
Il Sistema Sanitario in controluce. Rapporto 2009: Rapporto 2009 (Italian Edition)

In public policies, comparison with operating purposes of structures and institutions and, more recently, for getting to know the determining factors of performances, is common. Thus, the analysis of the reforms implemented by the SSN, especially those geared towards the market, can serve as a warning to the SUS, in view of the serious consequences to systems which propose themselves as universal.

In recent decades, in light of the economic, demographic, epidemiological and political pressures, the health systems of European countries went through repeated reforms. This article aims to analyze the incremental reform implemented by the SSN, which introduced the coparticipation of the user in the cost of care, upon payment of the Ticket Sanitario. In Italy, a riordino may be observed, i.

Ticket Sanitario represents a share of direct participation of citizens in public spending, as a counterpart to the healthcare provided by the State. For Levaggi , if on the one hand this change is interesting from the point of view of rationalization of expenditure, on the other, it causes some discomfort in what concerns the philosophy of a public system, inspired by solidarity and equal access to health care. In a time of reducing of resources available for the financing of health expenses, in Italy, the adoption of the Ticket system was seen as a means to avoid the increase in expenses, avoiding the waste of public resources Levaggi, Thus, the Ticket appears for the first time in the Government of Mita, in , as a means by which the citizen must co-participate in the costs of medical services Italy, According to Balduzzi and Carpani , the crisis in public finances, the fiscal crisis in the early s, was responsible for determining a global reorganization in the Italian Welfare State, starting with health through the SSN.

In this sense, Law No. Thus, Region becomes the center of the health care system. The decrees also introduced the notion of levels of care, in order to delimit the benefit provided by the Repubblica , pursuant to art. The equation between care levels and volume of available resources was motivated by the need to maintain a relationship of compatibility between the expansion of demand and financing, within the framework of a programming oriented towards what is possible and not towards what is ideal Poli, However, Chieffi warns that the selection of priorities of access will lead, inexorably, to tragic choices, which will exclude certain services that are not considered essential, depriving a portion of the population of the required health care, contrary to the principles of the universal health systems.

The system of co-participation in health costs establishes that only citizens in special economic and health conditions will be entitled to free health care. Everyone else should share with the State the cost of health care on the basis of family income. Therefore, citizens were classified into three categories: Thus, the cost of care for the health system will depend not only on the needs, but also on the economic situation of the user Levaggi, Article 8 of Law No.

From , the responsibility for the standardization of the use and payment of the Ticket was delegated to regional authorities, and therefore, vary from region to region Atella et al. Thus, who is most affected by the reduction of public funding in the regional health systems is the citizen, in the regions where the budget deficit is higher Collicelli, Currently, the Ticket is intended for three types of health care: It is worth mentioning that there are exemptions applied to pregnancy, chronic diseases, people with disabilities or who seek diagnosis in relation to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV and cancer Tasse-fisco, Citizens over the age of 65 are also exempt from the payment of the Ticket , although there is a debate about the ceasing of the exemption, in view of the increase in the life expectancy of Italians Il Messaggero, No wonder that, in what concerns well-being and health, apprehension is high.

According to the Censis , disease is for Within this context, Levaggi notes that those who pay the Ticket , in fact, realize the high cost of care, but are not convinced of having received a better service. In this sense, Atella et al. If the Ticket Sanitario system was introduced to fix the increase in government expenditures on health, nowadays it represents a significant portion of the funding, and it tends to become even more important, with the result of the new incremental reforms that make it possible to resort to the Ticket even for obtaining hospital services Levaggi, The SUS, in Brazil, has also been going through a lot of incremental reforms.

The most recent one, Decree No. In this sense, it rules over the organization of the SUS, health planning, health care and the federative coordination. The decree also deals with the establishing of health regions. It is in the health regions that the integrality of care should happen. As a result, the decree introduces the Organizational Contract of Public Action in Health COAP , which has as objective the organization and integration of actions and health services under the responsibility of federal entities in a Health Region, to ensure the integrality of the care to the user Brasil, Secondo la Teoria di Harvard, sono quattro i principali stili negoziali: A seguire, alcuni consigli per facilitare la negoziazione: Il privilegio di avere in Italia una delle eccellenze mondiali del marmo, ha reso semplice la ricerca.

