
British Legends: The Life and Legacy of William Shakespeare

Freed from the influence of Rome, the nation now had to define itself on its own terms — so it turned to the past to do it.

  • British Legends: The Life and Legacy of William Shakespeare by Charles River Editors;
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There was a renewed appetite for English history. But while scores of chronicles were written for the educated few, most Elizabethans were illiterate. As they had done for centuries, in Shakespeare's day ordinary people used folk ballads to pass stories from one generation to the next, often mixing legend and myth with historical fact. Another way of learning about the past was tourism. By the late s, many people were queuing to take a tour of Westminster Abbey, a thriving Elizabethan tourist attraction.

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Visitors could look around the monuments and tombs of great monarchs, learning about their lives and deeds from tour guides. Thanks to writers like Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, ordinary folk could see England's great monarchs brought to life on the stage.

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  7. In he bought the second biggest house in Stratford for his family, as well as acres of farmland and a cottage. Later, he bought property to let in London, showing his business acumen. James Shapiro explains the changes Shakespeare faced after King James took the throne. King Lear, probably composed in this year, took divided kingdoms as its theme mirroring James I's new domain of England, Scotland and Wales. Shakespeare published sonnets which explored themes of love, sex and beauty.

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    He probably started them in when plague closed the theatres. The sonnets include a dedication to one "Mr. The identity of this person remains a mystery and has provoked a great deal of speculation.

    Learn English Through Story - Shakespeare His Life and Plays - William Shakespeare Audiobook

    Sonnets were a traditional and popular form during the Elizabethan period. Several of them, including Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. The Tempest was one of the last plays Shakespeare wrote. The Two Noble Kinsmen was possibly the last play Shakespeare worked on. He wrote it with a collaborator, John Fletcher. These plays are graver in tone than the comedies of the s but less so than the tragedies, as they end with reconciliation and forgiveness for potentially tragic actions.

    This change of mood may simply reflect the theatrical fashion of the day, but it could also be evidence Shakespeare had developed a more temperate view of life as he aged. This was by far the most complete version of his work. It was compiled by his friends John Heminge and Henry Condell.

    It contained 36 plays, including 18 never before printed. A few are missing, including Cardenio. Many of them had appeared as quartos: Around copies were printed of which are known to have survived. The Puritans — a powerful group of protestant Christians who had gained power - outlawed plays and theatres in Two years later, the Globe was demolished. Anyone caught performing a play was seized and whipped and anyone caught attending a play was fined. The work of Shakespeare — and his contemporaries — was no longer performed in public. A later painting of Garrick's Shakespeare Jubilee.

    In reality, the celebrations were stopped short by rain.

    William Shakespeare: The life and legacy of England’s bard

    Shakespeare's work was performed throughout the next hundred years as his fame and reputation grew throughout the country. He noted Shakespeare coined or introduced thousands of words and phrases into the English language. It was a hugely anticipated event, with the papers reporting all aspects of it during the preparation. Shakespeare had become famous, though no Shakespeare plays were performed at the Jubilee due to rain. After the joy of the Jubilee came the uneasy reflection that I was in a little village in wet weather and knew not how to get away.

    Ten ways in which Shakespeare changed the world

    Shakespeare's work was used to spread English culture throughout the Empire and the world. In the 19th Century, Shakespeare became an important emblem of national pride, used to spread the influence of British imperial power. Shakespeare continues to be exported, adapted and translated, across the world. When the good vernacular gets braided with Latin coinages, the English language is remade and renewed. Hamlet answers this uniquely modern question by redefining the theatrical expression of identity. Shakespeare is not just an icon of Englishness.

    Stratford now became the hub of the Shakespeare memorial industry gloves, rings, mugs, knick-knacks. Great stars hanker after the great roles: This portrait of Shakespeare, one of several contested images, seems to capture the artist in his prime. He understood that it was the work that mattered, not the hoopla that accompanied it.

    Not of an age, but for all time

    When Richard III is facing his downfall, he declares: Abroad, the play still resonates as a lethal blend of tragedy and history. The Holy Grail of Shakespeare scholarship: This thrilling document also demonstrates the playwright unerringly drawn to a timeless and modern theme — the fate of the dispossessed. The speech Shakespeare writes here contains an impassioned plea for sympathy and understanding towards the plight of refugees. Verdi was obsessed with the plays.

    Three of his finest operas Macbeth ; Otello ; Falstaff are Shakespearean.

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