
Red Tales: Polish Delight

A short-ish hop further north, the Oder pours its soul into the Szczecin Lagoon — which is another Polish-German co-production.

Delight - Last Temptation

This vast inland water feature — which is separated from the Baltic by the islands of Usedom also shared between the two neighbours and Wolin completely and utterly Polish — boasts a set of glorious beaches. Like those found on the Polish island of Karsibor.

Because it has lots of it. Some miles of coastline along the Baltic, to be precise. There are marvellous beaches here too. Mielno, just north of the city of Koszalin, is a hugely popular resort area whose beaches, hotels and restaurants are thronged between June and August. There are other hotspots too — take a look at visitpomerania. You can find out more about this at the European Solidarity Centre ecs.

If you fancy a long weekend, Ryanair ryanair. Ryanair flies to Bydgoszcz, Rzeszow and Szczecin. Good luck saying them correctly. Lovers of the McDonald's burger should flock to Poland. Poland is populated by the world's sixth biggest per capita beer drinkers. The average citizen guzzles 99 litres per year.

Each asked respondents whether or not they felt religious; for each country we included the most recent figures available. Poland stands out against the rest of Europe, with 86 per cent answering "yes".

Book via Telegraph Travel

In Britain, the figure is just 30 per cent. This ancient ecosystem is home to European bison, which were once extinct in the wild but, thanks to successful breeding and reintroduction programmes, is making an unlikely comeback.

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The grandma and her golden hen gained a new perspective on the world from high in the sky. Or read last week's blog, in which he visited what might just be Europe's friendliest country. For more en route: The Queen and Prince Harry are both big fans. Hotel Stikliai, Vilnius - a fantastic boutique property and the default destination for any A-Listers passing through Lithuania.

Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Sieć „Energie Cités”

Former guests include Daniel Craig For more en route: Vinarstvi pod Hradem - unique and cosy, this property offers accommodation in specially converted wine barrels at the end of a vineyard. We urge you to turn off your ad blocker for The Telegraph website so that you can continue to access our quality content in the future. To successfully implement the Paris Agreement and the European climate and energy targets for the year and beyond, climate action needs to be enhanced on all relevant levels of governance.

National governments need to create effective policies and framework conditions.

Łódź: the fairy tale city you can't pronounce

A crucial contribution to the achievement of the EU climate protection goals will be made by municipalities and local actors. These stakeholders can be pioneers and drivers of profound decarbonisation and social transformation processes as their actions have considerable potential for increasing energy efficiency and saving greenhouse gases.

  • Book your trip.
  • 16 things you probably didn't know about Poland, Europe's most religious country.
  • Bridging European and Local Climate Action - BEACON.
  • Last minute Polish Christmas gift guide!

Schools and other educational institutions in particular can play a key role by reducing their own energy consumption but also educating future generations for a climate-friendly world. This call is open to all cities and towns committed to the Covenant of Mayors - Europe. All information on this call is available here. The 8th Beskid Good Energy Festival is already behind us. The weather was perfect, and the number of participants exceptionally high.

Nearly preschoolers in colourful attire holding balloons in the colours of the rainbow as part of the "Bielsko Balloon Release" action, followed by students of primary and secondary schools with teachers in the number exceeding one thousand.

In the previous heating season, anti-smog workshops were organised in municipal kindergartens, which used the comic book as a didactic tool, and every preschooler received a copy as a souvenir. In addition, each of the five categories of the 8th edition of the "Respect Energy, Protect the Climate" competition, the final stage of which took place during the festival, referred to the content of the comic book.

The effects of the competition efforts could be viewed during the event in the form of a presentation of competition entries, such as the original performances by two of the kindergartens entitled "Exile of the Smog" or a comedy show performed by high school students entitled "Smog Off".