
Time Filter

Time Filtering

When panning, the background judders. Wheels appear to spin backwards, picket fences and brick walls jump across the screen, and helicopter blades look, well, just wrong. For a century, it's just been accepted that motion imaging would simply do these things, and there was nothing that could be done to fix it.

Tessive has an answer to this: It is an entirely new way to represent motion in existing digital motion picture cameras. It's a global liquid crystal shutter that is placed in front of the lens and is synchronized with frame acquisition. The Time Filter dramatically changes the look and feel of motion in-camera, recording the natural fluidity of the real world without loss of sharpness.

The Time Filter improves any motion and in all cases will result in a cleaner, more organic scene. Right-clicking on any hour displays a dialog box with 15 minute resolution. The Repeat on all days option will copy the selected hour across the entire week. Specific dates can be excluded from a report by checking them in the Exclude checked days list at the bottom, up to a maximum of five. Use this feature for excluding dates that may adversely affect statistics, such as holidays. The Align reports to start of time range option changes the beginning of reports to the first time step option checked , or the natural division default unchecked.

Take for example the Weekly Vehicle or Daily Classes reports. The natural division of these reports is weeks, starting at Monday or Saturday for alternate weekends. Checking this option will start the report at the first day in the selected time range. This is extremely useful for printing a complete week of data on a single page.

Aligned Hours wraps to complete hours. Aligned Days wraps to complete days, starting at midnight. Aligned Weeks wraps to complete weeks, starting midnight Monday or Saturday for alternate weekends. Targeting "school hours" for variable speed limits. Note For reports where data is binned into hours, excluding part of an hour in the Time Mask will exclude the entire hour.

This is compatible with a strict Content Security Policy that prohibits in-page script execution. It also maintains a clean separation between passive data and executable code. If value is the list ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] , the output will be the string "d". If value is ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] or "abcd" , the output will be 4. The filter returns 0 for an undefined variable.

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If value is ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] or "abcd" , the output will be True. Returns the value turned into a list. For an integer, the argument is cast to a string before creating a list. If value is the string "Joel" , the output would be the list ['J', 'o', 'e', 'l'].

What is a variable?

If value is , the output will be the list ['1', '2', '3']. Returns a plural suffix if the value is not 1. By default, this suffix is 's'. For words that require a suffix other than 's' , you can provide an alternate suffix as a parameter to the filter. Use blocktrans to pluralize translated strings. A wrapper around pprint. If value is the list ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] , the output could be "b".

Marks a string as not requiring further HTML escaping prior to output. When autoescaping is off, this filter has no effect. If you are chaining filters, a filter applied after safe can make the contents unsafe again. For example, the following code prints the variable as is, unescaped:. Applies the safe filter to each element of a sequence.

Useful in conjunction with other filters that operate on sequences, such as join. Converts spaces to hyphens. Also strips leading and trailing whitespace.

If value is "Joel is a slug" , the output will be "joel-is-a-slug". Formats the variable according to the argument, a string formatting specifier. If value is 10 , the output will be 1. If you are looking for something more robust, you can use the bleach Python library, notably its clean method. Note that the predefined format is locale-dependent. If value is equivalent to datetime.

The time filter will only accept parameters in the format string that relate to the time of day, not the date for obvious reasons. If you need to format a date value, use the date filter instead or along time if you need to render a full datetime value. There is one exception the above rule: When passed a datetime value with attached timezone information a time-zone-aware datetime instance the time filter will accept the timezone-related format specifiers 'e' , 'O' , 'T' and 'Z'.

Takes an optional argument that is a variable containing the date to use as the comparison point without the argument, the comparison point is now. Similar to timesince , except that it measures the time from now until the given date or datetime.

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Takes an optional argument that is a variable containing the date to use as the comparison point instead of now. Converts a string into titlecase by making words start with an uppercase character and the remaining characters lowercase. Truncates a string if it is longer than the specified number of characters. If value is "Joel is a slug" , the output will be "Joel i Similar to truncatechars , except that it is aware of HTML tags.

Any tags that are opened in the string and not closed before the truncation point are closed immediately after the truncation.


If value is "Joel is a slug" , the output will be "Joel is Similar to truncatewords , except that it is aware of HTML tags. Any tags that are opened in the string and not closed before the truncation point, are closed immediately after the truncation. This is less efficient than truncatewords , so should only be used when it is being passed HTML text. The list is assumed to be in the proper format. If value is "https: An empty string can be provided when all characters should be escaped. This template tag works on links prefixed with http: It also supports domain-only links ending in one of the original top level domains.

Links can have trailing punctuation periods, commas, close-parens and leading punctuation opening parens , and urlize will still do the right thing. If value is "Check out www.

The TIME FILTER has been discontinued

In addition to web links, urlize also converts email addresses into mailto: If value is "Send questions to foo example. The urlize filter also takes an optional parameter autoescape. The default value for autoescape is True. Apply this filter only to plain text. Converts URLs and email addresses into clickable links just like urlize , but truncates URLs longer than the given character limit. As with urlize , this filter should only be applied to plain text. If value is "Joel is a slug" , the output will be 4.

If value is Joel is a slug , the output would be:. Django provides template tags and filters to control each aspect of internationalization in templates. They allow for granular control of translations, formatting, and time zone conversions. This library allows specifying translatable text in templates.

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This library provides control over the localization of values in templates. See Controlling localization in templates.

IT'S MY TIME - Filter - Lyric Video

This library provides control over time zone conversions in templates. See Time zone aware output in templates. It is also able to consume standard context variables, e. See Jinja2 for information on using the static tag with Jinja2. Django is a registered trademark of the Django Software Foundation. Django The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

This tag is particularly useful in a loop: This tag can be used in two ways: If the variable evaluates to a string, Django will use that string as the name of the parent template. If the variable evaluates to a Template object, Django will use that object as the parent template.

For example, assume the following directory structure: Note The escape and safe filters are not acceptable arguments. The following are some examples of how x in y will be interpreted: Tests if two values are the same object. The precedence of the operators, from lowest to highest, is as follows: So, for example, the following complex if tag: For example, this displays a list of days, only displaying the month if it changes: For example, the following template would load all the tags and filters registered in somelibrary and otherlibrary located in package package: This is useful for providing sample data in templates.

This includes tab characters and newlines.