these far-right groups? The EU believes that an inclusive Ukrainian Government that reaches out to all Ukrainian regions and population groups to ensure full protection of national minorities is essential.

To date, there have been no reports of increased anti-Semitic activities since the new Government has been in place. The new Governor of Dnipropetrovsk oblast, Ihor Kolomoyskyy, is a well-known and active member of Ukraine's Jewish community. According to the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, a big concern in Ukraine regards developments on the Crimean peninsula, where there is a risk that violent conflict could have negative consequences for all communities, particularly Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar groups. The EU urged all sides to ensure security and respect for human rights, including minority rights, for all those present on Ukrainian territory, regardless of ethnicity, religion or national origin.

Racism and xenophobia of any kind are unacceptable. Como parte de la estrategia comercial de la UE para las materias primas, la UE tiene como objetivo lograr un abastecimiento equitativo y sostenible de materias primas procedentes de los mercados internacionales. The Valencian Regional Government has thrown its weight behind a globalisation strategy with an investment of over 1. Extraction has increased at quarries, but this is so that the marble can be exported in its raw state and processed in other countries, where labour costs are lower. By increasing extraction with a view to exporting raw marble, the cartels that control the entire process — from the quarry up to the final sale — are lining their pockets while they impoverish the district and strip its natural resources using public sector funds.

The solution is not to open new quarries, but to limit raw exports so that products can be processed locally. The EU was forced to resort to the EGF to alleviate the crisis in the sector, while companies are continuing to export raw marble in ever-increasing amounts. Does the Commission believe that marble extraction companies are creating negative externalities by exporting marble in its raw state? Is it thinking about taking action on this matter?

Does it think limits should be placed on raw marble exports in an attempt to encourage companies to carry out processing work locally, so that marble production creates local jobs? In this sense, the Commission is urging Member States to recognise the central importance of industry in creating jobs and growth, and of mainstreaming industry-related competitiveness concerns across all policy areas. In this communication, Raw Materials are considered as a strategic area. The initiatives for the conservation and protection of seal stocks in the Baltic Sea, the waters around Denmark and the Danish fjords have proved so effective that species which were once endangered have now grown to such an extent that they pose a risk of overfishing and a threat to viable coastal fisheries in Danish waters and fjords, for example in North Jutland and on Bornholm.

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With that in mind, there is now some uncertainty about whether seal stocks may be regulated in line with the international agreements which have been concluded in this area, including the Habitats Directive and other relevant EU legislation. Should the Member State competent authorities decide that action needs to be taken to regulate the population of these species, it would be their responsibility to ensure that the regulation measures do not undermine the conservation objectives of such sites and that any permit granted for the regulation of stocks of these seal species complies with the provisions of the Habitats Directive.

Certificates on the posting of workers posting certificates issued by the various national social security institutions are binding in their effect, making it impossible to enforce domestic or indeed foreign liability claims against the undertaking concerned. Hence the following situations may arise:. Foreign businesses can use the posting certificate to send to Germany staff from a completely different sector, for whom the firm itself has no use and for whom they have to pay social security contributions in the Member State from which they have been posted that are based, at most, on the minimum wage, and not on the salary they have actually earned.

Legal liability to pay social security contributions can thereby be avoided and criminals and criminal groups protected from prosecution. A PD A1 is therefore binding on the institutions and courts of other Member States in which the person exercises a professional activity. The Commission supports the Member States in their efforts to limit error rates and combat abuse in the field of social security, including PD A1. A report will be drafted on the basis of the replies received and should enable the Administrative Commission to promote best practice and minimum procedural standards for granting PD A1.

Was will die Kommission unternehmen, um den litauischen staatlichen Stellen ihre Besorgnis mitzuteilen? In applicazione di questa legge l'emittente nazionale, la radiotelevisione lituana LRT , ha deciso di trasmettere soltanto dopo le In considerazione di tali sviluppi, intende proporre una tabella di marcia europea sulla lotta contro l'omofobia e la discriminazione basata sull'orientamento sessuale nell'UE, con l'impegno di garantire che i diritti fondamentali siano tutelati, rispettati e promossi?

Essa obbliga gli Stati membri ad adottare misure atte a impedire la visione e l'ascolto da parte dei minori di trasmissioni televisive delle emittenti soggette alla loro giurisdizione che possono nuocere gravemente al loro sviluppo fisico, mentale o morale. Schending van de vrijheid van meningsuiting en discriminatie op grond van seksuele geaardheid in Litouwen. Het Parlement heeft op 17 september en 19 januari twee resoluties aangenomen waarin het uiting geeft aan zijn diepe bezorgdheid over het discriminerende karakter van deze wet en het risico dat zij de vrijheid van meningsuiting in het gedrang brengt.

