
Ride the Waves: How to take control of your Life one emotion at a time

Going to a movie or an art museum can help shake up your emotions for a few hours, leaving you with new and hopefully good thoughts. When I come home, I undoubtedly feel better than I did before. Jumping on a trampoline or baking a pie would also be be worthy ways to focus your time, assuming your stress is not pie or trampoline related. People who know you well can help you see the bigger picture. They know you at your baseline self, at equilibrium; by spending time with them, you can hopefully start to feel more centered. After stressing over something minor because my tolerance for BS was empty, I got a particularly memorable comment: By now, a few weeks later, I can point back to a handful of personal conversations where I started to feel different.

Sometimes the only thing separating a good day from a bad day is your perspective.

Riding the Waves of Change: Transforming Fear Into Skillful Action During Unstable Times

If you're beating yourself up about something, give yourself a break. Take the time you need to destress and heal, and then get back on the boat.

You aren't at the mercy of your emotions -- your brain creates them - Lisa Feldman Barrett

Life is simply too valuable to miss out. A How Bad Pretty Bad venture. If you're a developer, you may be interested in knowing that it's a Javascript error. The ability to quiet the mind and stem the flow of wandering thoughts has multiple mental health benefits.

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Teens can start by learning how to meditate with a teacher. Then they can establish a habit of taking a few moments each day to practice this skill. A review study at Johns Hopkins found that the effect of meditation on symptoms of anxiety and depression was exactly the same as the effect of antidepressants. Meditation has been proven to have the following benefits:. For teens, increasing awareness actually increases maturation—particularly if the practice is done in an environment leading to increased connection with others who understand your challenges.

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Michel Mennesson , Psychiatrist at Newport Academy. Exercise is a great way for teens to let off steam and focus on something other than their thoughts. Physical activity gets teenagers out of their heads and into their bodies. Consequently, it forces them to be in the present moment. Exercise releases endorphins, a natural mood lifter.

The research shows how effective physical activity can be in combating depression. A research review looked at a range of studies showing that aerobic exercise or strength training can significantly reduce symptoms of depression. In a study of a dozen young adults at the University of Newcastle in Australia, participants with major depressive disorder exercised regularly—three times a week with a trainer and on their own the other days.

After 12 weeks of exercise, 10 of the participants were no longer categorized as depressed.

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In addition, according to one study , exercising regularly and frequently is more important than the intensity level of your workout. One study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control showed that less than nine percent of teens get enough sleep, and the amount of sleep they get decreases as they progressed through high school. Artistic expression is a powerful way for teens to release and manage emotions. In addition, creativity induces a state of flow—the experience of being completely absorbed by an activity.

Teens particularly benefit from flow, according to research.

Healthy ways to deal with sadness - Gundersen Health System

Artistic expression could include any of the following activities: Sending love back your way! Your email address will not be published. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Leave this field empty.


Remember that according to Chinese medical philosophy, the emotion of Fear is related to the Water Element — to contraction, dormancy and darkness. The Element of Water gives birth to the Element of Wood. The emotion of Wood is Anger — in its healthy state, not necessarily the destructive aggression we know as anger, but the directional energy that directs a sprouting plant, gives rise to new possibilities, and calls us to action. There is a paradox inherent to Water.

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At the deepest place of stillness — extreme yin — we observe a reversal of energy and a movement upward toward yang. Care for your emotional experiences. Set aside a few minutes to sit quietly and breathe. Sit next to the feeling as if it is a friend who is having a hard time.

Remember, the feeling is qi moving through you but it is not you! Bach Flower Rock Rose immediately calms the heart and clears panic and upset. A drop of Black Spruce Essential Oil at the center of the sole of the foot calms the nervous system, gives a sense of rootedness and stability and protects us from toxic influences. Surrender to the wave.