In seguito, nuovi e seri professionisti quali gli. The fact that one of the world leaders in the marble industry happens to be Italian, has simplified the search. What pushed you to create this Association? It started with just a few companies that had very specific and very high quality specializations, as well as a knowledge of and respect for the en-. Subsequently, new and serious professionals like architects Giulio Ottria and Nicola Ruggiero from the Genoa registry, committed to it so fully that they became the President and Vice-president respectively, working alongside me as Secretary General.

One can see from your enthusiasm that you love this area. I was born and raised in Carrara and have decided to use my work and my knowledge to guarantee that the association is fully operative in rapidly expanding markets like those of Vietnam, Azerbaijan, and Kosovo, as well as in already strong and prestigious markets like the Principality of Monaco. At a time when our domestic market is experiencing such extreme stagnation, the companies in Carrara and in surrounding areas now have an. Quali sono i vostri prossimi impegni?

Vorremmo replicare e raddoppiare: Siamo amici del Governo vietnamita e lo riteniamo un interlocutore molto serio. What are your upcoming plans? Our architects are now returning from a mission to Baku, in Azerbaijan, where they worked very well given that all things Italian are considered valuable.

We have an excellent relationship with the Vietnamese government and consider it a very serious partner. Our goal is to sustain our companies through this very difficult phase, but in order to do so the region must make itself known. Our project is open to every company, without any sort of restriction; we ask only collaboration, professionalism, and a desire to open oneself up to the world.

In quanto associazione, BRAZIL Planet offre servizi prevalentemente orientati ai soci; tuttavia, su richiesta e con preventivo gratuito, fornisce servizi generali anche per i non soci.

Services on Demand

Lo Stato brasiliano di Santa Catarina presenta grandi prospettive per lo sviluppo nautico: A rede hoteleira da cidade oferece mais de 5. Questo contesto di crescita ha portato al rafforzamento anche di altri settori, come il turismo locale: Guaramirim dista una quarantina di chilometri da Joinville, uno dei principali poli metalmeccanici del Brasile. Ele sucede Giacomo Angelo Regaldo.

Negli USA, circa due terzi delle imprenditrici che richiedono forme di investimenti di questo tipo lo ottengono. In , womenowned companies, as statistics prove, have reached a record high of 8. The analysis of the largest metropolitan areas in the country shows that the highest concentration of women-owned enterprises is to be found in New York City , companies , Los Angeles , companies , Chicago , companies , Miami , companies and Washington DC , companies.

Following a suitable diversification trend path, those companies operate in a variety of industries, ranging from health care and social services, to education, general services, administrative support and even waste management. Legal rights, education and easier access to financing play key roles in supporting the development of female entrepreneurship, usually obstructed by social and cultural barriers. In Japan, for instance, women-owned enterprises generate pretty much the same income of their US-based counterparts.

The main reasons are strictly connected to cultural beliefs. Access to financing and capital remains a big issue for women-owned enterprises worldwide. Studies show how in the United States about two thirds of female entrepreneurs who opted to raise capital through this type of financing, managed to obtain approval, perhaps thanks to the resourcefulness typical of women.

La seconda parte del seminario, a cura di Thompson — Vice Presidente di Skyview Capital — ha invece illustrato alla platea di soci ed ospiti il florido mercato del private equity losangelino e degli angel investments, oggi intermediari imprescindibili per il finanziamento delle imprese e delle startup. Featuring two high profile experts in financial valuation and venture capital, Prof. Understanding the difference between these two elements is the first step towards successfully completing the process. It goes without saying that results may vary depending on the approach selected.

It also depends on lots of non-financial considerations which must be taken into account in every valuation process. Consumer perception of the brand is one of those unquantifiable elements that play into the final number. The second part of the seminar, held by Matt Thompson, Vice President at Skyview Capital, painted a quite thorough portrait of the flourishing Los Angeles venture capital and angel investments market.

Both are crucial intermediaries in helping companies and startups obtaining financing which allows them to get off the ground or expand their operations. Throughout these educational seminars, the Chamber aims to offer additional value to its members, by making them aware of important financial, marketing and business topics and issues, thus giving them tangible support, a better knowledge of the local market and more efficient strategies to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship.

Curriculum Vitae

I sapori di Imperia conquistano il Nord America Market-test e promozioni mirate per le produzioni agroalimentari del territorio ligure in Canada e California a un sodalizio tra la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Canada, la Camera di Commercio di Imperia e la Camera di Commercio Italiana a Los Angeles ha preso vita un progetto di promozione delle produzioni agroalimentari del territorio di Imperia in Nord America.

