
Secret Tricks For Winning Blackjack

Straight to Your Inbox. Bill Kaplan, co-founder of the MIT blackjack team that took Vegas for millions, has a few tricks up his sleeve. You may not bring down the house, but here are 11 of his tips that will give amateur gamblers an extra edge.

Always hit a soft 17 i. Never split 5s or 10s and never stand on 12 through 16 if the dealer is showing a 7 or higher. Never play cards when you're drinking. Never believe you're on a winning streak and never over-bet or make foolish plays. Never play for extended periods of time without taking a break, getting a drink of water, eating a snack, or simply stretch your legs. Beware the "hot" and "cold" myth. Don't feel pressure to tip.

5 Blackjack Tips the Casinos Don’t Want You to Know

You should only tip the dealer if you feel like tipping. Unless dealers are doing something dishonest -- and there are hundreds of cameras in the sky to make sure they're not -- they can't do anything that will affect your play. Five decks are plenty. They welcome you warmly.

They receive your tips graciously.

They will chat you up about anything and everything. But it certainly evaporates into nothing once you leave the table, never mind when you leave the casino. Their job is to be your friend when and only when the money is on the table. Sure they are all wearing tuxedo shirts, but nobody is asking you to the prom. Put on a show. Surprise surprise, Dealers are just trying to make money. Casinos are just trying to take money. Is it so hard to believe they would work hard to get yours?

Know what to watch out for and protect your money for the situations and strategies that give you a real chance to win. Fake optimism Dealers are dedicated to the veneer that the casino has created—that this is a happy place where winning is more than possible.

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Keeping the drinks coming What if business people kept plying you with alcohol while you were in the midst of making financial decisions like buying a home or car? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Assign values to cards. Under the Hi-Lo method of card counting, each numbered card has a value. Cards two through six are worth one point. Cards seven through nine are worth zero points.

Blackjack Tips – How to Get the Most Out Of Playing

The ten card, face cards, and the aces are worth negative one point each. The Hi-Lo method is a common counting system, but other systems exist that give different point values to certain cards such as aces and fives. Practice keeping a running count. Use a single deck of cards. Turn over the cards one by one, adding up the values as you go.

When you reach the end of the deck, your running total should equal zero.

Keep a true count. Casinos are wise to card counters, so they play blackjack with multiple decks at the same time. The true count takes the running count and divides it by the number of decks in play. This count gives you more of an idea of how much of an advantage you have in betting. A running count of three is fine in a one-deck game, but this number means less when there are multiple decks since there are more cards to factor that reduce your chances of winning.

For example, a seven running count divided by two decks leaves you with a true count of about three.

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But if there are six decks in play, the true count is only about one. Practice maintaining true counts. Start off by using a few decks. Flip over the cards one by one and grow accustomed to dividing with fractions. An online card counting simulator can help you practice. Some simulators can correct your counting mistakes and track your winnings.

How to Win at Blackjack - EVERY TIME

Keep a count with distractions. Once you feel comfortable keeping a true count, try mimicking the feel of a casino. Add a little music or radio chatter. As you grow more capable, bring in a friend, roommate, or partner. Later on you can practice during loud events such as parties.

11 Blackjack Tips the Casinos Don't Want You to Know | www.newyorkethnicfood.com

When you put your calculations to practice, raise the amount you bet when the count is high in the positives. Remember to remain inconspicuous. Remain natural, talking to other players and the dealer rather than muttering to yourself. Raise your bet by small amounts when you can and lower your bets when you lose.

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Instead of sitting around at a table for hours, leave when your winning begins to attract suspicion. In Vietnam, blackjack cards are counted as: Not Helpful 0 Helpful 4. You bet high when you're running total is above 0. If it is above 0, that means that there are more face cards and aces than if the running total is below 0. When the running total is high, you have a higher chance of getting above 17 pat hand or 21 blackjack. The dealer also has a higher chance, but you get paid more for getting blackjack than just winning the round.