

Despair is a crushing weight that seemingly squeezes the life out of us.

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The worst thing is to lose your reason for living. He suffered from mental illness and spent a significant portion of his adult life in mental institutions of his day. At age 32, he was nominated to a position that required a public examination. He grew fearful of that and tried to commit suicide three times--and nearly succeeded. He was taken to a mental asylum where he stayed for eighteen months. While he was there however, he was converted while reading the book of Romans. He was later released into the care of a minister by the name of Urwin.

While there, he became friends with a pastor by the name of John Newton. Newton encouraged the young man to serve the poor and write, which he did. However the young man eventually relapsed, in which he again attempted suicide. He appeared to live a life of despair yet he became at the forefront of the English poets and was a great hymn writer.

In Luke seven, we find that Jesus had come upon a woman that must have been in despair. No doubt she felt hopeless, yet she discovered that with Jesus, it is never too late.

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This was a desperate condition. As a widow, she had no husband to support her. We are not told how long she was a widow just that she was.

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The plight of widows was difficult in that time. There were no social programs to give her financial aid. The life of a widow was filled with hard work just to have something to eat for the day. The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy the only social program for widows.

From the book of Ruth, we gather a lot about how widows in Israel did to just survive. Ruth tells the story of Naomi, who had lost her husband, and her sons. Perhaps he worked very hard for them. A midlife crisis can be devastating to family life. A person in midlife crisis can become angry, depressed and resentful to those closest to them — feeling that no matter how hard they work, their family require more than they can earn.

It's Never Too Late with God - Bayless Conley

Zacchaeus was almost certainly from a religious home. His parents called him Zacchaeus: He must have realised he had a need. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus without Jesus seeing him v. Many people feel that because of their sin and imperfections, God will turn away from them. But God loves imperfect people and, instead of turning away from you, he turns towards you.

Zacchaeus did not realise that you cannot hide from God. Jesus knew him and he even knew his name. Zacchaeus did not realise that Jesus loved him and wanted to know him v. Whatever you have done in your life and whatever your imperfection, Jesus loves you and wants to be in a relationship with you.

It's Never Too Late For Jesus.

But he requires a response. Zacchaeus humbled himself and obeyed Jesus.

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He did not put it off. Jesus was not put off by the negative response of the crowd v. His attitude to possessions changed completely. His whole family was transformed. Salvation came to his household in the arrival of Jesus.

With God, It's Never Too Late — Charisma Magazine

It means a relationship with Jesus that goes on forever. This puts even a midlife crisis in perspective. The transformation in Zacchaeus and his household brought benefits for the poor and justice for those who had been cheated. Lord, thank you that you love me and that you often use a crisis to transform my life for the better. Help me to encounter you afresh today. Recently, I sat next to an year-old woman at lunch. She was in a wheelchair. I soon realised that although her body was failing her, her mind was not.

She raised some very difficult theological issues. When I asked her what she thought the answer was to these questions, she replied with a verse from this passage: She said she had come to realise that some things we did know the answer to, but others such as the kind of questions she had been raising!

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  4. There are some things, however, that do belong to us. The way to make the most of the rest of your life is to listen to and obey God wholeheartedly And you will make a new start, listening obediently to God Lord, help me from now on to live a life of wholehearted obedience to you. Help me not to get side-tracked. May today be a new start. Help me to obey you wholeheartedly. There were so many people that it was a challenge to see. Being rather short I felt just like Zacchaeus trying to get near to Jesus. If there had been a tree I would have climbed it!

    I tried standing on benches, bins and walls trying to see.