Le promozioni sono state rese possibili grazie al coinvolgimento di due importatori alimentari, la Tribeca Imports per il Canada e la Manicaretti per la California. Gli importatori hanno messo a disposizione il loro. Tutte le iniziative sono state accolte con grande entusiasmo dalla clientela, consolidata ma anche nuova, dei negozi partecipanti. I punti vendita hanno fatto uso delle loro piattaforme di social media per creare una cassa di risonanza ed attrarre folle di consumatori nei giorni delle promozioni, ma anche nel periodo a seguire.

These promotional activities were made possible by the involvement of two food importing companies: Tribeca Imports for Canada and Manicaretti for California, both specialized in importing specialty food products, leveraging an ex-. In contributing to the project success, the importers have made their know-how available, in addition to helping identify the products which best fit each market and the most suitable retailers to host the market tests and tastings. Expert merchandisers managed the product set up, which resulted in beautifully appointed and tempting product displays.

California has welcomed the promotions at two quaint and busy boutique gour-. All the initiatives were received with large enthusiasm by their already established, but also new clientele.

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Through their Social Media platforms, before and after the in-store tastings, the retailers were able to reach and attract large crowds of consumers and followers. In calendario, conferenze di noti scienziati, una mostra e una rappresentazione teatrale. The program includes conferences with well-known scientists, an exhibit, and a theatrical show. Ferrari festeggia con la F60 America Per celebrare i 60 anni della presenza in Nord America, la Ferrari riprende la tradizione, tipica degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta, delle vetture prodotte in numero estremamente limitato e su richiesta.

La F60 America, elegante e unica, ha subito affascinato i collezionisti americani, tanto che i 10 esemplari sono stati tutti venduti. Thus, with only ten cars built, comes the F60 America, unveiled during the course of a celebratory gala dinner held in Beverly Hills City hall. The F60 America, both elegant and unique, immediately captivated American collectors, so much so that the ten models have already sold out.

I ricercatori interessati a partecipare possono contattare gli organizzatori, entro il 15 novembre , scrivendo a 10thConferenceHouston gmail. Researchers interested in participating may contact the organizers by November 15, , sending an email to 10thConferenceHouston gmail. The focus of the meeting was Expo During the visit, the group made up of twelve executives had the opportunity to visit seven public and private Italian hospitals located in three regions: Lombardy, Piedmont, and Lazio. Over the course of the trip the Canadian delegates also observed significant differences, such as the fact that in Italy both public and private hospitals can co-exist in the same area, complementing one another in terms of the services they provide.

The Chamber of Commerce in Ontario, together with the Canadian College of Health Leaders on behalf of AIOP Giovani, will organize a follow-up tour to study the Canadian healthcare system through visits to the main hospitals and research institutes in the cities of Toronto and Ottawa. Durante la visita il gruppo, composto da 12 dirigenti, ha visitato 7 ospedali italiani pubblici e privati situati in tre regioni — Lombardia, Piemonte e Lazio.

Toronto marzo ,. In fact, from March 23rd to 28th of next year a government mission is scheduled take place, with business owners in tow, led by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda. The mission will be making three stops: Toronto March , , Vancouver March 25, , and Montreal March , ; and will include meetings with local importers, buyers, distributors, restau-. In particular, an Economic Forum is scheduled to take place in Toronto on March 24th, with the opportunity to showcase Italian products from participating companies and with meetings scheduled between the participating companies and local sales operators.

Italy is also the third largest supplier of alcoholic beverages, after France: For more information about the mission please visit: Vancouver 25 marzo e Montreal marzo In programma, incontri con importatori, buyer, distributori, ristoratori e sommelier locali, ma anche momenti di approfondimento relativi al mercato canadese, alla distribuzione e alle sue normative; inoltre, sono in programma visite organizzate presso punti vendita del Monopolio di bevande alcoliche e della GDO.

Per maggiori informazioni sulla missione: Il genio di Michelangelo in mostra a Toronto Toronto omaggia il genio di Michelangelo. The exhibit is further enhanced by multimedia images of locations in which the artist lived and worked, and by several sculptures by August Rodin, who drew inspiration from Michelangelo.

Clara Carbone | SDA Bocconi School of Management - Top Business School in Europe

Entrambe le destinazioni saranno collegate con Boeing , con la scelta di due classi di servizio, Premium rouge ed Economy. This according to the announcement made by the Canadian airline, also stating that it will be increasing the connecting flights between Venice and Toronto to four weekly departures as opposed to three.