Nadat de Lithuanian Gay League LGL bij het Litouwse Bureau van de inspecteur voor journalistieke ethiek beroep had aangetekend, werd het besluit om de openbare uitzending te beperken bevestigd. Acht de Commissie het aanvaardbaar dat de ondersteuning van diversiteit in het gezin in de EU in bij wet wordt ingeperkt? Op grond van deze richtlijn moeten de lidstaten de nodige maatregelen treffen om ervoor te zorgen dat televisie-uitzendingen veilig zijn voor minderjarigen.

Zo moeten lidstaten ervoor zorgen dat minderjarigen normaal gezien niet in aanraking komen met televisie-uitzendingen die schade kunnen toebrengen aan hun fysieke, mentale of zedelijke ontwikkeling. De Commissie herhaalt haar engagement om discriminatie op grond van seksuele gerichtheid te bestrijden, met volle inzet van al haar bevoegdheden uit hoofde van de Verdragen, en herinnert eraan dat zij reeds een zeer actief beleid voert op dit gebied. Parlament prijal dve uznesenia It obliges Member States to take appropriate measures to ensure that television broadcasts by broadcasters under their jurisdiction that are likely to impair the physical, mental or moral development of minors, not normally be heard or seen by minors in the area of transmission.

Actieplan voor het concurrentievermogen van de farmaceutische sector. In zijn in geformuleerde richtsnoeren voor de volgende Commissie nam voorzitter Barroso zich voor het industriebeleid van de Europese Unie te versterken. De Commissie bevestigde en herhaalde haar voornemen om het concurrentievermogen van de farmaceutische sector te versterken door een strategische beleidsagenda, het strategisch initiatief voor de farmaceutische sector, te lanceren in de volgende documenten:. In verband met het bovenstaande was een actieplan voor het concurrentievermogen van de farmaceutische sector gepland voor het laatste kwartaal van Dit is tot dusver echter nog niet bekendgemaakt.

Wanneer is de Commissie van plan dit actieplan uit te brengen en waarom is er vertraging opgetreden?

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Wanneer zal de Commissie het strategisch initiatief voor de farmaceutische sector lanceren en wat zijn de kernaspecten ervan? De Commissie is op de hoogte van de kwesties waarnaar het geachte Parlementslid verwijst. De Commissie werkt momenteel aan een document waarin nader wordt ingegaan op de stimulansen en uitdagingen waarmee de farmaceutische industrie mee te maken heeft, en waarin de bevindingen van vorige initiatieven worden verwerkt.

The biotech and pharmaceutical industry is one of the pillars of EU industrial policy. The Commission confirmed and reiterated its intention to strengthen the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical sector by launching a policy strategy agenda, the strategic initiative for the pharmaceutical sector, in the following documents:. With regard to the above, an action plan on the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical sector was foreseen for the last quarter of However, this has not been published so far. When does the Commission plan to provide this action plan, and why has there been a delay?

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When will the Commission launch the strategic initiative for the pharmaceutical sector, and what are its core aspects? The Commission is currently elaborating a document examining the drivers and challenges the pharmaceutical sector is facing while integrating the conclusions of past initiatives.

Atteggiamento discriminatorio da parte di Eurogroup Italia. Alcuni giorni fa la Eurogroup Italia, azienda che si occupa dell'acquisto e della vendita di prodotti ortofrutticoli per il gruppo Rewe Germania e per la Coop Svizzera, ha bloccato ogni acquisto e commercializzazione di prodotti agroalimentari provenienti dalle aree di Napoli e Caserta.

Il comparto ortofrutticolo e agroalimentare campano rappresentano da sempre un settore di fondamentale importanza per un'economia duramente provata dall'assenza di grandi distretti industriali nel tessuto produttivo. Il regolamento CE n. Per quanto concerne i contaminanti, il regolamento CEE n. Queste restrizioni addizionali che travalicano i requisiti regolamentari, concordate dagli operatori commerciali in via contrattuale, non sono vietate dalla legge.

A few days ago, Eurogroup Italia, a company that buys and sells fruit and vegetables for the Rewe group in Germany and the Coop in Switzerland, decided to stop buying and selling food products from the areas of Naples and Caserta. Despite the environmental concerns regarding those areas, the quality of the vast majority of food products and fruit and vegetables from the provinces of Naples and Caserta remains excellent and poses absolutely no danger to health. Contrary to the claims of Eurogroup Italia, the decree in question does not identify any specific piece of contaminated land being used for agriculture, but merely calls on the local authorities responsible to submit reports on the state of health of land used for cultivation in their areas.

The fruit, vegetable and food sector in Campania have always been vitally important to an economy that is adversely affected by the absence of major local industrial districts. Eurogroup Italia has banned fruit and vegetables from the provinces of Naples and Caserta without first carrying out any kind of product testing and without any scientific evidence attesting to any actual contamination, despite the fact that some companies such as Coop Italia have conducted extensive studies without finding any problems in the local fruit, vegetables, soil and water.

Does it not agree that the approach taken by Eurogroup Italia runs counter to the principles of transparency and equal opportunities which prohibit companies from behaving in ways that go against free competition? Should it not take all possible measures to ensure that the legitimate interests of farmers in the provinces of Naples and Caserta, who have already been hit hard by the crisis, are not damaged? The case where food business operators impose additional restrictions beyond the legal requirements on food is part of the contractual arrangements between the buyer and the seller.

These additional restrictions beyond legal requirements, agreed between business operators via contractual arrangements, are not prohibited by law. L'abusivismo edilizio provoca danni all'ambiente, impoverendo il suolo e danneggiando di conseguenza anche l'economia di alcune aree geografiche. Esistono strumenti comunitari che possano facilitare l'azione di contrasto dell'abusivismo edilizio da parte dei governi nazionali?

Le politiche per le aree urbane, l'assetto del territorio e le questioni immobiliari sono di competenza degli Stati membri. La Commissione, di conseguenza, non raccoglie informazioni sugli immobili illegali e sull'abusivismo edilizio negli Stati membri. More specifically, the regions where this practice is most common are Sicily, especially on State-owned coastal land offences, people arrested and properties seized , and Campania. Illegal buildings are harmful to the environment and deplete the soil, and consequently have serious ramifications on the economies of several geographical areas.

Even though a substantial number of buildings have been or are being demolished, the problem is still a long way from being solved once and for all. Does the Commission know whether illegal buildings also constitute a serious cause for concern in other Member States?

Are there any Community instruments in place that could assist national governments in tackling this problem? Urban policy, land-use and property issues fall within the competence of Member States. The Commission therefore does not collect information on illegal buildings and planning offences in the Member States. La diffusione dei big data sta influenzando e modificando in maniera molto rapida e radicale la comunicazione tra produttori e consumatori, in special modo grazie all'evoluzione e capillarizzazione delle tecnologie dell'informazione. Inoltre, la consultazione dei big data permette di identificare meglio il proprio target al fine di indirizzare un determinato messaggio in maniera selettiva.

The circulation of big data is very quickly and radically influencing and changing the ways in which businesses and consumers communicate with each other, especially due to the continuing evolution and proliferation of information technologies. In addition, by consulting big data, companies are able to better identify their target public and thus selectively send them specific messages. Essentially, every customer is connected to the provider by a unique identifier, which allows the pre-selected advertisement to be transmitted to them. On a positive note, this will make it possible for citizens to receive information that is of greater potential interest to them, ranging from sports to politics, as well as offers for specific consumer goods and so on.

Where does the Commission stand regarding the use of these types of technology, and what are the main risks that they pose to European citizens? Amongst other matters, it sought feedback on the question what regulatory instruments would be most appropriate to address the rapidly changing advertising techniques. Big data promises big benefits for society in sectors from entertainment and transport to health and energy conservation.

However, the Commission is aware that if not carefully addressed big data may cause privacy and data protection risks to individuals. A strong data protection regime increases trust in ICT and provides a stable framework for innovative activities, including those based on data. The Commission will also fund research and innovation activities that aim at developing and deploying technology to reap the benefits of big data analysis whilst maintaining the individuals' control over their personal information.

I dati di Eurostat indicano che in Italia il numero degli studenti continua a situarsi attorno a due milioni o poco meno sin dal Nella sua agenda per la modernizzazione dell'istruzione superiore la Commissione sostiene che per migliorare i tassi di completamento dell'istruzione terziaria occorre procedere su due binari: The goals relating to the competitiveness of human resources in the new EU strategy are based on well-defined standards to be achieved, particularly as regards the number of future graduates for each Member State.

In actual fact, in Italy, data released by the Ministry of Education regarding enrolments for the new academic year have shown a sharp drop in the number of students enrolling at university, due to the economic crisis and to a lack of confidence in the job opportunities which a university course might be able to offer. Between and the latest date for which comparable data are available , the total number of tertiary students enrolled in the EU grew by around a quarter from With Latvia and Hungary, Italy was one of only three EU countries to experience a modest decline in the number of enrolled students in the same period.

Eurostat data show that the number of students in Italy has remained at or just below two million since In its agenda for modernising higher education, the Commission argues that raising tertiary education attainment requires a dual focus on widening access to groups that are currently under-represented in the system and ensuring that those who do enrol complete their studies.

The most relevant measures for achieving this vary according to national circumstances, but typically include a mixture of ensuring relevant and attractive higher education provision, providing good quality guidance and counselling for prospective and current students and putting in place an adequate student aid system. While it is important to ensure that there are sufficient numbers of graduates to contribute to growth and job creation, efforts to increase the numbers of graduates should be accompanied by measures to ensure the quality of higher education programmes, and their relevance for the labour market — including, for example, elements of work-based learning, and development of transversal skills.

