
Israel vs. America vs. the World

Their military is considered superior, and they have been known to win numerous wars. For this, many Americans pride themselves and say that America is truly the greatest country. Yet, America uses the immense military force to threaten other countries into submission. This is a fundamental variance from Israel.

Israel never fights a war unless they have to. Israel is always acting in self-defense. They never use their force to threaten, and they are never the ones to start a war.

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This could be because they live in a constant state of arm-twisting duress. All men and women Israel are drafted to the army at the young age of This is where they come face to face with immensely intimidating situations. Many of the people who are not serving in the army live in a state of chronic fear that their husbands, sons, daughters, and friends might never return home.

Everybody in Israel knows somebody who is in the army. A further remarkable difference is that Israel drops leaflets into targeted towns. They do this when they must attack due to either a huge amount of weaponry or a terrorist leader who needs to be taken down.

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The Israeli army shows extreme compassion by doing this. The small papers that are thrown into the town from an airplane explain what is about to happen. They expound on their intentions to all the innocent women and children, informing them that they should remove themselves from the perimeter so that they will be unharmed. The Israelis offer ample amounts of time for the innocent to evacuate before the attack.

Iran–Israel relations

The American government and army do not do this. They pride themselves on their sneak attacks, leaving whole towns of people in their wake. While both armies do their best to protect their countries and values, the Israeli army clearly demonstrates a unique level of kindness and tolerance. If you want a picture to show with your comment, go get a gravatar. Other stories filed under World News. A Year In Review.

The Unjust American System. It started this past summer, under a rain of rockets on Israeli towns launched from the Gaza Strip by the terrorist group Hamas. Then Hamas members kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank.

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When Israel responded by arresting hundreds of Palestinians, the rocket attacks increased. At last Israel began bombing Gaza. It sent troops to destroy tunnels Hamas had burrowed into Israeli territory. It was careful and precise, aimed at limiting civilian casualties as much as possible. Since the war, leading Arabs and Muslims have incited their peoples, including Israeli Arabs, to rise up in violence.

Israel vs. the World

What has resulted looks uniquely terrifying. The next day, Israeli police killed the suspected shooter, then shut down the Temple Mount. They entered al-Aqsa Mosque in order to track down rioters.

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Other Muslim leaders picked up the banner of grievance against Israel. Among the nations expressing outrage was Jordan. This is one of the few Arab states Israel has been able to rely on for amity. Amman warned it would reevaluate its diplomatic ties and even the peace accord itself. But the official hard line reveals that the government sees a need to placate its large Palestinian population and many other Jordanians who dislike Jews.

Anxious Israeli leaders responded by backing away from the Temple Mount and reassuring Amman that its role there will not change. The last thing Israel needs is the loss of another valuable alliance.

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  • Israel–United States relations - Wikipedia.
  • The danger Israel faces is perhaps best encapsulated in the extraordinary situation that has developed with America and Iran. Israel considers the Islamic Republic of Iran its gravest threat. The barbaric Islamic State has stolen Middle Eastern headlines, but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has tried to keep the world focused on the far more dangerous menace posed by Iran—a powerful state, governed by a radical ideology, actively seeking regional hegemony, on the cusp of nuclear capacity, and still legitimized by many nations, including giants like Russia, China and India.

    Netanyahu has sounded those warnings, the Obama administration has repeatedly pulled punches with the Islamic regime. It has legitimized the radicals in power and disregarded popular moderate opposition. It has continued negotiations despite Iranian deceit. It has blunted punitive measures against Tehran. It has shown childish credulity and perplexing eagerness to make a deal at any cost.

    If only Washington dealt with the Jewish state so favorably. To Israel it has been demanding, insistent, rude, insulting and even profane. But he has only received more slaps in the face. A second official told Goldberg that the White House thinks Mr. Credible evidence that Mr. Netanyahu is bluffing nullifies an important bargaining chip for those trying to thwart an Iranian nuke, while simultaneously emboldening Tehran.

    Thus the comments align with so many other actions of this White House: In its young lifetime, the modern Jewish state has reached out to allies with very mixed results. At first it largely turned to a little-known superpower: It won one miracle victory after another: Once it did so, the miracle victories ceased, and the problems began to multiply. Now, with its friends peeling away and its seclusion growing, Israel is yearning for a new ally.

    In many ways it is exhibiting a strong hope that it has found one—in Europe.