Flights to both destinations will be aboard the Boeing , with choice of two classes: Premium rouge or Economy. The new structure — which includes a production and distribution center as well as sales offices — should be up and running by the end of and will provide jobs to approximately seventy employees. For additional information please visit www. Sono questi i tratti caratteristici della Regione di Astrakhan, in passato terra di passaggio della Grande Via della Seta.

La regione russa intende inoltre avviare una collaborazione con la Liguria anche in ambito turistico. Tra i personaggi di spicco, H. Putin, il Premier italiano M. Durante il loro soggiorno, gli specialisti russi potranno apprendere le tecnologie innovative utilizzate dalla Persico Immobiliare per la realizzazione di abitazioni eco-compatibili.

La Persico Immobiliare si contraddistingue per le tecnologie innovative e il rispetto delle norme ambientali, e giudica la condivisione di esperienze uno dei punti qualificanti della creazione di partenariati italo-russi. In 10 anni la Camera di Commercio Italiana di Nizza ha formato circa giovani, assumendone 20 al termine del loro stage.

Un mese importante, dunque, quello di ottobre: I Paesi coinvolti sono: I partecipanti potranno inoltre circolare nel salone per le tre giornate: De plus, les participants pourront circuler librement dans le salon pendant 3 jours: Al suo interno si segue un percorso libero, scenografico e interattivo, su diversi temi: I premi del CEFEC sono conferiti a quelle donne che dimostrano coraggio, impegno e determinazione nella loro vita professionale. Sia a Nord che a Sud delle Alpi, il supporto alle Start-up non si attua solo a livello nazionale, ma anche a livello regionale: Detailinformationen und Interview der toskanischen Start-up-Unternehmen finden sich daher auf itkam.

Minister Franceschini trifft deutsche Unternehmer. Un ulteriore impulso a favore di questo signi-. Mit der Veranstaltung am 7. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung am Eine Etappe des Projektes war eine Veranstaltung am 3. Italian Business Grows in Scotland Thanks to the strengthening of the local ICCIUK, the Italian companies can rely on a valuable assistance, professional support and a solid network he Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK has set up various promotional projects for Italian business in Scotland, in order to build on the increasingly strong trade relations between the two countries.

For this reason a Scottish Council has been established, which consists of seven members and is represented by President Leandro Franchi and Vice President Maurizio Tino. The ultimate aim is to increase the influence of Italian business in the area through the collaboration of Italian governmental associations and the local community.

Clara Carbone

This company, which is a London based coffee and high quality pastries supplier, thanks to the good feedback and results obtained in Scotland, is considering opening a new branch in this area. Thanks to the measures taken to strengthen the local Chamber of Commerce, the Italian companies will have the opportunity to rely on a valuable assistance, professional support and peer-to-peer networking events, with the aim of facilitating business relations between Italy and Scotland.

Piastrelle, pavimenti in legno splendidamente curato e marmo sono solo alcune delle opzioni disponibili. Annual house price growth has just hit the double digits, rising by A great investment for many residents of the UK and for foreign investors is in property, as the average annual increase in property price is reaching the annual wage of an average UK worker.

With money being invested in a property, there are two opportunities in the making. The first opportunity to is to convert a property to a luxury property. By creating high-quality renovations to the property, owners are simply not relying on the property market to increase the price, they are adding value.

Many owners choose to make the property more appealing and use high quality materials. Beautifully cured wood flooring and marble tiles are just two options that are available, with many properties being completely redesigned from the inside out, giving architects a fun challenge and DIY owners a great hobby. Italy is a country that has products of high quality, similar to Germany and products of luxury easily competing with those of neighbouring France. Many professional architects are choosing the high quality route, flying directly to Italy to learn and source products for their designs. One such event is Marmomacc that allows for archi-.

Le aziende italiane hanno molto da offrire in. Marmomacc is the leader in the market of stone fairs and VeronaFiere is the partner of many trade fair organisers worldwide. Adding value to your home by making a property more eco friendly can save you money in the long run. Using solar panels is just one of the many ways a house can be made more eco friendly. Italian companies have a lot to offer in eco-sustainable homes and with 10 million homes to have solar power panels in the UK by , this market is growing for Italian producers.

Luxury and eco friendly can go hand in hand. It is an investment in our environment, an investment in creativity and an investment for your pockets. The possibility for buyers and sellers to get involved is there, the next step is to seize the opportunity available. La CCIE per il Regno Unito premia i giovani italiani di talento La Camera di Commercio Italiana per il Regno Unito intende premiare i giovani Italiani di talento, che si sono saputi distinguere nei propri ambiti lavorativi nel Regno Unito e che non sono solo leader ma rappresentano anche un esempio di leadership per altri giovani.