Dinanzi a fatti pregressi relativi alla rilevazione di un sistema di sorveglianza internazionale dei contenuti che viaggiano in rete, oggi a Davos si considera l'urgenza di un nuovo protocollo per la sicurezza e la privacy; oltre che l'eventuale istituzione di un'apposita Commissione mondiale. Pur non essendo direttamente coinvolta in questa sede, la Commissione europea attribuisce una grande importanza a questi temi, come dimostra la sua recente comunicazione che propone una base per una visione europea comune per la governance di Internet.

In light of previous concerns relating to the issue of statistical data being gathered by an international network for surveying online content, the World Economic Forum WEF in Davos is today discussing the urgent matter of establishing a new security and privacy protocol, together with the possibility of setting up a dedicated Global Commission.

With this in mind, can the Commission shed any light on the role that it could play in the plans being contemplated by the WEF? Can it give any information on the regulations that are currently in force in the EU? The GCIG has announced that it will work towards enhancing governance legitimacy by building upon the multi-stakeholder model and the respect of human rights online, including privacy and free expression. Although not directly involved in this forum, these are issues to which the European Commission attaches great importance, as reflected in its recent Communication, which proposes a basis for a common European vision for Internet governance.

These regulations co-exist with a multi-stakeholder approach to Internet governance where decisions are taken on the basis of democratic principles of transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness of all relevant stakeholders. Le stime disponibili variano significativamente anche in base alla metodologia impiegata. Undeclared work has negative ramifications not only on the people performing it, since they are not socially or economically protected, but also on end users, as the quality of the goods produced or services provided from this form of work is often very low.

In Italy, the phenomenon is most widespread in the agricultural, industrial, construction and tertiary sectors. The fight against undeclared work is primarily cultural in nature; this means that, as well as coming up with instruments designed to stamp out these practices, we also need to find ways of making citizens aware of how damaging this phenomenon is to society as a whole. In light of the above, can the Commission indicate what the average level of undeclared work is in Europe, and which Member States have the highest levels?

What are the most effective measures that have been adopted by Member States in order to combat the phenomenon? The findings of a new Eurobarometer survey on undeclared work, to be published soon, will provide further data. To achieve a comprehensive approach to tackling undeclared work, policies which aim to reduce the incentives for employers to make use of undeclared work and for workers to engage in such activities should be designed to fit in with existing measures and policies affecting the prevalence of undeclared work, such as employment, social, migration and taxation policy.

The Commission is considering an initiative to prevent and deter undeclared work by improving cooperation among Member State enforcement bodies, such as the labour inspectorates and the social security, tax and migration authorities. Questo nuovo asfalto viene prodotto a partire da vecchi copertoni usati, riducendo quindi l'inquinamento atmosferico legato allo smaltimento degli pneumatici di seconda mano e l'utilizzo di petrolio nella produzione dell'asfalto.

Ritiene che l'utilizzo di questo asfalto sia possibile anche nelle aree extra-urbane? Noise pollution in urban areas is a recurrent problem in many parts of Europe and may have negative effects not only on the local populations but also on biodiversity and the environment. Since this new asphalt is produced from used tyres, it also helps to reduce the amount of atmospheric pollution caused by having to dispose of second-hand tyres and using petroleum to produce asphalt. This new-generation asphalt has already been used in several urban areas in Italy albeit in very low percentages , and marks the beginning of a new chapter in the fight against pollution.

Itala marked it as to-read Jun 12, Babi marked it as to-read Jun 05, Victoria added it Aug 09, Cedrone marked it as to-read Sep 13, Christinapinetti added it Nov 06, Frank added it Nov 12, Marica added it Feb 20, Dpneko marked it as to-read Sep 16, Michele Apa added it Oct 16, Giusy marked it as to-read Nov 07, Claudio Marconato marked it as to-read Jan 11, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Dietlinde Gruber nasce a Bolzano il 19 aprile del da una famiglia di imprenditori. Durante il fascismo la sorella della nonna materna era inviata al confino e il padre, Alfred, lavorava come insegnante clandestino nelle cosiddette "Katakomben - Schulen".

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Il percorso di studi di Lilli passa da Verona presso le Piccole Figlie di San Giuseppe, e presso il liceo linguistico Marcelline di Bolzano, Dietlinde Gruber nasce a Bolzano il 19 aprile del da una famiglia di imprenditori. Conseguita la laurea torna in Alto Adige-Sudtirolo: Parla italiano, tedesco, inglese e francese: Scrive per i quotidiani "L'Adige" e "Alto Adige". Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support?

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