
Broken Vessels (The Trinity Porter Series Book 1)

For the first time ever, Trinity is losing control. With her world turned upside down, she questions her faith and must make a decision. Will Trinity get out of God's way or continue to do things her way? You will fall in love with Trinity's sarcastic wit, sensibility and hidden vulnerability.

This novel is for anyone who has grappled with betrayal, acceptance or forgiveness.

Price: The Trinity The God Series

Testimonial "Broken Vessels is a work of pure love. Sharing her deep principles about family, personal courage and self-respect, Saunders' work reveals her understanding of the challenges faced by so many of us.

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Writing with passion and humor, Saunders takes us on one woman's journey from betrayal to self-awareness, while reflecting on the importance of family, friendship and faith. You will love this book! The Weighted Silence of Memory" Testimonial "Broken Vessels reads with a communal reality that touches the very core of most families. The emotional depth that Saunders displays will have you searching inwardly.

Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Broken Vessels , please sign up. Lists with This Book.

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Broken Vessels shares the story of a young professional woman's journey of self-discovery and actualization of faith. It gracefully introduces different aspects of contemporary African American life -- friendships of all kinds, religious, work and family life -- knowing that many readers will quickly relate to these situations and people. It deftly flashes back in time to help us understand the main character's current situation, and the plot is not predictable, leaving one wanting to know what Broken Vessels shares the story of a young professional woman's journey of self-discovery and actualization of faith.

It deftly flashes back in time to help us understand the main character's current situation, and the plot is not predictable, leaving one wanting to know what happens next. The first person narrative expertly explains the main character's means of coping and growing in her self-understanding, her relationships with others, and her faith. However, it leaves most of the other characters rather flat and some of the dialogue awkward. While thick description may have been a strategy to give these characters life, it sometimes felt too heavy and wordy.

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Overall, though, this is a good read. It is fun and inspirational, leaving me thinking of my own path. Mar 11, Shataye N Goodwater rated it really liked it. Good Read This book was a good read. It was not the same old love story as so many black authored books are. I think you should definitely add to your collection. Martha Lopz rated it really liked it Feb 21, Marissa rated it it was amazing Jun 01, Catherine Passmore rated it really liked it Jan 08, Pamela Wilkins rated it it was amazing Sep 19, Terese Ingram rated it it was amazing Mar 21, Geraine rated it it was amazing Jan 15, Jill rated it really liked it Jan 03, Krissy rated it it was amazing May 25, Camille marked it as to-read Apr 24, Yvonne marked it as to-read Jan 16, Rosalyn Jackson marked it as to-read May 09, Anne marked it as to-read Feb 22, This was a very different kind of Christian book.

The beginning gripped me as she wrote so eloquently about brokenness. And then I started wondering if I was even reading a Christian book as the story progressed around promiscuous characters. Eventually the main character gave more thought to her faith and there were some excellent faith lessons that would benefit the reader, ending with her return to God.

While I liked that happy ending, the book suddenly ended.

I wanted to know how her renewed faith changed her life and friendships. Did she restore her relationship with D.? Did Malik who loved her come to church with her as he wanted and find God? Did she ever recognize she was pregnant with a baby and regret what she did and grieve for it? I was disappointed that she hadn't. Did that horrid Tony ever come clean at church? I would have liked more story. Has hard mature themes so would not recommend to your daughters. The writing style was excellent, showing exactly how her thinking became what it was and how she changed over time, and it gave glory to God.

Any future books by this author are worth checking out. I started out reading Broken Vessels as suggested reading for a small writers' group I participate in. I began reading it with a critical eye, especially for places where I thought some of Shellie Saunders' word choices were rather forced at the beginning. However, it didn't take Shellie long to hit her stride, and the book began to flow nicely from that point.

I enjoy that the book takes place in Detroit, and while I don't tend toward reading Christian-based novels, Trinity's faith, which Shellie weaves through the novel, is quite refreshing.

Amanda Cook - Broken Vessels (Bethel Music Worship)

The book also does a great job of capturing the different dynamics present in friendships and among extended family. And one particular conversation Trinity had with her mother moved me to tears. Looking forward to another book in the Trinity Porter series. While the circumstances may vary, I think finding forgiveness is a very real battle everyone faces.

This will be the best money you ever spend.

I found myself thinking more deeply about my wounds and my own struggles with forgiveness. It almost felt as if I were in the congregation myself that Sunday morning. I look forward to reading more about Trinity soon! I appreciated the realistic portrayal of the struggle with sexual sin in this world. I would have liked to have seen a more meaningful change in Trinity's heart stemming from her conversion. I have never read a Christian book written from "a sister's" point of view, and enjoyed the insight into the culture. Look forward to reading another.

Broken Vessels is a great book that will take you through so many emotions as you read.