I giovani saranno premiati in ognuna delle seguenti categorie: Al ricevimento saranno presenti gli speaker della Conferenza: For this reason, in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in London and with the patronage of H. The most distinguished individuals will be awarded in each of the following categories: The award ceremony will be held on the 20th of November at Church House on the occasion of a gala reception for the 36th Annual Conference, which will take place on the following day.

The aim of this prestigious award is to honour outstanding Italian and English individuals who epitomise the cooperation between this country and Italy. This trip is a fantastic opportunity for UK food buyers who are interested in discovering the exciting flavours of Sicilian food; from extra virgin olive oil and indigenous wines, to traditional desserts and honeys, here you will find nothing but the best quality produce, and find out so much about this wonderful region! The mission will take place over the course of three days, and will include B2B meetings with approximately 50 Italian companies from Agrigento, as well as company site visits.

For further information, please email events italchamind. As in past years, the conference is scheduled to include thought-provoking presentations from leaders, engaging panel discussions from industry experts, and networking opportunities. It is to be an event dedicated to both industry operators and to the broader public, in which commercial, training, and cultural aspects are woven together with promotional activities conveniently integrated with guided tastings and informational workshops on the characteristics of the wines and on the regions in which they are produced.

The objective is to explain, describe, and promote the characteristics of Italian wine for all levels, from beginners to experts, based on the market being addressed. This initiative by the Melbourne ICCA is inspired by an analysis of the current trends in the Australian market, which in recent years has experienced a steady increase in the demand for and in the appreciation of Italian wine. In the two-year period from , our imports increased by a volume of Manfredi is very well known in Australia, not only as a spokesman for Italian cooking and the recipient of prestigious awards, but also as an author and as an owner of several famous restaurants.

Pappalardo will remain in Sydney for a month, the time necessary to train the local team and guide them through the opening, which is planned for November.

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Among the themes discussed were: The pavilion, curated by ICE, occupied square meters and brought together thirteen Italian companies from various regions,. Furthermore, during the course of the trade show short presentational films for Expo Milano were shown and promotional materials for the same were distributed.

In tale occasione, alti rappresentanti aziendali nei settori automobilistico, della trasformazione alimentare, tessile, costruzioni e pellame, hanno partecipato attivamente al dibattito, condividendo la propria esperienza e fornendo diversi input su come il know-how e la tecnologia italiani possono essere un beneficio per lo sviluppo del settore manifatturiero indiano. In questo senso, la IICCI ha dato il via alla pianificazione di una serie di incontri settoriali con le imprese italiane attive in India, per valutare ed organizzare programmi che possano coniugare le esigenze delle stesse con i modelli richiesti dal corrente scenario globale in costante mutamento.

India Works for Growth Through Skill Development Programs The new campaign launched by the Prime Minister Modi aims to boost manufacturing, create new jobs, increase purchasing power and to create a larger market for manufacturers. The new campaign has provided new hope to foreign investors as it includes plans to cut red tape, develop infrastructure and make it easier for companies to do business. The Indian Government has also launched six new labour schemes aimed at providing readily skilled labour for manufacturing units in the country. A framework for cost management and decision support across health care organizations of varying size and scope.

Journal of Health Care Finance, 35 2: Method time driven activity based costing — literature review. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 6 1: Pricing services in the UK national health service. La ricerca di modelli clinici e organizzativi capaci di coniugare personalizzazione e ingegnerizzazione delle cure. A model for calculating costs of hospital wards: Journal of Management in Medicine, 13 The impact of activity based cost accounting on health care capital investment decisions.

Journal of Health Care Finance, 28 2: Can we control health care costs?. Harvard Business Review, A Blueprint for World-Class Management. Management Accounting, 69 Accounting, organizations and Society, 11 Costing needs and practiced in a changing environ ment: Il Pensiero Scientifico Editre.

The use of Activity Based Costing in the healthcare industry: Journal of Health Organization and Management, 22 1: How can activity-based costing methodology be performed as a powerful tool to calculate costs and secure appropriate patient care?. Journal of Medical Systems, 31 2: Linking cost with quality in health and social care: Il monitoraggio della spesa sanitaria. The cost of a hospital ward in Europe: A new costing model in hospital management: The health care manager, 32 1: Health Care Financing and Insurance, Berlin: Journal of Health Care Finance, 30 3: