
New Frontier #7 The Quiet Place (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

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Further complicating things are the Dogs of War, literal dog-men who are some of the most feared mercenaries in the Quadrant.

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This novel takes place away from the U. S Excalibur for the most part and focuses on new characters Xyon and Riella. Xyon is basically the Star Trek version of Han Solo but is a good deal less mature, being closer to Luke's age rather than Harrison Ford's. Riella is, as the book's back cover indicates, related to one of the main characters as well as being not who she thinks he is.

My favorite element is Robin Lefler, mid-level shipwoman, decides to pledge her love to Si Cwan the Prince traveling with the Excalibur only to have one of the most hilarious moments in the book where she gives it without bothering to check who is in the room first. I like the story but it's not the best example of the series and relies a little too much on the new faces to carry the story.

Still, I like both Xyon as well as Riella as they're characters you want to see succeed and are entertaining. Star Trek enthusiasts may be a little put off by the focus on action and adventure over science as well as diplomacy but there's room for all four in the setting.

Others may dislike the level of supernatural material which exists alongside science in Peter David with the Redeemer's "Words" being the worst example but if you accept science works like it does in Doctor Who like magic it's not a problem. It's not like Star Trek isn't guilty of this to begin with. Q is basically God after all and they cloned Klingon Jesus at one point.

Like all novels in series, the story relies on the strength of the characters and Peter David is a master of crafting quirky but lovable misfits.

In a very real way, he's similar to Joss Whedon and one-ups him in several ways. While my favorite character in the series, Mackenzie Calhoun, only makes a couple of minor appearances, I still enjoyed it.

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The Redeemers and Dogs of War both make good, if two-dimensional, villains who succeed primarily due to the unexpected amount of humor regarding both their appearances. They're immensely funny when they're not being terrifying and that's to the story's benefit. Overall, this is a good entry into the franchise even if it's unlikely to blow readers away. Feb 01, David Palazzolo rated it liked it.

The Quiet Place is book 7 of Star Trek: New Frontier and chapter 10 of the overall series. After all the delays the Captain's Table and Double Helix story arc provided, I was ready to jump back into the main storyline of New Frontier with The Quiet Place, only to get what feels like merely the set up to a new story. That's not to dismiss the book entirely--we did get the introduction of two major new characters and a new group of adversaries who promise to shake things up on the USS Excalibur fo The Quiet Place is book 7 of Star Trek: That's not to dismiss the book entirely--we did get the introduction of two major new characters and a new group of adversaries who promise to shake things up on the USS Excalibur for some time to come.

First up we have Riella not her real name, tho' is unaware of that herself , who is the key to finding the Quiet Place and a target for all the heavy players looking for it. It also apparently plays an important role in Thallonian culture. Somehow information about the location of the Place was implanted in Riella's mind, tho' she does not know how or why she has this knowledge. Riella also has hidden ties to someone on board the Excalibur. Next up we have Xyon. A kind of loner and a bit of a swashbuckling-rogue-with-a-heart-of-gold, Xyon comes equipped with an ill-repaired ship, the Lyla named after her AI personality that he has decked out with a few surprises.

In an off-hand comment we discover that Xyon acquired Lyla thru shady means and that Lyla sticks around out of loyalty to him. Sparks fly in a kind of Han and Leia way between Xyon and Riella, tho' we have to wait till the next book to see if there is any follow thru. Xyon also has hidden ties to a crewmember of the Excalibur. The new group of adversaries introduced are the Dogs of War--so named because of their appearance think the Egyptian god Anubis, but with a wider variety of breeds. They and Si Cwan's nemesis Zoran are rivals in the search for the Quiet Place and naturally both eventually run afoul of Xyon.

Xyon and the Dog Of War Atik develop a personal enmity. However, accounts may never be settled between those two as the survival of the Dogs does not look bright by the novel's end. What really got to me was a general feeling of anticlimax. The novel starts off with a strong mother-daughter theme with early scenes depicting Riella and her mother Malia and aboard Excalibur, Robin Lefler and her mother Morgan. Unfortunately, the theme is abruptly dropped quite early on--with the revelation of Malia's betrayal and the fact that the Leflers were merely making a cameo appearance.

We never get to find out why Malia acted as she did, for it did seem that in spite of everything she did love Riella in her own way. By the end of the novel it is clear that we never will find out. We also never quite get any answers as to the nature of the Quiet Place--nor even any speculations that might deepen the mysteries surrounding it.

Star Trek: New Frontier

Feb 19, Chris McCown rated it liked it Shelves: I have mixed feelings about this book. One the one hand, it is a fairly entertaining story in the great environment that Peter David has created. It has the familiar bad guys of the Redeemers and the new bad guys of the Dogs of War. On the other hand, Calhoun is in the book for, and I'm not exaggerating, 4 pages.

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Excalibur is in it for only a few more. First, what I liked: The bad guys in this book are really cool. The Dogs of War are a neat concept. I always enjoy authors taking advantage of lac I have mixed feelings about this book. I always enjoy authors taking advantage of lack of constraints when writing and showing us something we would never see on the tv show.

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  • In all, the story was fast paced and entertaining, and the character of Xyon was fun to read. However, there was also aspects of it I didn't like. Ordover and Peter David , and primarily written by Peter David. Published by Pocket Books , the series began release in The first Trek novel series not based on a television series, New Frontier began as a series of four short, interconnected novellas, then became full-length novels, and eventually expanded into other areas of Trek merchandise and literature.

    In Sector G, the former Thallonian empire has recently collapsed in a popular uprising. The crew — a mixture of characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation and the Next Generation Starfleet Academy books , with some original characters thrown in — must learn to work as a team, creating friendships and relationships, as they confront a number of deadly foes.