
Brovkos Amazing Journey

But, the story of the golden cup continued by the kobzar , and Brovko's need to find Andrei, impels him on the long trek west to the plains of Batoche, Saskatchewan, where the Baydas, along with many other Ukrainian families, now homestead. A porcupine attack temporarily obliterates Brovko's all-important sense of smell, but an inexplicable force sends him in the direction of a riverbank.

He digs feverishly in the sand, sensing the presence of the gold cup of legend. Exhausted, he finally collapses; then, amazingly, a bear he had just encountered a few hours ago drags him to the log cabin of another hermit. This man, a Cree "starets" named Snow Walker, nurses his wounds, and a healed Brovko finally completes his journey, re-uniting with Andrei and finding the golden cup. And, he also finds potential romance with Brovka, Andrei's "Canadian" dog. Is there a sequel in the works?

As a child, I never much liked animal stories, was terrified of dogs big ones still scare me , and as a young teacher of junior school ELA, positively loathed having to teach Sheila Burnford's The Incredible Journey. For that reason, I decided to invite Melanie Smilski, avid reader, animal-lover, and a Grade 6 student the same age as Andrei at St. Her comments will be presented in italics. Despite not being a "dog person", Brovko was certainly a real character for me.

Melanie commented that " a characteristic that I liked best about Brovko was his loyalty to Andrei; they were miles and miles apart, but Brovko still got back to Andrei.

Melanie found some characters notable, in particular, " Mr. Kopko, because at first, he was hesitant about keeping Brovko, but in the end he came around and helped Brovko get to Canada. They bade farewell to family and friends, boarded trains, and then ships, arriving at Pier 21 in Halifax, after which they traveled on the CPR to wherever fate led them.

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Melanie noted that for these Ukrainian farmers, " things were very expensive back then. Things like a train ticket or a boat ride were so expensive that some people them such as Andrei's family couldn't even afford to take a dog with them. Homesteading on the prairies was arduous, and Warwaruk depicts the tasks of breaking ground, farming, and making a living in a new land. You submitted the following rating and review.

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Dispatched from Australia in 3 business days When will my order arrive? Home Contact Us Help Free delivery worldwide. Description When his family leaves Ukraine to make a new life in the Americas, twelve-year-old Andrei is furious and upset at having to leave behind his loyal companion, Brovko the sheepdog. Brovko isn't happy either. It soon becomes clear what he has to do: